Character Index


Yuzuki squints a little as she looks towards that smoke… if she didn't know better she would say it's a village, of course. Her gaze moves in Anne's general direction as she says there shouldn't be one here. This causes her to look back out towards the landscape with a small frown. "Unless they approach us, we've no business with them. Even revenge." She says softly as now she pushes herself to her feet.

She remains in that post and looking in that direction until Anne orders them to head downwards. She is still unmoving for a few moments, trying to get a read on what could be out there. And after those few moments, she is in motion, heading towards the rock path they had found downwards. She follows Albert down, each of her steps being precise and light. Clearly she's an agile little thing. Between Anne barely surviving (in her opinion) and Albert hurting himself… well isn't this just going to be fun.

Yuzuki winces as Albert hurts himself, and she hops down from one of the last rocks, sandaled feet skidding just a little. She shakes her head as she now approaches him, her eyes cast towards his leg. "Once more, I'm not going to discuss personal things with you, Albert." Clearly the medallion didn't fully translate his 'fuck my life' comment. "Maybe I can find some plants… to…" she sighs as she looks around them now "I have no idea what kind of plants are around here… I am not sure I could make anything…" As she is looking along the surrounding forest, her right hand whips towards the handle of her sword and she crouches down when she hears the singing.

She looks in Anne's direction, seeing her take cover. Good. She wants to handle this. She'll be the… one… DAMNIT ALBERT! Her eyes widen as the man not only calls out towards the stranger, but he starts towards her. "Kih!" She calls out as she is in sudden motion, moving swiftly towards Albert and the woman. She grabs him by his shoulder in order to stop him… and maybe pull him back a little. She'll yell at him later. Her eyes rest on the strange woman as she speaks, making sure she sees her sword. "Who are you? Why are you out here? Are you from that village we see smoke from?" For all she knows… she's with that group that attacked the village… but she can't sense any danger here… not yet…
The mysterious woman stops singing abruptly, and is first startled by Albert's sudden proclamation, then steps back as the pair come to the edge of the one side of the falls. There are five big stones scattered between the two shores, allowing one to pass on them if they were nimble enough. Her arms are out, showing she is unarmed, back straight and eyes forward. Her feet are planted, and her right hand out with palm up.

She speaks in an airy, slow cadence. "Heyyy now....let's not freak out....I'm just a blind chick, out here catching some sun, listenin' to Mother Nature...but if you come at me to fight I will fight back. Nobody wants to get beaten by a blind chick and I don't wanna break my vow to make love, not war...you dig?" She asks just in time for Anne to come and stand next to them. Anne has the pistol aimed at her, but takes it off to survey the area.

Anne scoffs at the woman's statement and says as she surveys "Ya say 'chick' and 'dig' like their code lass....fer ya buddies? No idea what chick would mean but 'dig' I get. I'm not ready fer the grave yet."
Albert Rhinegard

Albert's a little surprised when Yuzuki pulls him back a bit. She seems rather protective of him, something that the man still does not really understand. The blind woman's proclamation of kicking Albert's ass makes his eyebrow raise, I could literally just shoot this woman with anything and it would kill her. Unless she's like Anne somehow...

Reaching down for a tiny rock, Albert clutches it as quietly as possible before returning to his full height, "Chick and dig are slang like matey. Chick means a woman, dig means, I guess it means 'understand'. I'm not too up to date on 1960's to 1970's lingo." As he finished, the man tossed the pebble at the blind woman lightly, wondering if she'd catch it.

Yuzuki's eyes narrow as the blind woman moves into something of an en-garde stance. A more defensive posture. She doesn't recognize the specific discipline the woman is using, but it's very reminiscent of a style she faced when fighting Chinese pirates. Specifically, when she boarded their vessels to fight them.

