Stitches (MaryGold x Lxngdon)

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Anders was telling her that she was beautiful and amazing and Lauren was trying her hardest to believe him, to see herself in that way, but she couldn't. Not when she had been told otherwise by her parents for her entire life. Not when every inch of her soul told her otherwise every single day.

But Anderson was telling her otherwise, and he seemed adamant about it, like he truly believed it. Lauren searched his face for any sign of falsehood and found none, because he genuinely believed what he was saying. He wanted to be with her. That thought was so wonderful and amazing and glorious that a small smile reached her face, one that was true and genuine.

Then, he kissed her.

The kiss barely lasted a second but as soon as his lips touched hers, it was like her entire body was on fire. It was amazing -- it was her first kiss, too, and she could now understand the hype kissing was given by the people she heard talking about it. It was perfect, it was bliss, because it was from him. She was immediately disheartened when it ended so quickly, though Anderson's next words snapped her out of it. So, will you go out with me or not?

Lauren was still and silent for a few seconds, gazing into his beautiful blue eyes, dazzled by his radiance and warmed by his affections. Slowly, she leaned in and kissed him again, pressing her soft lips to his full ones, wrapping her arms around his slender shoulders and pulling him close. She had never kissed anyone before but she knew what she was doing. Kissing Anderson was the most natural thing in the world.

She pulled away, but only to whisper, "Yes." The soft word hung between them for a moment, before she said it again. "Yes. Yes, I will."
"That's all needed to hear."

Anderson beamed at her. It really was a simple thing, it had never felt more simple when they were together. Nothing else mattered whether it was good or bad when they with one another. It made him wonder why they had wasted some much time not being an item when it was this simple and this enjoyable. He didn't care if the kissed or hugged or even touched. Just being in the area as her, sitting beside her was more than enough to make him the happiest boy alive.

Lauren Winter was his girlfriend. Lauren fucking Winter. The world didn't have to know who she was but she was the best damn girl that Anders would ever have the privilege to be with. He didn't believe in luck, but, that was the only thing that would be able to describe how he was able to be her boyfriend, to win her affections.

Anders kissed her forehead and squeezed her hand tenderly before hopping up from his seat one again. He couldn't bare to sit still, he had never been filled with more energy than now. It could be because he was high off of happiness or his ADHD or manic depression. Truthfully, it could have been an unruly mix of all three, but what was mist important was that he was elated.

Anderson paced back and forth in from of her, it was seriously impossible for him to sit. He had tried but jumped right back up and paced again with stupid grin on his face. He tried desperately to get a grip on himself. The Hickory twin stopped, covered his face and inhaled and exhaled deeply before coming back to earth, or at least closer to home anyway.

"Okay, okay, should we go back inside and dance or something? I don't really care what we do."
And he genuinely meant that, as long as they were together he couldn't give a fuck. "Also, let's not tell the others we're official because their assholes and I don't want to give them that satisfactory. They can figure it out on their own, it won't take them long."
He chuckled lightly, rocking back and forth on his toes. He had to keep moving some way or another.
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A pure and brilliant smile cracked across Lauren's face. Anderson was so delighted, so ecstatic, that she had agreed, and Lauren was just as happy, though she showed it by watching him with adoration as he paced around. It was different pacing than before -- this was happy pacing, not stressful or sad. Happy. He was happy that he was with her, and that was more than what Lauren could have ever expected or dreamed of.

She was happy, too. Happier than she had ever been before.

Lauren got to her feet and took both of his hands in her own, before standing on her tiptoes to swiftly kiss him on the lips again. She could never kiss him enough. She could never show him enough affection and love, she could never have enough of Anderson Hickory.

"Let's go inside," she softly agreed. Her voice was different -- it was louder, and more confident. Clearly, she was delighted, and he gave her more confidence than she had ever had on her own. Lauren let go of one of his hands, but kept the other in her own, as they made their way back inside.

So they went inside, and they danced, danced to the slow songs and the fast songs and just moved around and had a wonderful time until Lauren's feet ached and she asked they sit down. They found a small table in the back corner of the room where Claudia and Lucas were sitting with Eden and Jenna. Lauren, panting lightly due to the energy she had expelled after dancing for so long, sat down between Claudia and Anderson. The former gave them a knowing look and a little smile.

"What's going on with you two?" Eden asked suspiciously, looking between Anders and Lauren, searching their faces. "Why are you so happy?"

