Strangers: Two Soldiers

(( I said, "High" instead of just "Hi". My bad. ))

Mathius narrowed his eyes but restrained himself from scoffing out loud as the Hound asked for protection.

"Yeah," he called out. "I'll protect you from the angry little girl."

It seemed the gods had a sense of humor as no sooner did he say that but the woman in question came dragging herself out of the forest. If he hadn't just seen what she was capable off, he would have run to her aid. Now he was worried about pissing her off. If push came to shove, he would do what he had to do in order to survive... but he didn't want to shoot a woman.

Mathius didn't understand what the woman was saying but he did recognize the French language. It took him a long damn time but he finally found a use for that French class all the way back in high school. It was too bad he hadn't paid more attention back then.

"Just keep your mouth shut and don't move," he said to the Hound. "Bonjour," he called out in a heavy American accent for the woman's benefit. Even saying that much made his mouth move in unfamiliar ways. What was the word for 'friendly'? "Parler Anglais...?"

He hoped she could speak English. He really hoped she could.
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"She is no little girl." The Hound retorts at the man's attempt to demean him. He hears the young woman arriving on the scene behind him, and thinks he is about to die no matter what protection the man could offer, but then hears her drop. He cautiously turns around, and is glad to see Joan on her knees. And even better, the man didn't understand her.

Now I only need convince him I am in the right, and she needs to die.

"That woman, is a deserter." The Hound dares to interject on their possible conversation. "She chose to abandon her allegiance, and our leader ordered she be executed." He explained, and hoped that even if the young woman could talk to and be understood by the man, his words would carry more weight.
When the man addresses her, she squints at him. As if trying to get an understanding. He says 'speak english', but in an odd tone. He is ordering her to speak English.. but it sounds like he's asking? And what's wrong with his accent? "Vous me commandez?" She says in an almost spiteful, indignant tone. She simply sees his words as a command for her to speak, but she doesn't take well to commands from strangers.

As the Hound begins to speak, as he describes her, she looks in his direction. She doesn't know his words… but his demeanor says that his words aren't terribly flattering. He says she is a deserter, and at that moment she looks away and speaks in a low, harsh tone. "Silencieux! J'essaie d'écouter!" Slowly then she looks back towards the Hound with an annoyed gaze.

She was… perhaps… waaaay to hastey to throw away the translating medallion. Maybe she can backtrack later for it. Goodness knows all she has to do is follow the trail of her own blood to it.

"Je ne sais pas…" she says softly as she forces herself to her feet with every ounce of strength in her. She leans heavily on the thick tree branch that has become her 'cane', her knees wobbily. "Ce que vous essayez de me dire Ou qui vous êtes. Mais il.." She points towards the Hound with her free hand, that hand trembling. "est mon ennemi. Je vais le voir mort." she then spits at the ground in his direction. Her eyes look towards the man that seems to be holding the Hound captive. "Rentrez dans mon chemin ... partagez ... partagez son destin …" Her tone a threat, but a weak one. She is threatening him if he gets in her way… but she looks like she could collapse on the walk over to them.
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Well shit.

Not only did that not work but it seemed to aggravate her. The Hound's words seemed to act like wind to her sail as the woman got back to her feet and started advancing upon him.

Maybe if I just wait, this problem will sort itself out, he thought, feeling spiteful for the situation.

"Easy," Mathius called out to the woman. He held the four fingers of his left hand up while cradling the rifle with his thumb, trying to ward her off without compromising his aim. "Just, uh... Relax, lady. And you," he said, yelling at the Hound now. "I told you to keep your mouth shut."

At just that moment, Mathius remembered something from a movie he had seen a long time ago. In that movie, one of the "good guys" used a word to stop some pirates from assaulting her. Later in that movie, it was revealed that the word was French after it had been used a second time to foil the advances of the very same pirates.

"P-parley, lady! Parley!"

