Swords and Flowers

Thankful she went into the bath, Stijn relaxed in the chair, watching both doors for anyone. If anyone who wasn't her walked in, he would have to ask them exactly what they wanted and if it was safe with them seeing her. Deciding that only her family could see her alone, he crossed his arms over his chest, sighing softly.
She soon came out of the bath feeling much better and in a different gown. She put her dirty gown in the linens basket and smiled. 'Hope you're not too bored." She said moving to her desk by the window and sitting.
"Not at all," he said, smiling at her. Unfolding his arms, he straightens in his chair, resting his hands upon his knees as he looked at her. "I trust your bath was good, Kieara?"
"Indeed it was, very relaxing." she said and pulled out a scroll and a quill. she loved to write. She smiled as she began to write down some things.
"Might I ask what you are writing, Kieara?" Stijn asks, purely out of curiosity. "That is, if you are comfortable with telling me." He didn't want to encroach upon her privacy, and would back off if she wanted to. He did, however, want to know more about her, especially if he was going to be guarding her for long periods of time.
"Music." she said with a smile. "I write other things too though." She told him with a smile turning in her chair. "Do you play?"
"...Piano," answered Stijn after a moment of thought, giving her an embarrassed grin. He had been taught as a child, and while he hadn't practiced in many years, he still remembered a couple things.
"I love piano. Never could learn to play it though. I play violin." She said to him with a soft blush of her own.
Stijn nodded as his charge said that she played violin. "They'd tried to teach me to play violin as well, but I couldn't focus on two things at once..." Smiling, he looking back down at his hands, the grin fading after a while.
she seemed to notice him distance himself from her and spoke. "are you ok?"
Looking up, startled, Stijn said, "Of course, Kieara. If I wasn't okay, why would His Highness have hired me?"
"No sweetie you misunderstood." She giggled a little. "You seemed distracted.
"Just making sure nothing's gonna try to kill you, is all," he says, smiling slightly.
She smiled. "Shouldn't be too hard of a job, we haven't any known enemies, but father is a worry wart so he hired you." she smiled. "I am glad he did." She picked up a book and moved to her bed to read.
Stijn gave a nod in her direction, yet still he remained watchful, hating the idea that she'd die on his first day of work. That would tarnish his reputation beyond repair, and it would take many lifetimes to build it back again.
Kieara read her book, but soon found herself asleep with the book open in her hands.
Seeing her asleep, Stijn stood up. Taking the book out of her hands, he set it down on a nightstand. After resting her body on the bed, he pulled the blankets up to her chin. Deciding that he would rather not be found in the bedroom of his sleeping charge, he picked up his chair, moving it to the hallway just outside her room.
The king was on the way to his quarters when he saw him sleeping in the hall. "Locked you out did she?" He laughed heartily playing with the boy. There was something though that neither Kieara, nor the young man before the king now knew though, alas it would be revealed to them later on.
Stijn smiled good-naturedly before saying, "That she did. But I'll think she'll be fine in there without me."
The king smiled and chuckled. "Of course. You better keep a good eye though, I fear we may have enemies growing....or at least she might." He then went to his chambers.