Character Index
After the griffins land back at town, Grimm hastily dismounts and leans against a nearby wall for support. Watching Leonidas clearly display his nausea, Grimm chuckles happily knowing he is not the only one who dislikes flying. When Genessa makes her comment about the two men becoming friends, Grimm grunts noncommittally and follows Genessa to the tavern. Finding himself in the middle of the celebration, Grimm glowers in discomfortband pulls his hood over his head. Unfortunately, the noise was only slightly diminished.

Once inside the tavern, Grimm immediately digs into the roasted boar before him. Crudely slicing off a large hunk before Leonidas gets any more, Grimm nods once to Burton. "You are not bad yourself Burton." Ignoring Burton's gentle questioning of Genessa, Grimm gulps down a mug of ale and quickly grabs the pitcher to refill his mug.

"It is that symbol." Genessa sips her tea. "On the uniform of that soldier, and on that man, a native of this land. What is the relation? I'm not inclined to think it is coincidence."

Leonidas, overhearing this, speaks up after swallowing a lump of meat. "He wasn't of this land."

Genessa looks over at him inquisitively. "He wasn't?"

The man shakes his head. "No. He said he was of Macedon. Spoke of some Phillip and Alexander conquering the world." Leonidas scoffs. "I heard of Macedon in my life. Nothing so spectacular as to be world conquerors."

"So the symbol was on two Strangers then." Genessa looks over at Richard. "You are familiar with the symbol. Why would two Strangers, of two different times, have it upon their person?
Richard Francis Burton

Burton had stopped eating for a moment. After a sip of ale...

" The easy answer seems too easy. A symbol from our world, not yours has no business being on two such dissimilar men. The hard answer, some one, or some group of people is using the symbol. It sounds like the first fellow seemed to you, earnest enough, had the symbol from our world. The Macedonian however, was part of a group who tasked themselves with the attack on the grumpy bearded men which Leonidas literally stumbled across. So, that means someone from our world, from the time and place that first fellow came from, is using the symbol now. That person or group, seems set on something foul if you ask me !. Perhaps an inquiry with some of your fellows if any of them had run into this symbol ? That and you'll have to answer to the old fellow who survived the attack."

Burton watches the other two men, in case they seem interested enough to request a translation before going back to his meal.
As Grimm devoured his food, he occasionally looked up at the bearded man and Genessa as they talked in thoughtful tones. Deciding it was better to know what is going on than following orders blindly, Grimm polished off his tankard and reached over Leonidas to poke Bernard.

"What are you talking about? Did something important happen?"

Sitting back down in his seat, Grimm let out a small satisfied belch as he wiped the various bits of food from his beard. Seeing that there were still a few pieces of meat left, Grimm quickly grabbed them and stuffed them into his bag for later.
Genessa listens to Burton make his estimations as to what this swastika symbol was being used for. Fair deductions in her opinion. "Yes I will make an inquiry to the rest of the Guild whether they have heard of, or seen, this symbol used elsewhere." Genessa sips her tea "Most of us are actually gathered in York tonight. I could send word to York tonight, and perhaps they will confer amongst themselves and be back with their share the next day."

Leonidas leers at Grimm as the man reaches over him to poke Bernard but does nothing else, only has another drink from his tankard and listens intently to Genessa, the native who has the most answers to offer. He thinks he will be sticking to her side for the foreseeable future until he has a proper grip on this world.

At Grimm's question, Genessa thinks to take point and explain what they were talking about in brief. She only has a chance to think because at that moment she hears a muffled voice coming from one of her inner pockets. She quickly takes out her orb and holds it aloft in her right hand. "Senior Orlock, receiving." She says to it. A young man's voice answers from the crystal orb, sounding somewhat distressed.

"Senior Orlock! This is Senno.The Shield has been struck and must be raised with the sword."

Genessa's eyes go wide, and she rises to her feet swiftly. She drops some gold and silver coins on the table for their bill, tells the others "We must get back to the Guild Hall immediately." in a tense manner and leaves at a brisk pace. Leonids raises a brow, shrugs, polishes off his tankard and grabs his shield to follow her out.