Holy shit, I hope this works.
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The rumble of the unpaved road made Cletus' helmeted head bounce off the window of the Humvee, jolting him awake. Grumbling to himself, Cletus yawned and watched the desert pass by. "Just another day in the sandbox huh Peaches?" Cletus smirked and glanced over at the broad shouldered Hispanic man sitting next to him. "Got that right Carlos, ol' Major bag o' wind got an ass reaming from up top. Parently we ain't kicking enough ass and now we need to go looking for trouble." Carlos barked out a laugh as he kicked the seat in front of him. "Yo Tuna! Drive better! Princess back here is tryna get some beauty rest." The driver of the Humvee simply held up a stiff middle finger for the passengers to see as a soldier with a goatee and sunglasses turned to face Cletus and Carlos. "Behave now ladies, at least try to pretend like you are actual Marines. I swear you all somehow manage to piss off everybody you meet. We are almost there, get your shit together."

The four Marines were clad in the standard issue desert fatigues and helmets, though Carlos wore a green bandana instead of a helmet (much to the annoyance of his commanding officer). The Humvee the Marines were sitting in was in the middle of a large convoy of American vehicles speeding down the road towards a nearby town. It was August and the Iraq climate was doing it's best to annoy the Marines with heat, sand, and the occasional dust storm. Cletus continued to banter with his squad mates as the convoy suddenly came to a halt. The seargent in sunglasses listened intently to the radio as Carlos rolled down his window and stuck his head out to see what was going on. Cletus sighed as the voices on the radio talked and everyone waited. "What's the news Sarge? War over? A bus of busty girls need help changin a tire?" The Seargent shook his head and leaned back in his seat. "Looks like the ragheads left a IED on the road, fuckers must be getting lazy because the point Humvee saw it a mile away. Now we just gotta sit, boil in our sweat, and wait."

Unbeknownst to the Marines, they were all sitting in a deadly trap. Contrary to what they thought, everything was going exactly as planned for the insurgents hiding nearby. The abandoned car on the side of the road was a ruse, a means to get the American convoy to stop on top of the actual IEDs buried under the road. Cletus glanced out his window and spotted a flash of brown fabric disappear behind a nearby pile of rocks. Poking the Seargent who was trying to listen to the radio, Cletus pointed at the rocks. "Sarge, think we got Tangos over by the ro-". He was cut off as the ground beneath the Humvee in a roaring explosion of dust and shrapnel, flipping the heavy American vehicle over onto it's side as gunfire and explosions erupted around the convoy. Cletus coughed as he tried to stop the world from spinning and sit up. He had gotten thrown from the Humvee and lay a few meters away as bullets from both sides zipped overhead. Cletus tried to call out to his friends but could not catch his breath, his eyes widening in shock as he saw what had happened to his squad mates. Tuna the driver lay slumped over the steering wheel as blood oozed from multiple bullet holes in his torso. Seargant Harrison hung halfway out of the truck, missing most of his head and his left arm. Splayed out on the sandy dirt, Carlos convulsed as he tried to stem the blood gushing from his shrapnel filled neck and face. Gritting his teeth, Cletus tried to pull himself over to Carlos, until he realized he could not feel his arms. Looking down at himself for the first time, Cletus' stomach sunk as he realized why he couldn't move. His legs were a mangled mess, with splintered bones poking out of his trousers and his feet twisted in the wrong direction. His arms were even worse, his left arm hanging by a small strip of muscle and skin while his right arm was a burned and blackened mess. Letting his head fall back, Cletus looked at the sky as he felt death creeping over him.

"I'm scared...I don't wanna die...not like this...please God, take care Dad, Mom, Jenny, and Mary...I feel so cold..."

A few moments later, Cletus died. Far away from home and scared of what would come next.

First there was darkness. Cletus felt himself laying on something hard as he tried to figure out what was going on. "Is this hell? I don't wanna go to hell." Slowly his senses came back to him. Cletus felt a soft breeze wash over his face, the cool air refreshing to someone who was used to the heat of the desert. Realizing that he could now feel his body again, Cletus mentally braced himself for the worst and tried moving his legs. Shockingly, his legs felt fine. With the small ember of hope lit inside his mind, Cletus experimentally moved his hands and arms. Relief flooded through the bewildered marine as he tried to process what was going on. Finally, Cletus slowly sat up and opened his eyes.

Looking around, Cletus tried to think of where he was. He had been laying on the hard packed dirt in some kind of forest. The breeze was cool and the air smelled like wet dirt and dead leaves. Looking down at himself, Cletus patted himself over to double check that he was not falling victim to some sort of underworld prank. He was still wearing his digital pattern desert fatigues, body armor, and helmet. In his pockets he found his small metal multi-tool, the standard issue OKC3S bayonet, a small notepad and pencil, his (empty) canteen, and finally the high-powered binoculars with reflection obscuring lenses he received after joining the Marine Scout Sniper Division. All in all it was not much, but it was at least something.