Lauren just shrugged her dainty shoulders, a smile on her face. She lifted up both hands to tuck the tendrils of her blonde hair behind her ears, though, she had to let go of Anders' hand to do so, and Eden saw. He stood up and pointed at them accusingly.

"You're together!" Again, Lauren shrugged, but she was giggling slightly. "Anders, you dick, you're supposed to be my best friend and you didn't even tell me?"
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Anders snorted and stuck out his tongue at Eden from his spot between Jenna and Lauren. He folded his arms over his chest as he leaned back in his, "Yeah, well, my asshole best friend didn't stick around to back me up earlier when Claudia's rude twin walked up." He retorted and picked up his cup of punch to take a sip. He still would have liked the drink more if it was spiked, but he was in such a good mood he didn't mind too.

"Anyway, shouldn't you be congratulating us first?"

"Congratulations." Lucas chipped in, clinking his cup against Anders in a toast.

"Thank you, Lucas."

"And besides, it was obvious when they disappeared and returned grinning like idiots." Jenna rolled her eyes, smiling herself. Clearly, for her, it was one of the greatest things in the world to see her brother so happy.

Anders snickered and shrugged a shoulder. There really was no point in denying any of it any more. And the bickering of the people sitting at their table was always entertaining.
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"Oh, so, I don't stick around to watch you kill Brogen Lightwood and somehow I'm the bad guy?" Eden retorted, but he was clearly joking. He, like everyone else at the table, was smiling.

"Hey, my brother's a dickhead sometimes but he's still my brother," Claudia protested. "No one is allowed to kill him but me."

"Yeah, well, if I know Anders, he'll definitely put him in the ground if he hits on his girl one more time, so, bye bye Brogen."

Lauren just chuckled and shook her head. Everyone was happy for them, which made her happy in turn. She couldn't believe that she had come to Charmaine with no one, but in a few weeks' time, she had friends, and a boyfriend who thought she was amazing. That was more than she could have ever asked for.

Eden came around the table to clap his hands on Anderson's shoulders. "I'm joking. Congratulations," he said to the both of them. "I was wondering when Anders would grow some balls and ask you out, Lauren."

Lauren blushed but she didn't mind. She found her boyfriend's friend's teasing endearing.
Anders snorted a laugh. Annoyingly close to the truth, that statement of Eden's. He had been scared to ask her out but not for typical sappy reasons. Truthfully, he was a little more afraid that he would ask her out. He was terrified of being with Lauren, he still was. But he was just going to go for it and spend every moment with her to be the best boyfriend.

Of course, he would never admit this at the table for all of them to hear.

"Yeah, well at least I have a pair to ask anyone out, you single loser."

"As another single person, I find that term highly offensive."

"You could always find someone."

Immediately, Anders put his pianist hands over Jenna's ears as if to block out the horrid words Lucas Remington-Brooks. "Don't listen to him."

"Listening to you she'll end up an old maid."

"I honestly see no problem with that. All men in the world are bastards, except for me, of course, and all women are snakes except for Jenna and Lauren."
He unshielded his sisters ears and leaned against his date and partner in one, gushing, if only a little. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Hey, you have to take our picture before we all go home tonight. We also have many group photos but none with Lauren yet."
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Lauren watched Anders protect his sister from the harms of the world and she couldn't help but smile. She had always wished she had a brother, someone to protect her from their father and to keep her safe. But, she was an only child and she always would be. And, besides, she would never want to expose another child to the life she had had.

"Hey, I'm not a snake," Claudia protested with a chuckle.

"And I'm not a bastard. My parents were totally married when they had me."

Lauren didn't even listen, she was too busy smiling at the amazing person she had the privilege to call her boyfriend. She held onto the arm that was around her shoulders with both of her hands and smiled up at Anders broadly. She couldn't help but smile in his presence. She made him so happy.

"Ew. They're in love," Eden remarked.

Lauren blushed a violent red and hid her face in Anderson's chest, but she was still smiling.

"Are you going to be that kind of couple that just stares at each other and ignores everyone else?" Eden inquired. "Because we've had enough of that with Claudia and Lucas."

"Rude." Claudia stood up and tugged Lucas along with her. "Come on, let's get pictures."
The rest of the dance progressed smoothly and just as enjoyably. Lucas had already done his job on taking photos of others for the school yearbook, so all that was left was their own group. He took lonsome shots of them all each, couple shots an and then their group photo. More than half of it wasn't for the school, but themselves for keep.

And then, they continued to merrily party and dance until it was time for them to go home. They dropped Eden off first and then Lucas and Claudia considering his house wasn't far from the other blonde boy's. Second to last was Lauren.