Genessa says nothing as she leads the group through the street. She does have her baton in hand at the ready, and looks around suspiciously. Leonidas picks up on this and also looks around, waiting for any sign of danger to present itself all the way to the doors of the guild hall. Genessa stands beside the door as the others enter, and when they are all in locks them with heavy iron latches. Bernard meets them at the front, looking concerned " What is happening miss? Are we in danger?"

"The Shield has been struck, and must be raised with the sword." Genessa answers him and the man gives a look of frightened recognition.

"I will do my part." Bernard says taking out his baton. "The Veda is still upstairs. I will stand guard down here." He says and gives their salute.

Genessa beckons the others to keep following her further into the hall. In the office area, Genessa says to them "I am sorry for our abrupt end to dinner, but that was the signal to alert Red Shield that we have been attacked. It's never been given before, and so you will understand my apprehension. Instructions are to recall all personnel, including any recently discovered Strangers, lockdown the hall, and for me to contact the other branches for a status report and receive further details as to what caused the alert. If you will excuse me, I will be in my office." She tells them and runs to her office upstairs.

"Hmm." Leonidas looks around at the office area, sets his shield against a wall and says aloud mostly to himself "Appears I come from the eve of one war, to the eve of another."
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Sir Richard Burton

Burton turns to Grimm

( in Russian )"We were discussing the mark on the dead man's skin Grimm. Seems suspicious."

This is as Genessa gets her own call through one of the magical communication devices. Burton watches her expression change drastically. Ever practical, Burton grabs his new Crossbow, putting it across his back. Also the platter of meat, a loaf of bread and a jug of Ale from their table, following the others through the streets back to the guild hall.

He watches carefully as the announcement is made for Bernard's sake and the even more extreme reaction he makes. Burton sets the food and drink down on the table as the doors to the guild are secured. He sits down as Genessa explains, translating for either of his companions who might need it.

(in greek) "Aye Majesty, perhaps sent here because we will need you for this war ? "

Taking advantage of the brief lull, Burton resumes eating while he waits for Genessa to return.
As Genessa rushes the group back to the headquarters, Grimm frowns as he ponders what might be happening. Obviously Genessa was extremely worried about something, probably what the orb had told her. Upon reaching the headquarters, Grimm listened to Burton's translation of the current situation and grumbled unhappily.

"So we are being dragged into a war now? I have no problem fighting bandits or monsters. But a war is not something I am used to."

After wqtching Genessa sprint to her office, Grim sits down in a nearby chair and strokes his beard apprehensively. True he had sworn his loyalty to Genessa, but he had never expected to be dragged into a war. Following orders and working with others was not his strong suit, but Grimm's dedication to honoring promises put him in a moral bind. Looking over at the tanned man with his shield, Grimm rolled his eyes in annoyance. The lioncloth wearing warrior looked like the type who was most comfortable on the battlefield, hopefully he will take over Grimm's role as Genessa's protector. Thus allowing Grimm to go off and avoid whatever war was coming.

Grumbling under his breath, Grimm idly plucked leftover pieces of food from his beard as he waited for Genessa to return.

Leonidas replies to Burton's suggestion with a noncommittal 'Hmm'. He sits down at one of the desks and ponders that idea. His thoughts are interuppted by the sound of the front doors being opened and Bernard greeting whoever had just arrived. Then there was the sound of many feet before the door open and about a half dozen people in uniforms similar to Genessa and Bernard enter. Some are just putting on their hats or cloaks, as if they'd been dressing partly on the way here.

"Who are you people?" One at the head of the group asks. Leonidas, being without a means of translation, doesn't understand him but is not afraid of them at all. His instincts aren't triggered by their arrival, so the pose no threat. Most look to be more wary of the men they were not expecting.

At that moment Genessa returns from her office, and the new arrivals immediately stand at attention. To which Genessa says "At ease and gather around." Leonidas stands and leans against a wall, arms crossed over his chest.

