Ten Years After The World Ended.

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(It got cut off so here is the rest of my last post too sorry) "What're you doing?" She asked, her voice was kiddish and slow. She hadn't gone through more than 1st grade because of the war, although her sister did her best to teach her it had effected her speech slightly, and she didn't write well either.

Kitty looked at the stranger and back at the drink, a bit of a smirk on her face as she took the drink and sipped it. Well, at first it was just a sip, but she remembered her thirst as she drank the liquid and gulped the drink down. She regretted not savoring it, but at the same time she didn't even like tea, she just needed something in her body before she gave out. "There is no '''fair'' fight anymore. Only survival." Kitty said, putting down the mug, "and people are welcome to follow me." She murmured, whispering now. "Many have tried before. Because of survival." She nodded "Treat them others the way you wanna be treated Mister, and I don't treat peoples all too well so I deserve it. I'm just tryna survive here, sellin my goods and going on my way, but... Sometimes people get in my way and I gotta fix it. Sometimes. Just like how I'm in their way sometimes. Yeah? And I know men have more needs than I, I figure. They are weaker cuz they need more. They always talkin about needen a lady. I don't need no lady though, I only need food an water, and I ain't gonna be their lady because they don't got nothin I need. So if they follow me and trya make me their lady I'll kill 'em if I can. But if they capture me then I can't really complain, because I'll do anything for food and water, probably like they'll do anything for ladies and food and water and shelter. It's a one for all kinda world I think." Kitty smiled, suddenly getting friendly with the stranger. "An I'm selling things I find for bracelets, or other cool trade items, or food and water n' stuff." She had her target.
"Then you should find a Scavenger." James inclines his head slightly to her. "Like me. Find a good place, scavenge it, and kill off any husks in the way. Dangerous, they are, but sometimes they have the best scavenge items on them. Other scavengers grabbing the best, and getting unlucky." He shrugs somewhat, as if resigned that it'd be his fate some day. Foolish, but impressive, I guess. She'd flow with whatever comes her way, just to survive. James takes another drink, finishing it, and ask her, "Well you know, I don't have any of my trading items with me right now, and I don't have a unlimited tab here. I am, however, looking for an assistant, of sorts. Someone to help me lug around scavenge, supplies. Supplies, which I have stashed in numerous places. I'm not as young as I used to, and young guys or boys are too rash and eager to train. Less controlled. You're promising though."
Kitty wrinkled her nose, 'Damn.' but nodded, "I don't like 'em husk things." She said after awhile. "My momma and daddy are one of them though so I'm not allowed ta kill 'em."

Kitty slipped the patch back into her bag, then looked at the man with a business like smile. "I appreciate your offer, Sir. But you look healthier than I, so I'm not gonna take the chance you tryna trick me and make me your lady. Sissy said thats how you people are so..." She shrugged, "Gotta go with what my gut says, yeah? I don't wanna die anytime soon." She put her hand out to shake his hand, nodding insistently, which made her strawberry blonde hair fall in front of her face.

"Sorry. And thanks for the tea. It was awful nice of ya."
He had nearly died of a heart attack when the man on the bike drove past. Jakob had dropped to the ground the instant he heard it coming but even then it wasn't hard to see a man lying off on the side of the road. Standing up he wiped some excess dirt off his pant, jacket and face. He berated himself in his mind for being so stupid, a couple more guys and not in such a rush he could've been just another corpse on the side of the road. A single rider was a good sign though. Meant he was probably either a scavenger or just some wanderer. Slaver's and other lowlife bandit like groups were usually to cowardly to ride alone and if it had been some sort of patrol there would've been more men and they would've been paying attention.

This time keeping well aware of his surrounding's he began moving down the road towards this "Jackson" place. He pulled out his pistol and made sure he had a round and a full clip in it. After his quick examination he put it back in his holster and made sure the rest of his weapons could be grabbed at a moments notice.

"C'mon Jakob, just a mile to go" he muttered under his breath "then I'm either home-free or knee deep in some really stanky shit"
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James look at her from my cowl, an unseen smile on his face. "Pleasure talking to ya, miss. Stay safe now, and if you're ever in a pinch, just ask after the Cowl from the good barkeeper here, ya? Trust me or no, I'll be an ally if you need it. Too old to keep doing the same stuff anyways. Have a good evening, and make sure to be aware of the group that'll trail you when you leave." He dips his head to her in approval, shakes her hand warmly and briefly, and rises. Rolling his shoulders, he says in farewell, "My kind will always be around to help, miss, if you ever need it." And then he's walking away, hand fingering his saxe knife on his belt, leaving the bar behind, opening and closing the door quietly, and disappearing into the street.

