Super Hero High School

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no your comments are confusing me.
Bro i'm so proud of this character. As proud of him as I was of Macius.

Omg what's there to be confused about? I laid it out as vaguely as possible. D;<

And I'm proud of this one. OR I WAS. No, im kidding. I have this excellent idea but you dun get to see it cause I can't complete it until late tonight. Lol. SO YOULL JUST HAVE TO WAIT.
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Ivy T. Williams[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#008000].:Superhero Name:.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#008000].:Age (15-18):.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#008000].:Class (Hero, Sidekick or Villain):.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#008000].:Grade (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior):.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]New Zealander[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Biromantic Demisexual[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]- Acid mist -- Ivy can emit a dark green, acidic mist from the palms of her hands. The mist melts whatever it comes into contact with, including titanium, diamond and human flesh. The acid is incredibly painful, but in small doses it does not kil; Ivy uses the acid mist to interrogate and frighten people into submission.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]- Super intelligence -- Ivy is a genius. She can read 20,000 words per minute and possesses an IQ of 200. She can learn new subjects, no matter the difficulty of the topic, in the space of an hour. She is the closest thing the school has ever had to an all-knowing being.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]- The gift of tongues -- Ivy can speak any and all languages with perfect fluency. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#008000].:Physical Appearance:.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Ivy stands at 5"7. She has a strange yet pretty face, with broad, thick eyebrows, prominent cheekbones and large lips. She has pale gray eyes, an olive complexion and long, lustrous blonde hair. She has a slim, boyish build with little to no curves.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#008000].:Distinguishing Features:.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]- Eyebrows[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]- Cheekbones[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Ivy can always be seen in perilously tight clothes with no particular colour scheme. She has no particular affinity with shoes, though she definitely would not refuse a pair of designer heels.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#008000].:Superhero costume (image or very detailed description):.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Ivy is a cruel and abrasive person. She is the kind of person who sets fire to the wings of butterflies and impales mice with forks. She takes delight in the misfortune of others, and takes even more pleasure when she inflicts the misfortune herself. Ivy hates other people and only takes part in social situations when she truly has to. She will always be seen sitting in the far back of a classroom and never goes anywhere near the cafeteria.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Like, almost everyone.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#008000].:Other Relations:.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#008000].:Personal History:.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Ivy, like Isaac, grew up in an orphanage, but unlike her fellow villain, no representatives came to take her to the school. She ran away from the orphanage when she was twelve. Then a representative found her and took her to the school.[/BCOLOR]
Well, if my internet doesn't come back up within the hour then you can expect my CS by tomorrow.

I'm not at all surprised by this, to be honest. Fml
Elias Wheaty


Color Ref - #5f9ea0

Elias Wheaty

Eli, Elly, Wheat

.:Superhero Name:.

.:Age (15-18):.

.:Class (Hero, Sidekick or Villain):.


German - British
And Possibly Multidimensional Being



Chaos Aura
Something to keep forever. A keepsake, perhaps? A memento.

It's not unheard of that some powers are so strongly ingrained within an individual that they manifest at birth, maybe even earlier. These are just extremely rare occurrences, even considered legends in certain area of the world (or galaxy, even). Most of these oddities happen with such subtlety that it goes unnoticed, often until a flare occurs during an adolescent's stage of puberty, when most powers tend to manifest. Elias was one such child. Not a soul ever knew he was gifted until that of his twelfth birthday, but this has been an extension of his very being since the day he was ever conceived—stitched tightly into every layer of his being. There would be no Elias without it.

A walking disaster, they'd call him; a catastrophe just waiting to explode. It wasn't until recently that Elias gained more control over this particular power. There's an area surrounding Elias that shifts with negative energy causing things within the vicinity to dismantle and destabilize. For as long as Elias was a child, this particular power had more control over him than he over it; it ran mostly on his negative emotions and, driven by anger, it often flared out of control. Only recently did Elias gain a moderate amount of control over it, allowing him to tamper down on it when not in a state of extreme emotion. For the moment, its the simple malfunctioning of things surrounding him—sometimes, if Elias really concentrates, it can tamper with people's powers, though it can go beyond their own limitations, i.e. it can't make their abilities more powerful than they currently are. As well, Elias can tamper down on his powers in order to function properly from day-to-day. This is the usual state of his powers and it often seems like the area around him is simply either cursed or that he's simply a bad luck magnet.

