Surprise Landing *Closed*

Jack nodded weakly. He sniffled a little, still not letting go. "W-we...we...we should see....what else is on this umm...island." He said quietly. He finally let go, wiping his eyes. He was leaned over a little. Standing straight hurt way too much. He stepped back outside, covering his mouth. The smoke was thick and made his lungs burn. He hoped his asthma didn't act up too bad. He coughed, searching for the beach.
Finn followed him out of the crash sight and he held him around his waist. He wouldn't be suprised if the other would collapse, he was even ready for it. Once out of the smoke and gas, closing up to the ocean, Finn decided it was a good time to sit down. He tugged on Jack's wrist to tell the other to stop, that it was time for a break. "I have cookies in my pockets"
Jack sat down weakly, leaning back and groaning slightly, curling up a little on his side. His back was killing him. He sighed. "Cookies?" He asked Finn weakly. He closed his eyes, covering his face with his hand. The waves were almost calming compared to everything that just happened. "Did I jinx the plane?" He asked Finn quietly. "When I said we were safe...did I jinx it?"
"You're not a wizard Jack" Finn muttered as he broke one of the cookies in half, offering Jack. He nibbled on his own and looked back at him. "You did no such thing okay, you didn't" He said sternly and his cold eyes looked back at the oceaan. "We're just stuck here for now, we need to build a shelter, get food, make a fire, clean some water..." He was already making plans in his head.
Jack nodded weakly. "Okay Finn.." he said quietly, munching on his half of the cookie. He kept his eyes closed, laying on his side. It hurt too much to lay on his back. He shifted, grimacing a little. He felt really tired. "Can I go to sleep?" He asked Finn in a weak, small voice.
"Afcourse, I'll watch over you" He promised. He ruffled is hair, taking some pieces of dirt out while he was doing it. "Jacky? Don't worry okay? I'll take care of your wounds after you've slept some" Jack looked so fragile and hurt...
Jack shifted a little closer, relaxing at Finn's words. "Thank you Finn..." he said, trailing off a little as he yawned. He sniffled slightly and rested his head on his arm, drifting back to sleep. Despite all the pain and chatastrophe, he felt safe again, safe and calm. As long as the situation was calm, he was calm. He liked it that way...calm was good, panic made you do bad stuff. At least, that was his view on it. He stayed still and silent in his sleep, dreaming about waking up safe and sound on the plane, none of this crashing stuff happening.
Finn started pulling out pieces of glass from his hand and arms. He cursed, that hurt. He looked down at Jack and sighed, his could one sleep at a time like this. Finn looked back st the plain and bit the inside of his cheek. How would they survive? They couldnt drink the water from the sea...
Jack slept calmly for only about 20 minutes. He then whimpered softly in his sleep, curling up tighter. He was having a nightmare. "N-nooo..." he whimpered, covering his ears and shaking a little. It looked like it would storm.
Finn nudged him to wake up again. "Jack, Jack wake up" He whipsered. This would be so hard.. Jack was like his brother yes, but the other was never really, uhm, handy. Jack was emotional and panicky... Gosh he felt guilty for even thinking this, but it was kinda true. He pulled Jack up to face him. "Listen close buddy, you need to stop crying right now. I wish too that this wouldn't have happened but it did and crying won't help the slightest. You are hurt, you're bruising and it sucks big time, but we need to get somewhere with food and clean water."
Jack rubbed his eyes. He blinked. "'re..." he stopped. It was just a nightmare...that's all it was....a nightmare. He relaxed a little. "M-maybe...maybe someone lives on the island?" He suggested. "Or maybe a radio or something..." He stretched, grimaced, then yawned.
"Yes, we need to start looking" He smiled, happy that Jack was thinking along. "And we both need to get a wash up, if we can't find a river or something we will get to the sea..." The idea made him shiver, fucking water. He hated it guts. "But yeah, let's get going" He gave a weak smile.
Jake stood, stumbled, groaned a little, then sighed. He stared at the jungle. "There's got to be..some type of water source..with all this vegetation...right?" He looked back at Finn. Just then, a large cat padded out from the trees. It was completely brown. It knelt down, eyes narrowing at Jake, who was completely unaware. It hissed and Jack froze, fear flickering in his eyes. "Finn...did you hear that?"
"No" Finn said as he started walking into the jungle, swatting the plants away. "Stop being so anoxious" He rolled his eyes before he heard it too and his eyes widenened. He grabbed Jacks wrist ang pulled him close. Finn's eyes flicked over the bushes. He felt in his pocket and pulled out a knife, one that he was always carrying with him. "I doubt it'll defend me but whatever"
Jack heard it again and it reminded him of his mom's cat... He stepped closer to Finn. The large feline stepped out of the bushes, towards them. It hissed, baring it's teeth. Jack glanced around. Surely there was something that could help them?!
Well. Maybe not help them overall, but for the time being. A loud howl echoed around the trees, followed by another, and another, and soon there was a whole pack of howls. The cat screeched and ran off. Jack frowned, looking around. The howls were much louder than usual wolf or coyote howls. "F-Finn.." he said quietly, backing away from the origin of the howls. He noticing something in the trees, it looked odd. "Fiiiinnn, c'mon, something's over here!" He said, pulling Finn towards the strange thing.
Finn had no fucking idea what the fuck was going on right now, letting Jack drag him. "Jacky... Maybe we're safer in the beach anyway" he said and bit his lip. "We never know"
Jack gasped. "A hut! Finn there's a hut!" He said as he made the roof of the strange thing out. He dragged Finn out into the small clearing and over to the door. He knocked, glancing around nervously. The howls were close enough that the huge footsteps could be heard. Jack knocked again. "Should we just go in?"
Finn kicked the door, making it fly open and stepped inside. "Gosh this is your hell Jack" he said as the whole place was covered in dust. It was all old and unused. He closed the door again ones Jack was inside and blocked it with a chair under the handle
Jack groaned slightly. He pulled his scarf up to cover his mouth and nose. " looks like no one has lived here in forever..." the entire place was a mess. He went over to a door on the right. When he opened it, he froze, as if hit by a freeze ray. A terrible smell filled the hut and a snake slithered out from the room, a bathroom.
Outside, the howls and footsteps got even closer.
Finn knew Jack was scared of snakes and pulled him away from the thing, hoping it wouldn't pay attention to him. Sadly, it did. The snake looked at them and hissed. Finn clenched his knife even more, carefully stepping closer. He had watched enough discovery channel to know how this was done, but hell it was scary. He grabbed the snake behind his head and started to cut his head off.