Tales of Ice and Vine RP

  • Thread starter The Wandering Magus
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Thalia gave a short, slightly uncomfortable laugh at Leita's last few statements.
"Why, thank you." she said. "I suppose I am just out of practice. They are not tested often." she added, with the irritation from her eyes tainting her voice as well. After all, who was the other to comment on how she handled her vows and bindings?

While she waited for a reply, the kelpie reviewed what had occurred and what was said. She was interested in what the dog had said: two that smell of water. Implying that the female that Thalia was conversing with was also of water. That interested her, as she tried to identify Leita's species. However, she was lacking in knowledge of Leita's breed, considering that selkies were not found where kelpies reside.
Fay was positively surprised to see Alfonso and greeted him with a grin. Nyx gave him one of those black dogs she had given to Baba Yaga too, and Alfonso apologized for his grandmother. "It's okay really. It was mainly my fault after all. But if you're really that sorry mind helping us with the tiny quest your grandmother gave us?" the smile in her eyes made it clear that she was partly joking, but she certainly wouldn't have minded the boy coming with them.
Alfonso grinned slightly at the comment. "Perhaps a little adventure would be nice."
Nyx inclined her head again.

"Do not apologize for something you had no fault in." She murmured quietly. Amusement flickered through her red eyes as she turned the towards Fay than back to Alfonso. "We can start tomorrow, the forest grows dark." She gestured at the setting sun. "We should find a place to rest, easy to protect." She pointed out.

[[Sorry, ya'll got lost for a bit there.]]
"Perchance you all would be willing to stay a night in my garden as guests?" asked Alfonso.
Leita smiled, heedless of the kelpie's growing displeasure. "No?" she asked, and her brown eyes lingered a moment before she looked away. "You are fortunate."

As to the mystery of her nature, the selkie seemed disinclined to volunteer information. Even if she did, it might be in the form of more riddles.
Fay grinned to his almost acceptance." Sure, it's getting late to find another place anyways. Or at least if your garden doesn't mean your grandmothers, if she's just about to get hungry again."
Nyx's lips flashed up into a smile.

"Would it be a bother, we wouldn't want to disturb your family." She didn't want anyone freaking out about a black dog being in their home Red eyes glanced around the wooded area. She supposed she could always just camp out, she'd done it before, and let Alfonoso take Fay with him, that way the girl would be safer.
"I live alone, milady Nyx, save for some woodland animals I call my friends," bowed the half-fey. "It is but a short way from here, if one knows the hidden paths of the Enchanted Woods, and well protected between the Woods and the Hedge. It is my hearth and home, and you all would be welcome to stay as guests in my home if you wish. I will provide food and shelter both, as a host must."
Fay was relieved to to hear Alfonso lived alone, except someof animals. Fay bowed at Alfonso. "Lead the way, we'll gladly aceept your offer."
Thalia nodded in agreement to the selkie's statement. As the night approached, Thalia thought it best to depart.
"Thank you for the entertaining conversation, but I best be going now," she said as she looked to the changing sky.
Nyx smiled and inclined her head as she agreed with Fay's statement.

"We offer our gratitude." She had to repress a cringe. She didn't like to give out thanks to often much, most in feary would take shameless advantage of such words. She was friends with one such creature. She grinned wryly as she though of the wolf who liked to show up unannounced. He was a big brute. Preferring his true form to the humanesque for she knew he had.
Alfonso grinned. "Then come! It is not far."

He turned and began walking along the green of the forest just beside the road, the vines and bushes opening for him and the grass parting way to form a path that was not there before. It may have been midsummer's moonlight, or perhaps a mere illusion, but it seemed that the trees which lined this path were gates between worlds, and what should have been thousands of miles were compressed to but a single step.

