Teach me what Life Means

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A young teen died of a tragic accident when s/he and his/her family was brutally murdered. she/he's been haunting the place ever since without their family by their side. They've lived for years, watching as strangers come and go, passing by without a second thought or sometimes stopping to check the house that was on sale. For awhile haunting the place was fun, scaring the passer bys and making sure that they never came back. A reputation about the house soon spread throughout the town, that it was haunted (which was true) and that an evil spirit lived their, haunting those that were happy and making them run out. However the haunting slowly became less and less fun and the ghost no longer found any enjoyment in it, and yet he/she didn't want anyone else living in the house. So they continued to scare away those that came to look at it. So what happens when a new family moves in and the and the child of the family can see said ghost? What happens if the two become friends maybe even more? The thought of the dead being resurrected is completely impossible but what if love can be like the love that everyone sees in the movies? What if a ghost can be made human again? What if the ghost can be taught the meaning of life once more?[/spoili]


[Fieldbox="Kylin Ryan Simmons, orange, solid, 10, Times New Roman"]
Kylin couldn't help but chuckle slightly as the girl apolgized, again. "You can stop apologizing everytime you mess up. It's okay, I understand. We all mess up, but you don't have to be sorry unless it is something that you would be hurt if someone did it to you. My mom told me not to apologize for anything unless it applied to that rule." Kylin chuckled a little, smiling at the girl as she ran her hand through her hair. He watched her intenseley as she sighed and began talking. He could tell by the way she held herself and the flinching and stuttering that she had had some bad experience with bullying and maybe even abuse. Kylin knew that he didn't know this woman very well, or at all really, but just the thought angered him, like he wanted to go back and help her, though he knew he couldn't. Hearing that her father was the type of father that cared more about their child\s education than the child's experience, he realized again how lucky he was to have a family that was always understanding and always helped him build hsi dreams, never making him feel small or useless, like this girl had obviously felt.

It was quiet as the two had their own thoughts. Kylin's thoughts leaned more towards the fact that this girl was still lost and he wasn't sure if she had ever even learned who she was. She looked like she was so sheltered that she never learned to get out and have fun and make mistakes. She apologized so much, but yet she still hadn't done things worth apologizing for. She needed to get out there and see the world, have advanetures, be fun, relax, learn to love, get her heart broken, and just simply live life to the fullest. She needed that, and although the young male knew it probably wasn't the best, he wanted to be that person that opened the door for her and helped her learn to do these things. He wanted to walk beside her and guide her through everything and tell her that it would be okay and to teach her that she whasn't lived enough to say sorry.

Hearing her again speak up and mention that she wasn't that interesting of a person, Kylin smilied and snapped out of his own thoughts. He turned in the bench so that he was facing her. "Are you kidding me? You're not interesting? You must be kidding. You're so different from me and definitely interesting. There are so many things I want to ask you about but I don't knew where exactly to start." Kylin chuckled a little and flashed one of his all too famous smiles. The one that had every girl swooning over him and got him out of so many troubled times, though this time he didn't want the girl in front of him to swoon and he wasn't in any trouble that he wasn't willing ot be in. He just smiled because he was happy. For the first time since his death years before, the teenage ghost was happy, and he didn't even know it.

Upon hearing the female began to talk again, Kylin leaned towards her as to hear her better. He couldn't help but chuckle aain at her shy and awkward she was being, though a huge part of him knew she wasn't going to be like that forever. He leaned back after her questions and took a second to think, "Hmm, my hopes and dreams? I had a lot of those, mainly just small things that I called my list. I wanted to do all these things and visit all these places before I died but that didn't go as planned. But I had always dreamed of being a doctor or helping people someway, though that dream never came true. I love the stars too though, so I decided my senior year that I would go into science for college. Maybe be a teacher, but probably work studying the planets and new life. It always interested me." Kylin closed his mouth after that, not sure what else to say. His hopes and dreams never were much. He lived in the moment and he didn't compare the past with the present or the present with the future. He lived then and there until the day he died. "I lived in the moment, I never thought much about my future. I just wanted to have fun, be free, and be happy.:


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[FIeldbox="Bailey Hope Grisham, teal, solid, 10, Times New Roman"]
Hearing the male speak up did cause Bailey to climb back up on her bed and sit as she stared at him and listened. She watched him carefully, hanging on to each word, though that didn't change the fact that she still didn't understand him. When he asked if she wanted to hear it, she looked around and shrugged. "Well, I don't have anything else to do, besides, I think that if you are going to be ahnging around here I deserve to at least know what kind of person you are so I can prepare myself. Such as, do I need to worry about you popping up while I'm in the shower? Or is it more of those things where you will only pop up when I am doing embarrassing things like dancing?" Bailey smiled a little, trying to lighten the mood and untense the air. She watched him and then leaned back, grabbing one of her pillows and holding it tight against her chest as she listened further on. Surprised herself, the girl found herself eager to know more about this male, whether or not she was going ccrazy.

By the time the story was over, Bailey had shifted from sitting cross legged on the bed with a pillow to her chest to her knees pulled against her chest and her hugging herself tightly. She lifted her chin up from her knee as the story came to an end and silence filled the room. Hearing that story from a guy like Seamus would immediately make her think that it was for sympathy, but something about it told her that it wasn't. Maybe it was that the male had been the one to challenge her and the one who definitely made her want to challenge him in the breif time that they had talked before, but whatever it was, it was tugging at her and telling her that he was telling the truth. Being raised the way that she was, Bailey was thankful to have grown the talent of being able to tell when someone was lying to her and when they were telling the truth, which was definitely something that came in handy.

After a few moments of silence that was neither peaceful or awkward, Bailey's head turned again as the male spoke up. Thinking the story wasn't over yet, she turned and was about to lay her head back on her knees, but seeing him wipe away a tear made her wonder why he even told her in the first place. He wasn't lying, the story was obviously very personal, he didn't seem like he liked to talk about it, but yet he told her for some odd reason or another. Her thoughts about it was turned away quickkly though as she raelized that he had actually said somethiing. She snapped back into it quickly. "Oh, um, sorry. My name? Uh, yeah I guess you're right. I never did tell you my name, but in my defense I thought I was going crazy and that it still a very large option as to why I can communicate with you." Bailey moved her knees as she stood up and looked at the male. "Well, I'm Bailey. Bailey Grisham if you want the whole first and alst name combo, though I have to tell you that I might charge you extra."

Bailey chuckled a little and walked over to her desk where she sat down in the chair and again pulled her knees up, though this time she pulled them up out of habit instead of for comfort. "So, i fyou don't mind me asking and all, why did you tell me? I mean you didn't have to and you acted like it isn't a pleasant story to tell so why didn't you just tell me to get off and leave you alone?" Bailey chuckled a little and ran her hand through her hair before sighing and speaking up again. "Don't take this in a bad way.. Not that I don't love having you around and all, but why do you stay here? If this is the place where it happened, wouldn't you want to escape it? The stuff that I went through that I wished I would have died instead of going through, I can't even think about it without feeling trapped. But to go back and live there and stay where it happened.. I just couldn't do it, and I don't know how you do. Maybe you're more than just an average boy." For a second her eyes met with Seamus and Bailey couldn't help but smile a little, but that ended quickly as she looked away and her smile turned into a frown, making her inside turns and her cheeks to fade to a pale color, barely lighting up with a slight blush.

