Starcraft Multiplayer II



Original poster

Best Cheese game ever.

Both cheese, Zerg gets to it first, Terran switches from cheese to defense flawlessly...and then goes into a nuke rush -- I wonder if a tech switch can be considered a cheese when its so damn high up the tech tree?

The greatest moment is the Zerg going into a Spine Crawler contain/rush and trying to go for the wall bust...and then EVERYTHING DIES when the nuke hits.

The moment is 6:23.

Zerg Player: WTF

Terran Player: booom!

Casters: Take me now. Take me now, my body is ready. I'm wet. I'm just so happy to see nukes. GET WRECKED!

Me: lololololololol

Put up YOUR favorite SCII games!
The one that's as fun as Brood War.

Oh. Wait..