In essence, no one quite knows the extent of these powers and if they will only ever cover the area surrounding Elias or if Elias would ever gain complete control over it. What Elias does know is that he's practically a walking probability paradox—Murphy's law to the nth degree. As of late, he's grown more accustom to his abilities and the extent of which he is able to use it, though it's only ever within the area around him.

Dimensional Manipulation
Whether this was simply a product of his mother or just inherent evolution within his own genes, Elias, upon activation of his powers, had control over a stretch of differing dimensions. Something in his blood ignited once everything clicked into place. A sudden omnipotence hit him head on; he saw worlds, vast and dynamic, across various planes of existence. And in an instant it vanished. With it came a sudden realization of various worlds across the skies and though the capacity to remember everything he saw and heard left him, the few basic things staid.

Throughout the whole of existence, various universes spanned across the aether and with it came time. Across those fields, a multitude of dimensions were created and each holding existence itself. There are few people containing the ability to traverse through these dimensions with little to no effort and no technology involved. On many occasions, this power was abused for purposes across the realm of eldritch horrors because many things lie behind the thin walls of reality. Those things can be beneficial or devastating depending on the user.

Unfortunately, it does require a great deal of experience and power to overcome the vast limitations it holds. At the moment, Elias is only able to create portals in order to teleport from one area to another or for use in combat. This dimension consists of practically white noise; it's almost nothing and contains hardly anything self-sustainable. It's merely a pocket dimension used purely for nearly instantaneous travel. Within the dimension, time is dilated compared to the universe Elias lives within. Whilst traveling, Elias travels through a dimensional bubble, in which he is rendered unaffected by the time within the dimension, essentially rendering travel time for him instantaneous, as well, despite the fact that it may take years within the dimension itself.

Like the above ability, the extent of these powers is unpredictable and can vary as Elias learns to use it.

.:Physical Appearance:.

Heroes range in various sizes and statures, but it's usually safe to say that most heroes have a very fit, solid physique that they've tended to. Elias is definitely no different, which is a relief because spandex only ever looks good when one has the muscles to fill it out. Regardless of that thought and the fact that he doesn't wear spandex, Elias contains a very wiry frame that contains mostly muscle; he's lithe and agile, in his build and it shows in his musculature. It's very much what he'd consider a runner's body and he very much is willing to boast about his legs, as they're very much the parts of his body he's most proud of.

Soft facial features contrast greatly with how Elias holds himself. A very hardened individual, it's evident in how he moves his body in very deliberate, practical, and efficient ways. There's a perpetual wariness in his eyes and expressions and hard cover on the emotions he lets slip past the surface. It's obvious he doesn't like letting people see past what he gives them and beyond that there's a surprising rage hiding beneath the put upon smile.

.:Distinguishing Features:.
Of all of his facial features that people notice, it's most likely his laugh lines they see first, should he be smiling. And, for all that emotional instability, Elias definitely loves to smile and those pearly whites aren't the only standout feature—the curve of his cheeks when he smiles is very evident and profound. Along with that are his eyes: they're a very stark blue that verge nearly on white. Many like to associate the color to ice and he'd call it glacial blue, if you ask him.

Prone to warmer wear, Elias loves himself some sweaters and jackets. Even in relatively warm weather, he'll likely be wearing a thin jacket over what he usually wears. Other than the fact that he appreciates warm clothing, Elias tends to appreciate a quiet style, something that's not too loud and popping. Usually warm beige colors and darker tones are what he likes to wear, as well as average t-shirts and Henleys and the occasional plaid button up.

.:Superhero Costume:.