As the woman uses her slang, Yuzuki's shakes her head in confusion. "She is… a chicken? Like the Barbin look like cats?" She looks towards Anne and Albert "She is a chicken?" She hears 'chick', and that's her first thought. But luckily Albert explains that it is slang. She… hates the language of the people from the future. But now that she thinks about it… just about everyone she's encountered (in regard to not being native to this world) are from the future…

She relaxes her own stance a little… luckily not seeing Albert throw that rock at the woman. Otherwise he would have a larger rock right now sailing towards his forehead. She frowns as she turns in a slow circle to survey their surroundings, speaking as she does so. "We mean no harm to you, miss. Not if your intentions are truly innocent." Finally she looks in the girl's general direction, her left hand still grasping the top edge of her scabbard. "We merely wish to pass peacefully." She is sincere in her words, she genuinely wants this to be a peaceful trip. But… she also has to be cautious…
The mystery woman does not catch the stone, but her outstretched hand does casually deflect it, swatting it aside to 'plop' into the river. She smiles and laughs as the women express their confusion with her slang, then has it explained to them by the man. While her stance has been relaxed, she now brings her hands down and gives the trio a large, tight smile while scratching her head with her right hand.

"Sorry, you startled me, see you were all just outside my circle until the dude came at me like that." She hops from rock to rock until she's on the same shore as the others, seemingly without effort or hesitation. Her clouded eyes 'look' past them all as she continues to speak. "My name is Yim Xing Chun, and if you want to pass in peace, then please do. But-" She raises a finger and points in the direction of where they saw the smoke, presumably from campfires. "-my family would love to host you. If you're out this far, you've come a looong way and have longer still to go. " The woman spreads out her arms as if inviting a hug. "Come! We got fish for days, raw or cooked, and rum!"

Anne, who has holstered her pistol and been rolling her eyes at the overly friendly manner this 'Yim Xing Chun' has been displaying, suddenly comes forth and hugs the woman. In fact she picks her up, much to the woman's astonishment. "Rum?! You say rum? You got my attention lass!"

"Oh my!" Xing exclaims but also laughs as Anne sets her down. "Yes! We came across this group of men who had several casks of it, and they were really mean at first but Jim made them groovy. He doesn't like to do that, but they didn't give him much choice." She giggles. "But anyway...did you two wanna come too? You? You?" She asks, first reaching out to Yuzuki with her hand palm up, then she moves her hand to Albert. Without warning, as if used to this kind of thing, she puts her hand on his chest and giggles again "Wow! You're so skinny! And smooth!" She rubs his chest, then his neck gently feeling for his Adam's apple "Not a girl. Not that it matters, I was just curious." Her hand retracts and goes behind her back as she turns around and hops back to the other side.

Anne had watched this with no qualms about laughing quietly at Albert's reaction, but says nothing while adjusting her hat and bags before also hopping across the rocks to Xing's side. "Come on! It's on the way!"
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Albert Rhinegard

The woman's ability to swat the stone was peculiar, as was her mentioning of a 'circle.' Clearly, her ability to stop the rock was not based on hearing, but likely some form of magic, or if Albert's suspicions about Anne were correct, she held some ability to see despite being blind. That hypothesis seemed a bit less likely when Albert leaned back away from her touch, grimacing a bit and finding her closeness to be both irritating and embarrassing. Shivers went down his spine a bit, Bleh. Personal space isn't something she believes exists.

Anne's suddenly familiarity with the woman was also surprising, but while Albert had initially been excited at the prospect of another English-speaking woman, Yuzuki's cautiousness had reminded him of how little people could be trusted in this world. The pale man folded his arms on his chest and spoke to the blind woman simply, refusing to cross the river immediately, "How did you stop that rock? Magic? You couldn't have heard it. Who is Jim, and how did he pacify or mind control these 'mean' men? Were you born in this world? And how do we know this isn't a trap."
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Yuzuki intently watches as the woman moves across the stones, each of her steps seeming precise and purposeful. But when she looks towards the woman's eyes, it's obvious she is blind. So how does she navigate so easily? Is it practice? Yim Xing Chun… Chinese, then. But seeming not from her own era. Things just get stranger and stranger.

As she loosens her grip of her scabbard, she smiles softly and starts to speak. "While we would appreciate your hospitality, we really sho-" And then Anne decides they're going to drink some rum. Yuzuki falls silent with a little frown upon her lips, and she then lets out a soft sigh. She says nothing as Xing makes the offer to Yuzuki, and then to Albert. While Anne seems wholly accepting of this woman and what she offers, Yuzuki is still cautious. To the point she steps closer as she feels Albert up. Which, to his credit, he seems less than enthused about.

Out of the corner of her eyes does she watch Albert as he asks his questions. All valid points. Except the magic part. She doesn't think there could be such a thing. In a world of cat people and Scottish rebels and people from the future. But… she knows if this were a trap the woman wouldn't say so. But she appreciates Albert at least asking.

