
"I don't remember" spike admitted. "Maybe I'm not one of you" he said as he shrugged his shoulder. He dropped to his knees and gathered all the wood, before attempting to start a fire. One thing he knew how to do was camp.
"Oooooh! Do that again!" Clem dropped the felled tree without a second thought, letting it crash to the ground. She ran up to Chess and snatched his hand, squinting at it expectantly. When it didn't disappear she grunted, dropping it back to his side. Clem felt the wind blowing, humid salt flavored air coming straight from the ocean. She didn't understand why everyone was acting so upset... This island felt like the furthest thing from any cage.
" whats up mopey faces " he said as he walked out of the forest behind Clem he walked along the log and flipped off it landing on the floor, he looked at every with a smirk. " Invisibility is the coolest thing ever! to fighting " he said as he threw some punches in the air. he seemed to have a remembrance knack for combat.
Perched over a nearby cliffside, Victoria observed the new group of survivors from afar. She hadn't seen another human in months, let alone a group of them. Were they like her? Were they experimented on too? Vicky thought that the months in solitude she'd spent on the island had repressed those memories, but seeing the others reopened the flood gates and they all came rushing back. The fragmented memories were all just flashes, images of events that never fully pieced together. But she knew she didn't have all the pieces of the puzzle.

She was overcome with excitement at the idea of human interaction once again, but the months spent alone on the island had made her cautious - maybe even paranoid. Who knows why they're here. Maybe they came to kill me, she thought. But no, that doesn't make sense. If they were on that ship that blew up, there's no way they could be assassins.

Unless THEY blew it up.

Several of the rocks at her feet, each no more than a few inches long, rattled into motion as they lifted off the ground, and sat suspended in the air in front of her, ready to be launched several hundred feet at her targets below. Maybe I should kill them first. Before they know where I am, before they can find me. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, until she was shaken by a jolt of the memories from before and the sounds of voices screaming echoed in her head. None of the voices were hers. Maybe they were the voices of these survivors.

She eased her concentration as the rocks dropped out of their places in the air and clattered back to the ground. I guess I should wait and see, she thought. Vicky crouched back to the ground to continue observing the group.
Eyes wide from Clem's strength and Chess' invisibility, she thought 'Heh... So I'm not the only one." Signaling the others to be silent, she sneaked to them, morphed to a wolf and howled, scaring both of them.
Chess stumbled back, overwhelmed. A wolf stood behind him. Yet, as he spun around, he thought dumbly, wolves don't live on islands. Then he noticed the eyes. So much like.... "Artemis?" Chess was confused, and still a bit angry. He didn't know why he was on this island, why those people blew up the ship, why everything around him was disintegrating into an insane mess. Then he knew why he had hung back for his entire life. If everything was as maddening as this whenever he interacted with anyone, he was better off alone. Chess then took a deep breath. calm down, Cheshire. Do what you've always done. Disappear. Chess thought back to what he had done before, and tried it again. Slowly he began to fade, and he watched his disappearing hands with a mixture of fear and awe. Then he was gone. He looked back, and saw that his shadow was still there. When he moved, the shadow moved. He wasn't entirely invisible, then. Just invisible to the human eye. Chess retreated into the shade, where he couldn't be tracked, and sat down. He had been trying not to remember his memories, had been trying to forget them, but he needed to know. So he closed his eyes, and remembered.

It was cold. Very cold. There was no breeze, and the air hung still and unmoving. He had opened his eyes to a harsh bright light, and he tried to use his hand to shield his eyes, but it wouldn't move. He looked over to see his wrist strapped to a large metal table. His eyes slid over to the other hand to see the same. His mouth tasted dry and raw, like he had been screaming, and he had no memories of anything before his waking point. He was in an empty room, with a glass partition in front of him, and a door to his left behind him. The room smelled like alcohol, the kind they used in hospitals, and there was a tray next to him that held multiple needles. They were empty. The doors behind him swished, and he strained to see who had came in. Two people walked around the table. One was holding another needle. The next thing he knew, a searing pain came into his left arm, and the pain spread throughout his entire body, tearing through his veins. His skin felt like it was on fire. Then he passed out.

He had reawakened in a bed, in a room that was just like the one with the table. He sat up as a man walked in. "What do you remember?"

He hadn't remembered anything. Not the experiments, not even his name. A nurse came in and injected something into his arm, and he felt numb. Then he remembered. His name was Chess. He had been in a car accident. He was now in a hospital, and afterwards would go to a cruise liner provided for him. Many other people were there. His parents were dead, and he had no friends. Chess related this all to the man, and he nodded and checked something on a paper. Then he smiled. "You will board the cruise shortly." Then the man stepped outside to talk with someone who had been waiting out of the door. "The operation was a success. If he remembers, you know what to do. We can't afford to let the public know."