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[fieldbox=Annabeth Stella Grace ❀, #D1BBE0, solid]
Annabeth was silent for a bit and she chewed on her lower lip as she gazed at her hands in her lap. Well they obviously grew up in two separate homes, and just by looking at him, it seemed that Kylin was a ladies man, he could get anyone he wanted. Not only that, but he didn't seem like he would be someone who would verbally or physically abuse another person, totally different than her ex-boyfriend. She could feel his gaze on her, and she shifted uncomfortably, offering him the faintest of smiles before she looked away again. "Heh, I've always heard other things." She told him, gazing up at the sky. "My father...always told me to watch what I say and my boyfriend..." She trailed off, giving a shake of her head and offering him a strained smile. "That's not important, sorry."Glancing back at Kylin's arm that was still stretched across the top of the bench, Annabeth tentatively leaned back, her back carefully touching his arm as she felt a comforting sort of feeling run through her body. Her body was tense for a bit before she relaxed ever so slightly, tilting her head up to gaze at the sky. Annabeth knew that her father meant well, and she loved him, but he just got hard to deal with sometimes, he pushed too much and he never really listened to her. She knew that her grandfather was like and so of course, he pushed it onto her, it was like a vicious cycle. Of course though, after hearing about the incident at Manchester, her dad had changed a little bit but he was still very strict. But the slight change in his attitude, showed her that he truly did care, he just wasn't great at showing it.

Silence settled between the two, not that she really minded but Annabeth reflected on her life up to now. She was a social butterfly when she was younger, always ready to hang out with friends, find a boyfriend. That's what middle school was all about, and freshman year, she was popular, everyone wanted to be her and most guys wanted to date her. So when did it change? Who really knew. All she knew was that after awhile, she began to curl up in on herself, keep to herself. She found that attending parties and all that became tiring and it took so much effort to leave the house when she could just sit and read a book, maybe play her instruments. After a bit, she blinked and looked at Kylin when he told her that she was different and definitely interesting. "Heh, you're the first one to think that." She said softly, gazing up at him and giving him the tiniest of smiles. She rarely showed her true smile, one that reached her eyes, lighting them up. When she truly smiled, most people said that it could get anyone to fall in love with her, it could end a war, and of course she thought everyone exaggerated. Annabeth didn't think her smile was that great, but whatever. She listened as the ghost teen spoke, and perked up when he mentioned the stars. She always loved the stars as well, gazing at them and pointing out the constellations. She enjoyed pointing them out, reading up on them and figuring out when they showed up.

She felt as the mood became somber when Kylin said that he never thought about his future, he just wanted to be free and happy. There at her heart and though she was usually closed off, she couldn't help but want to open up to this male. Maybe it was because it felt like it was just her self conscious. "We're so different...like you said." She spoke up, looking at the ghost for a bit before she gazed down at her hands. "All my life, I've had my future planned out for me. You know, like those stupidly cheesy movies where a girl was paired up with a guy for an arranged marriage or business, that's basically my life." She whispered softly, chewing on her lower lip. "For awhile I accepted. I went to parties, mingled, made connections, and I accepted the relationship he had set me up with. Everything was great...well for that time being." Annabeth gave a small shrug of her shoulders. "I don't know why or when it started to change, but the parties started to become annoying, I felt suffocated by those people and I started to notice the little digs that my boyfriend made at me." The girl fell silent for a bit, rubbing her hands together and trying to figure out her words. She wasn't sure why she was telling him this, but she was. "I started to close in on myself and I enjoyed it. I found solace in staying at home and reading a book, maybe playing my instruments and just being by myself, that's when it got worse. She knew that she didn't have to push herself to tell someone, but Annabeth had kept it bottled up for so long that she just needed to let it out.

"Slowly as I drew in on myself, those around me started to leave, and my boyfriend started to use verbal abuse, I don't know, just calling me stupid, or getting angry for talking to a guy that he considered a nerd. He'd get pissed and there were days when he would get physically abusive sometimes. She explained. "I told my father but at first he didn't believe me. Long story short, things got much worse at Manchester and well...here I am." Annabeth held her hands up and gave the tiniest shrug before she let them fall back into her lap. She didn't want to meet his gaze, she didn't want him to pity her or anything but it felt good to get that off of her chest.[/fieldbox]



[fieldbox=Seamus Austin Miller ♛, #008B45, solid]
She was a funny one, Seamus had to admit that, and it was interesting that a smile just naturally crossed his features when he talked to her. When the story was over, Seamus felt as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders and it was surprising how much better he felt just from sharing that. He glanced at the girl who had introduced herself as Bailey and he felt his heart soar, reaching up towards the sky. It felt as if the blood in his veins started to move again, and his stomach felt as if there was butterflies flying around in there. And this was only from taking one glance at her. She was doing something to him, not that he really minded, but the fact that he didn't know what, it kind of scared him, it made him nervous and he wondered if anything was wrong with him. He watched as she moved over towards her desk and sat down, drawing her knees up to her chest and asking why he told her and why he stayed. Seamus leaned back against the wall and he thought about why he did. He knew why he stayed, but why did he tell her? Even he didn't really know.

"Who really knows." He joked, before he shook his head and sighed. "I don't really know. It's just that...I felt safe telling you. And once I did, once I told you about my tragedy, I felt that a weight was lifted off my shoulders. You're the first person in ten years, the first one that can hear me." He smiled faintly, and moved to sit on the edge of her bed. "I remember the first time I died...I ran up and down the streets, shouting, screaming, anything to try and get someone's attention, but no one stopped. No one listened, they walked right through me and I was so frustrated. I just remember that I kept thinking 'I can't be dead. I had so much left to do." He told her, his voice faltering just a bit. "As for why I stayed? I don't know. I guess part of me was hoping that my killer would come back to this house one day, that I would be able to catch him and finally bring my family justice but he's never once stepped in this house. This was also my childhood home, you know? Though it's the place of my death, I couldn't actually bring myself to leave. I have so many memories here, and I guess I was hoping that my family would maybe come back, even though I know that they wouldn't." He said with a shrug, heaving a big sigh.

He leaned back and gazed up at the ceiling. "I mean if you really want me to leave I can. I don't have much of a reason to stay anyway." He stated, glancing at her and flashing her a quick smile and then looking away. Everything was fine though, until Seamus started to feel a pain his heart and he cringed, moving his hand up to his chest to hold it. No...not now. "I-I'm sorry, but I have to go." He said quickly as he stood up, his breath labored and hard to breath as he quickly stumbled out of the room and flew off. He flew as fast as he could to the hospital, hoping that his father was just having a hard time with the treatments, he didn't think his father would be dying. Not yet. Seamus knew that once his father passed, his mother would do, she wouldn't be able to take that heart break and Seamus wanted his parents to live a long and happy life. His father couldn't just leave like this and Seamus was going to make sure that it wouldn't happen, not yet.[/fieldbox]​


[Fieldbox="Bailey Hope Grisham, teal, solid, 10, Times New Roman"]
Bailey listened to the male as he explained that he didn't even know why he told her, just that he felt safe with her, which was definitely a surprise. She had never been someone who was safe to be around, in fact she was the opposite. She was the person who everyone tried to avoid because they were afraid that her bad luck would rub off on them if they got too close or if they did get close to her, they jabbed her in the back and made sure she never was someone's safe place because of how broken she was. Bailey hated thinking of herself as broken because it made her feel like she was a piece of glass out on display for people, but as soon as she would break they would hide her away and find someone better to replace her with, but she never blamed them. She blamed herself. The thought that she made him feel safe made her nervous inside and it definitely meant that something bad would come out of it, but that had never stopped her before. She laughed, but quickly apologized and looked down at her feet that were tucked under her. She listened as he continued talking and shifted to sit on the end of her bed. Her eyes gazed back up at him and she watched him curiously, her eyes lighting up as he mentioned the first day of his death.

Upon hearing the male's offer to leave, the female immediatley felt horrible about bringing it up. Of course it was weird for a ghost to be living with her, but she didn't want him to leave, or at least she wouldn't mind if he stayed. "Of course not. You can stay, besides it would be silly kicking you out of your own house. Afterall, it was your house before it was mine. I won't make you leave, you just make me curious about a lot of things." Bailey smiled at the male ever so softly before she turned her eyes towards her desk. She picked up her journal and opened the first page, looking over her hand writing. "It's weird, but I know what you mean. I feel safe talking to you, which isn't normal. I have this strange feeling and I'm really unsure as to if I like it or not, but I'll let you know as soon asI find out." She smiled again before slowly standing up. She walked towards her dresser and tucked her journal away in her dresser before sitting down in the floor in front of Seamus. "I don't trust people easily and I don't let people in, so it's not you. It's me. I promise. It's just that.. You can't walk in and out of my life whenever you want. If you're just some figment of my imagination or a ghost or whatever, I don't care. You can't just walk in and out like you own the palce. If I open up to you then you're not allowed to just walk out like everyone else."

