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Hatter picked up a violin and started to play it loudly as he usally did when he was annoyed

Hook looked at them both his hook flickering in the sun light "Just one hit with this pan and you would be dead but what is stopping me i wonder" hook said a grin on his face
yeah what is stopping you hook" Tink asked him "you could easly kill me then go to pan but whats stopping you" she said becoming unscared of hook.

Sleepy could hear the violin. she sighed and when home it was a small cotage. she closed her eyes once she landed on to her bed. she dreamed of hater and with that haters hat became magic again.
"Nothing" he said and pull back his hand to stab the hook right in peters heart

Hatter dropped his violin and ran over to his hat he picked it up and ran outside looking for someone to show it to.
Peter" Tink called out with a cry. luckly peter moved out of the way but hook did get his shirt sleave. "what was close old man" Tink was piss. she pushed hook to the floor. "you ass"
Hook fell back he was now lying on the floor when he heard the town bell ring for a meeting it usally only went when something important was going on
tink was about to hit him but the bell ringed. "pan leave with wandy first" she said and asif she heard her name wandy came down in her blue dress. Pn nod and left with windy. tink looked down to hook with a sad look on her face "your an idot" she said then left him there to the meeting.

sleepy was still a sleep noting could wake this beauty.
Hook and the hatter both met each other on the way down to the hall "My hat is fixed" the hatter said a huge smile on his face
Tink was upset so she change into fary form she was think about hook she hated him right now. she already knew that it was about the human
Hook and the hatter enterd the hall sitting at the far back away from the mayor charming "I was about to kill him today" hook said to hatter
"what is it im trying to work" Tink called out she was flying around from above
"As someone of you may know we have an outsider in our town" charming said
Tink huffed and crossed her arms "Im not in the mood cham man just tell us what to do" Tink yelled.
"We need to find out why he is here he could be a spy" he snapped and both hook, hatter burst out laughing
stupid man hes not his stupid thing called car" she said with with a growl "he needs gas so we stay low till he gets it wich will be two day" she hissed back at him turni back to her human form. "shut the fuck up hook hater" she said to thm then add "why dont you fuck eachother out side or something" with that she left she was to piss
"Hatter i expected more of you than to be friends with him or do we need someone checking in on you everyday again" chariming said to jeffersons whos hat was tilted forward like he dad been sleeping
everyone laughed at them two and Tink didnt care she was to piss she was so going to say sorry but for now she as to piss off.
Hatter stormed out he hated being laughed at even if he was laughing aswell he pushed past tink so angrily he nearly knocked her over.
she fell to the floor landing onto her hend and hurted her hand. "ow my hand" she looked over to him "jerk get back here you twisted my hand" she called out to him in anger.
Jefferson turned his head hat still slightly covering his eyes "Im sorry" he said not meaning to hurt her
oh hater" she said softly "im sorry but dont tell Hook im sorry Im still angry at him I didnt mean to say that I just wanted Hook to feel the pain but I didnt Think i would hurt you" she said with a frown.
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