Stopping the Bandit


Weeaboo Author with No Preferences or Opinions
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, magical, action, sci-fi, romance, modern, slice of life.
It was a quiet night, like most others, in the countryside of the city-state known as Lorendera. The cool breeze gently wafted past the figure standing in the pale silver moonlight, his green eyes piercing the veil of thin fog wafting out of the nearby pine forest, a small section of a much larger forest that was still standing. He takes a deep breath, bowing his head solemnly as a familiar figure approaches from behind.

"Master? What is it? You do not usually leave the building unless something is wrong."

The man chuckles lightly, turning to the much younger woman before him. She was quite lithe, with aviator goggles atop her golden head, waiting to be used to protect her beautiful blue eyes. He had watched her blossom from the young girl who wanted nothing more than to be a fairy-tale princess into the knowledgeable and powerful mage whose thirst for knowledge was matched only by her want to put it to use for a good cause. It pained him to think that she would have to live her life without him, which was a strange feeling since he had been in her shoes so many times before.

"Indeed... My time is coming soon, at the hands of one who craves the power to rule the land..."

The student seems very shocked by this, taking a small step back.

"What do you mean, master? You are immortal, your knowledge boundless, surely he would not think to kill you!"

He chuckles softly and turns back to the forest, the fog becoming a bit thicker now.

"Indeed, many would think so... But The Bandit seeks a new world order, one where the only history would be his own... However, it is not my life that I am concerned about, my dear..."

He turns once again to the woman before him, smiling softly at the tears welling in her eyes and holding up his arm to embrace her, which she takes gratefully as she breaks down.

"Please master, let me stay with you! We can fight him together!"

He shakes his head gently, one hand holding the back of her head while his other gently strokes her back, easing the cries coming from her slightly smaller frame.

"Shh... Stifle your cries now, my child, do not weep for me. You have a long life yet to live, and you must be strong for the children still in training..."

She cries a bit harder at that, squeezing him a bit tighter. For a normal old man, it might be a bit too tight of a grip, but this body was not as old as it seemed.

"No! You can't leave me! I'm not ready, I can't do what you can! Please, I have nobody left but you!"

He looks up at the moon as he embraces his student, whom he had raised like a child when she was left at the doorsteps of the Magic Academy. The cold pallor of the celestial body he had watched for so many nights helps to strengthen his resolve, and he gently pulls away from his most dearest student.

"The hour grows late my dear... Do not fear being alone, for it is in these times that we find clarity... I know, that even when I am gone, you will ALWAYS have someone to turn to in your time of need..."

She tears up again, and seeks to bury her head in his robes again like a fearful child, but he grabs her shoulders and holds her at bay.

"No my dear... You must tell the others that it is no longer safe. Lead them to the city, and hide them there, for the Bandit cannot be allowed to feed off of them... You must go now, child, for the time draws near..."

He motions to the fog again, which had gone from a faint thing to a thick blinding cloud that covers the land. He gives her a firm look, and she squeezes her eyes shut.

"M-Master, I need to tell you... I-"

"I know my child... But there is no longer time, I feel his presence growing near. Go... GO!..."

His firmness on his final word puts a fire under her feet, and she turns to run back to the Academy, hopefully to lead the children to safety. He turns back to the fog, which has begun to creep across the land. He sighs softly and shrugs off his robes, revealing the white linen underneath. He whispers quietly as he hears the back doors of the Academy creak open.

"I will miss you, child..."

He closes his eyes then, waiting for the impending doom as he listens to the others leaving.


The man opens his eyes at hearing his name, looking up at the figure standing in the fog.

"Bandit... or should I call you Jeremiah?"

The figure stands unyielding in the fog as the sound of magic fills the air, a blade suddenly appearing in the Bandit's hand.

"I left that name behind long ago, MASTER."

He spits the last word with something close to contempt, and Leandros sighs softly as he slowly walks forward, his old limbs creaking slightly from standing in one place for so long.

"There is no need for your blade here child, I have long since known that this would be my end."

The bandit begins to become more see-able as Leandros approaches. He wears completely black leather clothing that fits tight to his body and has many sorts of misleading pockets and patches, though his face is left uncovered. His brown eyes stare carefully at Leandros, his black hair slightly wet from the fog in the air. He slowly allows the blade to dissipate in the air as he walks carefully forward to meet his old mentor.

"Yet still you decided to train me. Were you so sick of immortality that you were willing to create your own death?"

Leandros closed his eyes at that, feeling the venom dripping from his words. he had known that his long lost pupil had become vengeful and power-hungry, but seeing and hearing it face to face was enough to make him want to weep. Yet, he was used to these things, and he had found himself weeping at many things as he aged and grew in knowledge.