Embarrassed that the girl had just said what she had, she turned her face away, staring towards the wall to her right. She sat with her legs crossed Indian Style like they had taught her in kindergarten and she didn't make eye contact or even talk to the boy for a long time. It was jsut silent and it was nice. It wasn't awkward like it normally was; it was peaceful. But then hee had to go and say something, breaking the silence and ending their private thoughts. She looked up at him as he started to back up out of the room and before she knew it he walked through her wall and flew off. She watched him embarrassed, scared that what she had said had caused him to go away, like it always did. "Good going Bails. You screw up everything, including a friendship with a ghost! You have no hope at all, do you?" She sighed as she pulled herself up and walked down the stairs where she saw her sister watching the television. She sighed and decided to let it swing by until her father got home later that night. Glancing at the time and realizing that it was a little late, she decided to go ahead and begin making dinner for the three.

The evening passed rather quickly, surprisingly. Bailey's father arrived just in time for dinner to be served, and after they all ate they talked about school which would be starting soon. Deciding that they would go school shopping that next weekend, they ended the school talk and talked more about the new house and how they were liking it. So far the neighbors were friendly, the town was easy to get around and there wasn't anything weird going on, aside from the one thing that went unmentioned. After the dishes were clean, Bailey sat at the table with her dad as they began to talk about her. It was a very uncomfortable situation for Bailey, but she knew that it would have to be talked about sooner or later. Her father wanted her to go back to counciling and therapy to talk about everything, but she refused. She had agreed to go once and that lasted for about a month before her councilor tried to have sex with her, Ever since she had said no and quit everything she hadn't quit before. So to compromise, Bailey agreed to joining dance and music again to ease her father's mind. "Okay, I will look around and see if I can find lessons, but for now I am going to shower and go read a book or something." She didn't even bother to get more clothes, but instead walked straight into the bathroom. She didn't hesitate to take a shower and realx, letting the hot water flow over her body.

When she climbed out of the tub, she wrapped a towel around her and looked at the scars that were over her body. Some were from her step father and others were from her when she was in one of her dark days. She still had them, but she didn't tell anyone, especially her father or he would make her go back to counciling, and she didn't want that. She just hated talking to people about herself and her problems. She had nothing to say. Sighing, Bailey tightened the towel around her and walked up stairs to her room.


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[Fieldbox="Kylin Ryan Simmons, orange, solid, 10, Times New Roman"]
Kylin listened patiently, having a feeling that what the girl was saying wasn't all that she wanted to say. He listened carefully and just when her thought so, she began talking to him. Not the small talk type of thing, but she actually talked to him like she wasn't afraid of hiim. She told him exactly how she felt and why she felt like that, making him smile. Of course hearing her say that her boyfriend physically and verbally abused her made him angry, but there was nothing that he could do about it, so instead he just watched and listened as he let it all out to him. After sehe closed off her words with a small shrug, he couldn't help but smile at her. He noticed her efforts to not make his eye contact which made him chuckle. There he was thinking that he was making progress and there she was pushing him away again. "Your boyfriend shouldn't have done those things, any of it. You're beautiful, with or without makeup and the best clothes. Your father sounds like he cares, he just has a lot of trouble showing his feelings, but he'll get there. I have this feeling." Kylin smiled as he shifted and tossed one leg over the other, crossing them and leaning back, putting his hands behind his head.

"But you know you can't blame anyone but yourself for not having fun. They told you what to do and they told you what was expected, but you have to learn to break a few rules. I mean, have you ever been skinny dipping? Or ditched school? Or what about just simply having a weekend where you ran off and just had fun with a friend or two? There are so many things out there that are just waiting for you to try them. What is the wildest thing that you have ever done without your mother or father's permission?" Kylin jumped up and walked towards the water, thinking about jumping in just so that she would get the point, but he decided against it. "Now, I'm not telling you that you should disobey your parents at all, but what's so bad with living every now and then? There is so many things out there that I know you would love if you ever got a chance to experience it. Come on, I'll show you." Kylin wasn't talking about right now of course, but there was no way that he could leave without her at least one day having fun and just living in the moment.

Kylin scratched the back of his head and sat back down beside the girl before galcning over her. "My parents never planned out my future. They put money away for our colleges of course, but they let us decide what he wanted to do with out lives. Even when we chose the wrong choices and we messed up and got stuck in a sticky situation, they were still supportive. They wanted me and my siblings to learn about life that way so that we know that sometimes what we want isn't always the best choice." He thought about his parents and his heart ached. "They were so good to us. They were always caring and listening, no matter what it was about. They would show the same interest about a book we had read as someone who we liked. It was aggervating and I always got angry at them but I never realized that they were doing it because they love me, which I think is the only thing that I regret: not thanking them enough. But not I wish that I could go back adn thank them for everything, even when I would get in trouble, I wish I would have wrapped my arms around their neck and never let them go." Kylin chuckled a little and watched her closely.



[fieldbox=Annabeth Stella Grace ❀, #D1BBE0, solid]
The words had just tumbled out of her mouth and in a sense, Annabeth kind of regretted all of that, but at the same time it felt as if there was a huge weight that had been lifted off of her chest. She glanced over at him when he told her that her boyfriend shouldn't have done any of that, a blush creeping onto her cheeks upon hearing it. He also pointed out just what she was thinking, that her father truly did care, he just had a terrible time showing it. When you live in a world with standards, as her father would say, you tend to live differently. Annabeth had to admit, there was a part of her that wondered what her father would be like. There were all these what ifs in her mind, but then again she was so used to the way he was that it would be weird. Either way, despite the way he raised his hand to her sometimes, Annabeth still loved him and knew that he meant well.

Upon hearing him speak up, Annabeth tilted her head to the side. If she sounded as if she was complaining about not having fun, well then that wasn't how she meant to go about it. She had fun in her own way, but going out to parties and all that crazy teenager stuff just wasn't fun in her opinion. That was just her, who she was and who she became. There was no flaw in it, Annabeth liked staying at home and reading books or playing her instruments. When Kylin asked what the craziest thing she had ever done was, Annabeth had to stop and think about it. "Uhm." She spoke up softly, chewing on her lower lip as she thought about it. "I've...snuck up onto the roof to look at the stars." She offered, ducking her head so she wouldn't see his reaction. Some people woul think that was really lame, but in her book that was fun, she enjoyed it and something her parents wouldn't really let her do. The stars had always brought her peace, the way they shined brightly, connected to each other to create a story. Though most people she told that to laughed at her and called her dumb. "Why sit on the roof and watch some stupid stars while you can come out and party with me?" The voice of her ex-boyfriend floated through her mind, causing her to shiver just a bit.