A short breath is drawn in, and she steps to Albert's side, watching Anne and Xing move across the rocks. "Go with them, Albert. Don't forget about your dagger." She doesn't follow immediately, she gives Xing a minute or so start before she actually starts to move. While she does think this a trap… she still needs to keep the group together. While Anne was far too easily seduced with the thought of a drink, at least Albert is showing a bit more sense. And if this is a trap, she wants them all to be together. So they can face what comes as a group.

Or suffer as a group.
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Xing Chun's brows rise slightly, and her lips purse while being questioned. The air between them all is silent save the whispers of wind for a few moments before she speaks. "So much distrust." She shakes her head slightly and sighs "A little more about myself first. First, yes, I get around with magic. If something's in my circle, I feel it. And Jim is the one who taught me about magic. Before I met him, I was just a blind girl waiting for things to happen to me, to react, to survive." She sighs and smiles, resumes speaking with a dreamy air to her voice

"He is just...so groovy. He's a Magic Man. He's the Keymaster to all the doors of perception you know, and all the doors you thought were just mirrors or walls. Ya see, my momma was one of those Strangers ya hear about. She didn't have a place, so I didn't have a place even if my nameless father was a native man, and all she could leave me when she passed was my name, her love, and this." Xing assumes the stance from before. Feet pointed inward at each other, arms tight to her sides, left hand back in a fist, her right out with palm up. "Eternal Spring Fist. I dropped a lot of guys who wanted what I wasn't giving. But then I met Jim on the road and he gave me what I didn't know I needed; my perception expanded, to experience the world beyond the door closed by my blind eyes."

Xing comes out of the stance, and shrugs before answering his last couple questions. "I dunno how he made them guys groovy. It's different for everyone when he works his magic." She turns on her heel and starts walking "And I get the feeling nothing I say can make you believe this isn't a trap, which is a real drag. For you. Toodles!" She wiggles her fingers in the air.

Anne looks between the departing woman, to Yuzuki and Albert, visibly annoyed and torn. Damn it. They got a point. This could be a trap...but....rum! If it's not a trap I miss out on rum! And Anne could feel that she was still sufficiently sloshed on the booze fruit she'd devoured earlier, with more in her bag, but she also couldn't help thinking how good real rum would be right now. Maybe she could even take some with her in bottles? All the while, all the others see is Anne standing in place shifting her gaze back and forth. As Xing Chun disappears into the forest, Anne groans and yells at the other two. "You two....stay here and wait for me, alright? I'll come back with all the rum and fish I can carry! Unless you're gonna stop bein' paraoid and come along? If it is a trap.." She growls "...I'll deal with it myself and be back soon. Just don't leave me." With that, Anne runs after Xing at full sprint, holding her hat to her head with one hand.
Albert Rhinegard

Albert is not easily persuaded by Yuzuki, Anne, or Xing as he listens to all of them. Xing's answers, however, sit for a moment in his mind as the group temporarily leaves him behind. So it is magic, and this woman is a descendant of a 'Stranger'. So besides magic and martials arts, the woman doesn't have some insane special ability like Anne's strength, and whatever he and Yuzuki might have, if anything.

Standing there, staring at the foliage, Albert sighs and scratches the back of his head, Maybe I can at least get a glimpse into how to learn magic from this dude and protect myself even a bit... With that, he follows them quietly, his calf annoying him the entire time.

Xing Chun speaks… a lot of nonsense.

At least that's what Yuzuki hears. Some of that is due to the nature of the slang she speaks. Some of it is due to the subject matter. Ask Yuzuki about weapons, or different disciplines of fighting, or tactics… and you're in her wheelhouse. Talk about magic men, keymasters and perception… she just might go cross-eyed trying to follow.

And Yuzuki is very alright with just not following the blind woman. She has no issue with just moving on, now that they've determined there is no imminent threat there. But Anne wants to go with her… No Anne wants a drink. That's perhaps more precise. She wouldn't let the woman's words of her disbelief phase her, those are just subtle taunts. But again, she feels she can't track to far from Albert and Anne. Even if Anne is participating in her own undoing.