A pair of men had gone up and left behind him, however, and they weren't the small type. Big, burly, muscled, especially compared to the smaller cowled man.

A couple minutes later, they came back in, hurriedly opening the door, jumping inside, and slamming it shut, one deathly pale from an arrow in his shoulder. They hurried out the back, not stopping for anyone, friend or no.
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The shot finally met his lips again, and Joe drank it up this time. Setting it down and exhaling, the biker looked up again at the businessman, eagerly awaiting a proper answer. "Though... I just can't help but feeling you were lookin' for someone that maybe wasn't quite me. I'm not any fancy-schmancy showman or nothin' like that- I'm a club biker, tried and true," Joe hesitated to use the word 'gangmember' at all, though that pretty much was what he was, at least while he still had a gang left. "Hell's Angels..."
"Well, I ain't sayin' I'm dirt useless, but I don't think I'm that, uh, 'good, sharp asset' you was thinking was showing up, neither," Joe said cautiously, trying to word his apology of 'sorry but I'm not the man you're looking for' as best as he could.

"Fuck y' talkin' about son?" he said, pouring yet another drink for the both of them, "Seem sharp enough to me; sharp enough t' be alive, sharp enough t' have a nice ride like you do out there." "Besides, I didn't say every good man in an operation has to be all those things; I don't expect you to be the epitome of anything, and you don't need to be."

Launching the waiting shot of liquor down his throat, Phelan stood up with his right hand grasping the neck of the round bottle from wince it came.

"Just take the offer for what it is; I saw something I liked in you, and now I'm offering you a very lucrative opportunity. What'll it be?"

Just then, before Joe could answer, two men ran inside the Saloon, one with a long arrow shaft sticking out from his shoulder. Phelan jumped up, swung around to look at the pair of fleeing, sorry looking gentlemen. "What the FUCK is going on!?!" He cursed, barely catching a glimpse of the two as they hurried out the back door.

"Alright Joe, here's your fucking opportunity, take it or fucking leave it! Go on, get those fucking cocksuckers!"
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It was a hard decision, and yet not, at the same time; Joe could not reasonably explain nor understand why that was. The businessman- well, it was hard to tell who exactly he was, at this point, given how ambiguous his job offer seemed to be. Anyone who wore the name Matt Phelan proudly and up front in this turn of the years must have no shame or fear in it. Which meant he could very well be running this town, not that Joe could verify that with the utmost precision.

Perhaps that was part of the conflict. Everything Joe had said was rather truthful, in his own mind at least, and he felt he would be doing Matt and this town a disservice if he refused the offer he was given. It was the idea that this town was, to that eccentric mayor, a good, safe, confident community, which is what Joe felt he needed right now. Yet all of that clashed with what he was before; a bike gangster, pure and straight to the point. He was used to claiming turf, riding about wildly in the concrete jungle with the kind of men who you could truly let your life depend upon when you needed it.

"Just take the offer for what it is; I saw something I liked in you, and now I'm offering you a very lucrative opportunity. What'll it be?" He saw SOMETHING, clearly, and Joe had a feeling that it was just the fancy bike; one that he had stolen from a young man without hesitation no more than an hour ago. Something just didn't sit right with the biker in this situation.

And then all of that went astray by a commotion at the entrypoint of the bar, a burst through the swiveling door that prompted all in the room to look. A duo of big, burly men, just about the gangsters Joe would expect to see in any poorly policed area. Of course, the shaft of what must've been an arrow jutting out of the leading man's arm, and the ensuing reactions of everyone, spoke volumes otherwise. A grim reminder that those who didn't intimidate usually had violence easily concealed, in this new society of the world.

"Alright Joe, here's your fucking opportunity, take it or fucking leave it! Go on, get those fucking cocksuckers!" Joe heard the faint scream in the rush of the two men dashing out of the back door of the saloon. "So it's an enforcer ya want? You've got a Hell's Angel on your side, brother," the biker called back. He winked one eye to turn the other into a scope down his outstretched left arm, with two fingers pointed towards the back door, for reference. Joe then backpedaled out of the front door with his arm still pointing.

A few moments later the sound of a revving motorcycle could be heard, followed by the draconian roar of the engine at it sped into the adjacent alley. The noise reverberated throughout the bar in waves that would send a chill through those unaccustomed to it, and a further spark of power to those who knew that it was on their side. Men could only run so fast and so far on foot, and this town was still big enough for the experienced biker to maneuver through.