Chewing on her lower lip, Annabeth watched as Kylin got up and moved towards the water, listening to him talk and how she should put herself out there. The young female gave a young shake of her head, eyes widening with fear briefly before she looked away, her gaze falling upon a bird that perched itself on a tree. When the other teen sat back down, she looked over at him and listened to him talk about his parents. Her heart ached upon hearing his words, and she knew that despite everything her father put her through, if something happened to her or to them, she would throw her arms around their neck and never let go of them. Not in a million years. Chewing on her lower lip, her gaze met his, noticing that he was watching her and a faint blush crossed her features as she kept her gaze leveled with his. Hesitantly she reached out and placed her hand on top of his, giving him one of the faintest smiles. "Uhm...this may sound weird coming from me but.." She paused briefly. "But I'm sure that your parents were proud of you. You seem like you were a really great person when you were still here." Annabeth gave Kylin's hand a small and soft squeeze before she pulled back and ran it through her hair, clearing her throat a bit and looking away.[/fieldbox]



[fieldbox=Seamus Austin Miller ♛, #008B45, solid]
There was something about this girl before him, that got his heart racing, made him want to hold her close to his body or whatever. He wasn't why but there was just a lure about Bailey one that he couldn't ignore. Her previous words ran through her mind and he felt like he had just walked out on her, especially after she said those very important words to him. He couldn't help it though, he got a terrible feeling that his father was dying but he couldn't yet. His sister was going to be having another baby soon and Seamus knew that she wanted their father to be there. Finally arriving, he was out of breath, and gazing at the doctors as they tried to get him to come back. In the corner stood the figure of another man, looking lost and concerned. "Dad!" Seamus called out to him, running over to the male and throwing his arms around his neck, giving him a tight hug. Tears pricked at his eyes, making them feel hot and wet. This still couldn't be happening, his father was here and he could hug him, but...his father still needed to return to his mother. "What are you doing here?" He questioned, pulling back and gazing at the male who had a smile that could melt anyone's heart and eyes that were warm as chocolate. "I just...I got so tired of fighting. It just got a hold of me." His father admitted and Seamus shook his head.

"Dad, I'm not asking you to keep fighting if you really don't want to. But please, think about mom." He pleaded. Seamus watched as a sad look crossed his father's features, his old man's hand gently touching his cheek. "I've missed you so much." His voice was thick with emotion and that in turn made Seamus's heart ache even more. "Dad, please. Mom needs you, Sarah is pregnant and you wanted to be there for the baby." Seamus begged, watching as his father's lost and confused gaze turned to look towards the bed where his mother was crying tears. Seamus felt his heart break and he looked back at his father with a pleading look.

After trying to convince his father, he managed to shake his dad out of the stupor and he watched as the soul moved back towards the lifeless body and the heart monitor making noise once more. Seamus let out a breath of relief and watched as his mother hugged and kissed him. A small smile crossed the teen's face as he heard his father tell his mother that he heard him. His mother of course started to cry once more, thanking Seamus for keeping their father alive. "No problem mom." Seamus whispered as he flew back off towards his house. When he got there, he saw that Bailey was no longer in her room and so he moved to sit on her bed, planning on what he was going to say to her when she got back. He didn't run out on her because of what she said, but because of his father. Great more opening up to do, then again, Seamus didn't actually find any of it to be a pain like he usually would. There was a part of him that wanted to open up to her, that wanted her to know more about him.[/fieldbox]​


[Fieldbox="Kylin Ryan Simmons, orange, solid, 10, Times New Roman"]
Listening to the girl, Kylin couldn't help but smile. He had to admit, sneaking up to the roof to watch the stars wasn't that adventurous, but just the thought of it made him smile. One of the many things he had done when he was still alive was definitely sneaking up to the roof. In his room there was a balcony which had a small roof next to it that he had learned to climb up to the top and he would sit and watch the stars. That was how he became interested in the stars, though the planets had always been an interest of his. "Actually, I love watching the stars. Especially during the cool summer nights with the wind barely blowing. It feels amazing and the stars are always beautiful." He smiled softly at the girl, noticing that she was getting shy again. She was shy and then she finally opened up a little, but now she was pulling away again. She had been hurt, a lot by the looks of how she was treating the situations. Or maybe she was just shy in general, or maybe it was even a combination of both. Either way, he knew that it was going to take awhile to get her to trust him, not that he would give up.

It was silent between the two, but it wasn't awkward. It was nice and peaceful. Hearing her speak up again, he looked over her and stared at her as she spoke, taking in each and ever one of her words. He had always hoped that he would somehow make his parents proud, though he was so young when he passed away he never thought he did, but just hearing that this girl thought they would be made him beam. He straightened his back slightly and the smile on his face grew even wider as he thought about seeing his parents happy again. The last time he had seen them, they were still grieving from his death and although he knew that eventually they would move from it, or at least learn to stop grieving, he couldn't get that picture out of his mind and he couldn't see his parents being proud of him. They would always be so happy and proud of him as he was growing up, but he had never done anything worth remembering, at least not in his eyes. "I hope so., Even if I didn't make them proud, I just want them to know that I tried. That is what matters the most, right?"

Feeling the young girl take his hand and squeeze it softly, he smiled and couldn't help but squeeze it back. Feeling her pull it back away and run it through her soft brown hair, Kylin felt that something big was going to happen, and that somehow, she was his person and she would one day be very important to him. Feeling her hand on his and then feeling it move away caught his attention, and a sense of de'ja vu came over him, like that was going to be very important. It was like he had her there one minute and then when she left he was left feeling cold and broken, at least that's what he would assume the feeling meant, but for now he had nothing except for excitement in his veins. This girl, whether she knew it or not, was going to be very important to him, and he couldn't wait to see where this took them. "So, not that it is any of my business, but whyy did you stay with this guy? I know that you always listened and you didn't want to disobery your parents, but why didn't you ever just to try it? Or did you dad get angry and become... mean also?"


[Fieldbox="Bailey Hope Grisham, teal, solid, 10, Times New Roman"]
Bailey changed quickly and easily in her room, changing into much more comfortable clothes before she walked back down the stairs to finsihed putting everything away and putting her younger sister to bed. After turning off the light in her sister's room, Bailey walked up the stairs and into her room. She wasn't tired at all, so she had no plans of going to bed. Instead she grabbed her journal, a pen, and a book that she was currently reading. Climbgin up on her bed, she began to write. About the new house, about her lessons, about her family, about Seamus. She wrote about everything until there was nothing else to write about and even then she would search for something else to ease her mind until she could finally turn to her books in peace. Her writing was the one thing she could always turn to, well, aside from her dancing. Her dancing and her writing and her music were the three things in her life that she felt more comfortable in than anything else. It was the part of her that let her be free and let her express herself to something. It was her person, though it wasn't a person. And when she got tired or scared of talking to it and writing about her feelings or when she felt she had wrote too much in it, she could move on to another journal, or another routine, or another intrument. But with people, she could never really escape them.

Bailey was in the middle of her new chapter of the book when she felt someone else in the room. She didn't have to look up to know who it was. She continued reading for a bit before finally sitting up. She sat her book on her bed in front of her though she kept her eyes glued to it. Hey." She kept in simple, not knowing what else to say. She knew that he didn't run off earlier because of what she had said, though part of her wondered what he had thought of what she said. He didn't say anything before he left other than that he needed to go. Bailey was never one to be picky anyway. She would let people walk in and out of her life however they pleased, despite her warning. She knew that deep down she couldn't stop them if they truly didn't want to stay and she had decided long before that she had no use for people who didn't want anything to do with her. She shut her book after marking her spot with a picture of her and her old friend from before they moved. Bailey pulled her legs up to her chest and smiled at the male, not even bothering to bring up before. She didn't want to, knowing that thinking back on her words would only embarrass her more than she already was.

She didn' t really know what to say, so she didn't say anything at all for a while. That is until she finally looked back up at him. "So, you said you had a sister right? Do you see her and your parents and check up on them? Can they hear and see you too or is it just me?" Bailey felt weird, not only just because she could see and hear a ghost that no one else could, but because she was actually befriending a ghost who no one else could hear or see. Her knees that were once pulled up to her chest released as she let them fall and she tucked her legs away under her big, warm comfortor. She patted the seat beside her, not wanting to be rude. Besides, if this guy was part of her imagination or dream or whatever, it wouldn't matter what they talked about or what they did, not that they would do anything anyway. "I'm sorry if I ask a lot of questions. I'm just curious and you interest me."