Why, indeed, does Yuzuki feel such a need to protect these two miscreants? Miscreants for differing reasons, of course. She has been working by herself for a very long time. Her family was losing its cohesion, its hold on lands. And for that, she feels she is mostly to blame. And so, fate had lead her down an isolated road. Or so that's how she saw things. Whether she is right or wrong with this mindset… being by yourself for such a long time makes those thoughts even louder in your brain. But now with companions… with a purpose besides mere survival… she is enjoying the silence those awful thoughts brought.

But they're still miscreants. And pretty dumb in her opinion.

She goes into a slow jog to catch up with Albert, silently walking just behind him and to his right. She can still sort of hear Anne in the short distance, but it's their immediate surroundings she seems more concerned with.
In short order Anne catches up with Xing as the young woman jauntily makes her way through the forest to a clear game trail just wide enough for two people to walk side by side. Anne remains behind her, however. Anne notices, as she walks, that this Xing is actually shorter than them all and thinner, the overall difference making her look younger as well. The pirate is taken out of the evaluation of Xing when her subject poses a question.

"Where is your group from?" Xing asks.

"Different times and places. I forget the details...don really matter to me." Anne shrugs, picks up her pace a little to get a better comparison, bringing out her hand to hover over Xing's head and then back. The top of her head was roughly just below Anne's nose.

"I see, so you're all Strangers too. I thought so with your accent, and you all feel different. Like Jim and Horse." She giggles and stops to pick at a bush off the trail, plucking the light yellow-green leaves and balling them up in her right hand, but also puts one in her mouth. Anne watches with hands on hips and brows raised. Xing stands up and smiles while chewing. "I call these Pep Leaves, because they give you a little pep when you chew on them. Even better when you make them into a tea!" She says then resumes leading the way. Anne snatches some leaves off the bush, sniffs them, and takes a tentative bite of one as she follows. It tastes bitter but palatable, and she decides to chew on the few she has as they go on. As promised, she does feel a little 'pep' in her step that cuts through her drunken grogginess.

The group is led to a clearing near the river dotted with large tents and populated by a dozen or so people, all in their late 20's to early 40's and dressed in tunics, trousers, and dresses in what Albert would recognize as being much like what a peasant would wear in medieval Europe. Although the people were also of different skin colors, mainly light tan to dark. Most have a similar far-off look to their eyes and are engaged in either conversation with each other, playing a hand drum, tambourine, and one mandolin can be heard from somewhere in the camp.

Xing's arrival is greeted with a small uproar of applause. She rather undaintily spits out the leaves she's been chewing on and embraces a group of young men and women who come to meet her. They all address her as 'Master Xing' and ask if they can have a training session, until they see Anne then the others come out from the wood behind her. They receive a similar greeting, as if they're old friends of the camp.

"Heyyyy I dig your hair!" says one woman as she comes up beside Anne and gently strokes her long hair. Unfazed, Anne also spits out the leaves she's been chewing and replies "Why thank ya, I got it from my mother."

Xing replies to her apparent students first "Training will be after dinner, as usual my dears, remember to be patient." She then introduces the group "These are new fellows! Strangers, like our Lizard King and Horse! I found them at the falls."

"Strangers, you say?" says a voice from behind the crowd, which parts instantly to reveal the source. It was a man in his early 30's, wearing only a ragged and faded pair of blue jeans and a necklace that rests against his chest, which is tanned from hours/days out in the sun. He doesn't so much walk as he slinks towards the group of newcomers with an inquisitive look on his face. He smiles as Xing throws her arms around him. "Hello newcomers. I don't know you, and I'm going to assume you don't know me. I'm Jim Morrison, the leader of this troupe, originally from the good old United States of America, from the age of free love." His eyes fall on Anne, and he breaks his embrace of Xing to approach her first, reaching out for her hand.

"And...who...are you...oh lady of the inferno...beautiful...deadly….dare I risk your touch? Yes. I do." He says in a slow poetic cadence and a raised brow, in a slight bow. Anne smirks, and familiar with the flattering gesture gives him her hand.

"Anne Bonny. Pirate. And flattery will get you...everywhere if ya keep up." She flips her hair back and utters a small "Oh" as Jim kisses her hand.

