Star Wars: Coming Of The One Unified(IC)



Original poster
SW One Unified Thumb.jpg

@Boba Fit @Red Thunder @One Who Tames @mr_pibbs

The shifting sands of the of the inhospitable planet of Tatooine rumbled and buckled as the thunderous roar of the blood lusting masses screeched and echoed through the arid desert air. Sarthis the Hutt was hosting his fortieth cycle gladiatorial games at his vast palace complex located deep within the feared Forbidden Dunes sector of Tatooine. The arena was massive, easily seating over ten thousand life forms of every sentient species to have ever roamed the Outer Rim. Up in his lavish throne suite, Sarthis looked down on the action surrounded by his plethora of guards, servants and henchmen. The sizable slug like alien, controlled one of the most lucrative and powerful cartels in all of Hutt controlled space and he was one of the most feared crime lords in the known galaxy. Sarthis' reputation was so dire that even the Neo Jedi Order of the New Republic, made it a point to steer clear of his operations.

As the various alien gladiators faced off in open combat, a dark and sinister face glared down from Sarthis' throne suite. Garbed in the intimidating black robes and hood of a Sith Lord, Darth Tragedis narrows his pale orange and red eyes as he peers from beneath his black hood. His face adorned with various Sith tattoos, taking on the vague shape of a human skull. The skin around his left eye, a burnt and scarred mass was a tell tale sign of his body undergoing Dark Side degradation. His very essence infested with the malignant energies of the Dark Side of the Force. Another henchmen soon joins Tragedis in the suite next to Sarthis, adorned in the unmistakable armor of a Mandolorian mercenary, this is Kayto Dass , another of Sarthis' top enforcers.

"Quite a show, aye?" says Kayto addressing the Sith.

Tragedis shoots Kayto and annoyed stare "A tired exercise in tedium if I've ever seen one."

Kayto smirks, when a new gladiator is suddenly announced in the arena. Sarthis lets out a hearty and guttural laugh as he witnesses a new fighter of gigantic stature being led out into the arena by various guards. The figure stands nearly eight feet tall, and is dressed in a tattered tunic that covers nearly his entire body, his face obscured by a facial wrap of brown cloth. As soon as Tragedis catches sight of the new addition, an odd feeling washes over him as he begins to feel almost nauseated, his hands emitting a slight trembling. The figure is unshackled an handed a large spear. Tragedis' breathing becomes more labored as he begins to feel a deep rumbling within The Force. Kayto looks over and notices this.

"Feeling a little worse for ware, are we?"

Tragedis looks over and swallows hard "I've never felt a presence like this in all my life. I feel great ripples in the nexus of the Force itself, as if all energies are converging on that very spot, it's incredible…where did they find this being?"

"Patrols say they picked him up this morning, he volunteered for the fights." says Kayto.

"By the name of Korriban, something isn't right. No one's presence within The Force is this strong…" says Tragedis.

In the next ensuing hours, the crowds go wild as the new fighter commences to tear apart every single opponent he's pitted against with almost impossible strength.

"Most impressive…" says Sarthis.

After defeating almost twenty opponents in rapid succession, the mysterious gladiator looks up to Sarthis and kneels "I hope this performance pleases his Excellency." the figure says in an almost reptilian hiss.

"You've done well gladiator, it is customary that you be rewarded with an opponent of your choosing. If you defeat this last one, you go free." says Sarthis.

"Indeed…than with his Excellency's permission, I choose him!" says the gladiator as he points directly towards Tragedis.

Sarthis laughs with glee "A bold proposal…"

As the stranger stares up at the Sith, an ear splitting pain begins to tear at Tragedis' mind, causing him to shutter back. Whoever this was, his presence within the Force was so powerful that drips of blood began to spill from the Sith Lord's nose.

Kayto steps beside his fellow enforcer "What's goin on here raider? Who is that, what's happening?"

Tragedis breathes hard in anger, his rage building. He wipes the blood from his nose and points down at the stranger and in a low and frightening echo he says "Who are you dreg?"

The stranger stands mockingly silent with enrages Tragedis even more "Answer me whelp!" but again the figure remains silent.

"What say you my lord? A challenge has been laid down, will you accept or is that nose bleed a sign of fear?" says Sarthis to the amusing laughter of the surrounding court.

"Enough!!!!" yells Tragedis. "Alright than maggot, if you wish to die at the hands of a Sith, so be it!"