[fieldbox=Annabeth Stella Grace ❀, #D1BBE0, solid]
The faintest of smiles graced Annabeth's face when Kylin had commented that he too loved watching the stars and she nodded. She had noticed that his room had a balcony and right next to it was a small roof, which made it even easier to get to the roof and gaze at the stars. "Everyone has always told me that star gazing is a really boring thing, but they don't understand. It's fun to listen to the stories, to learn about them and look for the way that they connect one by one. Her eyes lit up as she spoke, moving her hands in tandem and her voice showing just how truly excited she was. "I've never been able to find someone who enjoys just laying on the roof and gazing up at the stars. But, each has a story even the ones that don't form constellations." She said happily, though when she realized how excited she was getting, Annabeth blushed faintly and shrunk back, giving him a sheepish smile. She turned her gaze up towards the sky, remembering when she had asked her ex-boyfriend to look at the stars with her. She was ecstatic when he agreed, though she had quickly learned that he had hidden motives, one that she was reminded most teenage guys had. That night ended up being the last straw in the relationship, and not because she herself broke it off, but they were caught by the principle in a rather compromising position, tears streaming down her face and her ex-boyfriend looking like he was to blame (which he was). The situation caused a scandal for his family and in turn her father pulled back the relations, as well as pulled her from the school, after learning about everything that was going on. That is what led her to believe that her father was trying to change and that he truly did care since he pulled her from the school. A small smile crossed her features at the thought that her father understood her more than she had originally thought.

Upon hearing Kylin claim that he just wanted them to know that he had tried to make them proud, that was what mattered most. She nodded her head as she watched the birds up above fly by, soaring up high, free from everything down below. "Like I said..." She spoke softly, turning her blue eyed gaze towards the older male. "I think that you truly did make your parents proud. I mean...you may think I'm not one to talk since I didn't know you or your parents when you were alive but..." Annabeth trailed off as she shifted her gaze towards the lake. Gracefully she stood up and moved towards the lake before she took her shoes off and stepped into the shallow area, feeling the cool water lap at her feet. "I still don't know if you're a figment of my imagination or if you truly are a ghost...but I just feel calm when I'm around you." She gave a small shrug. "I've never really shared anything about my past, nor do I share how I feel...it's kind of hard for me." Annabeth offered him a sheepish smile. "But I dont know...I just feel safe when I'm around you. You have this calming factor and...well I don't know, I don't mind being near you or letting you into my life." She muttered, gazing down at her feet in the water. She glanced down at the hand that had touched his; she could still feel the small squeeze that he had given back and despite being dead, his hand felt warm and comforting.

"Hm?" The young female questioned when Kylin asked if she ever tried, and she paused for a bit, pursing her lips. "Yeay...multiple times actually." She told him as she look up towards the sky and then back over at the other male, keeping his gaze this time. "I had talked to my father at first and he told me that it was for business relations so I had to stick with it. I ended up just shrugging it off, but my boyfriend became more and more aggresive, you know verbally abusive, sometimes physically abusive." She paused and ran a hand through her hair. "I didn't want anything to do with him after he and another one of his friends got rough so I broke up with him and ran away. My father found out and he got extremely angry...he uhm, he slapped me and told me that I needed to do what was right." She let out a small sigh and shifted her gaze back down towards the ground. "So of course I got back together with him and then one night, he got a little too hands on and the principle ended up finding us, thankfully." Annabeth took a deep breath and closed her eyes briefly. "After that scandal my father broke off relations and moved us here. I can tell that he regrets what he told me, like you said, he cares, he just has a hard time showing it. But I think he truly regrets what he told me...what he put me through...then again it is my fault for not standing my ground, but I have learned my lesson." Annabeth gave another shrug of her shoulders and crouched down so that her fingers were grazing across the water, a sense of calm washing over her.[/fieldbox]



[fieldbox=Seamus Austin Miller ♛, #008B45, solid]
The young teen waited for the other female. Seamus gazed around her room, taking in the little changes and noticing some of the things that had stayed the same. For ten years he was able to hold off people from moving in, ten long years and now here was a family making a home and this time...he didn't feel like shooing them away. He didnt know what it was but there was something about Bailey that wanted her to stay. His heart pounded in his chest, his mouth felt like it was filled with cotton when he was around her and he got butterflies. Well now let me tell you, Seamus had never, not once, believed in love at first sight or even true love but with someone as beautiful as Bailey, his mind was starting to change. Of course it could never work out, he was dead after all. Upon hearing a soft voice, he glanced up, the smallest of smiles crossing his features. It was a real smile, one that reached his eyes and it pulled at the corner of his lips, revealing a bit of his pristine white teeth. This was a smile that most girls would fall in love with, swoon over and die to just see, but Seamus had a feeling that even Bailey wouldn't swoon over this smile. Not that he wanted her to. All he wanted was to get to know her, he found her interesting and he wanted to get to know her a lot better. "Hey." He replied back in a soft voice, a voice that most would say only a guy in love would use around the one that he was in love with. Seamus watched as she put her book down and pulled her legs up, the smile she gave him sent his heart soaring, a blush to cross his cheeks and the teen glanced away.

"Oh uhm...yeay." He said, scratching the back of his head and gazing down at the bed. "I go and visit them. She has two children now and another on the way. They can't see me nor can they hear me, but they can sense my presence and that's more than I could really ask for." Seamus gave a shrug of his shoulders and offered her a small smile. "It's alright...I find you just as interesting." He admitted, turning his gaze away and hoping that she wouldn't see the blush on his face. He cleared his throat and let the silence fall between them as he thought about what to say or if they should just sit in silence. Suddenly the conversation they had previously ran through his mind and he looked over at her. "Sorry about suddenly leaving. I ran into an issue with my father and I had to go see him." He licked his lips. "I swear to you Bailey Grisham...I won't just walk out on you, not like everyone else. I won't walk out on your life." He was silent for a bit. "I promise." Of course he understood that he had just met her but Seamus couldn't help but want to promise her that he wasn't leaving. That he was going to stay and he wasn't one to just randomly walk out. As far as he knew, he was stuck her and if he was going to be stuck here, then he wanted to be stuck with her.

"So...why did you move here if you don't mind me asking?" He questioned as he leaned against the wall and laced his hands behind his head, his gaze keeping on hers. Of course he knew that staring was wrong and it was weird but he couldn't help it. It was like one of those movies where the boy falls head over heels in love with teh girl and he can't help but be entranced. [/fieldbox]​



[Fieldbox="Bailey Hope Grisham, teal, solid, 10, Times New Roman"]
Bailey sat on her bed and listened to the male softly, watching him and listening to his words carefully. When she suddenly heard that he found her interesting also, Bailey was more than surprised. She was never found interesting. She was the girl who sat in the back of the class, wasn't afraid to mouth back, and didn't talk to many people. Sure, she had friends, but nothing crazy. She was more of the type of girl who not ony kept to herself, but even she didn't want to talk or be around her that much. What happened outside of her bedroom door or her home was a whole different story. She wasn't the same girl that everyone thought she was. Her life and her past was a nightmare she had yet to escape. The worse part of it was that the scariest part of her life was her mind. No matter how much she tried, that was the one thing she couldn't ignore.

Growing up with a mother and a step father like Bailey had, she wasn't taught to be proud of herself and love who she was. She was taught that there were expectations and limitations and she had to fight to change her life. Not fight as in she changed something and watched it play out, but she had to actually tear apart each and every problem and tackle them one by one, adn even then she didn't conqure most of her problems. But somehow, through everthing, this girl survived. That was the only thing that her step father had taught her. Her mother on the other hand loved to teach her things. Like don't sit with your legs open in a dress, don't ever wear jeans on a date, and never go out of the house without makeup. Now, some of these lessons Bailey had learned wasn't such bad advice, like sitting poilietly with a dress or skirt on, but other ones, like always wearing makeup, Bailey purposely made sure to break her mother's "rule" just so that she knew that she couldn't control her anymore.