"You've been neglected. By yourself and others." Jim says, kissing her hand lightly a second time looking up at her. "No more here." He says as...a promise? Anne certainly hears it as a promise that makes her heart flutter ever so slightly. Jim releases her hand, and comes to the other two, smiling and bowing at Yuzuki and reaching out for a handshake at Albert "Your Americaness is glaringly obvious. I like it. Which era of our great land are you from? And does she speak any English?"
Albert Rhinegard

The young man follows along quietly, listening to Anne and Xing's conversation while trying desperately not to trip over a root or something stupid and embarass himself further like back on the cliffside. Or hillside. Albert prefered to think cliffside to make it less...

In any case, he chose not to partake of the Pep Leaves, lest they have some kind of terrible reaction with his body. Coming into the clearing, it is surprisingly to him that so many are present when Albert expected two or three at most. Observing the group unnerves the man a bit, What are they all doing out here? And is there something wrong with their eyes? Is this some kind of cult? Why can't we just meet normal people? The medieval-looking woman using the term 'dig' was also a bit unexpected. This group is clearly native, but has adopted the Strangers' words.

Albert's analysis is interrupted by an incredible surprise in the form of Jim Morrison, a singer his dad listened to and loved, Wait, seriously? Christ, can anyone from the past or present be here? Is Hitler here too?

He finds himself leaning away from the flattering, possibly womanizing man as he speaks to Anne, Albert slowly shaking his hand once he approaches, "About five decades after yours. I thought you'd OD'ed or something way back in the sixties, but musicians aren't something I know a lot about usually. Guess you ended up here..."

Looking over Yuzuki, Albert shrugs, "She'll understand you and vice versa." If Jim is dangerous, Albert would rather keep the existence of the Talisman under wraps, but chances are such things aren't exactly secrets in this world.

It's almost like every time Anne makes a sudden move, Yuzuki's eyes dart back towards her. As if waiting for something to happen to her, or waiting for her to do something she shouldn't. Maybe she's being overprotective in that regard… but that's just her mindset at this moment.

The air around them… to her sensitive nose it now starts to smell… different. It's not just the forest she smells… it's that distinct smell of an encampment. The smells of things being cooked, the smell of people… If you don't spend your time away from society, it's not really something you would pick up on so easily. The distant sounds of… music… that also stands out to her. She thinks it's music, anyways. There are noises she doesn't recognize, as some of the instruments they use would be alien to her. She doesn't really pay attention to the conversation between Xing and Anne on their little journey towards the camp, her mind is elsewhere… she is her usual quiet self.

And as the camp itself comes into sight, Yuzuki's pace slows a little as she takes it all in. Her eyes widen a little as she looks it all over… the people wear very strange garments… but that isn't what concerns her the most of course. Look at their eyes… at their general mannerisms… they all seem almost… disconnected. That's the best way she would think to describe what it is she sees. Maybe she's wrong, maybe she's reading the situation completely incorrectly. But that's how it feels to her.

She finds herself smiling timidly as they are greeted by the group, as if they would belong there. They don't, of course.

'Master Xing'… 'training'… those words strike Yuzuki in particular. That style of defense she showed before… does that mean she's sort of a general of these people? Is this their army? Once more, Yuzuki thinks more in military terms when coming face to face with people she doesn't know. Since many times when she came across strangers, they were out for her hide. Makes one paranoid sometimes.

Yuzuki steps up besides Albert, her head bowed a little as now a man makes his way through the crowd. Xing might be one of the leaders of this group… but he is the leader, she thinks. The way the others respond to him, the way he moves amongst them. Her brown eyes look towards Albert when Jim mentions his country of origin. The same… huh… once more she thinks about the possibility that their country is almost the only one left on the planet, given how prevalent it seems here.

And like a hawk does she stare at Jim when he approaches Anne, her left hand brushing against the hilt of her sword. Maybe she really needs to relax, or be a little more trusting of those around her. She has no clue who the Morrison clan is, or how much lands they own… but she can not deny he is one smooth talker. Almost to the point she feels a ping of envy with how he greets Anne. With how he speaks to the bandit.