Tragedis than Force Leaps from the throne suite down into the arena to the cheers of the crowds. He throws off his robes and hood to reveal his leathery black armor underneath and battle ready. The stranger lets out a low cackle…

"All in due time Dark Sider. But first feel the power of the One Unified…" the stranger says as he raises his arms.

Suddenly Tragedis feels a bubble of immense Force energy emanate from the stranger's body so powerful that it drops the Sith to his knees and causes him to vomit up blood. After a few moments, the Sith staggers to his feet.

"You manifested a Force Beacon…your calling to others! What in the name of the Living Force are you?"

"As I said, all in due time."
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"It isn't time yet."

"The hell it isn't. He's in the middle of one of his Sithing tournaments; a few well placed charges would end Sarthis very nicely. And easily."

The hologram figure shook its head. Sidwik had made contact with Senator Fibril as instructed, in order to report in the intelligence he'd gathered. Sidwik, or as Fibril knew him, the Mynock, sucked on his teeth impatiently. He'd carefully implied without stating outright that the charges hadn't been set around the arena yet. The fact of the matter was that waiting until now would have made such a task impossible, and Sidwik, ever resourceful, had already spread his explosive payload around the facility. All he needed was a good reason to set them off.

It sounded like Fibril wasn't going to give him that reason.

The blasted senator shook her head.

"Don't raise hell, Mynock. Do I need to remind you that other gears spin in the vast machine of the New Republic? The Hutt has his place in our plans, and it's not time the remove him yet. Monitor only."

Sidwik snorted but shrugged.

"Hell; I'm paid either way. Suite yourself."

Sidwik cut the channel, returning the Holonet news post to spout its usual propaganda. He should probably also report in to the Spynet; they would want updates, too. But the Bothan intel network could wait; he wanted to see the fights. Pulling his loose desert disguise closer around him, the Bothan turned and stepped off toward the arena.


Sidwik had been in the Hutt's employ for- not not more than 6 standard months: nothing outstanding or attention grabbing, but with enough clout to roam about most places as he saw fit. But of all of Sarthis' minions, he'd kept his eye on the hooded guard of his most. The Bothan couldn't find it in him to trust such a figure, and what kind of egomaniac called himself 'Tragedis', anyway? Sidwik looked up to the throne suite as the figure in question gave furious retorts to the challenger within the arena. He snickered.

"Bastard'll get his due; you watch," he told no one in particular.

And sure enough, hell seemed to break loose in the pit as Tragedis entered it, only to be greeted with apparently superior strength of will. Sidwik, unable to feel the Force, nevertheless felt his stomach tighten no small amount as the Sith retched. His hands fumbled about in his pockets, grasping blaster and detonation transmitter alike for comfort.

"I have a bad feeling about this," he muttered. The Rodian to his left shifted uncomfortably at the comment and raised a finger surreptitiously.

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Damion saw no beauty in the dusty, ugly world of Tatooine. He cared not at all for its people or its ways and could not understand why anybody would want to own it. It was but one of so many dusty little balls of uninteresting rock that he consciously avoided when looking for jobs.

The Hutts were another entity he liked to avoid. They could never just pay you and let you be on your way. The rampant, pathological paranoia and superiority complexes of crime syndicates were exhausting to deal with. Furthermore, there was never a guarantee of payment at the end of a job. Crime lords at any level seemed to think themselves so clever by virtue of not currently being in the custody of some other authority... so clever, in fact, that they sometimes thought they could get away with anything. And the politics of helping one naughty faction often meant being blacklisted by other factions or outright attacked.

Fuck all of that.

And yet here he was in a *very* close orbit of Tantooine.

Damion, along with his sometimes sober pilot Jackson, had taken a job to escort some important person to this planet for some kind of event. He didn't care much about it beyond that and intended fully on not even landing, but leaving as soon as practicable.

His job was simple. With his Skipray Blastboat, he was to escort the VIP vessel to the target location and loiter until the event was over. He would play QRF in case the principal needed extraction. Then he would escort them into orbit and protect them until they were able to jump out-system. Port authority (the Hutts) had already been notified and paid off for him, so he had almost free reign of the skies; for now, at least (crime lords were fickle when it came to their bank accounts).

Even if they were betrayed, it would take a concerted effort to bring down a Skipray - assuming they could even catch it! Normally, these small, potent gunships were quite quick but Damion's model was one often used as a courier and interceptor for its sheer speed.