(don't judge)
Red trim, instead of blue. Black over the grey and a very dark maroon, almost black for the pants.

A reserved individual, for the most part, tends to ping Elias well enough. He's an intensely guarded individual and often feels wary when forced to work with others. It's more out of a sense of survival than anything else and because there's a deep shame he feels for what he tends to instill in others. Being feared when trying to help often doesn't do much for a person's ego. Much less, only having bad expectations across the board implied or thrown at him doesn't help on that front either. So, Elias has learned that, often, the best thing to do is to keep to himself and along the edges of social environments. For a lot of people, out of sight, out of mind goes a long way.

Regardless, Elias fairs on the lonelier end of the spectrum and, though he does have a temper to watch, most of the anger he feels is for himself and his parents. There's a lot of pent up self-loathing that often hides behind a small smile and that rage is quiet and clever. It pops up when it's most unwanted and leaves deeper scars within him than a regular outburst would. Such thoughts and being raised in an environment that shuns him out of self-preservation leaves Elias pessimistic and cynical. Though he wants to feel freely and do as he wishes without judgment, Elias knows that those things are hard to achieve and usually impossible for a man like him. His goals are different and focused on the whole rather than the small moments that dot his life. Such a thing keeps him from falling back on what people give him, thus falling into an inevitable depression.

There's always something that people crave, though, and for Elias that's acceptance. Broken free from the chains his parents put upon him, Elias only wishes for people to see that and to see that he is his own person. It's hard when evidence tends to pile against him, but Elias continues to try because, despite his lack of hope in the matter, he's undeniably determined to at least achieve this, if nothing else.



That's something he might take to his grave.


Erick Wheaty (Belial the Lord of Lies)

Further rundown explained within bio.

Multidimensional Portal Creation
Eldritch Entity Creation
Truth Manipulation
Eldritch Occultism/Magic
Aether Manipulation



Laura Bradley (Bellona, Goddess of War)


Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Healing Factor
Enhanced Intelligence
Instantaneous Weapon Proficiency
Haemopotent Replication
From Haemopotent Rep - Light Manipulation, Sun Empowerment, Weak Force Manipulation, Life Absorption via Contact, Psionic Energy Projectiles, Telekinesis, Echolocation, Spatial Awareness, Immortality, Youth Absorption.





.:Other Relations:.

.:Personal History:.
Someone like Elias doesn't usually rise to the occasion. Circumstances tend to dictate quite a lot of things within the world and sometimes those circumstances aren't interchangeable. So, of course it came as a surprise when Elias came out as a hero—when he rose to the occasion when so many could not. However, circumstances don't only dictate who a person can become or what they're destined to do, but it influences how people see them and treat them. Elias found hardships within his own dreams and people tended to be those obstacles in achieving them. But, Elias didn't fear people, rather, they feared him.

Born to Laura Bradley and Erick Wheaty, Elias grew in an environment that harbored a mean streak within him. The kind of quiet fury of his father that could quickly escalate into the savage brutality of his mother. With parents like his, it was absolutely no surprise that people feared Elias. Being a child of people like Laura and Erick didn't leave much room for Elias to prove himself and often opinions grew harsher because of it.

Erick Wheaty grew within a line of people of malediction, a deep hatred for anyone not within their family line. Perfection mattered the most to the family and they exuded that with their children; anyone not worthy of their heritage didn't deserve to live as a Wheaty. But to die as one was an honor bestowed upon many. That name, however, changed various times, all of which held an innocuousness to it; people didn't expect a man of such an inappropriate moniker to be as nefarious as they were. The family itself held deep routes within various empires and cults around the world, often leading sects of each under their banner. They were a selfish people with a hard trust for each other that each held to their dying breath. It was almost endearing, but to most, it frightened them to their very core.