"Those who would attempt to correct or delay their fate often find themselves being rushed even faster towards it. No amount of immortality can change that my boy."

He opens his eyes and looks back up at the Bandit, who still looked down at Leandros' hunched form with disgust, but still holding some respect as he remembered that this man is where his need for power had taken root. He put a hand on Leandros' shoulder, smiling slightly as he could feel the secret of everlasting life pulsing in his veins, ripe for the picking.

"Are you ready to meet death then, old man?"

Leandros closes his eyes as he places a hand on the Bandit's shoulder in turn.

"Is anyone truly ready to meet death? Even my immortal eyes cannot see this... That is what makes me ready."

Leandros' breathing becomes labored as he feels his powers slowly fading away, and already he could feel an unfamiliar coldness in his limbs that had only been described to him by others.

"So this is how it feels to die... It is strange, yet oddly exciting."

He opens his eyes to look at the Bandit one last time, only to feel his powers stop being drained away as the Bandit looks at him curiously.

"Will I ever have eyes like that? Eyes that can see all and not be deceived by any trick nor magic?"

Leandros chuckles as he sets his hand back down to his side, sitting down on his knees, which had been becoming continually weak.

"In due time... Once you learn certain things... Certain... Secrets, of the world... With immortality now at your disposal, I hope that you are lucky enough to discover them..."

The Bandit seems to think on this for a moment, but just before he is about to resume, Leandros speaks one last time.

"Just know, Jeremiah, that I have always been proud of you... Even now, as I see the things that you will do and the people you will hurt, I am proud of the strong and confident man you have become... And I know that you will be happy in the end."

The Bandit begins to shake him, but even as he can control the magic he steals, the ravenous thirst of the dark magic he uses controls him and forces him to drain the last of his old master's power, killing him in the process.

"What do you mean, what do you see?! SPEAK!..."

But he is already gone, and even as he watches, time finally begins to encroach upon his lifeless form after battling for so long against the forces that kept them at bay, even as they could no longer affect the body of the Bandit.

The Bandit slowly stands, before turning back to the forest and leaving the pile of dust behind, not caring about the Academy that he had put to flame with some of his stolen power.
"With immortality with me, that makes twelve... Twelve powers that I can use to shape the course of the future..."

Vanessa looks around, making sure that everyone had gotten away.

"Nine, there are nine students here... Good, that's all of them. Now..."

She turns away from the group after making sure that they would stay put, going to a small section of the garden they are in where she could get some privacy. Then she breaks down, her heart screaming at her to go back for her master, but her head telling her that it would be suicide, as well as her gut saying that it was too late for him. Some of the students had seen smoke rising from the direction of the Academy, and while the students were concerned and wanted to go back, Vanessa knew that there would be nothing to return to. Even as she willed it not to be true, they would all have to move on with their lives.

"N-N-Not S-So, Ms. Van-n-nessa."

Vanessa turned quickly, a spell forming on her lips, but she held it as she saw that there was no threat from this new... thing.

"What... What are you?"

The metal clicking and steaming thing bows carefully, though it's bronze body seems to be unused to movement.

"I am a f-f-fraction of L-Leandros' p-p-power... In the c-c-case that he should ever p-p-pass away, I was made t-t-to c-c-continue his t-t-teaching... I am G-G-GoldCog, though I th-th-think that I have ssssseen b-b-better days."

Vanessa's spirits are lifted as she looks upon the visibly awkward magical creature.

"So... You're a golem then?"

Gold-Cog shakes his head with a stuttering motion before he speaks.

"R-R-Wrong! I am an A-Automaton, something that will b-b-be used much more than g-g-golems in the f-f-future. That is p-p-precisely why I am speaking to you, my d-d-dear. I was made only a c-c-couple of years after Leandros t-took you in, as he s-s-saw something in you that you d-d-do not yet s-see... B-B-Before I c-c-continue, could you?"

Gold-Cog motions to his body as a bit of rust falls away, and Vanessa nods quickly, thinking of the spell she would need before wording it, causing the rust to fall away from the metal. It reveals shiny iron underneath and the clicking and hissing becomes much quieter, theough he smacks his chest and it slowly changes to a gold tint.

"Ah, there we are! Now, I was made with a single purpose, and I intend to see to it that you and I carry it out! You see, Leondros discovered many things that all but the most powerful knew nothing about, and he taught you many of those things, but there is something that I must tell you now that you would never know unless you became an immortal. It is time that you learned about the Waefonts, for we will need them if we will have any hope of stopping the Bandit!"