Bailey was pulled out opf her thoughts as she heard Seamus speak up again. She turned her head up and looked at the male, but almost immediatley turned it away again as she heard the next few words out of his moth. Hearing that he would never leave her, Bailey wanted to tell him that he couldn't promise it, no matter how much he wanteed. And when the day came that he would break his promise and he would leave her just like he had promised he wouldn't, she would be okay with it, because at least he is promising to try. Trying and failing is better than not trying and failing. At least she knows that even if he can't, he wants to, at least for the time being. She turned her head back to him after a moment before offering him a spot next to her on the bed beside her. She held her knees against her chest and thought carefully about his next reason. Why did she move there? There were so many asnwers to that one question.

"Well, I have been living with my dad for three years next December. We were really rocky, so I got a job to help support us, but even with my dad and I both working quite a bit, we didn't have enough so I tried selling paintings and everything but that plan didn't work either. Then my dad got a job offer up here and he is paid well, and I think we all needed a fresh start away from the small hellhole that we use to live at." Bailey thought for a moment about what was going through her head before turning to look at him again. "So, you lived here your entire life, right? What are some of the best places to hang our close? I got a quick look around but not a very detailed ones. It's a beautiful city though."



[Fieldbox="Kylin Ryan Simmons, orange, solid, 10, Times New Roman"]
Hearing the female speak up, still unsure as to whether or not he was actually a ghost or just part of her imagination, he couldn't help but laugh. Kyline stared at the girl for a moment before nodding his head. He knew how she felt exaclty. He had a wave of a million different things go over him everytime he was with her, or anytime he heard her voice. It was like a million different emotions taking over him mind and body so that he had no idea what was going on. When he was with her he felt like he was safe and like he was becoming someone again. He felt like he was human again and that he wasn't just some ghost who ndidn't have feelings anmore, but instead he was a person who had a million feelings that he would neverlet go.

He smiled softly before slowly speaking up. "I know how you feel. When I am with you, I have this feeling wash over me and if makes me feel like I am alive again. Like I never died and that I can do everything and anything I want to, and it's all because of you, Annabeth." Kylin smiled softly at the girl and bit his lower lip before turning to look around. He turned his attention beck to her. He watched her as she moved her hnd an looked at it before telling her story. At least she had tried. At least she hadn't just given up and taken it. She told someone and that was more than he would have ever done, whether he liked to believe that or not. He smiled ever so softly at her and slowly stood up. He had grown good at being quiet, and as he walked up behind the girl, he was glad that he was. He didn't want to disturb her.

He watched as she grazed her hand over the water and as the trickle flower throughout the lake, Kylin smiled softly and remembered when he would skip rocks in the same lake and many times he had taken his sister down there to swim, though she always chickened out because it was supposedly too cold. For him, it was the perfect temperature. Kylin lowered himself beside Annabeth and smiled as he looked over at her and slowly found her hand. He took it carefully adn turned his mind back to what he had heard her say before. "Annabeth, I want you to feel safe with me. I am glad that you do and I'm glad that you don't mind letting me into your life, because as far as I know, I don't plan to leave. Not yet anyway. I'm here to stay, and I promise that I am neither your father or your ex boyfriend. I will never hurt you, and remember that if I do, it hurt me a million times more."

Kylin smiled softly at the girl and kissed her hand softly before letting it drop back as he dipped his finger tips into the warm water. The trickle followed where his finger had previously been sitting and he couldn't help but smile as he looked back up and into Annabeth's eyes, having a strange, yet amazing feeling run throughout his mind and soul.


[fieldbox=Annabeth Stella Grace ❀, #D1BBE0, solid][/fieldbox]​
[fieldbox=Annabeth Stella Grace ❀, #D1BBE0, solid]
His words were soft and sweet, something that got her heart racing for whatever the reason. Even if Kylin was a ghost, it's not like she herself could fall in love with one. How does that even work? Besides, she could touch him, feel him, he was rather cold since there was no blood circulating through his veins but even so. Annabeth couldn't help but wonder if maybe it was like one of those movies where someone can see a ghost and it was their goal to get that ghost to move on, they were to put up with them and help the ghost pass over. Chewing on her lower lip, she gazed up at him, listening as he explained that he felt alive again when he was with her. Wasnt that weird? The fact that she had just met this male yesterday and yet he already felt like he was alive with her, and that she felt safe with him. She could feel his eyes bore into hers and she gazed back at him, finding his eyes beautiful. They were like warm chocolate with little flecks of gold here and there and if she would let herself fall in love right then and there, she probably would have, in a heart beat.

The lake was cool on her feet, cold water lapping at her feet and her finger tips gliding carefully against the surface of the water. She didn't notice Kylin, too entranced by the water and too focused on getting her heart rate down. There was no way one could love a ghost, her life was not like those cheesy paranormal movies where the girl falls in love with the ghost and he comes back to life. She knew if anything happened and she actually built a bond and he were to disappear she would be devastated but no one would understand since no one else saw the ghost. Annabeth chewed on her lower lip, hearing as he moved to sit down and she went wide eyed, realizing that she didn't notice that he was by her side. She watched as he carefully took her hand in his, part of her screaming to wrench her hand from his grasp but then again she couldn't bring herself to do so. Annabeth listened to his words, so soft and sweet, filled with a promise that she had always longed for, a promise she never thought would ever leave someone's lips, and a promise that almost seemed too good to be true.

His cool lips pressed to the back of her hand and immediately she could feel her heartbeat pick up speed. Her icy and vivid blue eyes gazed into his warm brown ones and boy if she could get lost, Annabeth would let herself. She watched as he slowly dropped her hand, moving to run his fingers along the smooth surface of the water. It was still weird that she could feel his touch, hear his voice and see his body. but there were just some things that you learned to never question and Annabeth had come to learn that everything happens for a reason, whether it be good or bad. Kylin's voice rang out in her head, repeating those words he spoke to her over and over again. He certainly seemed like a good guy but what if she got too close to him and he just suddenly disappeared from her life? If that happened she would surely be devastated. Why would fate do something like that to her, didn't it know that she had already been through enough...that she just needed someone to listen to her and someone she could listen to? Maybe that's why Kylin was brought into her life, so that he could be just that but if and when fate decided to take him away from her, then what would she do?

Running a hand through her hair, Annabeth let out a soft sigh and stood up. She moved further out to the water till it was up to her shins and over to a work where she sat down, her feet dangling and feeling as the fish swam up and brushed themselves against her legs before quickly disappearing. "What was your family like...if you don't mind me asking? She questioned in a soft voice, shifting her gaze up towards the sky and watching as the sun slowly started to set, the sky turning a different color. How long had she actually been out here...staring at the lake and losing the time that surrounded her. It would probably be best if she headed home soon, but Annabeth couldn't bring herself to leave...not yet.[/fieldbox]



[fieldbox=Seamus Austin Miller ♛, #008B45, solid]
Seamus listened as Bailey talked about herself, why she had moved her and everything. It was nice to actually be able to chat with someone, to have them be able to see you and know that you aren't invisible, that fact alone made Seamus's heart soar, of course he would never admit that out loud. The young male was never really one for truly sharing his feelings, or at least being honest when it came to his feelings and over the course of the years, that was one thing that hadn't changed. He leaned back in his seat, tilting his head to the side as he thought about different places that would be quite interesting. And suddenly it came to his mind. Without saying a word he stood up and motioned for her to follow, leading her down the hall and towards the attic door that was built into the ceiling. "Pull it open." He told her, knowing that he didn't want the father or sister to be frightened or anything. Once she did so he climbed up the ladder and into the attic. Instead of there being tons of stuff, it was almost like another room, one that held books (yes he was a reader), and on another wall there was a map that was tacked up with pins in them. Written across the top in block like childish letters read PLACES I WANT TO GO.