After that, Chess had simply boarded a ship, and sailed out, only to crash. It hadn't seemed strange to him then that he was going on a random cruise that had been paid for that was going to an unknown location. So....They didn't want us to remember whatever they did to us. Is that why they sabotaged the cruise? Where would we go if we hadn't remembered?

Artemis marveled at the disappearing 'act'. Chess was fading, slowly into the surrounding. Like a Cheshire Cat. From Alice. Still in wolf form, her sense of smell was acute. Chess was still there. She knew that he figured out her act.
She forgot about Clem, who was the more 'active' of the two. Big mistake.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Clem flailed wildly, smacking Mica in the face and knocking into the wolf, causing her to lose her footing on some stupid rock. She landed ass first in the dirt, before springing up in a flurry of blue hair and dirtied clothes. She made to bull the animal over, half a second too late realizing no one else in the group was making a move. A real wolf wouldn't just run up to a group of people either... Goddamn it, Clem thought as her body careened towards the one who could only be Artemis.
Mica had been smacked and he had no clue why he didn't know what was going on but all he could do was jump back on Clem and hang onto her like a squid, his arms and legs wrapped around her. Trying to prevent her from moving towards Artemis. " Don do it! Were all friends! " He was trying to hold back this super strength women with the best of his abilities but this was not his his power would be much harder to reveal but not as...special as the others. His dark blue hair clinged to his face that escape the folds of his shirt hat. " Lets all just calm down "
"Sorry. I could'nt help it." apologised Artemis,who stood half morphed from shock. The other's eyes were on her and the blue-haired people, who were apparently clinging to each other. She did'nt mean to scare Clem like that. Slightly embarassed, she morphed into human and stepped backwards and tried getting things straight.
"So all of you all experiments too?"
Chess stepped out of the shadows and reappeared next to Artemis. He nearly laughed. "Well, obviously."
Spike just watched the others, he had no clue what they were talking about. Yet none of this seemed to surprise him, as if in the back of his mind this all made sense. Like it was all normal to him. Yet he had no memories, not the memories that the others kept relating about experiments. "What experiments?" he seemed to ask allowed, without meaning to.
"Eh." Clem pouted sullenly, heaped on the ground a foot away from Artemis. At the last second Mica had thrown himself on top of her, giving her a chance to shift her weight away from the wolf... Person... Thing... And twist her body to the side. The boy was still stubbornly clinging to her back, as she started to rise. "I am calm. I just don't scare well..." She shot a rueful glance at Artemis, now human again. "So, like, where do your clothes go?" She was tired of talking about experiments and lost memories. It only made her head hurt.
Since she was so strong his weight was probably nothing to her so he just hung on like a monkey or getting a free piggy back ride. He looked over he shoulder at Artemis " Yeah were do your clothes go..." He laughed and just began thinking of all the different ways this could go. but then that laughed stopped short as he realized he was being perverted again he rubbed his head and continued to look on from the safety of clems back.
Artemis shrugged. Her clothes were on her. Maybe it was normal? Ask the scientists that did 'this' to her. Moving to snap branches from the fallen tree, she gazed up at the sky it was getting dark fast.
"We should work faster. There's food, and space. Why not camp here?." Artemis asked.
Chess decided right then that the most normal person in the group would have to be Spike. He seemed to have no recollection of any experiments, and he didn't show any abilities of any sort. Chess looked around. "You're right, Artemis. I have to say that this clearing that we've seemed to meet up on is the perfect place for a camp. No use to walk all over the island searching for another place." Chess didn't know how Artemis felt by the whole clothes discussion, but judging by her expression she was unaffected. Chess decided to try to help out. The entire time he hadn't been of much use, and nobody reacted when he told them that the ship was blown up on purpose. He had decided to keep his memories to himself, as nobody wanted to discuss the experiments right now. He would wait until they were ready to talk, but he needed to make himself useful for the moment. Chess stood up and smiled. That was another uncanny characteristic that made him in common with the Cheshire Cat. He had a great smile, and often he would use it to distract people while he slipped away. Will I go mad, too? Chess wondered, and said, "I'll go help with shelter. Does anybody want to fish or hunt or something?" Chess was always good at making "Forts" as a child. He looked at the dead tree. "Clem, if you could pick up that tree again and lean it against that other one, we could make a pretty good lean-to. We'd lean sticks against either side, and eventually we'd get the base of a triangular fort of sorts. Then we would weave smaller sticks through the others, and that would be a sturdy wall. But then we would have to find a way to make it waterproof."
"I'll hunt. It would be pretty cool to test this power thingy and wolves can see better than Humans in the dark. Nocturnal, you see. You guys could go with Chess' idea. It will work. If you need me, whistle thrice."said Artemis, turning around then going 'wolf'. The rest noted it and saw her disappear into the shadows.