Stuck in a mansion.

Lavinia Blushed as well. "You're good...Well I hope you begin to remember soon" she chuckled. "It's Worked for me the past...100 years" she coughed as to censor the '100 years part' she ran her fingers though her silky hair and walked slowly over to the rock, sitting gently on the top. She took the flute from her waist and pressed her lips to it fumbling to fit her fangs properly. She blew softly and gently, a melodic tune filling the air. the wind danced around her, her hair flowing softly. She looked up at Serke then quickly back down. All But 10 minutes had past by as a weary travel strolled by drawn in by the intoxicating tune. The man slowly Crept over to Lavi and watched her play. Lavinia waited for the human's response. He came closer to her, almost entranced by the music. Quicker then one could blink Lavinia grabbed the human Traveler by the wrist and pulled him close to her. she barred her fangs and scraped against the male's neck, she searched for his pulse once she found it she sunk into his neck tearing him open. All Traces of her quiet and sweet demeanor vanished at that moment she exuded a pure animalistic nature. The sweet crimson nectar pour out of the victim and over her lips. it pour down her chin and stained her Kimono, she drank until she had her fill, toying with him as he died slowly in her arms, like a cat with a mouse.
Serke found the feeding frenzy interesting and in a weird way felt like joining her. ( Why do I feel like this?) As he watched he noticed another traveler had entered the clearing and saw the body that Lavinia had just drank from. The Female traveler was just standing there in shock. Serke felt something and then snuck up on the woman from behind and sunk his teeth deep into her neck. To Serke it felt glorious and he knew for some reason this was part of himself. ( The blood is so good!) He soon finished and saw Lavinia staring at him with a smile, he smiled back. They were both covered in blood and very aroused, or at least he knew he was.
Lavinia Blushed and looked down to her feet she wiped some of the blood that ran down her face away with the back of her hand. Finding Serke's actions strangely erotic (Wow.) She took a moment to compose herself and stood up, pushing the dead traveler off of her and walked over to Serke, still drenched in blood. "So....Umm." She Stumbled for the right words to say. "I doubt that was your first feeding." She spoke in a soft voice, she licked her blood stained lips.
Serke smiled. " Probably not." He felt strangely alive, and he wondered what he was because he was sure he wasn't a vampire, and this feeding clearly dropped out werewolf. Unless he was somehow both. (But how the hell could that Happen?) He still felt aroused and was having a had time controlling himself. He was licking the blood of his face when he noticed her still blushing. He went close to her and licked some blood off her cheek. " Now we don't want to waste it now do we."
Ada smiled "i think honesty is a good thing in a guy." She laughed a little when he said his eyes repelled people, "i can see how they give that impression but i think they're interesting." She grinned "and sexy." She added, and winked at him.

Why Ada? Why? Here you are flirting with this human, its not going to lead anywhere. You're beautiful and perfect, so what? As soon as he see's your fangs he's headed for the hills. Your only going to hurt yourself.
Ada frowned and ignored the voice of reason in her head, i like him and it doesn't have to go anywhere.

"I have come across my own kind, they don't want anything to do with me because of Ada. But I'd choose her over them any day, always have always will." Jackson looked at her, 'yes its not just her, its only that she's there when i change." He looked at her sadly, "have you killed many people?"
Lavinia Blushed, this time there was no chance at hiding it. she was a bit shocked by his rather sweet gesture and even more shocked that she let him she didn't usually let other close to her let alone make physical contact with her unless it was a fight, she melted abit. (Oh. wow. Did he just? Does that mean? No. Calm yourself Lavinia.) "I ummm....No... We wouldn't." She touched her cheek where he had licked an blushed harder. she stepped closer to him and with her other hand wiped his chin and licked her fingers. She looked down at her blood soaked Kimono, her heart thumbed harder within her chest and small fire ignited within her. She usually was a rational Woman but something about him made her question herself. She looked down at her feet unsure of what to say next.
Rohan laughed slightly.
"That's the first time I've ever heard that." he said eying her skeptically but still laughing.
"Yeah, but my honesty can be quite harsh" he laughed again once this time not as warm and shrugged.
"But oh well, I'm used to it." he smiled at her and snatched a yellow tulip up from the ground and handed it to Ada.

