ต( ິᵒ̴̶̷̤́ᆺ⃘ᵒ̴̶̷̤̀ )ິต

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Well, Hi.
This site seems so awesome. Believe me, I'm not new to the whole role playing thing though.
I hope I'll be pretty adaptive to this one since I've been looking for a forum based roleplay site like this. And, guess what! I found it!
So, yeah. Maybe I'll meet you guys in a roleplay!
See you another time then.
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The layout here is a breath of fresh, easy-to-access air compared to many other forums. Anyway, welcome to Iwaku, and take a cookie.
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Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here with us, and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. :)​
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Welcome to Iwaku, I hope u enjoy your stay, and sorry about such a late post. ive been gone for a while, but i like to post on new arrivals if im not in mid rp. so, here i am ^_^ if you ever have any questions or would like to just chat, please feel free to message me anytime!

and the user interface here is awesome, its full of different things to explore and its easy to learn. normally id offer up an rp but is Mod Fan isnt ur thing, we probably wont do too well as partners. but there are plenty of open rps and requests, so you will most definitely find what youre looking for. a good place to start is the OnexOne Partner Requests
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