Star Wars: Republic Backlash

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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The new galactic republic has now been ushered in and the jedi of old were now nearing the edge of myths, while the Republic was reforming. Clone troopers were being reconstituted back into the republic army along with volunteer recruits. The experimental republic commando is birthed, a program only a handful were chosen to aid in the wars of the old republic. Kamino has been working tirelessly to purge any and all latent protocols from new clone troopers. A Mandalorian Operations Group have formed as specialized guardians to protect their genetically engineered kin and have been doing a remarkable job keeping pirate quartering parties at bay. Rumors of jedi have surfaced around some of the worlds in the outer rim. The sith were back on two feet, spreading their influence through the outer rim planets. The sith had gone onto take out rim worlds and fight back the Republic occupation on them. Sith Academies have begun evangelizing the taken worlds through fear tactics and promises of power.

Mandalore had established itself as an economic super power, gaining currency through the shipping of beskar and custom made armor to the republic. Some Mandalorians had even discovered latent force abilities, allowing them to perform feats a skilled gunslinger would have trouble with though they were not able to manifest the force as jedi have aside from simple feats. The Republic and Sith have engaged one another in skirmishes across space, the third party benefactor has been none other than the Mandalorians, the battles wage on in the galaxy as its fate hangs in the balance.

Welcome to this alternate take on the star wars universe er, galaxy. The choices that you make as a player decide what happens within the galaxy, whether you establish yourself as a jedi, sith, bounty hunter, or even a mere smuggler, the actions your character makes will either serve in your fortune or misfortune, make your decisions wisely.

Ah, the headache of things, note that these rules are going to be provided with examples just to give a clearer picture.
1. As the GM and creator of this RP I reserve the right to change rules to further enforce them
2. Please do not use l33t speak, meaning "br0 d1d u s33 th4t l1ghts46er?" that was a headache, please do not do that, I'll lose my mind.
3.No god modding, your character might be strong in the force but he is not pull star destroyers out of the sky, not without some help anyway.
4.No Auto-hitting, you cannot under any circumstance aside from collaboration post hit a character without his/or her consent
5.To further elaborate on rule 3, saying a character did something when they did not also translates to god-modding.
6.No Mary/Gary sues for example this link
7.All races are open to play as, but please do not spam, I don't want to see 50 mandalorian bounty hunters all descendants of Boba Fett himself.
Skills: (What are they good at? What makes them special)
Abilities: (What are they gifted in thanks to the training they have received?)
Force User: Yes/No
Equipment: (Any specialized armor or clothing they have?)
Weapons: (I know you kids and your lightsabers and blasters, don't go crazy)
Occupation: (What do they do?)
History: (What led up to their current designation?)
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