Xenia nodded.
"I can see that, you're the type really family over most things. That's nice really" she smiled.
She nodded again this time biting her lip. "Perhaps more than one should be in the room with her? when you change."
His question took her off guard and her eyes were like pools of guilt, if she wasn't dead she would have probably cried.
"Yes. Although, I'd hardly call the people..humans yes, but only those who were already sentenced to die, or would have been had they been caught..." she let her voice trail off.
"I can't think of any other way I could live this life." she whispered now looking at him.
Serke's pulse was racing, his heart thumped in his chest and his inner fire was bright. When Lavinia wiped and licked some blood of his chin he got even more excited. He pushed her chin up and kissed her. She pushed away at first but then she kissed him back. Now Serke was blushing with her. Then they embraced each other. They were in passion, and they were enjoying it. They were even licking the blood off each others necks, and faces.
After throughly enjoying Their kiss, Lavinia slowly pulled away. She locked eyes with Serke, staring at him deeply. She blushed again. "Serke, I ummm..." She was in shock, she hadn't connected with anyone like his before or so quickly But she liked it. She just barely spoke to those she just met but something was different about him. (Say something Lavinia, don't just stand here)
Serke was blushing rather obviously now. " I um..." Serke was having a hard time talking too. This was his first time with this, that he remembered. " Uh...Oh." Serke was sporting an obvious erection and was kind of embarrassed thinking Lavinia would notice. ( Why can't I say anything?) " Ah... Um..."
Ada caught his skeptical look and grinned, "I'm serious!" She insisted, she listened as his second laugh seemed a little forced. She decided not to comment on that though, "i can handle it." She grinned when he gave her the tulip, "thank you its beautiful." She said softly and reached up to kiss his cheek.

Jackson nodded and smiled a little, "yes i guess i am a family man." He shook his head when she mentioned more people in the room, "no its bad enough that Adas there i don't want anyone else there that i could hurt."

Jackson smiled sadly at her "Ada will like you knowing you don't feed from the innocent, as i do." He loooked at the ground "you have no reason to feel guilty the people you kill are the scum of the earth." His shoulders sagged "i... I've killed innocents, men women and once even a child." His voice became choked up and he didn't continue, just stared at the ground.
Lavinia noticed Serke's Excitement but ignored it Still, she continued to blush. "We should....ummm....get going, Don't want to get caught and it's almost dawn." She smiled softly at Serke and turned to walk back to the mansion. (I've never felt for anyone before....I hope it wasn't just the bloodLust. What if it was?) Lavinia's smiled faded slowly.
Serke followed back smiling. ( Is this what love feels like or was it the blood lust... I don't know.) He saw her smile loosen and let his loosen as well he thought why she would do that and then it hit him. ( She must be thinking the same thing as me... Duh!) On the way back to the mansion they saw several things of wildlife and were pretty quite until Serke spoke. " Um.. Are you okay? I mean you look like you're thinking pretty hard and I'm wandering if there's a problem?"
Rohan laughed a bit. Again at her comment he smiled.
"Thank you, really. But surely I should one giving you complements. I feel like I should have one of those moments you get on cartoons."
He grinned.
"You know the ones, when the man is portrayed as a wolf and his eyes bulge from his head." he laughed again and looked at her.
Rohan nodded when she thanked him for the flower a very faint blush tainting his cheeks.

