She knew what she saw. She knew it for sure. Of course, she wasn't going to tell anyone she had, but she was definitely going to go find it. Andiste flung her backpack over her shoulders, pulled her hood over her head, and put her earbuds in her ear. As soon as she turned on her ipod, sweet, classical music went through her ears and silenced her angsty mood just enough to calm her for the trip. Andiste knew it was going to be a long walk through the forest to get to her destination, so she packed enough supplies just in case anything......questionable........happened. Of course, she knew there probably wouldn't be a need for any of the "supplies". It's not like she was irrational or careless. But she brought them along anyway. Just in case. As far as anyone from Camp Wanaclot was concerned, Andiste was missing, but they didn't care. She was waaaay too weird, and was a little too much of a negative influence on the other children. Andiste knew this, but didn't care. She was just as happy she was leaving as they were. There were a few problems though, of course. She was an 8-year-old child for the most of it, and there were a LOT of adult tourists in the State Park so she had to steer clear of any adults, and she probably had to wait til nighttime before she could actually start moving out. This irritated Andiste, of course. Being a child was a mistake. It really made it hard for you to really do anything without question. And everyone believed they had authority over you no matter what you did. But she shook those thoughts out of her head.
As soon as I get there, that'll be the first thing I fix.
Andiste chuckled softly. Her plan was brilliant. And it should be, since she spent so many years perfecting it. It was foolproof, and the only way it wouldn't work is if someone else came round and messed it up. The child scoffed. As if that would happen. No one else should've saw it but her. Therefore, no one should really get in the way. Andiste walked towards the clearing about 2 miles off from Camp Wanaclot. She was in the green. Yes! Now for the next part.
She whistled loudly and clearly towards the northern path and waited a few minutes. "RUFF RUFF!" A golden retriever ran through the brush and at Andiste. "Kalix! I knew I could trust you!" the tomboy said gleefully, and patted his head in acceptance. "Let's start walking." Both child and dog began walking through the deep colorful forest. The wind blew softly through the high trees and the sun beamed down brightly. As soon as they both made it to the main gravel road, Andiste stopped dead in her tracks. Two teenagers were standing on the other side of the road talking and exchanging twinkies. What the hell?! It's 6:30 in the morning, NO ONE is walking the trail at this time of day!!!! Andiste huffed. This was a major setback. Unless they turned around and went back south, there was no way she could continue on now. Then, she looked closely at the boy, and her eyes opened wide. She knew who he was. She knew what he was. The girl, she had no idea, and payed no attention to. But that boy........ Suddenly, the 2 teenagers looked up and across the wide road at Andiste standing in the bushes. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! She had given her presence away too busy staring at the boy. Andiste sighed. She couldn't be weird and run off. At least, not this time. She was going to have to go over there and introduce herself and act as if nothing was wrong.