If only he'd noticed the REAL culprit, hooded and walking the other way entirely...
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The decision has already been made. For years Emma had done what her father has told her over and over. It was 'us' and 'them' now. And this girl wasn't in Emma Rose's 'us'. With a shaking breath, the dirty blonde hair woman pushes back from the door. She stared a moment longer before turning the lock in place. Then with a heavy sigh, she looked to her wolf and nodded once before walking away.

A coward. Turning your back on those in need of help. Watching and listening to the things happening around you. That is a cowardly thing to do. Sitting back and doing nothing just so you'll be sure to live. Hiding and waitng. But when it's been beat into your head to help no one, to trust no one well you probably would do the same. If all you had was yourself for years to rely on. In a world that trust wasn't easily come by, it left you alone. If you so choose.

Emma grips her rifle and walks back to the fireplace and sits crossed legged. Max follows and sits closely beside her, knowing Emma needs the comfort only he could give her. The girl wasn't the first she has turned her back on. The memories of the last time she'd seen of her father try to come to her mind, but Emma forces them back. Instead, she bites down on her bottom lip as she runs her hand through Max's fur. She ignores yet another who is clearly in need of her help.

It wasn't like she didn't have the means to help the girl. Shelter, food, water were all things Emma has and then some. Still she couldn't bring herself to break her rule. A rule she made -along with a few more- after she lost her father.

The banging grows louder still as the girl yells for help.

Suddenly, Max's ears perk up as he stands. A growl emerges from his throat as he starts to saunter back towards the door. His hackles rise at the unseen threat. Emma turns slowly, straining to hear what her wolf has obviously already picked up on.

Barely, in the distance, she hears a rumble of an engine. It quickly becomes louder within seconds. Emma's heart rate pounds in her chest, drowning out the noise of the approaching van.
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Deacon and Evelia​

As our truck rumbled down the road to Jackson, the trunk full of scavenged medical supplies, I kept my eyes peeled, with my daughter up on the turret keeping an eye out for bandits. I had kept my truck during the fall of civilization and had made some hefty upgrades to it as I wandered the wastes with my daughter these last few years. I'd heard I could make some easy money unloading these supplies on Jackson, and with that money I could buy supplies we actually needed. Hunching forward my eyes began to water before I began to hack and cough. The truck began to swerve a little before Evelia dropped down from the turret and grabbed the wheel with one hand while patting my back with the other yelling

"Dad breath!"

Slowly i began to catch my breath as the coughing went away and I took the wheel again saying "Thanks Kit." Bringing my eyes to the road again that's when I finally saw Jackson. As we drew near Jackson I patted Evelia's leg with my hand saying "Kit, Get in the truck now." I wasn't about to leave my daughter dangling out of the truck when we pull up to the gates. I wasn't risking her. As we pulled Up to the gate I honked the horn twice Before putting it in park. Grabbing my gun and as I stepped out I held it low yelling "Hey I'm looking to make a trade! Anyone wanna let me in?" I wasn't much good with words. But I knew how to shoot, and I knew how to make a fare trade. That's all I needed to know.

'Uhm, I think what he's trying to say is . . ." Turning to see my daughter sticking out of the top of the truck I let out a angry sigh as she continued " . . . that were hungry and looking for a place to stay for a few days. We also have some medicine and other supplies that were looking sell if you need them!"
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He had seen the truck go by, and slow down as it reached the gate. A man got out of the truck, and yelled something at the gate. Jakob felt slightly out of place just watching so he approached. He got close enough to hear the girl's final words.

'Uhm, I think what he's trying to say is . . ." she began even while manning the turret " . . . that were hungry and looking for a place to stay for a few days. We also have some medicine and other supplies that were looking sell if you need them!" Well based on what she was saying they didn't sound like slaver's or god knows what else, but then again lying in this day and age was pretty damn common. Hoping he wouldn't have to regret this Jakob walked forward and spoke up.

"Hail strangers" said Jakob announcing himself "Don't mean no trouble so I figured I'd let ya know I was comin up from behind ya" He had his arms slightly raised at his sides with his palm's facing outward showing that he wasn't armed and wasn't looking for a fight.
The little girl nodded, a frown on her dirtied face as she watched the curious man in a cowl leave. She looked at her hand and then at the table. Had she made a mistake? 'Stranger means danger' She thought to herself, 'Stranger means danger.' It was almost as if the small girl was trying to convince herself of this, because she also knew there was strength in numbers and food was easier to find and distribute in a group.

