Survival Group: Role is a Go!

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You're the guy who doesn't say when he was bitten, so we end up losing three men.
The one who ends up falling asleep on watch and gets half the group killed.
You're the guy who finds the randomest of things in the randomest of places.
You're the one who keeps wearing the inconvenient red dress in an apocalypse.
But no one complains because it's hot as hell.
You're the one who manages to be everywhere at all times. You also seem to think you're the leader.
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You're the guy who keeps forgetting who the leader is and messes up the group tactics as a result.
The guy that gets beaten in a back ally and comes back and fucks everyone's day up.
The guy who catches the virus and infects the rest of the group.
You're the one that reminds everyone of Joffrey.
You're the one who fights zombies in the night in their underwear.
The comic relief who's actually kind of really hardcore in a fight.
The one who gives everyone the weed they need to get through the day.
You're the Eternal Optimist, who tells bad jokes and tries to keep everybody's spirits up.
You're the group leader.

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You're the one who we have to have a trial for, because we think you raped a girl in our team.
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