Starting New - Profiles & OOC

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1)Can there be a house or shack or something inside the Claymore Pack territory where shifters keep their things if they live as wolves in the pack?

2)Though I get that they're fast healers, how well do they heal? (like in Twilight, Jacob healed so fast, his ribs healed wrong, so they had to be rebroken) So would a shifter ever need to be taken to a hospital?

3)When they shift back into humans I assume they'd be naked right? So shifting into a wolf would be more convenient if they stripped first?

4) Is this how they communicate? (Start at 1:39)

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Uh...I mean that's fine if they want to live as wolves, you can do whatever with that, but it'd make things pretty hard since everyone else is living in houses and being humans 75% of the time. But I guess, have whatever you need to.

As for healing, I don't know I guess it would depend on the situation. Like if there is a bullet wound they need to hurry and get it out before the wound closes up, they'd have an hour or so to do that.

Yes, they'd be naked, so as for being naked in front of others when needing to shift I would think it would be common.

When wolves, they are animals and will communicate as such. It isn't like in twilight where they can read each other's thoughts.
Before this starts will we be discussing whose mate is whose?
and Okay cool Thanks for clearing that up :)
Though the splitting of the packs would occur while they're wolves right?
Nope, the only one that I have worked out is the alpha we're missing, because that sort of all ties in with a plot I have for later. (I hate starting rps with nowhere at all to go, so I figured having at least something to eventually work in would be good).

Besides, it's more fun to figure out who wll pair with who ;) Right..? Hopefully...? lol

And as for when they split, they'll be humans. I mean that's how I see it in my head...they can't talk as wolves, so yeah. But we'll see how it plays out.
Oh! Can shifters somehow know if they encounter one of their kind while human? Or is it a bit of a guessing game?
True mates know about their mate by looking each other in the eyes at first sight? Can that happen as humans too?
Is there any room left? I can play as either male or female. (Preferably female though)
I edited my CS a little bit just to let you know so nobody is confused =)
No problem. You were getting a little spammed there with questions.
If at all possible, reserving the position for the male Beta of the new pack would be wonderful - if that position is still in the pack ranks. I think Vincent would do pretty well as a Beta for a pack.
Yeah it is. If you want to change your profile to be Luke's son, then that would be great. Then we can start this tomorrow :)

No sorry @Katherine no more room.
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I could add in another male character to fill the position, if you'd like. Vincent wouldn't really fit well as a son to the Luke character, and we need that position to be filled anyway, so I'd be happy to forge another character for it if you want.
: ]
@Ravenbelle I think you might be over thinking it ;) Their's like an inner wolf. They are conscious of it when in human form, and when a wolf they are still in their same mind, they just let the wolf that likes to run out. It's kind of two minds working together as one.

As for knowing each other, they will always recognize each other. Wolves work by smell a lot, so that's there, and they just know each other that well. Also as for the mate thing, they know it by sight unless there is a mental block there. For instance if a shifter thinks finding a mate would be the worst, then they won't feel the bond. But if both are open to it, then yeah they'll see it on sight no matter what form their in.

All this isn't as original as it seems, I'm getting it from a book I've been reading. The rules and stuff, and some of the basic beginning of our plot. We won't copy all of it of course, I just thought it was a good start.
Sounds all good to me =) What book if you dont mind me asking? It seems interesting
Okay. I'll tell you as LONG as you don't make fun of me. Cause it's a romance novel. lol I was never into them but they're pretty much the only thing free on my Kindle. I've fallen in love with the series cause it has romance while still having a good plot. I think it might have been a dollar or something.

The series is called The Phonix Pack, but the first book is called Feral Sins. The 3rd one is coming out in Feb :)

Don't judge me. Also, it's a mature book so I don't recommend it for everyone!! I'm married so...yeah, I'm allowed ;) haha
Lol dont worry no judging here I read romance/action novels too if they have good plots/stories. Ill look into it thank you =) im 20 so its okay hehe

Character Name:
Adrian Claymore




Birthplace/original pack:
Being the direct descendant of Luke, he was born into the Claymore pack.

He is the head hunter of the pack, leading out other pack wolves onto hunt runs and being the appointed leader of the hunt. He also has Alpha blood in his veins, meaning he should technically be in command right now, but his father refuses to allow his power to be passed over.



General Appearance:
Adrian gained a few traits from both his Alpha bloodlines and his historic bloodlines that classify him as a pure Claymore. Much like his father, Adrian is very tall for his age, and surprisingly stands above his father, at about 6'4 1/2. His build is muscular, with toned, hard muscle shaping to his body and remaining noticeable enough against his stature. His complexion, though not quite as bronzed as his father, definitely holds a tan to it that continues to deepen with each sunny day. His hair holds a good volume to it, cut short with choppy, messy bangs up front, and is colored into a lighter, softer brown, unlike his father's dark brown. His eyes are an odd color; they are the customary deep chocolate brown, except they seem to have an odd tint to them when placed in the correct light - a ruby tint, to be exact. The tint seems to become more prominent when his temper rises, giving him a better advantage in the field of intimidation.


Wolf Appearance:
With natural Alpha blood running through his body, Adrian is naturally one of the largest wolves in the Claymore pack. His height and size rival with his father's, and it examined closely enough, could be considered larger than Luke's wolf form, making him by far the largest wolf in the pack. The muscle flows sinuously underneath a thick coat of deep brown fur. His eyes lighten into a mixture of pale yellow and light brown, forging an odd combination that is bright within the darkest of nights. His jaws are powerful and can pack in quite a large bite, each lined with lightly curving, thick fangs that could pierce through the toughest hide, and the claws on each of his paws are curved and gruffly sharpened, forged to hook onto and stay onto both opponent and prey. He releases a naturally inherited aura of dominance and the power one with Alpha blood contains, yet it seems to be . . . more courageous, more noble than the aura that his father carries, a far more desirable, yet just as frightening {if not even more frightening}natural air to those of a lower status.