Jenna had already fell asleep inside the vehicle which wasn't surprising. She had worked hard for the past few days to help plan the dance and now she was finally able to truly rest. While she snored softly inside their ride Anders walked Lauren to her front door for the night. It wasn't any new gesture, he had felt obliged to do it even before they were a couple.

"I hoped you enjoyed yourself tonight?"
He said as they reached the front porch. If he could, he would have slowed down time just so they could spend a little more time together. "I know I did."

Anders licked his lips lightly. He wanted to kiss her again and this time for real, but he didn't for more reasons than one. "I really want to kiss you now, but I won't." He openly admitted. "I have yet to take you out on proper dates. Tonight doesn't count because I still did ask you to come as a friend. I just ... I just want to take things one step at a time. I don't want to screw up." It was inevitable that he eventually would but he was still going to try his hardest not to.

"And I'm also kind of frightened your dad could open the door at any minute or id watching from behind a curtain."
He added playfully but entirely serious all the same. It would not be the first time it happened.
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The night was wonderful. They danced and partied and Lucas took some nice photographs and everything was wonderful. Lauren didn't want to leave but her father wanted her home by midnight so eventually they had to depart, though when they did, Lauren was nothing but happy.

Anders insisted on walking her to the door and Lauren happily obliged. They stood on the porch as Anders spoke. Lauren was a tad disappointed that he wasn't going to kiss her goodnight but he respected him for his reasoning. He didn't want to rush things. Neither did she.

"I had a really great time tonight," she promised, stretching up to kiss him on the cheek.

He mentioned her father and Lauren remembered that she'd have to reveal her newly updated relationship status to her parents. She wasn't sure how to feel about that. Before she could say anything, the front door opened and Joshua Winter stepped out. He wore old jeans and a white tank top and rose a sparse eyebrow at Lauren's and Anderson's intertwined hands.

"Something you kids wanna tell me?"

Shit. "Um ... Anders and I are dating?" It came out like a question.

Joshua cocked his head to the side, looked at Anders and leaned against the doorframe. "Do I need to threaten you? You're a handsome young man, I'm sure know the drill from previous girlfriends' fathers."
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To say "yes" he had heard the lecture quite a few times would be true but entirely obnoxious. No father would want to know many if anything centered around their daughter's boyfriend's exes. And Anders had quite a few exes, but only one, his last serious relationship, left a heavy impression on his being as who he was. He was sure if Mr. Winters heard rumors or anything about that it would be off.

The situation was unexpected and not smooth in the slightest. He wasn't prepared to come out with it on the same day he asked her out, but better sooner than later. Coming up with something to say was a lot easier than he was expecting. It probably helped that he had been through the drill many times.

"I'll handle her with care,"
The dark haired male didn't pull that one from his ass because he meant it. Any girl he liked, this one being Lauren, he treated tenderly and he would do so especially with Lauren. He wanted to be the reason she smiled half the time just as she did for him. Her being with him made him happy so he should pay back the favor.

"You don't have to worry,"
He assured Joshua honestly. And though he felt slightly awkward his words did not come out as so.
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Joshua gave Anders a long, hard look. Lauren felt uncomfortable because that look was generally followed by some form of physical violence. But after a few seconds, he relaxed and nodded. Lauren let out a breath she hadn't even known she had been holding.

"Okay," he said, glancing at his happy daughter before returning his gaze to Anders. "Just know that if you hurt her, you won't know what hit you."

Lauren could live with that threat. It was better than some of the things Joshua had said to her.

Joshua turned back into the house. "Your momma made you cocoa," he told Lauren, before moving back into the house.

Lauren turned to Anders and gave him a small smile. "That could have gone a whole lot worse," she remarked. "I'll ... I'll call you tomorrow?"
Truthfully, he felt a bit uncomfortable himself with the unexpected talk with her father that lasted five minutes. It wasn't the worst "I'm dating your daughter" conversation he had, as surprising as it was. He felt relieved to be left alone with Lauren again even if it was destined to end in minutes. Each second second spent with her was an hour in heaven.

"Are you?"
Anders teased, raising an eyebrow at her "question" as he turned back to face her. He returned her smile and rocker back on his heels for a moment. "I'll anticipate, I'll text you before then." It was a said as a fact because that was exactly what it was. He would have harder trouble than usual sleeping tonight, if he would get any sleep at all.