Jim bows to her, and that hand immediately moves away from her sword as she bows respectfully back to him, her eyes not leaving his. He does have pretty eyes. She smiles a little as she glances to Albert, as he answers for her. With a nod she speaks, her voice seeming to be in perfect English. "Yes, as he said. We thank you for your hospitality here, sir. We're relieved your group wishes us no harm." An… odd… thing to say. But aside from pretty boys, that's kind of foremost in her mind.
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Jim answers Albert first, but his eyes stay locked onto Yuzuki, his soft eyes travelling over her but coming back up to look deeply into her eyes. "OD...yeah that's probably what happened. I took a hit of acid, and the last I remember is slipping into the bathtub....then darkness...and I was in this world. But that's a long story." He next spoke directly to Yuzuki, holding out his hand for hers as well. Which causes Anne to grimace slightly, but she doesn't do anything about whatever she might be feeling. Just put her hands on her hips and step just a little closer to Yuzuki.

"It's a pleasure to meet you and receive you. Let me guess your name...hmmm" He closes his eyes as he thinks "Something that glows, like you...but secretly....wishes it could be you, because you grace mortal eyes all day and night while it hangs only in the night with only the praise of wild animals voiced in the dark. Yet I see...what is that?...a gentle power...yeah that's it." He opens his eyes and smiles a little wider. "So, how close am I? I'm sorry I'm not familiar with Japanese names."

Now Anne was actively trying to hold herself back. She'd gotten a flattering little stanza, if that. And Yuzuki was getting this poem? It has her quite miffed.
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Albert Rhinegard

Albert eyes Jim closely as he answers, interested to see if anything can be made of his answer. Clearly this man was a charmer, a very smooth talker, and on top of that, dangerous. Considering what the rest of these people seemed like, Jim couldn't be trusted. They needed to get what they needed and get out immediately before they were made 'groovy'.

As much as Albert wanted to know if there any some real legitimacy to Jim's understanding of magic that could be imparted, his spidey sense was tingling as he decided to ignore the man and focus on the others. Stepping away from the group of Strangers, Albert approached one of the people and looked closely at their face, raising a finger to see if they traced its movement, likely to creep them out if their brain wasn't entirely fried. He looked for diluted pupils, reaction times. Something was off about them.

Yuzuki's brows furrow together as now she finds Jim suddenly staring at her, despite the fact he is speaking to Albert. She can't say she's so accustomed to men staring at her so openly… it's practically indecent! She does find herself looking down and away from him a little, a sheepish smile on her lips. A smile that hasn't been shown the entirety of time she has been in this world. A smile that hasn't been seen in… a very long time, period.

It's as if she were suddenly a faintly different being.

The woman Albert approaches seems intent on stringing together some small beads onto a length of rope. A thin rope made from blades of grass folded together. And as Albert stops before her, he holds his finger up to her. Her eyes widen, as does the smile upon her lips, and those eyes trace the path of his finger with some slight hesitation. She seems utterly amazed by his finger, giggling softly to herself as she leans towards him, eyes still following his finger. And as he stops, she seems a bit disappointed. She drops the beads she was working on as she speaks to him, her voice having an airy feel to it. "That was intense, daddy. Now I get a turn, now we turn together." She says with another soft giggle. She now holds a finger up in front of Albert, moving it in a slow and rhythmic swaying motion. "It's like our hearts are connected, isn't it? I feel so… so close to you right now… I want you ta follow my finger forever, daddy…"

And as Albert finds his soulmate, Yuzuki's hand tentatively reaches out to Jim's offered hand. He begins to speak… he describes what he sees as her very name. Her head tilts a little to one side as she stares at him, a few rogue locks of hair framing her features. She doesn't notice Anna stepping closer… she probably wouldn't notice if Anne shot her or something right now. Her attention is affixed to Jim. What is it about him? What sort of… allure… does this United States of America man have? Yuzuki seems… a bit shocked with his words, and she shakes her head a little as she speaks softly.

"I… um…" As bright as she's ever been. "My name…" now she glances in Anne's general direction before looking back towards the smooth talking Jim "My name is Yuzuki… my first name is Yuzuki. It means 'tender moon'…" She laughs gently, her free hand fidgeting a little at her side. "For one not familiar with Japanese names… you seem skilled in…" she blinks as the words leave her head suddenly. "Discovering them." Wow what? Now she smiles sheepishly, letting out a nervous chuckle. Because now she feels dumb as she trips over her own words.
What is he doing? Anne thinks, her gaze taken away from the moment occuring between Jim and Yuzuki to see what Albert was getting up to. When it appears to be an odd display of something probably common in the future, she shakes her head and comes back to the moment.