Vanessa looked at Gold-Cog in surprise before she begins to pace.

"The Waefonts? But I thought that they were just a myth, and there aren't any accurate records on them! The only thing anyone knows about them is that they are the only way to travel to another world."

Gold-Cog touches her shoulder, which startles her, before steam begins to hiss out of his joints and the clicking of gears before a flash of light engulfs them.

Vanessa gasps as they appear in a large round tower, which is mostly rock on the outside but nice combinations of wood on the interior. There are two large open gates, which both are made of different materials and both lead to murky darkness. One is circular and is made of metal with strange round nails which have runes carved into them, while the other is made out of brick and is a square design and similar runes poke out of the bricks.

"These, my dear, are the Weafonts. I haven't much time to explain, you must simply choose one to proceed through. There is a person in both of these worlds that will be able to aid us in ridding the world of the Bandit, for as long as he holds the ability of immortality, the other worlds will be at risk. He will take over this world first, and once he discovers the Waefonts, he will move on to take over the other two, stealing powers from their worlds as well. We must go and find help, or be forever doomed to tyranny and fear."

Vanessa thinks on this for quite a long while, trying to take it all in. After about an hour, she approaches the brick gate, and together they walk through.


This is a group RP I was hoping to set up on another website, but it didn't get much attention, so I thought that maybe it would do better here! There are just a few bits of info I should mention before we start, as well as to lay down a couple of ground rules.

There are 3 worlds which the Weafonts (Way-font) lead to. The first is the current world that takes place in what is most commonly referred to as the medieval age, Magellaaf (Ma-gey-lah-ff or Ma-je-lah-ff depending on your accent), in which all sorts of magic exists but a magician must master one before they can move onto the next. An example is starting out with fire magic, but you can move on to master another kind of magic if you master fire magic, though most magicians only ever master one magic in their lifetime as there is always more to learn.

The next world is a modern/futuristic world based on superheroes and their abilities or technology known as Komaetos (Co-may-tow-hard s). While technology would be hard for the Bandit to copy, know that he is very cunning and can make cheap imitations that can still be quite potent. As for abilities, he can steal those as well.

The third and last world is sort of a mix between the two, and it takes place in the large gap that spans anywhere from the Victorian Era to the American Revolution, which is known as Kronigus (Crow-knee-gus). This world is sort of a mix between the two, taking ideas and fantastical creations from the other two worlds and meshing them together. The main and most popular technologies in the world of Kronigus is Steampunk and Magipunk, which are often used in menial tasks as well as large scale productions. Steampunk is used more or less for everyday things, such as powering homes and making trains move, while Magipunk is used for the more advanced things and are used to make wondrous devices not found in any other world. One example of a Magipunk weapon is the Solar Gauntlet, which uses the power of the sun and converts it into raw magical energy that can be used in a variety of ways. Another example is the TSL, or True Sight Lenses, which can allow normal people to peer into the world of magical creatures and see the magical energies flowing around them.


This is the part that I will be updating often as we go along in the story. This is a list of the Bandit's powers, and each time he reveals one of his powers, it will be revealed. We already know a few, so it's a good start! If there is a question mark behind it, then there's a good chance that it's right, but it could change.
Jeremiah's Abilities:
Siphon/Steal & Copycat (Original Dark Ability)


Now we move onto the rules! There are only three big ones, but just try to be courteous and if it might be against the rules, then there's a good chance that it probably is.

1. No Overpowered/God Characters. It's great if you have a bad-A character who can take out an army single-handed, but if The Bandit copies your ability, you can't turn the tables to where you're beating him to a pulp. This is supposed to be a cooperative effort, and if it was as easy as switching up your ability so that the bad guy only gets the "not-so-good" portion of your abilities, then this story wouldn't exist because it would have been dealt with.

2. No inappropriate Content.
This one should be a no-brainer, especially since even I am only a blue-star member. This is mainly for smut since I want people of all ages to join this RP, but inappropriate content also covers things like harassment and forcing your actions onto another character or member. It may be hard for some people, I know I had a helluva hard time with it when I first started, but I do intend to hammer down on this quite hard with all of the shady accounts on Iwaku as of late. Because of this, if I catch you being inappropriate or another member brings it to my attention, you get one warning. If the behavior continues, I'll be alerting the staff to keep an eye on you. If it happens again after the second time, well you can follow this link to find out what happens to those who do not "cease and desist!"
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT - Recognizing and Dealing With Creeps

3. Try to Keep Order in the RP and Out of it.
This means both in terms of posting order AND keeping "the Peace" in the chat. If you see a debate starting to get a bit heated, try to keep neutral ground and help the two culprits find an equal ground. I know that this isn't much of a problem on this website, but it's happened before and it's bound to happen again, and I'd just prefer it to stay on the down-low and not spiral out of control and ruin the experience for everyone else. As for posting order, as with most group RP's, I do the good ol' fashioned "first come, first serve" deal.


