
"Yeah, okay. Be sure to bring edible foods and be back here before dark. I'll start on the shelter. Good luck!" Artemis replied, trying to remember her scout training. She had to be strong and survive for them even though she just met them. Even she was traumatised, from everything.
Spike watched the others, it wasn't unusual for people to ignore him, hell it didn't even phase them when he didn't offer up his name. He was after all the anti-social type. He clearly intimidated people, his big build and body piercing and tattoos. People did notice him to be truthful, they just chose to ignore him. He just assumed they felt safer that way. Ignoring him, yet keeping their eye on him, making sure he wasn't about to attack them or something. Yet Spike wasn't aggressive at all, he just seemed it. He liked it better this way, all those people had just died on that plane and not a single one that he knew. So he felt nothing, not even sadness, why feel anything when you have no connection with anyone? He just followed their lead, whoever the leader was.
" I think ill go gather fire wood and ill take the silent tree over there " He looked right at Benjamin and said " you coming.....uh...never caught your name " He said as he turned around crossing his arms, he wasn't particularly afraid of people bigger than him. people are people and can be brought down the same way as others with more force, And if he brought the big guy with him maybe he can make a new friend on this island who might actually be able to be the muscle of the group.
Clem pouted silently. This whole "being stranded" thing was going to be a lot less fun if no one was gonna hang out with her. It was like that moment in gym class, when no one wanted to be on your team. Whatever. Clem bolted off at a run, kicking up sand in her wake. If she couldn't make friends here she intended to at least be useful. Clementine was good at running, she knew that much, even if she had nothing to compare it to. A memory shoved it's way into her head, unbidden.

"But I don't want to run anymore." Sweat was pouring down her back, and they didn't even give her a decent bra to wear. After running for hours they would make her lift weights, heavier every day, sometimes in front of people she didn't recognize. She was just tired. In response to her plea the overseers clicked a little white dial, and electrocuted her. Like a dog. It made her so angry that she decided to hurl the treadmill at the glass they sat behind. Only when she picked it up over her head, they turned up the dial settings so that she had no choice to drop it ineffectually, before falling to the ground.