The young woman stands at the center of those assembled. "I have just spoken with Senior Odalwa. He and others were meeting for the annual celebratory dinner in York, with three Strangers who had recently arrived. A woman and two men. This dinner was attacked only hours ago." A murmur of shock and worry goes through the group. Genessa gives it a moment to subside before going on. "The assailants were led by a Stranger of great power, who had armed his men with powerful weapons like those used by the notorious Bonnie and Clyde. We lost four of our own in this attack, and one of the Strangers joined the attackers. As of now, they are at large." She looks around at the group "I then received orders from our leader, Count Saint Germaine, for all Red Shield to meet in the main guild hall in York. We are to gather copies of all information we have, load up on provisions, and set out as soon as possible. This may not be a full scale war, but we must prepare for it nonetheless. I will talk with these Strangers whether they will be joining us." Genessa does their salute, and the others follow suit then get to their work. Some take to their desks and gather scrolls, start making copies. Others go to begin packing essentials for their journey.

All of these words are lost on Leonidas. He does get the general feeling of the situation though. It was like speeches he'd given his countermen before, even if not in so many words. This woman was young, yet these people deferred to her authority without any visible protest. Just like a Spartan woman. Which he liked very much. Made him miss home just a little less.

Genessa gestures for Leonidas to come join her and the others at the table where the food has been laid out and the Spartan abides. Genessa sits down and talks to Grimm first. "Mr. Grimm. I have only known you a day, but I know enough to feel you would not like to join us. However, I feel your power as we saw it used on the Manticore would be very vital, as well as your knowledge of tracking and survival. I want to, personally, offer a tract of my family's land to be your own in exchange for your service to me. It will be bountiful, with many game animals for you to make your living on." The young woman makes her offer to the gruff man, and prepares for any questions from the others. Leonidas grabs a pinch of meat and chews on it, figuring he'd be filled in on what exactly was going on soon enough.
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Sir Richard Burton

Burton watches as the new group of guilds people show up and start talking in something of a panicked rush. So, their main guildhall has been attacked, by strangers with guns. He dutifully translates for Leonidas, assuming Grimm has understood with the translator medallion at work. Burton continued his silence as Genessa came down and organized her people. Like Leonidas, he rather admired how she went about her work. He thought he caught that in the other man's eye and smiled.

With his Victorian way of doing things, he had eaten somewhat less than his two companions and made of for that now. They would be on the road soon, Genessa's guild would be fully mobilized and even with her, it would be full of questions from her compatriots and superiors. Had made rapid work of food and drink, an old hand at soldiery, he knew what happens at campaigns. They were hard work and usually nasty business or complete boredom. He was rather certain he would not be bored for long.

He watched her talk with the usually unrepentantly stubborn Grimm. Burton had already made up his own mind. He wasn't certain as yet of the Red Guild, but he was sure as Hades certain of Genessa.

He watched the start of what might be negotiations, continuing to translate for Leonidas.
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Grimm watched curiously as the band of red shield agents arrived in a quiet panic. Based on what Genessa had described, Grimm felt reasonably sure that a war of some sort was forming. Of course this only made him more anxious to leave and set out on his own. However such thoughts of escape evaporated once more food was set out to eat. Not caring about the new group of onlookers, Grimm searched for the best pieces of meat to eat. Once satisfied with his second dinner, the hairy hunter stuffed several slices in his bag for later.

Grimm was about to stand up to leave when Genessa addressed him and revealed her offer. "You are cunning Genessa of Red, luring me in with food. Just like a hunter." Done with his odd choice of compliment, Grimm leaned back in his chair and drummed his fingers against his leg. The offer was tempting, very tempting. A stretch of land to build a home and hunt in peace, something any hunter would love to have. However the services required of him to recieve the reward were most likely very dangerous. He also was still hesitant about trusting any sort of royalty to uphold their bargain. But so far Genessa had been fair and seemed level-headed. One could almost see the gears turning in Grimm's head as he pondered his decision. Glancing at Burton, Grimm could tell the gentleman had already decided to help. Burton intrigued Grimm, a paradox of royal mannerisms and veteran actions. Out of everyone, Burton was the only one Grimm actually trusted. If the older soldier was going to assist, it might not be as bad as Grimm predicted.