'I can't trust anyone. I know that. Of course you did the right thing, don't be stupid. ' She thought to herself with a sigh.

Suddenly the door slammed with a loud 'Bang!' and Kitty whipped her head around so fast her vision blurred and head spun. When her sight cleared though, she watched two men against the door both breathing heavy and pale. One quite injured. Then a commotion happened, she hadn't heard the first part of the conversation because she had been so startled, but then the biker who had seemed only so uninterested before was rushing out the door with a plan to go find the man who injured and scared the dickens out of the two thick men.

Kitty didn't like all this commotion, 'He's going to be used.' She decided of the biker's fate, but he was already gone and working for the business man who still sat in the room. People here weren't kind, and would take it all and leave you for dead. Surely the biker knew better. Although it didn't seem to be the case.

Stepping down from the stool the little girl's tiny feet hit the floor, and a dizziness over came her. She stumbled forward and gripped the chair at the swirling blackness that faded her vision. She knew already it was from hunger and low sugar levels in her blood. The only reason she remembered it was because her mother had been a recovering anorexic before the pandemic, so certain medical terms food related she knew.

When her vision cleared she rang her cold fingers together and stepped forward, forcing herself forward. There was too much going on here, and this was not the place to trade she decided. Also, people would know she was weak and at this point she just needed to leave, because she was in no way ready and able for a fight.

The thin, fragile girl tried to leave the same way she came in quiet, curious, carefullness. Instead she stumbled clumsily to the door, leaving the door to bang roughly behind her. She needed to find food. ASAP.

Sauntering deeper into the town she looked for a trade, she felt like the little matchbox girl in the book her mother read her only a couple times before. People obviously avoided the dirty girl, especially women and children. She didn't notice her tail of three men, one short muscular and the other two tall and lanky. Kitty was too focused, too busy trying find a young man that maybe wanted a ring or a shiny flask she had found in the rubble.
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James had disappeared into the alleyways opposite of the bar, and watched Kitty from the shadows, and her pursuers. He could take them all out easily, from a distance, or up close, with his knife, but it would probably send more of a message than he wanted, and he didn't need any gangs or bandits after him. He already cuts it close as it is, with husks and other hostile scavengers.

So he followed her. As the pursuers closed in, so did he. And when they were only a couple yards from the girl, he made his move.

James swung out of a side alley, cowl pulled back to make him seem less suspicious and dangerous, and slung his arm around Kitty. While another would probably figure he's trying to hit on her or something, he lifted her up a little, and with a smile, started babbling about stars and how good weather we've had and probably might have and the latest scavenger-rumors, while he glanced at the girl ever so often, with eyes that do not reflect how he's talking, eyes that are saying to just go with it.
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Kitty wandered on, and slowed down as she realized that no one was going to buy from her. They avoided the dirty girl as if she were ill, as if she were a rat. Pouting, she turned on her heels and looked at three young men who seemed to be coming towards her. A glimmer of hope slipped over her weary green eyes as she held up a flask and began "Hello Si-"

"Agh!" She was cut off when an arm slipped around her shoulders and her eyes went wide. When she began to protest, the words falling from her lips only sounded like a dry mumble and were easily talked over. Confused and dazed she shook her head and looked at him, following along. Something about the randomness in his words, the look in his eye, was as if he was trying to send her a coded message.

She gave a look back the best she could at the men behind her, which had taken a their space and seemed to be discussing something. Surely one of them liked to drink, or had a wife that had use for the flask. Surely one of them would have taken it for a small amount of bread, even burnt or stale was better than nothing. Kitty didn't mean to get desperate but she couldn't help the light-headed feeling that she needed to eat before she fell from exhaustion and hunger.

Then again it was almost appealing at this point, the thought of being in the same place as her sister. But she knew better, her sister danced among the cloud, and Kitty would rest about the stars. Like night and day, she and her sister were very different. Our father had always had a suspicion that Kitty was not his child but anothers, there was nothing that appeared to be like her so-called father. Even if Kitty was to die, she would still not see her sister, so it wasn't worth giving the thought.

Agreeingly, Kitty nodded and went along with the man she had recognized from the bar. She said nothing though, and walked along with him.
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James walked her along, glad that she wasn't trying to get away or struggle; it would make keeping the trio stalking them have a legitimate reason to close in. He kept watch on them by glancing at mirrors here and there, or in the reflection of a window, broken or not. When they had gained a little, and the crowd of people had made it hard to see them at all, he pulled her along and slipped into the next alleyway.