The first part of their mission was complete by this point. Out of boredom, Jackson had taken to sight-seeing around the less hospitable regions of the planet. With little else to do aside from monitor the radio for signs of trouble, Damion spent his time watching the landscape glide by below them.

Despite his disdain of desert worlds, he had to admire the unique geological aspects of a planet made mostly of rock, sand and poor decisions. Vast bodies of sand flowed in slow motion across what could easily have been ocean-sized planes of water on a more temperate planet. Old, ragged and worn mountains dotted the horizons like sun-scorched islands. Everything on a geological level suggested planet-wide stagnation. He had trouble imagining how often the day-night cycle shifted due to the binary stellar entities.

"Keep us closer to the polar region," Damion said to his pilot. He was strapped snugly into the gunnery seat. Jackson didn't say anything but he felt the Skipray begin to bank and turn North.

Every once and a while, if they were low enough, Damion would notice the shield flair up and the diagnostic computer would register a kinetic strike. He thought that was odd, especially since the mass and speed of the strike suggested something small and fast striking them. He wasn't an expert on local critters but he had to wonder why such a swift little bug would be flying so damn high.

Oh well.
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@Red Thunder

As the din of the crowded arena swelled, the mysterious gladiator who called himself "The One Unified" stepped closer to Darth Tragedis, who had fallen to one knee, temporarily overwhelmed by the Unified's presence in the Force.

"This battle may be unnecessary Darksider. I shall grant you one chance at surrender. Abandon your childish perversion that you and your kin surreptitiously call the Dark Side and join me, the true unification of the Living Force, in remolding the universe as it should be. Neither Dark nor Light but at one with itself. So what say you Sith Lord, or are you to weak to realize your true potential, at which point I shall grant you a quick death." says the Unified.

This last bit of taunting enrages the Sith to such a degree that he let's out a primal scream "I'll show you weakness, dreg!" With his eyes now glowing bright yellow with the power of the Dark Side, he reaches out with the Force and rips a nearby gate off it's hinges, sending it hurling towards the Unified.

The Unified easily quells the attack, swatting the projectile away with the Force as if it were a pebble, however this takes him momentarily off guard and Tragedis uses this opportunity to his full advantage. He charges his opponent at full speed, activating both his light sabers in the process. He leaps through the air and delivers a savage kick directly to the Unified's chest, sending the creature tumbling backwards. The crowd erupts in cheers as many patrons begin to stand and wave in adulation. Back in the throne suite, Sarthis chuckles in enjoyment and Kayto looks down, his helmet masking the worry on his face.

"With all respect Your Excellency, perhaps we should call this little skirmish at first blood. We can't afford to lose one of our best enforcers, now can we?" says Kayto.

"Nonsense Daas! A challenge was laid down and accepted. By very definition of Hutt law, that is a battle to the death." says Sarthis.

Kayto looks back into the arena, and breathes hard.

Meanwhile, Tragedis gives his opponent no time to recover and begins to swing his sabers wildly in order to cut down the Unified where he has fallen. The Unified swiftly dodges out of the way and throws his arm out in order to yank an Electro Staff out of the hands of a nearby centurion's grasp with the Force. The weapon comes flying into the Unified's hand just in time for him to block what would've been a lethal saber strike from the Sith Lord. With unimaginable speed the two combatants engage in an elegant yet deadly duel of Light Saber against Electro Staff to the thunderous roar and amusement of the crowds. After several minutes, Tragedis proves his sheer mastery of his weapons as he manages to get his enemy on the defensive, as he delivers a barrage of unrelenting attacks, his rage fueling his power.

Kayto slightly nods is head "At a boy raider..."

After several more moments, Tragedis savagely swings upwards with one of his red sabers and cleaves his opponent's staff in two, effectively destroying the weapon and disarming his enemy "What was that about weakness dreg?" he says as he goes to deliver a fatal blow to the Unified, but his arms are caught in mid air as his enemy grips him with the sheer power of the Force. The Sith let's out a yelp of pain as his entire body trembles, causing him to drop both his sabers.

"Your fighting prowess is exceptional, I'll give you that. However your presence in the Force is infinitesimal, compared to that which stands before you." says the Unified as he gestures his arms upward, levitating the Sith Lord off the ground.

"An interesting development." says Sarthis with a jovial burp.

