Tea Time - Post Format, Banners, and More



Original poster



Introduction --|-- Orders and Pickup --|-- Tutorials --|-- Reserved

Welcome Sir, Mademoiselle to my shop, Tea Time Creations. I specialize in banner making and post formatting. There is no cost to you but I would love to receive some ratings for what I do. I would also love to have art drawn of my Original Characters, any of them is fine with me. At some point in time I may do a tutorial for those who are willing to learn the use of BBCode. Making nice looking post formats and banners are my passion so please feel free to request what you will of me. All I ask is that you fill out the form below to the best of your abilities. Also note that I am a living, breathing human being. I will not be able to finish your format or banner within two seconds of you posting a request, I may not get to it in a day. Please do not bug me to finish your request or I will dispose of it. I have Samples of what I have done. DO NOT take those please, I will report you if I find you with my codes. You can tell me what you like in there so I know what to make for you but I've worked really hard on making those, please respect me.
Post Format
[ Picture(s) ] (Supply, if you have them, pictures you want me to use or tell me what you want me to find here)
[ Location] (Where do you want me to put the picture? Top, Left, Right? )
[ Colors ] ( What colors do you want me to use? For color Palettes I use BigHugeLabs.)
[ References ] (What post styles do you like of mine that you want me to use?)
Banner / Avatars
[ Picture(s) ] (Supply, if you have them, pictures you want me to use or tell me what you want me to find here)
[ Size] (What size do you want the banner/Avatar? )
[ Colors ] ( What colors do you want me to use if any at all? For color Palettes I use BigHugeLabs.)
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Introduction --|-- Orders and Pickup --|-- Tutorials --|-- Reserved





Introduction --|-- Orders and Pickup --|-- Tutorials --|-- Reserved





Introduction --|-- Orders and Pickup --|-- Tutorials --|-- Reserved


Hi, can I make a couple of requests? I've got quite a few that I'd like banners for... I'll just provide the info and if it's not alright then I guess no worries :)

Uh... Idk what size I just want it to fit an advertisement on here...
Um... I kinda just want this picture above with "Totally Spies OC RP" in a black script...
2) I don't have a picture in mind, I just wanted a banner for my partner request thread... something bright and eye catching. It's got a couple of fandom requests in it for Heroes Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan etc... I that helps any.
3) I don't have a picture for this one in mind either but maybe something like this:
Only just to fit the banner size required to advertise on here. No words necessary with this one.
4) this pic (the sand is important and the sky is not as important but I'd like some of it in there) with the words "Alexander: The District of Myth"
5) One with the four house crests of Hogwarts with "The Founders" in some kind of scrawl over it
6) A masquerade mask with "Welcome to the Masquerade" on the banner somewhere.
I hope all of this is ok. Even if you can only do one that's fine too! Thanks for your time!
@Tisiphone; Slave 2 Beauty

Would you please use the code so it can be organized.

[ Picture(s) ] (Supply, if you have them, pictures you want me to use or tell me what you want me to find here)
[ Size] (What size do you want the banner/Avatar? )
[ Colors ] ( What colors do you want me to use if any at all? For color Palettes I use BigHugeLabs.)