

Raynar Saassin

Original poster
I'd like to present a little game.

You can choose to have whatever Superpower you want, but the next person to choose decides what your side effect is.

Example: I want to be able to teleport.
Any time you teleport, you appear at a random location each time.

I'll start: I'd like to be able to go invisible.
I like this!

So when you go invisible an unpleasant odor follows you.

I'd like to regenerate from injury.
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lol okay. Every time u regenerate u grow an extra limb added to the regenerated part.

I'd want the power to control the elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Air).
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You can't pick which one you control at any one moment. It is always random.

I'd like to be able to speak to machines.
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But after you do, your ability to speak to humans is non-existent.

I'd also like to have super strength.
Side affect: after using your power your cannot move your entire body for three hours.

I'd like the power of telekinesis
Every time you use it, you get a massive headache that lasts an hour.

I`d like the power of mind-reading.
Every time you read someone's mind... your own thoughts are projected out to everyone around you.

Also I'd love the power of Aura Manipulation; control over auras.
Every time you use it, you're very gassy.

Ooh blood manipulation. I want that one.
Granted, but it is only your own blood and you get woozy (not to mention drained) every time you try.

I wish for the power to fly.
Side effect: You can only fly for two seconds at time.

I wish for super speed