Kayto clenches his fists as he quickly exits the suite and hurriedly makes his way down to the ground levels of the arena. Staring behind an iron gate, he racks his mind as to what to do. Kayto may have been a bounty hunter and Hutt enforcer, but his code of honor as a Mandolorian still stood very strong in his countenance. Back on one of their earlier missions, Tragedis had saved his life against an attack of Rodian shadow guards, whose boss was withholding payment from Sarthis. From that point on he had owed the Sith a debt of honor. Furthermore he had somewhat come to respect the Dark Sider as a partner and that Tragedis was known to hold similar ideals of honor to his own. As he watched Tragedis writhe in agony as he was levitated off the ground by this mysterious gladiator, Kayto knew he only had moments to act.

"Mynock, do you read me, it's Daas! Are you seeing this? Listen I don't have time to explain, but I cannot let this happen. As hard as it is to believe I owe this Sith or whatever he calls himself. Look I know you have hidden charges all around the complex, you can create some kind of diversion. Mynock, come in! This could be good for us, this freak in the arena with Tragedis, if we brought him before the Jedi Council that could set us up for life. You know what they would pay for a Force user like that!" Mynock come in dammit, do you read me!!!"

His comm link only responds with static and Kayto breathes in with despair. If he acted it would blow his cover as a Bothan SpyNet informant. He raises his plasma rifle and takes aim at the Unified, his sense of honor rapidly over riding his duty as an informant.

In the arena, the Sith is slowly having his life energy drained from him as more blood begins to seep from his eyes. "Take heed Dark Sider., your death shall only be one of many that choose to pervert the true will of the Force." says the Unified.

"Kiss my a...." he begins to say when he feels as if the very cells of his body are being ripped apart as he lets out a blood curdling scream.

The crowds continue to cheer and unanimously deliver a thumbs down verdict. Kayto stands poised, his finger tightening on the trigger "Answer me Mynock. By the will of Mandalore himself, answer!"
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'Chance' is very often a term used by sentient races to describe an event for which they have no explanation. It is a term used colloquially to describe the inner workings of quantum particles, the dance of star systems, and the infinitely intricate clockwork of the relationship of everything between. Where most see chance, the truly intelligent mind comprehends reason.

Sidwik didn't hear Kayto Daas trying to hail him over his comm for the pressing if in fact simple reason that it had been turned off. From the shadow, some distance away, Wealin the Rodian lowered his finger, his work finished. The Unified Force was to see this fight through, after all, to make an end of a notable and frankly very noisy Sith as a warning to the Galaxy. The Bothan's presence sent ripples through the Unified Force that the Rodian felt, himself a disciple of the One Unified. A potentially large problem with an easy solution: a flick of the activation switch on the Bothan's comm had turned it off, preventing any message from reaching it that might otherwise have. The Unified Force would be glorified, Wealin congratulated himself, and no spy was going to-

Wealin fell to the ground with a thud, the warm sensation of a stun bolt coursing through his limbs and brain as his mind faded to dreams. Sidwik gave him the side eye and sneered before holstering his blaster. Slowly he felt himself over, checking for what the Rodian might have done to him with his gesture. There: the commlink. He flipped it on just in time to hear Daas' last plea. Referencing Mandalore, of all things. As if that warmonger meant anything to Sidwik.

He was probably worried about the outcome of the fight. Tough, Sidwik considered. Even if he had any inclination to help, there wasn't anything he could do. He sure as hell wasn't about to detonate his charges, not when Senator Fibril had told him expressly not to. The Hutt as his syndicate were more valuable to Republic and Spynet both than a simple self-righteous Sith welp. Reluctantly, Sidwik lifted the comm to respond.

"What do you want, Daas? Your master is getting his ass kicked?" Sidwik of course wasn't privvy to the bounty hunter's earlier calls. "I'm not blowing cover because he couldn't keep his ego in his pants."

Beyond the circumstances, non-Bothans in the Spynet carried a stigma with them. Blackmail was seen as a necessity to ensure their loyalty to the network, and the more loyalties one had, the greater the odds of breaking that loyalty. There were reasons for Sidwik being where he was, and he wasn't about to xompromsie them.