Back to business! If you got through all of my rambling and are still interested in the story, then you can find a character sheet in the handy-dandy spoiler below!

Name: Full name or just Nickname
Age: Their age in years, not seconds or months.
Gender: Pretty basic, but if you're special then I guess that you have over 100 choices.
World: One of the three worlds, which will determine what magic or abilities you are allowed to have.
Magic/Abilities: Depends on your world, but can define many different things.
Key Personality Traits: Essentially one word traits that make up your character's quirky personality.
Significant History: We don't need to know about how your character grew up in an orphan home unless it's going to be significant to the story or your character in some way. I'm trying to make this easy for you, but if you want to go all out, then by all means feel free to do so. I usually only do about three words, though I double it if I'm using a complex character.
Appearance: This one's pretty basic, having a pretty picture is great to get an image for your character across, but words can paint an image in the mind and they're much easier to change and add on to unless you draw your own art, in which case I envy you but do not discourage.

Throughout the story, I will be taking the mantle of many smaller minor characters, but there is one character that I will be playing that will be a constant until the end of the story. The following spoiler is an example of how the CS can look. You may notice how I added some things to it, but that is completely optional and you can add however much extra detail to your character that you feel is necessary.
The villain himself, DUN DUN DUN!!!
Name: Jeremiah "The Bandit"
Age: 29
Gender: Male
World: Magellaaf
Magic/Abilities: Siphon/Steal & Copycat - Thanks to the dark self-taught apprenticeship Jeremiah underwent, he has forgotten his original magical interest and has mastered the ability to steal and use another's powers, often resulting in the death of magicians. This also goes hand-in-hand with his Copycat ability, in which he can directly copy any power, ability, or technology, for a short amount of time. Unlike most magicians who use Copycat or even the rare few who also use Siphon/Steal, The Bandit is able to remember and re-use the abilities he takes as well as or even better than the original user.
KPT's: Cruel, Haughty, Lonely.
Significant History: Jeremiah was originally an apprentice under the incredibly wise and immortal Master Leandros after his mother saw his potential as a magician. He never knew his father, and after a year under Leandros' tutelage, his mother caught an incurable illness and passed away. With his only known relative gone, Jeremiah received Leandros' blessing and began a voyage to find his father. The search failed, and Jeremiah returned to resume his training. Leandros saw that something in him had changed though, and he could feel a darkness growing within the now 19 year old man. While this darkness pushed him to excel at all of the lessons that Leandros tasked him with, it continued to grow and Jeremiah became ever more unstable. Finally, after another two years of training, Leandros could no longer risk the safety of his other students and his young daughter Vanessa. He sent Jeremiah away, telling him that he must find a way to cleanse his body and mind of the dark presence that was taking hold, or never return. So it was that Jeremiah, feeling betrayed by his mentor, began to feed the presence with his rage and hatred. It began to grow in such a way that it began poisoning his thoughts and emotions, even changing the very magic he cast. Jeremiah attempted to hold back the tide for a time, but he quickly decided (not of his own free will) that rather than keeping this dark power contained, he could use it and grow it further as it made his emotions grow. He changed his very way of living and using magic to suit the darkness within him, causing the very air around him to grow colder and causing a fog to form around him at all times. This drew the attention of a dark magician, whose power remains unknown, and they attempted to siphon off of Jeremiah's blackened heart and soul, only to find that he was stealing away their darkness in turn. It was a long endeavor, said to have lasted for an entire 6 days and 7 nights, but while the dark magician had learned to feed off of another's life-force in order to survive, Jeremiah had learned the cold hard truth about the presence within him, which he told the magician before their strength finally failed them.
"The powers of darkness, only breed more darkness."
The time that Jeremiah had spent in that competition proved to strengthen his confidence in his abilities, as well as to drive him to the realization that while he could sustain himself perfectly well with dark thoughts and hatred alone, though it mainly made him realize that he wanted more. The black hole that is the greed of men had been brought to a head in the competition with the dark magician, and he now knew that he would not be satisfied until he was the most powerful magician in the land, perhaps for all of time itself. So began his terrible mission, to siphon enough power to challenge his old master and steal his immortality, which would allow him to reign eternal forever.
Strengths: Darkness, Negative Emotions, and Solitude.
Weaknesses: No known weaknesses
Appearance: Image=Easier, like so v. Words=Malleable, fits into the theme of IR.
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