Most people have a choice within their lives, various multitudes of choices. Erick Wheaty had no such privilege—ignorance is bliss, especially for a child. The environmental factors of which Erick grew up in didn't leave much room for anything but what his parents saw for him. Naturally, his path lead down a very dark road and with only the choices laid before him, embracing them with as much fervor as Erick contained didn't seem at all hard. With both parents established firmly within the occult at the time (and post-Nazi movement), Erick grew with that at the forefront of his mind. Elias' father had powers much like his, things he could do with portals and dimensions but to a different extent and one that had more destructive means. It's very much why he earned his title and didn't necessarily choose it. A person born into such a family doesn't choose who they are, they are forged into what they are destined to become.


The Wicked and Worthless; The Great Deceiver.

Able to summon forth an army of beings so vastly terrifying, Erick contained a power many feared and many took to their knees because of. Wreaking devastation across various plains, Erick surmounted a force of beings capable of tearing into the very fabric of a world and undoing it string by string. Within this universe and the next, Erick went on a rampage in order to purge those not worthy and unpure—only ever dubbed The Cosmic Cleansing. However, various beings that governed the universe were very much on par with Erick's grandeur and undid his work with great diligence. But there was a fire in Erick's veins, one that slid through to his tongue and undid very civilizations of beings that dared attempt to dethrone him. Summoning beings wasn't the only thing Erick could do and a man such as he sowed discord through other means, as well. Heroes fell before him, not because Erick felled them himself, but because of a few exact words that spilled from his mouth. They undid themselves and Erick reigned free of their influence. There was fear struck in uttering his name, fear that he amassed himself, fear that he carved into the very stars and looked upon proudly.

How a man of such calibre and maliciousness could ever conceive a child. Whether it could be considered a miracle that Erick fell in love and settled enough to have a legacy is still up for debate. For Elias, sure, that's definitely something to be happy over, since it dealt with his own existence. But a child of his was no doubt fated to become even worse than his father. And who would even be able to bear such a burden?

Laura Bradley may not have been her real name, but that's a secret she holds dear to herself. A multidimensional being and a proud race of people considered savages to most, Laura sought a name for herself in this universe. Like Erick, she felt a purity in her race that could not be matched by any others, but a purge wasn't something she quite set her mind to. Subjugation and power were things her people held high. And though savages they were, her people contained a vast intelligence that created and destroyed with but a thought. They may not be gifted in things such as the arts or culture or sciences, but they had vastly analytic minds with a penchant for foolproof strategies. Laura was one of the more resourceful of her kind and clever, as well. Growing bored easily, Laura, like many of her people, utilized various methods to jump from one reality to the next. Within this reality, she sought absolute control.

She was the visage of war, the Goddess Romans looked to for guidance; she was the Goddess of War, Bellona, incarnate.

Savage and with a blood thirst not easily sated, Laura wrought destruction upon worlds and amassed herself a vast army in her wake. Ruthless in her endeavors, Laura contained a gift bestowed upon her people that enhanced her travels. Innate power flowed through her race's veins, granting Laura insurmountable strength, an incredible regenerative factor, and militaristic intelligence that not many could match—she did not take kindly to failure. Along with it, her people thrived upon the blood of their foes and with each kill, each splatter of blood upon her, Laura gained even more strength. Haemopotent Replication. Depending on what she wanted out of a person, she could gain various abilities, along with innate power, through the blood of another person. Thus meaning, if she killed a hero and she wanted their power, she could literally drench herself in their blood to gain it. Laura did so countless times and became more than a terror throughout this universe and the next. She wanted subjugation and she would very well get it.

Fortunately, or unfortunately however you look at it, this didn't translate through to her child. In fact, her race could only gain everything or nothing at all and Elias' human half won that battle in the fetal phases of birth. More than that, Elias was unlike any other child of Erick's lineage. There was a fire to him, something that caught both parents eyes, but they did not yet know what that fire would mold itself into. For years, they raised Elias as they would any child, and that anger and that thirst instilled into him only grew from that. However, Elias differed from them in more aspects than one and the boy even grew to pity himself and his lack of choices. Elias was not ignorant and there was nothing within him driving him to be as his parents were. There was still that anger and rage, but that didn't make a man and it didn't make Elias either.