When she does, Jim is taking Yuzuki's hand and kissing the back of it lightly just as he did with Anne's. "Yuzuki. That's a lovely name for a lovely woman." He says and releases her hand.

For a moment she feels...betrayed? But I just met the bloke. Why the hell would I care if he's courting Yuzuki? But still she feels like punching Jim. Not Yuzuki. She's just being taken in by this man's allure. Which Anne is guilty of, why she's feeling like this.

But she doesn't. Instead she grabs Yuzuki's shoulder, lightly, but gives it a little shake to hopefully bring her out. "Ah yes, Anne, Yuzuki, and the bloke over there is Albert. Ya can keep him if ya want, I'm here for the rum promised by Xing." She says rum with some emphasis, but can't help looking over Jim himself not so subtely.

"Rum? Oh yes yes." Jim claps and starts walking away "Come along then. I'm sober now, but take whatever you want and I'm sure we got some tea, something else to serve, right Xing?" He asks, and the woman holds out the leave she'd gathered. "Pep tea?" Jim smiles and nods "Perfect. Brew some up and Horse should be coming back soon, he'd love some too."

Jim leads the group to what can only be his tent towards the center of the encampment, where logs have been set around a fire as seats. The rest of the crowd disperses and resumes whatever they had been doing. Xing brings a cast iron pot from the tent as Jim sits, and she pours in water from a small wooden cask, throwing in the leaves and hanging it from a metal stand set over the fire.

"So. What brings you all here? Where ya headed?" Jim asks looking between all assembled.

Anne sits close to Jim and is eager to answer. "To this city, called Gatecia. See Albert doesn't like this rough living, he's a city boy, and I got business with the King about my people. Protection and the like. " She says, and it takes moment for her to realize she has so casually referred to the Barbin as 'her people'.

"Your people? As in more pirates?" He asks, rubbing his chin and looking at her.

"No not pirates. The Barbin is what they're called. See we was attacked the other day, and I think Gatecia has somethin' we can use to keep our borders, our lives, safer." Anne answers.

"Hmm." Jim thinks it over and redirects his attention to Albert, assuming he's joined them. "So a pirate, and I can assume a stunning samurai....what were you in your time Albert? Were you a scientist? A..soldier(He asks hesitantly)? Did you have a life of signifance before you came here? Enough to base a movie on?"
Albert Rhinegard

The man's eyes narrow when the woman responds in a rather unusual manner. At his best guess, Albert would say it's something similar to MDMA or perhaps acid. Or perhaps they're really being affected by some kind of magic. Being called 'daddy' makes him visible recoil as well, inwardly moaning in disgust, "I'm not your daddy." Jim was absolutely dangerous. Charismatic. Persuasive. Assembled a group of adoring people. It had almost all the hallmarks of a cult. And he was their leader.

Upon returning to the group, Albert is further disgusted my witnessing yet more of Jim's manipulation or flattery, whichever one would choose to describe it as. It takes much of Albert's willpower just to continue following them to Jim's tent, but he inaudibly refuses to sit on one of the logs. His thoughts go to the dragon tooth dagger resting on his chest, wondering if he could even make good use of it...

When Jim turns his attention to Albert, the man can only look into Jim's eyes with an incredibly frigid harshness, "What I was is unimportant now. What is important is the present moment. And right now, these people are either on drugs that you gave them, or being controlled by your magic, because they seem like cult members. Which is it?"

She feels her smile widen a little as she feels Jim's lips brush against the back of her hand. He might be a westerner, but she can't deny he is damn charming. She's never… ever… felt attracted to those that weren't Japanese, not in the least. But she's in a new world now, isn't she?

Slowly she would pull her hand back, lightly clasping said hands together as she watches Jim now. Her brown eyes blink when she feels Anne's hand on her shoulder, and she kind of jerks her shoulder away from her grasp, not even looking towards her. "She's here for rum, I'm just here to keep them safe. I'm sort of their guard." Is… is she bragging now? Is that what that was? This world truly is screwing with her personality now.

Yuzuki follows them towards that tent, her sandaled feet kind of shuffling as she moves. She reaches to her side and pulls her scabbard from her sash, now holding it lightly in her hand. Her gaze move towards Albert as he enters the tent, and she walks in just behind him. She heads discretely (and a little hurriedly) to sit next to Jim… but Anne is there before she has a real chance. In the back of her mind she huffs, and now notices Albert just standing. Not taking a seat. Not relaxing. Uh oh… something's up, she thinks.