"Guess God didn't feel like making things easy and starting me off with a gun. Now time to find out where the hell I am." Pushing himself to his feet, Cletus looked around as he nervously tapped his fingers against his leg. After some observation, Cletus noticed that the ground began to gradually slope upwards in one direction. Deciding that high ground would be better to see where he was, Cletus began his trek through the forest. For almost thirty minutes Cletus hiked as he tried to figure out how he died and woke up in a forest. Suddenly in the distance, the distinct sound of ammunition cooking off echoed from nearby. Hearing the sound, Cletus froze as he pulled out his bayonet. After some deliberation, Cletus began to carefully walk towards the source of the gunfire. It was a calculated risk, but gunfire meant people, and people meant information. Cletus did not know if the people would be hostile or not, but nothing ventured is nothing gained. After a few more minutes of hiking, Cletus hears the sound of raised voice. Getting into a crouch, Cletus slowly works his way through some brambles and underbrush until he spots the source of the voices. A bloodied and frail looking girl, a rough looking man in old-timey clothes, and a man wearing somewhat modern clothes holding a rifle. It appeared as though Cletus had stumbled upon some strange standoff. Deciding to play it safe, Cletus hunkered down underneath the nearby bushes and tried to determine what was being said. The rifle wielding man seemed to be American from the few words Cletus could make out. The medieval looking fellow with his hands up had a strange accent Cletus could not place and the girl was speaking...french?" Cletus furrowed his brows as he tried to think of a logical scenario where an American would be holding some woodsman hostage while a bloodied girl yelled at him in French. Unfortunately, nothing came to mind, leaving Cletus only more confused. "What the fuck is going on?"
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  • Nice Execution!
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The Hound growls at being told by both the girl and the man to be silent. The man was not believing his words, for one reason or another he was more interested in finding out what was going on for himself. Even uses a word he assumes is the woman's native tongue to try and speak to her to some further degree. This did not bode well for him; it was becoming more apparent that soon he would really be a captive, and be pressed for knowledge by this newly arrived Stranger. Even if he could somehow escape this, then what could he do? Return to the Fuhrer? He'd be executed for his failure to return with the head of the woman as proof of his success, and die in disgrace.

That leaves the Hound with only one option drilled into him by his immediate commander.

"I will not die a prisoner!" The Hound pulls a long field-stripping knife from his hip and plunges it upwards under his sternum and into his heart. The movement is too swift for anyone to stop him. He yelps in pain and falls onto his side still clutching the knife a moment before pulling it out, then stabbing himself again, just to be certain nobody could save him.

"I am die a failure.....not...a traitor." are The Hound's last choked words as he lies on the ground bleeding into the grass his eyes seeing rolling back into his head.
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When Mathius speaks those words of French origin, the young girl stops abruptly. Save for the stumble or so she has. Her head tilts a little to one side as she parrots weakly. "p..parley?" She looks down towards the ground at her feet, as if she were thinking. But the Hound's sudden movements gets her attention. She sees the knife and forces herself to her feet fully, whipping the branch up she holds as if it were a sword. But she feels her heart sink as the man plunges the weapon into his own chest.

She visibly relaxes… a small smile forming upon her bloodied lips as the man dies at his own hand. His pain is small consolation to her, though. She would have liked to inflict his last pain upon his Earth herself. The Hound falls dead onto the grass, and then the young girl lowers herself to her knees then. She leans heavily on the branch, whispering.
"La vengeance est à moi, je vais rembourser, dit le Seigneur."

Her barely open eyes look vaguely in the direction of Cletus, as if she could somehow impossibly sense his gaze upon them. Or perhaps she thinks there is something there, and there isn't. Her gaze moves once more towards the ground before her as she speaks, her tone a weak one. But she knows she can't let herself rest, not yet.
"Parley est destiné à être utilisé entre ennemis." She now looks up to Mathius, knowing he probably doesn't understand her at all. "Es-tu mon ennemi? Dois-je te tuer aussi? Dois-je vous abattre comme mon Seigneur le commande?"