Tales Of Detective's (closed)

As a general rule Ryder didn't tolerate lateness when a Detective was called in no matter the circumstance. When Devin came in looking like he had a rough night Ryder decided to let him off the hook this time. Besides Devin would apologize and Ryder would talk to him about responsibility and all that. It was more trouble than it was worth at the moment. Mainly because there were bigger concerns facing the SVU in dealing with this case, and it came in the form of a name from Birch and Palmer. Ryder saw the name of the victim and he recognized the last name right away from his dealing with City Hall. He let out an exhale and blinked twice as he shook his head once. In the SVU that was the equivalent of Ryder yelling, "Oh shit!" Ryder

He walked over to the dry erase board and looked at the pictures that Belle had hung up. Ryder studied each one for about twenty seconds and walked away from them. Once he walked away from them that was the non-verbal cue that Ryder was prepared to get things started. Ryder called down to the morgue and once he heard someone answer he said, "This is Captain Ryder of the SVU you're on video conference, and I'm prepared to address the SVU concerning the teenage girls who were brought in this evening. Three ground rules for this investigation." He activated the SKYPE program and saw Dr. Hwang and Ravi were there.

Ryder walked over to the computer on a nearby cart and punched in a name. Once he had the result he was looking for Ryder posted a picture on the large flat-screen. It was a woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties with straight blonde hair in a green pants suit. She was standing behind a podium full of microphones and was pointing to something. Ryder turned back to the Detectives and said in aver even tone, "Some of you all may recognize the woman in this picture. Her name is Pauline Willis and she is the Mayor's Press Secretary. She is the mother of Maureen Willis who was found by Palmer and Birch this evening. The Mayor is also the Godfather of Maureen Willis which means that City Hall will be trying to get information about this case." Ryder cut off the picture and said, "Once the names are released and the circumstances are known they will be calling you. First rule you are not to give them any information about the case that includes you as well Forensics to anyone from City Hall. If they call tell them, you are not allowed to comment on an on-going investigation. If they press you on it refer them to me and I will deal with them. I'm used to dealing with City Hall I know the games they will try to play." Ryder looked around the room and said, "This case is going to be difficult enough we don't need anyone outside the circle getting involved. No contact with City Hall I will deal with them. If something comes up where you may have to contact them call me first and I will decide on that situation."

Once Ryder was certain that information had sunk in he continued, "Second ground rule nothing to the press. If they contact you refer them onto Benny in Media Relations. Again this case is going to be difficult enough the media will not be our ally in this case." There were times that Ryder would tell the Detectives on some cases that they could leak certain things to the press if called, and in those cases they were a help. Ryder's gut told him that this guy was smarter than just some pedophile stalking kids in the park or school yards, so he would be using the media anyway he could. "If you have friendships with anyone in the media they are put on hold for the duration of this case."

Just as Ryder was about to state the last rule a tall African American Gentleman who was bald and well-dressed stood in the doorway. Ryder didn't even look over as he said in the same even toned voice, "Commissioner on deck." As the Detectives started to stand up Commissioner Roland said, "As you were Detectives." Rolland turned to Ryder and said, "I would like to speak with you Captain once you are done talking to the Detectives." Ryder looked over to the Commissioner and said, "Of course sir. If you could please wait in my office." Roland nodded twice and walked away.

Ryder waited until all eyes were back on him and he said, "Last rule no contacting the D-A without my permission. Our D-A is young and has potential but when it comes to the political sharks at City Hall he's a novice, so we need to deal with him cautiously. If I think it warrants his involvement I will make the call on your behalf. I am not above using my political muscle in this case, but I won't abuse it."

Looking down at the table for a moment Ryder did one of the things he hated doing the most, but was necessary in cases like this. He had to explain the consequences for breaking the rules. It was only in the most dire of situations he did this, and as rule he didn't need to because he trusted his Detectives to act like professionals. In this case though he needed to lay all his cards on the table. He looked each of them and said in the same even tone, "Anyone who breaks any of these rules I will bury them and their partner even if they had nothing to do with it. The only way we get through this case is by working together and keeping each other in the loop." Ryder walked over to the computer and brought up a file icon entitled: CASE #2481. He said, "Anything about this case is to be kept in this file. No secrets and no playing hero. If a rule is broken and I don't find out who it is within 24 hours, I will bury all of you including the Forensics Team. If you don't think you can follow these rules, I will be accepting resignations for the next hour. After that you're in this case until endgame." When Ryder said that someone was going to be buried it meant one thing; the end of that person's career in law enforcement anywhere east of the Mississippi. He only ever did it twice and he didn't enjoy it but they left him no choice.

Ryder knew he had made his points about the rules and it was now time to get down to the nuts and bolts of the case. He said, "I will contact dispatch to have a couple of uniforms to bring the families down to morgue to ID the bodies. They won't be told anything in their homes. Their homes are going to be a sanctuary over the coming days and weeks we will not destroy that. I want you all to meet the families there and then bring them into bull pen and interview them as a group. Pay attention to not only what they say but how they answer your questions."