She moves in his general direction as she interjects to Anne's words. "I was able to drive away the attackers and kill their leader." She wants to tell them about the battle, about how brave and selfless she was. And how she scared the wits out of those grown men. But this world hasn't changed her that much that she would indulge in such things.

Now she stands not far from Albert, the butt end of her scabbard resting on the ground in front of her, her hands resting atop the end of the hilt of her sword as it stands up in front of her. Like she's leaning just lightly forward upon it. "Move-ey… I do not know what that is…" She says softly, glancing towards Albert. And when good Albert does speak… she looks fully towards him with a quizzical gaze. Drugs? Magic? She glances over her shoulder towards the entrance of the tent, and then back towards Jim. Surely Albert is overreacting. Surely he's… just insecure. Probably because his manhood has been questioned by his companions no less than 3 times in the passed day, and either one of them are more than ready to take a long long looooong walk with Jim. She looks from Albert towards Jim… wondering if she needs to apologize to him and smack Albert upside the head.
Jim listens to all of them, and gives Yuzuki an approving nod at her assertion that she was responsible for repelling the attack. Anne feels the need to add "I also fought them. Woulda done more but the pansies got me out with a rock before the attack." She is rewarded with a similar nod and smile from Jim. The pirate fiddles with her hair, twirling a lock around her finger. Why? She's aware of it, but it doesn't feel out of character despite it betraying a softer side she hasn't betrayed...ever really. When Albert comes in, and is obviously not going to accept hospitality, Anne leers at him for so suddenly ruining the vibe and potentially her chances with Jim.

If Jim took any offense to Albert's insinuations or his attitude, the man does not let on. Xing however is visibly saddened by his accusations. She hangs her head a little lower than before, but sits and listens intently to the boiling pot. Jim meets Albert's harsh gaze with the same softness he's given the others of his party as he explains. "So you think I'm like Manson? No, I haven't 'drugged' these people and we're not a cult. Neither my power, or my magic, can control people. The most my magic can do is heal your wound. Check it yourself." He points at Albert's injury, and if he were to indeed check he will find that the minor wound he'd sustained was now gone. Like it had never happened.

Jim goes on to say "This 'cult' you think you're seeing? Are people I have liberated with the power I gained when I came here. I freed them from the lie the Kings of Gatecia and Linia have built their thrones on, and led them here to this wilderness to live away from their lies. If you don't want to partake of our hospitality, then please, you're free to leave in peace." Jim points behind him with his thumb.

Anne tries not to leer at Albert, as his departure would mean she'd be obliged to go along, lest he be lost out there on his own by just wandering, or fallen prey to some wild animal. But the arrival of a man with a small wooden cask under his arm, and a clay cup in his other hand, brings a smile to her. The man gives her the cup, and she holds it while he pours it full. "Aye, thank ya good sir." Anne unceremoniously downs the cup of light brown rum in one swig. She clenches her teeth but maintains her smile and shakes her head. "Yes! It feels like forever since I've had good rum. More?" She holds her cup aloft and the man obliges. She says to Jim "I thank ya kindly Mr. Morrison. Pardon the lad, he's been antsy since he came here. What with enduring cat folk, being attacked by an angry Scotsman and his merry band, it's been a hard couple days for him, you understand."

Jim looks at Anne briefly "I do. This place takes some getting used to. I wandered for weeks alone before I met another Stranger who put things in perspective for me. Then I wandered another….year? Maybe two? Before I decided to, as Nietzsche would say, 'Take control of the new life I've been given'. Then I met Horse, Xing, and others who wanted another kind of life the Kings just wouldn't allow, knowing what we know I gotta say I envy you Albert, to have these two for travel companions on the first leg of your journey." He looks back at Albert, expectantly.

Xing lifts the pot lid and with a sniff knows that the tea is ready. One of the others brings a small wooden box of clay cups for Xing to pour the tea into.Without turning her head she hands Jim a cup then holds one out to Yuzuki "Tea? It's very good, promise."

Meanwhile Jim sips his tea, looking down into the cup humming the words to 'People Are Strange' quietly.