Stormy changes

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Glancing down at the hand on the hilt she almost scoffed at the attempt of a threat. Lightly staring the man down her amber eyes were filled with annoyance over the situation. 'This guy... Stupid, dimwitted and action-minded soldiers. Bah, sometimes...' Listening to the children in the background she finally spoke up cooly to the sergeant. "Then you will gladly explain how rumors work to the hatchlings? And how those trifling things drive people into a fool's mind? I do know my duties, sergeant." Walking away she was clearly annoyed as she reluctantly accepted the imposition from the man, not happy about it and more than a little miffed by the rumor mongering ruining her fun.

Finding the council room she simply entered, seeking out the source of her current issue. "Count Jung, a word?" Her walk hadn't done much to cool her head and there was no happy smile on her face there she stood and disrupted the meeting.
All heads turned to meet the unexpected visitor, all grimacing as the sudden flow of daylight stung their eyes. All were silent a moment and the three men at the table turned to Kristof, as if they knew this interruption was somehow of his making. "I think this concludes our little meeting," The Count suddenly pronounced, clearly relieved by the interruption, "It's going to be hard, but if we tighten our belts and make an effort to conceive I think we'll get out of this alright." The three gathered men continued looking on in silence, unimpressed. "Council dismissed." Kristof finished, floating out of the room to meet the dragoness. The others remained.

Outside of the court the Count was disappointed to see Viatrix apparently unimpressed by something, "What's wrong?"
Staring down the old men at the council she really wasn't in the mood to deal with them, or the current issue of the low import period. Waiting for Kristof to break loose from his meeting she was much calmer now that she could potentially vent her frustrations to the young Count.

Breathing out a heavy sigh she stared him down squarely. "There's a problem. A really, really annoying problem. Some of your men is believing that little threat a little bit too much, so your dearest sergeant had to take action. Against me. I apparently can't play with the hatchlings 'until it all blows off' unless I want a stupid sword pointed against me." Constraining her annoyance she was upset with the loss of playmates and innocent fun, it having been a good respite between her responsibilities.
What positively colored Kristof faded quickly as he heard out Viatrix' concerns. He glanced back at the council room door as if he felt he forgot something, but seemed to ignore it, fully turning his attention to the dragon, "It's not the Sergeant's place to be telling you what to do, even if you're somehow offending the delicate sensibilities of my men. Hells, he of all people should know you pose about as much of a threat as a large kitten." He signed and began pacing up and down the corridor as he raked his mind for solutions, "Right." He said, stopping in front of the miffed dragon, "First off, we might as well use these rumors to our advantage while we can, if people genuinely believe you're out to eat someone then our little assassin just might be that much more convinced. It would make questioning a lot easier. After that, after you had not eaten our prisoner, the rumors should be a lot more easily dismissed life would go on and you could play with the chi- The 'Hatchlings' with no issue."

Kirstof looked into the dragon's eye, "Would that be fine with you?"
Huffing softly Viatrix remained silent for a moment, staring the young Count down. "... Fine." Agreeing to it reluctantly she sighed softly, needing to thing of a new way to relax. Still, not trusting random circumstances she added sternly. "But! No matter how it ends with the assassin I'll go back to my usual routine, regardless of your Sergeant's wishes."
Despite the dragon's anger, Kristof could not help but find himself lost in her eyes for a moment, only to quickly realize he was gawking and returning to the topic at hand, "Don't worry about the Sergeant, I'm going to be having a talk on his conduct here no matter what happens." He paused, as if cautious of what he was about to say next, "I do have one more favor to ask of you, we most likely only have one good chance to intimidate this guy and I want to get it right. If you could revert to your natural form for aid in our little deception it would help greatly." Taking a moment to think, he finally added, "I'm sure you could find a room around here if you're concerned about your wearables."
Pausing she considered the suggestion, frowning softly in though she stepped a little away while considering her options. 'I could... Right? But...' Sighing softly she shook her head lightly, coming to a decision on it. "... I can't. It might strengthen the rumors and that would only work in my disfavor." If she did something too stupid then the elders would be breathing down her neck. Looking at him she offered a wry smile and held out her hand with the palm up. "But, if you wish a strong threat," small sparks danced across her open palm like dandelion fluff in the wind, "then maybe this? I do think lighting can be frightening for some."
Kristof looked at the dancing sparks and shrugged, "It works, but it lacks a sort of... grandiose. Not disparaging your god-given abilities, but I'm sure I could generate something a bit threatening than a few jumping sparks. It's no real problem though, it's hardly within my rights as Count to demand you do anything." He paused, as if lost on thought for a moment before returning to reality with a clap, "It's best we be off then, don't want to keep my would-be assassin waiting any longer. Let's hope he scares easy." With that he started slowly floating down the hallway and towards the jail, his air of disappointment almost palpable.


The cells were just as dingy as the Count remembered, he hadn't come down their in years and from the smell he would guess they hadn't been cleaned once in that time. Scrunching his nose he proceeded down to the sole occupied cell, guarded by a single all-too-young guard. His talk with the sergeant would apparently be longer than he originally planned. "Evenin' Count!" The youthful guard spouted, his helmet rattling worryingly as his hand struck it with a hasty salute, "I kept a good eye on the prisoner! He's good and ready for whatever you've prepared for him..." He trailed off, his eye catching Trix. "Uh... Yeah. I'll be taking me leave then..."

Kristof rolled his eyes, "Just wait outside the entrance, we shouldn't be too long."

"Will do sir!" The young said as he quickly made his way, nervously waving his hand as he passed by the dragon.

Kristof again rolled his eyes and peered into the cell. The assassin was sitting with his head down at the back of the cell, seemingly unaware of the new visitors. This wouldn't do. Kristof drew out a small shard of quartz from his reagent pouch, placed it gently in his palm then clapped. A sonic boom erupted from his hands, partially deafening the caster and quickly knocking the prisoner to his feet. "It's feeding time!" He cried aloud, ears ringing, "Hope you've made peace with you maker!"
'It won't be just sparks...' Smiling lightly she decided to let Kristof wait and see what she meant to do with her lighting magic...


When entering the dungeons she grimaced lightly at the smell, not even letting herself wonder what caused the myriad of scents. Spotting Fred she gave him a light grinned filled with dark mischief. The young boy couldn't miss the fact that the dragon's mostly smooth skin was scalier than usual and in a silvery grey. Letting go of a little on the magic needed to uphold the more prettying parts of her human form she was gathering her magic and preparing for an impressive show of lighting. It could be lethal if she was careless.
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