This was his place when he was younger and as he got older. He would always come up here when he needed an escape and thankfully over the years it was left untouched, well except when he did some cleaning. The great thing about this though was that even the people that would offer the house didn't seem to know about this place, it remained hidden, his sanction. Off to the side stood a small telescope facing a window that could open, that's where he would watch the stars. There were found memories of this place, this is where he would run and hide. There were a few bean bags off to the side, and even a thin mattress that rested there, though it was probably filled with bugs and dust mites but sometimes he would sleep here. He flicked a switch on and dim lighting filled the room, lights that moved in and out of the beams, giving it a forest like vibe to it. "This isn't even the best part." Seamus gave her a smile and moved over towards the side, flicking another switch and turning the lights off.

Despite the house's age, there were still some secrets and renovations that his parents contributed to, after all they were pretty well off. "When I needed a break or something or was upset, I would always come up here. He watched as the the ceiling moved back, revealing another hidden window that was stuck into the ceiling (almost like it was a sunroof but it was in the house instead of the car) and immediately the clouds came into view with the setting sun. "This was the best place to come and watch the stars if I didn't want to go outside, or even listen to the rain. I would lay on the mattress and just watch everything." He told her softly, gazing up at the sky with a fond look on his face.[/fieldbox]​


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[Fieldbox="Kylin Ryan Simmons, orange, solid, 10, Times new roman"]
Kylin sat in hsi spot beside the girl and watched her. He knew that she was thinking, mainly because she had an adorable little spot in between her eyes that was scrunched up as she tried to focus. He could tell that he had definitely caught her off guard by kissing her hand, but he hoped that she didn't mind. He definitely wouldn't be trying anything like that anytime soon again though. He wanted her to feel safe and comfortable and if he made her uncomfortable, he would give her as much space as she liked. In all honesty, he didn't know what to think about the girl. He had just met her the day before though already he felt as if she would somehow make a bigger difference in his "life" than he had ever planned. When he was still alive and he was around people all the time, he had learned to tell other peoples emotions and read them fairly easily. This girl was harder to read. He had taught himself to know who was going to stick around and who would leave him and when he looked at this girl his entire mind went blank.

Sure, Kylin had had different crushed and girlfriends before he had died, but he had never looked at them the way that he looked at this girl, though he barely even knew her. All he knew was that there was something about her that made him want to be alive again. He had grown content with the fact that he was dead and no longer would be able to do what he loved and that his life had been taken away from him, but this girl made him crave the feeling of being alive. She made him want to live so that he could live with her and show her off to the world like she deserved to be and so that he could have a second chance. She made him think twice about everything in his life and how he reacted to it. What would life had been like if he had met her before he had died? Would they be friedns? Would he still be dead? Would he have helped her and her helped him?

Kylin was snapped out of his thoughts by the girl standing up and walking further into the water. He watched her for a moment before leaning back and looking up at the sky. It was such a pretty day outside, but they had already spent much of it just here talking, not htat he minded. He knew thought that it was probably about time that they take her home so that her parents don't worry or even get angry. He looked at her and smiled softly. "Do you think that we should head back? I am sure you're starving, and if not, I'm not sure how not! Besides, we don't want your parents to worry. Maybe we can come back here sometime.." Kylin smiled softly at her before jumping up and walking towards the bench to grab jis over shirt that he had taken off at some point of being there, leaving him only in the white t shirt. He slipped the other shirt back on and turned around as he heard Annabeth speack up again.

"My family? They were absolutely amazing. They were supportive through everything. They didn't care if we wanted to be a doctor or a musician, they wanted to support me and my siblings in every way possible. Not to mention that even through the rough times when we really didn't have any or much money at all, they found a way to support us. Our family motto was that we could do anything together. They were some of the best people I have ever met." Kylin sighed and ran his hand through his hair before walking back over to the girl. "They are still amazing people. My parents, and even my siblings. Are you ready to go?"



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[Fieldbox="Bailey Hope Grisham, teal, solid, 10, Times new roman"]
Bailey stayed quite for a few minutes, thinkiing to herself about how crazy this all was. She was convinced that she was razy, though even if she was there was nothing that she could do about it, and if he really was a ghost and not some pervy teenager, the only thing she could do was leave and that was not going to happen. They put a lot of their money into this place and if anyone thought that she would just pack up and move again, they were crazy. This was her second chance and her chance to start over. Bailey suddenly felt a strange aching feeling in her side. Her hand moved over to grip it and she felt a familiar scar that she had hidden from the world for year after year. The thought of it made Bailey instantly uncomfortable, making her pull herself closer together than before.Glancing up as Seamus stood, she cocked her head to the side in confusment, but folllowed him anyway. She followed him down the stairs and down the hallway. When he stopped and told her to open it, she was confused, but once she looked up, she suddenly saw a door that she was sure she had never seen before.

Bewildered, she pulled down on the lever and let it fall down then watched at the boy didn't hesitate to go up the steps and climb into the hidden attic. Bailey was a bit more hesitant but she didn't wait too long to follow him, knowing that he would probably just come down after her and drag her up. She climbed the steps and stood up in the attic, which definitely looked more like another room. She first saw the books which instantly interested her, not that she loved to read, but not that she hated it. It was just a hobbie of hers that she had suddenly fallen in love with. She smiled as he hand brushed over the cover of one fo them before she glanced over her shoulder to see the male again. Interested in what he was doing, she left the stacks and boxes of books to walk towards the male where she saw a map with pins in it. It read at the top, PLACES I WANT TO GO. She smiled softly at the male, staring at his eyes for a moment before looking back at it. She looked at a few different places and recognized them. Believe it or not, Bailey had her own list. She pulled out a few folded up pieces of paper and opened them up. At the top, it read, PLACES I WANT TO GO in childrens crayon handwriting. She chuckled slightly and tucked it away.

"|I wrote these when I was younger. Now, up in my closet, I ahve a huge map that looks kind of like this one. I didn't know that you liked to travel... Or read.. You seem to keep surprising me every time that I turn around. What else do you have hidden that I don't know about?" She chucled slightly and watched as he resonded and moved over to the side and flicked the lights off. At first, the girl was convinced that she was going to die, but after a solid few seconds, she made her way over to the male again and watched as he opened up a secret window. Her smile widened more than it had in a long time and she moved beind him and around him so that she could look up at the night sky. She smiled widely and shook her head, both equall surprised and happy. "It is beautiful." She looked over at him and noticed three things: He was looking up at teh stars athrough the window like he had never been hapier in his life, he was more than just the bad boy, and she was standing very, very, very close to him.



[fieldbox=Annabeth Stella Grace, #D1BBE0, solid]The silence was comfortable, something that Annabeth was in love with...silence. It was something that had bugged a lot of people when she was younger, they hated the silence, how she kept quiet when they wanted her to speak up, or how she said nothing in times of importance. She was what most people called a wallflower, she observed and just because she didn't speak up that much didn't mean she didn't have a lot to say, nor did it mean that she was oblivious to what went on around her. She just didn't think that constantly talking about what she felt or thought was necessary. Turning her gaze up towards the sky she watched as birds flew by and the clouds moved slowly across the sky. For a second she wondered hat it would be like if she too could fly away, fly away from everything that was holding her down, the stress and the troubles. Honestly she didn't want to leave and though she knew it was rude, Annabeth didn't reply. That was something people got used to and sick of, when they would ask a question and she wouldn't reply. It was either because she was too lost in thought or they knew she didn't want to answer so they gave up.

Upon hearing him speak again she looked over towards him as he described his family and she smiled faintly. "They sound absolutely amazing." She said faintly with a small smile. This time when he asked if she was ready to go she had acknowledged his question. "Yes, my father will probably get angry if I do not show up soon." With that she carefully slid off the rock and back into the water, slowly making her way over towards Kylin as she ran a hand through her hair. "Thank you for introducing me to this place, it truly is amazing." She told him as she made her way over towards the bench and put her shoes back on. For once in her life, even if Kylin was a ghost, she felt as if she could trust someone, she didn't have to worry or be afraid of those that would hurt her. Annabeth could finally relax and for as long as she could remember that was all she was ever really looking for; comfort. He radiated off this warmth that she had never felt in her life even when she was under the sun gardening of just letting the sun warm her up. She finally felt safe as if no one was going to hurt her, but of course she was still a little guarded, but slowly those walls that she constantly put up around her were starting to crumble.