Xenia reached forward, thinking about comforting him but stopped mid-way, her skin would probably just repel him so she swept the hair from her face.
", can't control that part of you, when you get the lust it overpowers your senses, with me I have my senses when I.. well, when I murder.." she said the word like it was poison her teeth clenched.
"I have control, up until I let it go, then I just feed from the closest living being... which happens to be the local scum that is only 1 foot away."
She stared at him her eyes apologetic.
"I know how it feels, being something you hate... but you're a good person Jackson, aside from the curse."
Ada looked at him, confused for a moment when he mentioned cartoons. Then she grinned when he mentioned the classic wolf, "thanks." She sexy look and laughed. She looked at him a moment, visualizing him as a cartoon wolf then she started laughing "i think you'd look good." She said giggling, " i can imagine you with big bulging eyes and wolf ears."

She looked at him and smiled, "you know I'm really glad i met you." She said sincerely, and before she could stop herself she started asking a very bad question "would you maybe like to hang out again sometime?" She asked a little shyly, and felt her self blush slightly. Why was it a bad question? Because humans don't date vampires, there either terrified or disgusted. Ada knew that from previous experience, but she liked this guy and what was the harm in just hanging out?

Jackson wiped his face and looked up at her, "i just wish i could forget." He looked at her sadly "people don't realize that when i wake up after i change i can remember tearing those people apart." He laughed bitterly when she said he was a good person, "you don't know me but thanks anyway." He looked at her and tried to smile, "you know your not as bad as you seem."
Lavinia smiled half halfheartedly, she looked over her shoulder at Serke as they approached the Mansion. "Oh. No...umm I was just in thought, my apologies Serke-Kun." she blushed slightly. As they walked up the stairs leading to the Mansion and turned to him (So, what now? What does all of this mean?) "Arigatou gozaimasu for accompanying me"
"Danka surn Lavinia. I enjoyed it too." Serke responded, while putting his hand on the back of his head. "Any ways I think I need a bath at least a shower." Serke was blushing now. "So yeah um..." Serke was too embarassed to say anything else, that was because off his affection for his new found love interest and his gentlemenship battling each other. ( Why can't I say anything?)
Lavinia laughed softly. "I believe I could use some freshening up as well." she wiped at some on the dried blood on the back of one of her hands and looked down at her stained Kimono, the silk still drinking in the thick syrupy Liquor that she had drained from her victim "I....ummm hope we can...Spend More time getting to know each other" she wanted to kick herself for her choice of words. (Yeah, the guy who can't remember who he is really wants to get to know YOU first) "I mean....If you'd like" she blushed "Oyasumi nasai, Serke-Kun." She leaned in and kissed him softly on the cheek then turned to walk through the door of the mansion. She walked slowly through the sitting room and past the kitchen, peeking in to see Xenia and The other Male that she had seen earlier this eve.
Rohan smiled still laughing slightly.
"Thanks, I think" he grinned again.
He nodded while looking at her.
"I'm glad I met you too, you see I said I could cheer you up." he winked and laughed.
"Ah yeah, sure" he responded to her question deciding to ignore her blush, making her feel uncomfortable when he was cheering her up wouldn't bode well.
He smiled.
"I'm glad you asked actually, if you didn't I don't think I'd have had the guts." he laughed again.

Xenia frowned slightly.
"Of course I don't know you. But from what I can see, and well..what I get from your general vibe you don't seem it at all.. I know you wish you could forget, I wish that. Even if they're evil they still could have changed you know?" she nodded to herself.
Xenia laughed, a little too loud for her liking when he said she as bad as she seemed.
"Thanks for that, so I'm not as bad as most of the lifeless killers you see along the road?" she kept her smile and turned her head to the side slightly, aware of Lavinia and Serke entering the mansion together.
"Yea sure." Serke replied. Watching Lavinia walk into the mansion Serke followed. Serke felt Xenia watch them as they came in the mansion. " So any way..." Serke didn't know what to say. "Um... what did you mean by Oyasumi nasai? I don't know if I actually know that." Serke guessed he only had a basic knowledge of Japanese and not a vast one. ( What does this mean for me?)