Anders brushed back her hair tenderly, running his fingers through soft blonde tresses. He dropped brought his hand back to caress her cheek before he leaned in and pecked her forehead. He was in no rush to leave her, but her parents were waiting her and his sister was passed out in his waiting ride.

"Goodnight, Lauren Winter." He kissed the tip of her nose, squeezed her hand once more and parted from her.
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A whole week had passed since the dance, and therefore Lauren and Anders had been in an official relationship for one week. It had easily been the best week in Lauren's life. It had been filled with happiness and laughter, it had contained lots of hand-holding and hugs and kisses and she was happy for the first time in her life. She was happy.

Now, they were going on their first official date. It was a Saturday, and Anders had picked Lauren up from her house to take her on their outing. She had made an effort to dress nicely, since this was her first date ever and she wanted it to be special. Lauren wore a baby blue skirt that reached halfway down her thighs, a pair of opaque white tights to hide her scarred legs and a dove grey blouse tucked into her skirt. She also wore a white cardigan and blue flat shoes. Her golden blonde hair hung in its usual loose waves to her elbows, and she had even applied a little simple makeup.

"So where are we going?" she asked Anderson, taking his hand over the centre console and entwining their fingers together. She could never get enough of his presence.
"I don't know," Anders beamed and kissed the back of her hand sweetly but kept his eyes straight ahead on the road as he drove. He squeezed her hand lightly for a moment and set their locked and gave her a fleeting glance. It wasn't as if he hadn't seen her in a while, oh no, if anything he had been seeing her more than ever since they started to date. Still, he loved seeing her face.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and find out, huh?"
Planning their first date wasn't hard and it didn't take a long time to think of anything appropriate either. No, Anders wasn't new to dating or the female kind, he had plenty experience. But it had been a while since had seriously dated and liked someone and it was never the kind of person Lauren was.

It was different and yet not so much different at all. He would treat the way he'd treat any girl he liked, with affection and undoubted adoration. Because those were his sincere feelings for her. He would shout it out for the world to hear if he had to.

"You look lovely, by the way."
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Lauren blushed slightly when he complimented her, but it was a good kind of blush. "Thank you. You look wonderful as well." He probably looked even better than her -- he always did -- but she wasn't going to argue with him on their first date.

They eventually ended up at a movie theatre. Lauren didn't get to go to the cinema much. Her father paid for Netflix so she watched her films and shows on there. So, it was a treat for her to be able to go and watch a film in an actual real-life cinema, where she could pretend she was just a normal teenager, without a care in the world.

She wished.

"Oooh, I saw the trailer for Atomic Blonde and thought that looked really good," she said, pointing to the poster featuring Charlize Theron and James McAvoy. They were standing in the theatre lobby, and Lauren was holding Anderson's hand securely. "It's a spy movie, but, like, a comedy at the same time." Her Southern accent was much more defined when she was more confident, as she was now. "And it has James McAvoy, he's awesome."
"Atomic Blonde ... " Anders repeated thoughtfully, swinging their clasped hands some as he glanced over to the poster. "Okay," He easily agreed without a second thought. There was no need for him to dwell on it all anyway. The most important thing about the date was for Lauren to enjoy herself and be happy and if she was happy he was too. There was nothing better than to see her smile.

"Come on,"
He pulled her along to get in line, smiling as he did so.

It was the weekend, so, naturally the theater was buzzing with many people and the line was long but just as quick. Anders didn't mind any of this however, if they had to wait a little while it would give him time to chat with his partner before they watched the film. Every moment counted with her, with anyone he cared deeply for. And he would enjoy every one of those moments no matter how small.

He looked up ahead at the movie times on the screen ahead, mounted on the wall. They would be able to see their movie even if they took their time. So, he turned his gaze back to Lauren. "So, miss Winter, I would firstly like to thank you for taking time out of your day to spend it a with lower class peasant such as myself." His voice was playfully and the dip of his head as a bow was too.

"If I may so politely ask, how much do you like the James McAvoy?"
He quirked an eyebrow, his tone serious and solemn but his demeanor teasing.
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"Please, I should be thanking you for spending time with me," she joked back. She found that she was actually able to joke and have fun with Anders, which was something she had never been able to do with anyone before. She had never allowed herself to be this close to anyone before.

They purchased their tickets and stepped out of line, Lauren swinging their arms back and forth between them as they walked. "Um ... well, let's just say that if I was given the chance to date James McAvoy, I would probably leave you for him," she said, clearly joking, as obvious by the look of total adoration she gave him.

"Oooh, baby, would you leave him for me, too?"