Sitting up straight, Grimm gestured to the group of agents nearby. "Have any of them killed a man before? Have they any fighting experience? Some of them look like they can barely hold a sword, how should I know they won't run when faced with danger?" Even though Grimm had already decided to accept Genessa's offer, he did not want to seem like a pushover. Being stubborn and rude were his trademarks and he was not going to change his attitude so easily. "If you trust them with your life then they can join, but if any of them run...I will hunt them down and gut them myself." After a short pause Grimm remembered to give the assembled agents a steely glare. With his dominant attitude reasserted, Grimm crossed his arms and stared at Genessa challengingly.

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Most of the other Red Shield are startled by Grimm's outburst of aggressive questions, those still in the room looking up from their work to Genessa. "Senior Orlock? Are you sure you want him along?" asks one man nearest Genessa.

"I do." Genessa answers without hesitation and stands up. "We are not a military organization Mr. Grimm. The majority of these men and women are Scribes not meant to enter combat. But that does not make them any less dedicated to our cause than Bernard, who served as a soldier in his younger years. Our Field Operatives are the ones you will be working with, and rest assured they will not run from a fight. We will be joining up with them on the way to York." Genessa speaks assuringly, confidently to Grimm, stalwart as ever in the face of his normally brash demeanor. "And you have my word, and all here as witnesses, that I promise you a portion of my family land to be yours whether I live through this, or perish before it's end." She puts a hand over her heart and looks Grimm in the eye. Then something behind Grimm catches her eye; one of the younger men, a sandy-haired one who looks to be just barely an adult is raising his hand. "You have something to say?"

"I've killed a man." The youth says bringing his hand down. He's not very confident when he says this, his eyes down somewhat, but he steps forward. "I did not like it, but it was either the wild man I came across in my family's crops, or myself. The man asked if any of us ever killed...I just wanted to answer." He says rather meekly and clears his throat nervously, then steps back against the wall.

"Hmm." Genessa looks at the young man, and then at Grimm. "I hope that satisfies you Mr. Grimm. At least one who has admitted to killing a man." She then claps her hands. "Now, to work everyone. I will go acquire and prepare our wagons. We will travel through the night, and reach York by late afternoon."

Leonidas, who has been getting the translation of the situation through Burton, watches Genessa then leave the room and presumably to guild hall as well. He says aside to Burton. "As I need you to translate, I will not burden you further for now. I will rest and awake when it is time to leave." He grabs the man's hand, and gives it a hard shake "Thank you Burton. Without you, I'd be even more lost than I am." The old king then picked a random but clear section of the wall to sit down and rest back on, arms crossed and eyes closed. In spite of the noise going about as people worked, his head soon dropped to his chin, and he even began to snore quite audibly.

In Genessa's absence crates are filled with provisions, scrolls, and weapons. Not the full stores of their pantry or the armory, but enough to feed and arm everyone present at the least. Genessa comes back in about an hour's time with Bernard at her side, who is visibly worried but stalwart. "Wagons are ready. Load the first wagons with supplies." She orders the others. Leonidas wakes at the sound of her voice, rises to his feet and yawns while running his fingers through his grizzled greying beard. He picks up his shield, and without consulting anybody exits the hall.

Outside the street is dominated by a train of eight covered wagons each with a pair of horses. People on the street and in windows look out upon them, curious about this sudden apparent exodus of Red Shield. Leonidas goes to the very last wagon, puts his shield up before climbing in and taking a seat on the bench style sides of the interior.
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Sir Richard Francis Burton

Burton finishes his impromptu meal, listening without emotion to Grimm & Genessa. He turns to Leonidas, speaking to him in Greek.

" If our adversaries are clever and know these good folk well enough your Majesty, this might be a long night indeed for these young folk. I think you have the right idea though, a little shut eye now will fuel the heart down the road. I will go get my own things and be back to join you for a nap. "

As the old king takes a warrior's repast Burton goes to the inn where the remainder of his things are, fetching them and bringing them back. He finds Grimm, letting him know where he'll be napping until things are ready to go.