There, he helped her behind one of the old-world trash dumpsters, taking a position to keep her supported. "You really need something, huh? You're being followed, you know that right? Those guys didn't want to buy what you had, they wanted to take what you had... and you." He pushs some trash around, moving the extra-dirty away, and the somewhat-dirty cloth and such into a bedding of a sort, so one doesn't have to sit on the broken concrete. "Looks like you're not so hot as you think you are, girl, should of been more careful."
Kitty let the man lead her around, blinking slowly. She huffed when the man pulled her into an ally way, a bit disoriented. Looking up at the man with tired eyes. "I just needa to trade it." She said nodding, the nodding made her head spin and she fell down.
"Them men didn't mean anything. I was just gonna... Gonna..." Her mind went blank a moment, and she heard white noise. Though nothing happened to her exactly, she just stared off blankly into the air.

When she came back to it she shook her head and felt through her satchel, taking out her water and drinking the last of it. She knew though water was worthless if carbohydrates weren't in your system to hold onto the hydration. There weren't many other options though, after all, she had yet to trade. "I-Uhm..."

She the inside of her cheek, drawing blood. The pain was enough to keep her in the day, in the moment. "I gotta trade something." She finally said.

"Sorry." She added, stumbling to get up, hand against the ally way wall as she forced herself upwards.
The window of the van slid open and a thin barrel shot out. The teenager outside turned to look, eyes wide in fright, before banging her fists on the now-closed door.There was a soft, barely audible thud, and a few moments later, the knocking stops.

A crackle of static - then a voice leaks out from the vehicle.

"This is E-Thirteen. Permission to collect?"

"Target ID?" said another voice, coarse over the buzz of static.

"Four-oh from C-Seven. Been tracking this one for days."

A pause.

"Hostiles in the area. Heard shots fired earlier," the man in the van said again.

There was a longer pause after that and muffled voices could be heard carrying on the conversation. Then the window slid shut, but not before another shot was fired out from the van. It hit the teenager slumped by the door, silencing her for good.
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"Woah, now, you're too weak to go anywhere alone." James push her gently, but firmly, back down. "You're not going anywhere in this state, girl, those men were with bad intentions, I can say for sure. No need to be sorry, supplies can be scarce." James keeps a hand on her shoulder, bringing out a small leather bag from his leather pants pocket. With the same hand [opposite of the hand that is on the girl's shoulder] , he opens the bag by pulling the opening closed by leather string beforehand, and puts it on the ground, reaching inside to pull out a piece of jerky. "Here," he offers, holding out the jerky to her, salted deer meat.
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Kitty looked up at him quietly, she wanted to disagree and tell him to keep it for himself. She wanted to be polite and say no, she couldn't possibly, he got that food for himself. More importantly she didn't want to trust him, to take it and be drugged or posioned, or worse... She didn't want to owe him a debt she couldn't repay or could only repay by degrading means.

This was about survival though, not about customs, not about politeness, and you couldn't spend all your life hiding because sooner or later you would be found. Sooner or later you had to deal with people. Taking the jerky carefully in her hands she sat, examining it at first. Before biting at it lightly. It was salty, and definitely not her favorite, but then again she never enjoyed a time she had to eat really.

Kitty chewed it slowly, carefully, pretending it was one of the lemon poppyseed muffins her momma used to make for the man next door, pretending it might be a red-velvet cupcake like her aunt made for her bakery.

When she finished it she looked up at the man quietly, "Thank you." She muttered, "Sorry." she added. It had been a long time since she had meat, it was normally little vegitation she ate at, because she saved her bullets for safety and couldn't kill cute animals.

Kitty tried not to think about it, "What are you doing here?" She weakly asked, curious of the man, "Do you live here?"
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David heard the shot and watched the girl at the door drop. He looked up from his scope and he stared in shock. They just killed her in cold blood for absolutely no reason. He looked back to the van and watched them drive away. He wanted to unload his clip into everyone in the van but he knew it would be a stupid thing to do. It was pointless, she was gone. He waited until the van was clear out of sight before getting into a crouched position and scanning the area with his rifle. "Should we check?" He asked Ben looking in the direction of the cabin. He wanted to know what was inside but also wanted to see if the girl had survived being shot twice. He knew it was highly unlikely but it was worth the shot if they moved up to the cabin. "Fucking Christ, its people like that, that put us in this situation. Those ruthless assholes"
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James thinks for a moment. "If by here, you mean the town, then no. I live out in some ruins nearby. Dangerous, with husks, to get to, so I'm safe inside my home. And I'm here," he says, shaking her slightly, friendly-like, "because I have to keep foolish girls from getting picked on."
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