Ryder looked at the Detectives and said, "Three of you to Forensics find out what you can, because I am sure the families will have a lot of questions and we should try to answer what we can. The rest of you go over the Sex Offenders Database cross reference the locations of our victims, with addresses of known Sex Offenders, and those who have been paroled within the last two years and no earlier than six months ago see what you can come up with. The families will be here in about an hour and a half. That should give us some time to come up with some foundational answers. If you have other leads or theories, they can wait until after the families are informed. I know that most of you had already left for the evening or have been here since 9am, so with that in mind I don't want anyone here past 1am. Go home and get at least six hours rest once you're done or it hits 1am. Once you leave I don't want you back in here until 8am at the earliest. Dr. Hwang I know you're a month away from your due date so get your rest whenever you need it."

Giving a nod Ryder said, "Go to it."

Ryder quickly disconnected the call to Forensics, and then called Dispatch to have them pick up the parents of the victims. He didn't give them any details about the case other than the names and locations. He told them to tell their families where their daughters had been found and they needed to come with them to the station. Ryder knew that the parents would surmise what had happened, but he didn't feel that hearing the details from a uniformed officer was what needed to happen at the moment.

Once he finished his call to dispatch Ryder went back to his office and found Commissioner Roland sitting in a visitor's chair. Ryder closed the door and said, "Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long Commissioner."

Roland stuck his hand out and the two men shook hands. Roland replied, "It's just us for the moment Jess I think you can lose the title for a moment."

Ryder nodded and said, "Fair enough Ben. What can I do for you?"

Roland motioned to the door and replied, "Let's take a walk for a moment Jess."

The two men left the Squad Room.
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Mood: Pensive, Deep down sad and angry, Outside happy and easy going
Interactions: Rhiannon (@MST3K 4ever)
Mentions: Ryder, Rhiannon

Birch was actually talking about the game. He knew that his partner was into sports and was wondering if her team was winning. But this was what one got when constantly making jokes. Though he'd never joked about the dead before. He shrugged it off and walked back to the body, listening to Rhiannon as she pointed out a few things. Nodding, he knelt down and noticed something in her mouth. Putting some new gloves on, he reached over and very carefully pulled it out. Dog tags; they were dog tags. "Rhiannon, look at this," it was strange; it was a clear message of some sort but what? Perhaps the dog tags pointed to the military. Had this girl come from one of the bases? How did forensics miss this?
He waved over one of the forensic technicians, who held open a bag for Birch. He slipped the tags inside the bag, hoping that this might be their break. Maybe they would find prints on the tags or chain that they were on.

He nodded at his partner before getting to his feet. Looking at the body as they corners took it away, he felt a pang of sorrow but more anger than anything else. How could someone do that to another person or any creature? He could go through the psychology of it all but honestly it would lead him to the same damn thing. He knew people were sick, trying to reason with an unreasonable person would be as easy as nailing jelly to a tree. Climbing into his car (after taking the gloves off), he pulled out his hand sanitizer and squeezed some onto his hands. Shutting the door, he took off for the office.

It took him longer than usual to gt back, being stuck in traffic never spelled well for people trying to get to work. He'd finished his coffee already, cursing himself for polishing it off so fast. He made it into the conference room a couple minutes late, but it looked like he'd made it there on time. Listening to what Ryder was saying, the back of his mind was whirling with comments that he very wisely kept to himself. Wasn't all of this common knowledge? Don't blether about cases to people, not to the media, not to the city. How many people really needed this to be repeated to them? He knew that Ryder had to say it, and tell them what would happen if anyone pulled a stupid.

'Pay attention to how they answer questions.' This was not new to Birch, he had gone to school to become a Criminal Profiler, but landed this job instead. He didn't like thinking about it; it'd been a dream that had been squashed. But he was actually happy with the detective job; he did it well. He knew the human mind very well; when someone was lying, when someone was nervous though they put on a strong front, small things typically people didn't know to look for. It's why they called him 'Psych'. Checking the data bases; got it. He got to his feet when everyone else did and headed out to his desk, intent on doing his job well.

Taking a seat at his desk, he turned his computer on and got to work. His mind however was stuck on those dog tags; they meant something. He had heard through the grape vine that there were other bodies found with them. A signature; this must have been what the killer was using to say that it was him or her, not just the death by bludgeoning. They meant something important to him or her, the trick was finding what it meant. They didn't even know yet if this was more than one person.
His desk was littered with papers and a few pictures of his daughters along the walls. Out of most of the detectives, his desk was pretty messy looking but things were in place where they needed to be. He called it 'organized chaos'. He always got his work done and it was always on time. Normally he went to the break room to get a cup of coffee before getting to work, but he wanted to find possible targets. He had an idea but kept it on the back burners of his mind until he was sure what they meant.​