When he wakes from his own nap, he finds Bernard.

"Bernard, I have a concern. These enemies seem to like attacking from surprise or ambush. If they have studied your people, they may have prepared another attack along the road. Perhaps with Joan of Arc, or the speedy stranger Dean. As Genessa has said, many of these young folk are akin to reserves in regular armies. Stout hearted and loyal, but not used to fighting so much. The old warrior is a famous ancient King from my world. Word of his final battle was still told thousands of years after the deed. Before we go, please find him a translator amulet. I am going to ride on the first wagon in case of the worst happening. "

Burton goes to the first Wagon, climbing aboard, his new crossbow ready.
Grimm kept his surprise to himself when Genessa confidently responded to his questions. Making a show of shrugging dismissively, Grimm turned around when the young man stepped forward. Arching an eyebrow in surprise, Grimm looked the young man up and down and frowned in thought. As everyone dispersed, Grimm stomped over to the young man and poked his shoulder. "You are smart, you did not brag about yourself. If you live long enough and learn you might become a man worthy to stand beside. But for now you are just a boy, don't get killed." Done with his strange pep talk, Grimm left the boy alone and wandered off to go walk around and let his meal digest.

When it came time to leave, Grimm let out a sigh of relief that they would be travelling normally and not flying again. Finding the carriage Genessa was riding in, Grimm clambered up and sat next to the driver. Figuring he would rely upon his experience guarding various travelling merchants, Grimm secured his bag of tools and precious leftovers next to himself. Pulling out his crossbow, Grimm loaded a bolt and after making sure his other weapons were easily accessible leaned back and waited to depart.

Grimm had caught the 'boy' with an armful of scrolls which he nearly drops when poked in the shoulder. He stammers out "Th-thank you sir…" And promptly resumes his duties, more confused than before.

When Burton finds Bernard, he is making a written inventory of everything they are bringing along outside the wagons as they are brought out, presented to him, then loaded up. He makes the line pause a moment while he answers "Oh yes yes, I noticed you were translating for him. I will see to it personally. And as for our route, our field operatives will be scouting out the path ahead of us before they meet up, and after. Should there be an ambush waiting, they are sure to give us enough warning to mount a counter-offensive." He then resumes his duties until all the needed supplies are accounted for. He goes back into the guild hall, and shortly after locks it behind himself before going wagon to wagon, in search of Leonidas until finding him in the very back. The Spartan King isn't keen on the ornate medallion when presented with it at first, but is grateful he understands Bernard completely when he explains its function. Bernard and Leonidas then have a long chat as the wagons begin their journey.

Genessa had taken the third wagon in the train, and looks gratefully at Grimm when she joins her and the other Red Shield huddled in the wagon as well. There was no 'Officers Wagon' or the like here. Genessa sits elbow-to-elbow with the rest for the journey, Seer Orb in hand as she communicates with the Field Operatives. These men and women all perform well, and the train doesn't halt as it traverses rolling hills, groves of trees and rivers even as they come out from the dark and have a respite in the back wagon with Bernard and Leonidas. Occasionally there is a burst of laughter from said wagon, as Leonidas seems to be having a very good time now that he's able to communicate properly.

It is only at one point, about midway of their journey in the dead of night, that Genessa grows concerned.

"Has there been any word from Charlan?" She asks quietly of the orb while the rest of the Red Shield in the wagon are slumped over each other, asleep as it is by then the dead of night.

"None. Maybe he dropped his orb somewhere?" a female voice from the orb posits.

"I hope it is only that. The last I'd heard from him, he was investigating that Morrison out near the Barbin woodlands." She sighs and holds the orb in her lap as she closes her eyes, eventually falls asleep a while in the quiet dark.

The vigilant Burton and Grimm may be disappointed, or elated, that the rest of their journey is uneventful. The wagon train cuts across the land through the night, unharassed from the gates of Doren to the higher walls of York.
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