Original poster
[SPOILI]just a couple notes before I start.
1: i have no expectations for this RP whatsoever. I will probably be staring at this page and refreshing it constantly for the next week.
2: I am not one for smut so much (because I'm a little whuss). I will partake in it, but you may notice a major increase of time gaps between my posts during smutty scenes.
3: I don't blame you if you read this and hit the GTFO button immediately (figure of speech, there is no GTFO button I know of).
4: I am 100% straight, so, even though this story may seem fit for girls, the only girls that wil be participating are me and the girls that read the RP when I'm not looking.
5: There are a few parts of "friends" that need to be played, but I don't expect profiles for them.
I think that's it, so feel free to read this and uninstall your browser out of horror. PM me with any questions about the plot. [/SPOILI]
1: i have no expectations for this RP whatsoever. I will probably be staring at this page and refreshing it constantly for the next week.
2: I am not one for smut so much (because I'm a little whuss). I will partake in it, but you may notice a major increase of time gaps between my posts during smutty scenes.
3: I don't blame you if you read this and hit the GTFO button immediately (figure of speech, there is no GTFO button I know of).
4: I am 100% straight, so, even though this story may seem fit for girls, the only girls that wil be participating are me and the girls that read the RP when I'm not looking.
5: There are a few parts of "friends" that need to be played, but I don't expect profiles for them.
I think that's it, so feel free to read this and uninstall your browser out of horror. PM me with any questions about the plot. [/SPOILI]

(excuse the small-ish pic, my computer's a little bitch right now...)
Karen sighed softly as her alarm clock played its usual "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP". She reached to hit the snooze, and knocked the clock off the nightstand on accident in the process. After the clock fell, the beeping stopped.
"I don't wanna get up!", she whined into her pillow.
Just then, her cell phone rang. After fumbling to get it, Karen answered the "Hello"from one of her friends with, "What do you want?"
"Grumpy this morning, aren't we?", Jack replied. In the backround Stephanie said, "She's always grumpy..."
"What is it?", Karen asked calmly, secretly wanting to yell into the phone that she could hear Steph.
"Okay, so the gang and I were discussing what we want to do this summer. The topic of 'camping' came up, and then Stephie here offered to let us all borrow her rich uncle's island for the summer. You in?"
"You do realize that 'the gang' is you, me and Stephie, right? That's not much of a gang", Karen replied, avoiding the question she didn't want to face at the moment. Getting off her lavender-sheeted bed, she walked into her bathroom and sat on the counter, her back to the mirror.
"Answer the question."
"Sure, I'll go. only if-"
"Yes, yes, your boyfriend is coming too", Jack teased.
"He's not my boyfriend!", Karen insisted.
"Sure...", Jack said in a sarcastic tone, hanging up.
"Jerk", Karen muttered, scooting herself off the counter, her nearly freezing feet touching the purple fuzzy bathmat.
((I may add more later, I'm a little pre-occupied. The person that replies is supposed to be Karen's crush, or as Jack calls it, her boyfriend. That's why I didn't use a name for him :D))