Current Goal/Purpose in life:

To someday rise to the status his father has constantly feared of him being. He desires the feeling of leadership given to the true Alpha of a closely-bonded pack, the feeling of warmth and care and closeness to those in the pack he truly does love. It's a far better desire than what his father has in mind. He also, in secret, desires the feeling of a closer bond to another wolf, the true mate bond.

Naturally, Adrian is a fantastic leader, whose intelligence in tactical and combative strategies is unmatched to any other. He has a deep sense of loyalty and bonding to those within his pack, often pushing aside his dominant blood to care for the young of the pack or to comfort one of the lower in ranks. He also can rise himself up from his usually rather submissive composure to become an intimidating beast of a canine whenever necessary.

His temper has grown into something that is very difficult to keep controlled - he often does try as hard as he can to keep it in containment, but will sometimes fail to do so and unleash a powerful rage from within him, something built up and packed in over the years with his father's verbal and even physical abuse. He also cannot, for the life of him, ever truly get his inner wolf and inner Alpha under his complete control. It often will sway him towards doing some questionable things, and although he often times is able to defy it with his better nature, it will sometimes temporarily break loose and drive him to do things Adrian, as a person, doesn't normally do.

Adrian is very, very afraid of losing himself to his inner Alpha and becoming what his father is. It's constantly there to seethe and bubble underneath his true nature, whisper thoughts into his mind and scold him for doing anything under his blood status, and if he ever were to succumb to it, he knows that he would become what his father is, and that is his true fear. It's why he keeps his inner Alpha under such careful control and meticulous watch. He also is extremely claustrophobic, and becomes rather violent whenever trapped in an enclosed space for a long period of time.

General Personality:
Adrian, on a normal basis, is a loyal, very thoughtful young man. He would never, not in his entire lifetime or under any circumstance, harm one of his pack members {with the exception of the Alpha}. He remains in complete liege and honesty to each and every one of them, always stepping forward whenever he detects a need for help, always volunteering to assist in normally quite strenuous tasks. He feels a sense of both accomplishment and just pure warmth in helping his pack members. He feels that, as a wolf with Alpha blood, it is a sole duty to be there in order to keep his pack healthy, happy, and cared for, and often earns a good amount of respect through this dutiful and willing attitude. He has an intense sense of protectiveness that is no laughing matter - his temper is willing to rise from the depths to unleash something that could make even the most courageous of wolves cower, and with the Alpha blood and deep connection he has with the rest of his pack members, he is more than willing to kill in order to keep those within his Claymore family safe.

Inner Personality:
Adrian allows a good majority of his traits to be worn on his exterior, but there are a few underneath that remain unknown to the majority of the Claymore pack. For one thing, his inner Alpha remains inside of him continuously. It always attempts to scold or put him down whenever he does a service for a lower-blooded wolf, and always presses him to do the more outrageous things that he has seen his father do. It's a bitter and very dominant side of Adrian that is constantly kept under check and secure lockdown, since the very last thing that Adrian would ever want to do is become anything like what his father is. He also has a ball of anger, of pure rage, that waits within and is ready to let loose it's destructive and very, very dangerous wrath whenever Adrian is ready to snap.

One of his secrets is his desire to find his true mate. He feels a need to have a true partner that he could dedicate himself to and protect, and keeps his detection for the bond strong day by day. His other secret is the temper that is waiting to unleash - he keeps it all inside until the right moment comes, only peeling away from it whenever he needs to deliver a small fit of temper to an opponent or troublemaker. But these subtracted layers are always and almost immediately resupplied.



General History:

Adrian lived under the verbal, mental, and physical abuse of his father ever since he was a pup. His father's paranoia led to this harsh and constant downing of his son, and although Luke thought it would keep Adrian from fulfilling the prophecy, he was very wrong. Over the years, Adrian grew and learned from the unnecessary punishment delivered to him, forming his temperamental nature at a young age and letting it develop over the years. Adrian grew more and more bitter and defiant towards his father as time passed, and keeps the balled-up anger inside of him until the correct moment comes along.

Present Life:
Adrian continues his silent waiting for the last straw of his temper to come by and finally make him snap, willing to allow himself to be broken when the time is right. He leads each hunt the pack members go on, continues to service his fellow pack members in any way he possibly can, and quietly searches for the true mate bond to be found in another wolf.
I'm going to make an intro now and post it soon, hopefully.

I started thinking about the whole 'know your mate when you see them' thing, and I know that might be difficult if not planned out beforehand so you guys can either go ahead an plan it out or just let the bond become recognizable as they spend more time together. Whatever works for you and works for the rp, as long as you're having fun with it.

All right! Now for the intro...I hate intros, they're so much harder than a normal post for me :/
Ya me too lol I dread intros XD
Same it's hard to think about the intros and hard to start them as well if you don't know how to do intros at all. When I rp I let the other players in my Roleplaying threads start it up then I just join in and roleplay with my other players.
Characters and their positions (once they separate from the Claymore pack. This is really for a while from now):

Alpha: Adrian Claymore

Alpha Female: Vera Evans

Pack healer: Alina Heartwood

Alpha of Claymore: Luke Claymore

Pack Members:

Diana Harper
Azura Blake

Miles Elliot
Ruka Shoroten

Lone Wolves:
Alec Roan
Vincent Avalyn

(we will add to this list as people join and let me know what they want their character to be, whether part of the new pack or another. Plus the beta female may not come until we find out who falls for who. If you all would like to discuss this beforehand here or just let it happen, be my guest)[/quote]

Why isn't Luna on this list, if I may ask? :/
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