The walk home was pleasant and for once she wasn't afraid of facing her father, though she also knew that she was going to be showing up on time. Talking to Kylin had also gotten her to realize that her father truly was trying to change. Though he had his moments of outbursts there were times when she saw him trying to control it. Annabeth's mind wandered back to the time she had accidentally dropped a plate, one her father had taken a very strong liking to, and instead of yelling at her right away like he usually would have, he took a second to calm down. She saw it in his face, the way he was about to yell but instead he took a deep breath and told her that it was okay and accidents had happened. This was the day before she was moving and packing everything up. At first she thought he wasn't feeling well but when they were in the car and he actually tried to get to know her showed her that she was wrong. Just the small thought of her father trying to change made her happy.

Before she knew it, she found herself back at home and Annabeth turned to gaze at Kylin, giving him a warm smile. She hoped that was all it would show him that what he showed her today was the best thing and she was truly grateful. She didn't want to speak to him while they were on the front steps of her porch for fear that her mother or father would open the door and think she was suddenly grazing. Carefully reaching out, Annabeth took his hand and gave a gentle squeeze before she turned and walked inside, greeting her mother who seemed pleased that she was back and she got out of the house.[/fieldbox]



[fieldbox=Seamus Austin Miller, #008B45, solid]
Seamus was always a complicated guy during his time on earth, at least that's what a few of his ex-girlfriends and one of his closest friends had claimed. They claimed him to be extremely confusing. One minute he was sweet and kind, the next he was angry and ready to rip someone's head off. What most didn't understand that Seamus truly wasn't a bad guy, he was sweet and caring, ready to protect others if needs be. Other than being a traveler, Seamus wanted to become a police officer or a fire fighter, something in order to help those that couldn't help themselves, protect those that needed protection. He never got to see that dream. He never got to see any of his dreams actually. He wanted to watch his little sister grow up, see her get married, have children of her own. And he wanted to see it in person, not his stupid ghostly form. Her children were beautiful, he had to admit that, absolutely great looking and one of the best things, one of them was named after him. Just that thought made him smile.

He chuckled a bit when Bailey pulled out something similar to the map that he had hanging up and he looked it over. "I'm a very surprising person." He joked as he thought about it. "Well that my dear will have to be another surprise." He added. From the time he was little, Seamus loved to read, he wasn't very good at it but it was something that helped calm him down when he was upset, not only that but his little hideout in general, it made him happy. He gazed over at Bailey as she looked up at the stars and out the window. His family was well off and it took some convincing to get his father to build this. Seamus remembered that he had even offered to chip in and that year he took up little jobs that a seven year old could do. Mow the lawn, water flowers, babysit some cats or dogs or whatever. Finally he had worked hard to earn something that he really wanted. "You should see it when he rains." He muttered softly, turning to look at her and realizing how close they were. If he just bent down just a bit and tilted his head he could kiss her. But that was a crazy notion, they had just met and he was pretty sure she would smack him if he did such a thing.

Though Seamus couldn't deny these weird and warm feelings that were starting to stir within him and he felt a blush rise to his cheeks. Clearing his throat he stepped away a bit and looked back up. "It's even better when it rains. You can hear the sound hitting the glass and it's almost like being outside in the rain but you're in here watching it. It's mesmerizing." He explained gently as he turned to give Bailey a soft smile.[/fieldbox]



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[Fieldbox="Kylin Ryan Simmons, orange, solid, 10, Times new roman"][/Fieldbox][Fieldbox="Kylin Ryan Simmons, orange, solid, 10, Times new roman"]
Kylin had loved coming to this place all throughout his childhood. No matter what, this was where he came, through the storm, the rain, the snow, and the sun. If he needed to clear his mind or he needed just a simple break to have fun and enjoy life, this is where he came, and he was more than happy that he had decided to share the beauty of the place with the new girl he had met. She was still so interesting to him, everything about her was interesting. The way she was always so quite and shy, but she seemed to have so much to say. It was just like she didn't know how to form the words, not that he minded. He liked the silence, as doubtful as that may seem. He loved talking and having fun and getting others out of their shells, but he also enjoyed the silence. It gave him time to think about everything and nothing at all. It was the only time when his mind was the only thing that was speaking, and it was only to hime. It was his own secret conversation where he chose every word and every decision, like he had power over the entire world.

After she was ready, Kylin lead the way back down the confusing trail and showed her the way back to the sidewalk. They walked in silence on the way back, not that Kylin minded. He knew that it would look strange to her new neighbors and her parents caught her talking to someoone that no one else could see. That was one of the complicated aspects of this. How would they even begin to become friends when the only time they could communicate would be in silence. Like said before, Kylin loved the silence and he could tell that Annabeth enjoyed it too, but Kylin didn't enjoy staying in sielnce. He never had.

When they got to the end of the sidewalk and he turned to walk up the familiar driveway where he had lived for many years, he stopped to talk to Annabeth one last time before he left for the evening, at least for a little bit. "I'm glad that I showed you my place. I think you will enjoy going there, and I'm glad that I met you. I can't promise that I will just dissappear, but I can tell you that I will try not to bother your family. I understand that you live here now, so just be careful on the top step. It is loose and if you step on it wrong you will fall through. We never got around to finishing it. Have a nice evening." He chuckled a little as she squeezed his hand before wat



Outfit:[spoili]View attachment 101870 [/spoili]

[Fieldbox="Bailey Hope Grisham, teal, solid, 10, Times new roman"]
Bailey watched as the stars seemed to shine brighter by the minute. When she heard Seamus clear his throat and step back, she too stepped back a little and then turned to look around the rest of the room. She smiled softly as she heard him talk about how it was when it rained and she could almost imagin it in her mind. She looked back up through the window and heard a small knock on the glass, and then another until she looked back at Seamus and smiled a little. "I think that I'm about to find out how pretty this looks when it is raining,"she said as she heard the rain begin to pick up. It wasn't suppose to be a rainy night, but Bailey didn't mind at all. She loved the rain and the storm and the days staying in, drinking hot chocolate and watching movies under a blanket, especially when it was night time and it helped her sleep.[/Fieldbox]
[Fieldbox="Bailey Hope Grisham, teal, solid, 10, Times new roman"]

She watched for a few minutes as the water poured down and she understood what he meant when he said that it was beautiful, as if they were in the rain and they could see it but they didn't feel it. She closed her eyes and lsitened to it, smiling softly as her body and mind relaxed. That is until she heard her father's voice from down the stairs. "Bailey, are you up there? What is up there? I didn't even think we could get up there, it wouldn't open for me. Why don't you come down until I know it is steady. I don't want it breaking out from under you." Bailey opened her eyes slowly and turned to look at Seamus. She gave him a sad smile and then softly told her dad she would be down shortly before turning away from the male and walking back over to the ladder. She climbed down and answered her dads questions, telling him that she thought it was better left alone. He agreed and walked back to his room to head back to bed, Bailey doing the same. She stopped by the kitchen and got a quick glass of water before slowly making her way back to her room.

The upstairs attic was beyond beautiful. It was like a little, personal room just for Seamus. It was like it was made just for him and it descrbed everything about him, even the things that he didn't want others to know. He liked to read and he was a quiet person. The window let him see the world from a whole new point of view, a view that no one else had seen it from except for her. He was different than what Bailey had thought he was. He wasn't anything like she imagined, he was actually quite the opposite and if this was Seamus, she would most definitaly want to get to know him better. It was just hard to believe that there was a whole new place only right above her.

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