Soft flowers bloomed beneath the half-fey's bare feet as he walked and hummed a homely tune, and little moths fluttered about him; it seemed almost that he glowed with a green light, and his eyes danced like will-o'-the-wisps as he led the way through the Enchanted Woods.
Leita nodded to Thalia. "May you find stars bright and waters deep," she murmured, and it seemed that was her farewell, for with that she made her way off through the trees. She would go some distance yet before she stopped for the night, for there was a restlessness to her feet that made them ill-inclined to wait. Her conversation with the kelpie may have provided a diversion, but now that it was over, there was little to restrain her... and so she traveled until those stars came overhead to light her way.
Fay was astonished to see plants moving. She followed Alfonso eyes open wide to see everything possible. She hadn't spent that much time in the land of the fae yet, and was still easily overwhelmed by things she couldn't even imagine while living in the world of the mortals with her father. Her eyes almost popped out as she revered the flowers and moths. Fay bursted into laughter as one of them almost landed on her nose. She was absolutely delighted that Alfonso had invited the two of them to stay at his home, and that she had the chance to see this.
As if in a dream, they come upon a grove of plants between the Enchanted Woods and an enormous Hedge, taller than the sky and wider than the world. Enormous thorns were within it and all about it, moving and shifting, the defense of Faerie, the border between Elfhame and the Mortal Realms.

Between these mighty forces, however, lay a quaint garden of flowers and fruits and vegetables, and birds made their nests in the trees, and the small animals of the forest lived beneath the shadows of the climbing plants. It was surrounded by roses and lemons, but the vines and branches opened into a doorway for Alfonso of the Green Thumb and his new guests.

Squirrels and sparrows came bearing fresh bowls of salad and fruit, and there was a crackling fire of old, fallen wood and branches in a hearth. Above this Alfonso placed a bronze pot of soup, potatoes and carrots and peas and other tasty things. Bread there was as well, and cheese.

A table was set for the guests, with chairs for each. Alfonso smiled and beckoned for the others to sit down and make themselves comfortable.
Fay curiously looked around. She was amazed by the amount of flowers and different animals, but her hunger soon overcame that. She secretly crabbed herself bits and pieces of the salad while waiting for the soup to finish. She hadn't eaten anything since morning, and even though most the time went by in Baba Yagas house, she was still starving. She sat down as Alfonso beckoned to them. Delicious smell from the bronze pot was drifting in the air. Fay stomach grumbled a bit, and she hoped no-one else noticed. "Mind if I start already?" she grabbed a piece of bread to calm her stomach before waiting for an answer. Instead f calming it down, t seemed t make her even more hungrier, as her stomach growled again, this time so loudly it could be heard on the other side of the garden. Fay blushed and mumbled an apology as she continued o eat an another piece of bread, with cheese on it.
"Eat when you please, my friend!" smiled the lad to Fey. "You are all guests here in my house. For form's sake:"

He sat down at the head of the small living table and raised his hands over the salad in a sign of blessing, then ate a bit, chewed, swallowed and smiled. "Now, please, feel free to enjoy! The soup and bread and pies should be done quickly."
Nyx sat as the Green thumb beckoned. Her eyebrow rose as she noticed the lack of meat. She however, didn't comment as she watched small critters run around in her peripheral vision. She could take a guess as to why perhaps there wasn't. She nibbled at a piece of fruit while the carnivore inside her grumbled. She wouldn't look down upon a meal however.

"Do you grow these or collect them?" She asked mainly to break the silence she had started. She popped a grape between red lips as red eyes watched Alfonso and tried not to notice one of the rabbits near the edge of the garden.
"I grow them, milady Nyx," smiled the lad as he ladled soup into wooden bowls and gave them to his guests. "My woodland friends assist me when they wish, as they can, and in return I give them all the food they desire, and shelter as well."

He opened an oven and withdrew some pies, placing them gently onto the table along with more bread and rounds of cheese.

"Should any of you desire wine, I have some of that as well, although perhaps no rival to that served at our Queen's table. There is a stream of clear water which runs through my home, which you all may use freely, and the animals and I have a place at the far edge of the grounds for other needs, with leaves for privacy. There are several rooms being prepared, and quilts of cotton on cotton mattresses, clean and ready for you. Fairy-light will light your way. Clothes shall be washed and cleaned if you wish as well. Take your rest. So long as you stay within my home, you will be guests according to the ancient laws of Hospitality."
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