Upon hearing of this turn of events, various factions of heroes and superhumans, all of which more inclined to be either morally good or simply knew the fate of the entire universe may be at risk, took to steal this child away from his parents. Neither parent held absolute power and against so many people willing to destroy their entire being, they stood nearly no chance. Letting their child go, both Erick and Laura fled their separate ways in order to regain what foothold they could. Both Belial and Bellona remain within their own darkness, waiting for that moment to strike.

And Elias, well, being a child it in the hands of people willing to do whatever they must to preserve existence itself, it didn't quite look good for him. However, Elias was still a child and as a child he was very impressionable. A majority of the groups voted that he have his mind blanked in order to be pushed in the right direction. Most sought him as a weapon, but there were a few who saw him as the child that he was—as a person. That enough led Elias to believe he had an inkling of goodness in him, something he could nurture and hold to in turbulence. Though he may not know what happened or remember what he was taught, much less his entire childhood, Elias was a smart enough child to know who his parents were and what he could have become. Apparently, everyone else knows that, as well.

Has an allergy to gluten, thus he only eats gluten free things.
Plays the violin and is really damn good at it, too.
Has a thing for RTS video games such as Warcraft and Starcraft.
Loves, loves, loves romantic comedies. He's a big softy concerning romance!
Oddly enough, the most expressive parts about him are his eyebrows, nose, and believe it or not, his ears. He can wiggle them and do that Bewitched thing with his nose.
Adores stargazing and will always find time, when it's clear out, to sit in an open area (a lot of the times a flat rooftop) to watch the stars. It's possibly tied to the fact that, for most of his adolescence, those stars were his home and only solace.
Can make a mean sushi dinner plate and by mean, I mean, it tastes really, really good.
Is kind of prone to staring at guys he thinks are attractive and when caught, he has the most obvious blush. His tell is also quite obvious, as he widens his eyes and bites his lip and his eyebrows always shoot up—usually accompanied by fidgeting hands he has no idea what to do with and the incessant need to look away. It's also his nervous tell.


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I'm dead.

Kill me now.

Don't hail Hydra. Hydra can go screw itself. Cap'n 'Murica ftw.

JUST KIDDINGGGG, minus the Cap'n thing. Steve Rogers is my favorite. <3
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Sorry, My internet went out for such a nice period of time!

CS is almost finished.
I might have to create a new character. I created a gay bad luck character and another one was made lolol

Back to the drawing board





Araina Henrick Melov



Ari, Mel, Hen

You don't need to know this.

.:Superhero Name:.


I've been called Ember.











American, Specifically native to Alaska.







I'm not really physically attracted to anyone.



Fire Immunity~ immune to fire and heat

Heat Aura~ constant heat around her, rolling off. This makes physical contact with others hurt *quite* a bit

Fire Manipulation~ can create, shape and manipulate fire to a limited degree, unable to control the colour or exact speed yet if she were to throw it. Can just barely create smaller shapes with it


.:Physical Appearance:.


5'5, Semi long brown hair that goes to her shoulders, almost glowing eyes of yellow. Much more on the pale side of skin. Trim built, little bits of muscle on her body, but more flexible than anything

Does it matter?

.:Distinguishing Features:.

Her eyes.




A red blouse and black skinny jeans for all heat and weather.

This is what I wear.

.:Superhero costume (image or very detailed description):.


Do I have to~?


Tends to not be very social...people don't know her well for this reason, and has made her an outcast. She doesn't mind this, and she never will. She just can't stand being around the noisiness of people, so she sticks to herself. When approached she ignores the person that does, unless they are a teacher or they physically touch her. She can hang around the few people who would actually not bother her...but the chances someone would wait for her and be an acquaintance with her are seemingly low. Her loyalties are to herself and no one else. Nothing or no one is going to change that.

I am who I am...








I have one.





.:Other Relations:.


.:Personal History:.


Will finish this up on the morrow!
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