The voice was new and made Lauren stop, looking behind her as a group of guys came up behind them. The one who spoke was a guy with sallow skin and blue eyes, and short, thin brown hair. He was almost as tall as Anders but a lot skinnier. He was smirking at Lauren, and his friends were grinning at him.

"Wh - what?" Lauren stammered.

"I mean, you'd have a lot more fun with us," the guy continued, stopping beside Lauren and Anders as if Anderson wasn't even there. He put a hand on her waist, which she didn't do anything about because she was absolutely terrified. "So, why don't you come with us instead?" he asked in a charming tone.

"N - no, I - I have --"

"A boyfriend? Yeah, I see." The guy gave Anderson a patronising look, before shrugging and lightly smacking Lauren's behind. She jumped. "Whatever, we'll be in the bar if you change your mind, sweetheart," he said casually, stepping away and returning to his friends.

Lauren was absolutely horrified, and humiliated. She slipped her hand out of Anderson's to hug herself, trying to hold herself together.
Anders was surprised by the sudden arrival of the stranger. It didn't take long for that surprise to transform to anger, the guy had practically flipped his switch in an instant. First it was the way he talked and addressed Lauren, mind you, his Lauren, his girlfriend, even if she wasn't his partner he'd still be just as pissed. He had quietly clenched his fist at that, unable to get a word in during this person's speaking.

And then, he touched her. He actually put his hand in her body. Control yourself, Anderson, that tiny voice repeated over and over again in his head, but it got quieter and quieter and quieter as he watched the asshole in front of him until the voice was no longer there at all. Because as soon he slapped her behind it was over.

How dare he?! How dare he treat her in such a way?! And how dare he do it in front of him?! His fist were do tightly clench his knuckles became white, he was no longer thinking before he acted. Why would he when already knew exactly what to do?

Stepping away from Lauren, he steadily worked toward the group where his target was located. As soon as he was facing the guy he didn't hesitate to punch him straight in the face, holding back no strength and putting as impact into as he could. It was effective, he would fall back with a bloody nose. And though Anders knew his hand would pay the price for it later, he didn't think about it. The only thing he could think about was beating the shit out of the other.

He ignored the gasping of the crowd, in fact he couldn't even hear or see them. He was focused. "You, have a lot of FUCKING nerve, you piece of human shit!" He grabbed him by the collar and pulled back up only to finish what he had started and proceed to punch the hell out of him.
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The sound of the guy's nose cracking sent a chill up Lauren's spine. She jumped and let out a little scream when Anders assaulted the guy. Oh, God, he was terrifying in that moment. He reminded her of a rabid beast.

He reminded her of her father.

They were in a somewhat secluded area -- it was just the couple, the small group of guys and a few innocent bystanders. But they all reacted with horror when Anders hurt the guy. Of course they did. It was horrific.

"Anders!" Lauren cried, running forward and grabbing her boyfriend by the arm. His elbow accidentally collided with her shoulder and she winced but didn't care. She dragged him back, it took her all her strength to do so. "Anders, stop!"

The guy's friends grabbed him and walked him away, one of them holding a jacket up to his nose. The other witnesses walked away now. Lauren let go of Anders, looked up at him with a quivering bottom lip, and turned away.

She made her way back to the car, sitting in the front passenger seat and holding her hands over her chest, trembling with tears.
By the time Anders came back to his senses, breathing at a steady pace with a clear conscious Lauren was missing and as well as the other male. He stood there for a little while trying to think, ignoring the pain in both his hands. That, of course, was an easy feat, he knew how to endure pain more than anyone else. To say he was used to it would be sort of an understatement.

But, standing alone he slowly grasped everything he missed in flashes until it fully connected. And frankly the only thing he actually cared about was the fact that he hurt Lauren. It didn't come as a surprise to him, but itbhim so absolutely angry and sick with himself, his stomach started to churn and his breathing labored again. He hurt her. He actually hurt her.

Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Anders was freaking out, but it wasn't visibly showing. He had screwed up. Even if she forgave him, he wouldn't. It was an accident but he should have been note careful, to be better. He wiped his face both hands, rubbing his hair back down until he was holding his neck. The action sent an even more sever pain through a few finger. Hr had broke something, but that was the least of his problems.

He ignored his bloody and bruised knuckles and made his way to the car. And honestly, he was surprised to even see her in it. He had expected her to walk off, away from him. Looking through the window and seeing the tears in her eyes was enough to make him hesitate before entering.

"I'm sorry,"
He out his hands in the wheel and sighed heavily. However, sorry would never be enough.