She didn't remember much after that part. She grimaced, wishing she could forget it all. She could start a new life on the island, rid herself of everything about before. Clem was well into the jungle now, and pretty much lost, if you could get her to admit it.
Spike didn't answer, but merely grunted. Though, he didn't think they were deep within the woods to start a fire. The winds would pick up and the night would be rough, all the others didn't seem to realise this and he wasn't about to bring it up. He would find his own shelter, later if need be.
he gave him a weird look and said " " he figured it would be easier to get wood without having to travel around with a person who seemed to answer with grunts i wonder if he speaks English he thought to himself. Before he took off in a sprint into the forest, he entered the forest from the sandy beach and immediately began hearing wildlife rustle and run around in the dense brush. The sound of freedom is what he heard but as he was running more flashbacks hitting him his body tripping and hitting the floor as he shook in memorized pain, His body floating in a tube filled with water. The water shocked and his body twitching the torture of physical work non stop, being left in cages for days upon days with no food. He snapped out of it and was immediately greeted by a pig snout in his face it was sniffing him...why...he lunged at the pig and began tussling with it, since he didn't have anything to kill it with he would have to do it with his bare hands. The pig squirmed and escaped his grasp and took up but he was right on it until he heard other feet rushing around could it be the one girl...nah she took off earlier, he continued to chase the pig. " Run piggy run! "
"HRAAAAAH!!!" With a battle cry Clem descended down from her branch onto the guy attacking her pig. As she landed, the pig squealed unceremoniously and ran off into the bushes. "What do you think you're doing?! I'm supposed to get the food! You're supposed to get some logs or whatever!" It would be too embarrassing to have some guy come back with food and her with nothing. She clambered off him, straightening the blue tangle of her hair.
" GYAAH! " was the nose he made when she landed on top of him like a rock his face buried in the floor he mumbled until he rose his head saying " The pig was right in my face so i thought maybe i could do something to help instead of getting firewood! " his shirt that was wrapped around his head had fallen off and his blackish blue hair showing, he got up slowly dusting himself off and looking at her with his blue eyes saying " I'm sorry i ruined your hunt " he rubbed the back of his head while he picked up his shirt and tied it around his head again.
With a sigh, Clem leaned heavily against the tree. Her bravado absent for the merest of seconds. "It's okay. Sorry for tackling you." She probably couldn't have gotten the pig anyway. She was pretty good at ruining things, but that was about the extent of her skill set. "How about we both look for firewood first? It's no use having a dead pig and nothing to cook it with."
He gave a thumbs up and a smile " Good point " He said as he spun around looking for dead wood from tree's because dead wood burned the best since it was most likely drained of its fluid's. He then said " Your name is Clementine right? " Picking up some twigs and small dead leaves on the floor for kindling.
Spike had wondered his own way in search of shelter, keeping the rest in sight. There was safety in numbers. Out of the woods rushed an animal, which knocked him to his knees. He grinned as he took of the animal in his powerful grip. He could not help but smile. They would at least be feasting on pig tonight. Spike strengthened his grip and snapped the neck of the pig. No longer worried of it running away. Spike dusted himself off and dragged the dirty thing back to the others, mid way he changed his mind. Whistled to catch their attention, and motioned for them to go further into the woods.
"Yeah, but call me Clem. Clementine sounds so... girly." She hung from a tree limb by her hands, swinging her bare feet from a few inches off the ground. She watched Mica gather the twigs, quickly growing bored. "Ugh. Collecting sticks is so lame." Right as she finished her sentence the branch she hung on snapped, and she fell to the ground in a heap of leaves and curses. That tree seemed to be pretty dead. Dusting herself off, Clem stomped over to the offender and grabbed it by the base of its trunk, grunting as the lifeless roots snapped free at her pull. Steadying the uprooted tree on her shoulder, Clem grinned at Mica's twig collection. "Beat you!"
He turned around slowly and looked at the tree in hand " What...the.....what are you? " He said as he dropped his twig and stared at her..." but if we were in the same crash...does that mean...i have super strength? " He shook his head and said " whatever hold onto that tree and lets go " He said as he pushed through some thickets so she was able to walk easier with a tree in hand. He was going through thoughts in his head like maybe the flashbacks had something to do with this whole super strength thing
Clem cocked her head. "Super strength? What do you mean?" Her memories before the crash jumbled as she tried to recall them. It made her head hurt. Clem was raised with the constant injections, the overseers in their white lab coats, the ever present strength. It was strange to think that it might not be normal for her to be what she was. A little crease formed between her eyebrows as she frowned. Just then a whistle pierced the air. "Did you hear that?"
" Yeah..." He looks around the forest he made fist's in his hand looking around just incase it was some weird type of creature, " what could it be " He said as he continued to walk forward keeping his eye out for anything that might show itself from whistling. but it was becoming irritating in his ear.
Spike whistled one last time, if the others wished to follow, then so be it. He wasn't willing to wait for long. He took slow and small steps, giving them time to catch up. Yet he didn't understand why he was sticking with them, yes there was safety in numbers, but these people...There was something about them.
Chess followed the sound of the whistling. He had to tell the others, but they moved too fast. He then caught up to find a wild scene of two people chasing a pig and a tree being uprooted. First he stood there, paralyzed by the spectacular show, then he shook his head and approached them. "Look, we all have memories of something weird. Obviously this situation isn't normal. We aren't that normal, either. I hate to be the one saying it, but if I don't, I'll go crazy. We're experiments! Do you really think that we wouldn't be affected by that?! We all know the same memories, but I know something you don't. The cruise liner didn't explode in an accident. It was sabotaged. Somebody didn't want us to survive that trip. Why do you think that? Perhaps we shouldn't even be here. Perhaps that person doesn't want us to remember whatever they....did to us." Chess leaned against a tree and clenched his fists. The entire situation was getting to him, and he was feeling more than a little mad. As in angry. As in almost insane. Then Chess looked at his hand, and nearly fell over. It was gone. He had turned invisible, but then suddenly he had reappeared. Chess had flickered out of view for only a second, but suddenly he felt faint. Super strength...Invisibility....What did they do to us? (OOC NOTE: Please see our plot discussion to talk about the whole powers thing that has popped up.)
Spike was watching...He had noticed the disappearing hand. This caused him to frown as he dropped the dead pig to the ground. He had always felt like people were busy ignoring him, their eyes flickering over him. He had thought that was just because people were intimidated by him...but was it because he was actually turning invisible? How had he not noticed this before? "You do that often?" He asked Chess, drawing the attention to himself. He never spoke, rarely grunted.
Artemis trudged eastwards into the forest. The dense vegetation closed around her. She lugged fallen branches and was searching for more. A twig snapped not far from her. Looking in the direction of the sound, she gasped. A tiger met her gaze crouching, then springing towards her. She predicted the tigers move and ran, forgetting the branches. A warm,tingling feeling filled her, weird yet familiar. Then her forearms met the ground pushing her forward. Towards a whistling sound probably made by one of the others. But first she had to get the tiger of her tail.

Running faster, weaving to and fro in the forest, Artemis smiled. Apparently the tiger's scent was gone. Wait what tiger's scent? How could she smell a tiger? She stopped in her tracks and looked down. What she saw scared her, reminded her of what the lab coats did to her. The defects were exterminated, they were kids, babys some of them. They made her watch, scarring her. Some were she friends, 'siblings', sharing the hellish life they lived.

Her paws raked the ground. She was a lupine human hybrid. She willed herself to her human form. Then gathered some other branches, trembling slightly from this revelation, and resumed trekking towards the place where she thought the whistle came from. The last to reach the scene.
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Chess watched his shaking hand suspiciously. "No....." He said uncertainly. "Not until I started remembering these insane memories...." So far, the other person didn't seem to have memories of the experiments. Possibly the only normal person on the island.