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Upon infiltrating the hutt's palace complex, Nayr was greeted by an all too familiar sight, the gladiatorial ring. He remembered the times we he could go hours, even days of fighting during his first decades of life. He used to fight for the sheer pleasure of it, the thrill of battle and the kill. He had strength immeasurable compared to those he fought against. He spared no one in his wake. Yet, despite all the strength he possessed which could vanquished any foe he faced he could get back what he had lost. Took him a long time to realize that, and even longer to accept it.

"Mission control to Hunter, do you copy?" a voice spoke into his helmet. "Reading you loud and clear. I've infiltrated the palace." he replied. At times like this, he was thankful that he had a noise filter feature in his helmet which ensure that no one from the outside could hear him unless he wanted them to. Through the use of his holographic disguise matrix, Nayr was able to pass off as a large-sized bounty hunter. He managed to secure himself higher areas of the arena. Nayr thought it was important that he had the high-ground to gather information for his mission. He had deployed his tiny cloaked drones to survey the arena and secure multiple vantage points. He was tasked with confirming rumor of a supposed Sith henchman working under the hutt and bringing him in to be questioned by the jedi council if the rumor was true. Nayr knew for a fact that most Siths he had fought were very willing to have themselves be killed the captured. As such, he knew his options were limited.

"Hmm that guy seems to fit the description…" he thought to himself as laid eyes on a black-robed individual near the Hutt's throne suite, his eyes the seem to glow with hatred. He has seen his fair share of Siths throughout, and this person was definitely one of them. "Mission control, I've spotted the target." he reported. There once was a time we he would have immediately blasted each Sith he laid eyes upon without hesitation, but he soon learned that such a lifestyle would get him into a lot of trouble.

Taking a moment to calm himself, Nayr soon noticed that crowd was cheering for mysterious fighter that seemed to be able take on just about anyone. He also noticed the unorthodox fighting style he was using. "Hmm, this one seems interesting." he thought. The individual had Nayr's full attention when challenged the Sith. At that moment, Nayr sense a brief disturbance in the Force, something had not felt in very long time. As the two clashed, it clear that it was becoming a very one-sided battle. "Mission control, you getting all this?" he asked with a concerned tone. "Affirmative, Hunter. Relaying it to the Jedi council as we speak." the voice replied with equal amount of concern. He could hear the conversation that the two were having something about the One unified.

Nayr felt uneasy, it was as if he needed to something at the moment, what was it? A thirst for battle or perhaps something else? Whatever it was, he did not have much time to ponder on it as he was given his new orders. "Mission perimeters have changed, keep the Sith alive if possible, but use any means necessary to neutralize the unknown fighter. Lethal force is highly advised." Although it was strange for the Jedi council to recommend such course of action Nayr did not care was simply looking for an excuse to jump in.

From Nayr's experience, the moment an individual is landing a finishing blow to their opponent was when they at their most vulnerable. Seeing that the mysterious fighter was finishing off his opponent, Nayr proceeded to activate his drones to let out a disorientating sound which can be heard both inside and outside the ring. At the same time, he himself used his thrusters to propel himself off his seat and straight into the fighting area at supersonic speeds. A sonic boom could be heard as he broke through the sound barrier and charged forward towards the mysterious fighter to deliver a bone-shattering punch to his body. Said punch had enough strength to send a small armored vehicle flying, much less a person. As soon as he made contact, Nayr would use his repulsors to further enhance the impact of his punch by manipulating the gravity to repel the large fighter. And with that move, Nayr stood in between the mysterious fighter and the Sith. With his back facing the Sith, he uttered "Stand tall, proud warrior. Your story does not end here." as he ignited uniquely shaped red lightsaber. The same one he used to slay countless generations of Siths. He was hoping to get some sort of reaction from this mysterious warrior as he heard that objects that have interacted with many force users have a tendency to give force-sensitive individuals visions.
At the last second it seemed that Kayto's prayers to Mandalore were answered in the form a hulking brute that leapt into the arena, attacking the mysterious gladiator out of nowhere. The new combatant's strike's were so brutal that the Unified was sent crashing into a nearby wall so hard that the masonry around the impact cracked and splintered in several areas. Tragedis fell to the ground like a stone, released from the Unified's Force assault. His first instinct was to get right back up, but the Force attack had left him significantly injured and he staggered just to sit up.

"Don't know who you are gunner, but thanks..." Kayto muttered as he grinned behind his helmet. He lowered his rifle and without a second thought he retrieved two powerful sonic flash bang grenades and hurled them towards the fallen Unified, both detonating simultaneously straight into the creature's face. The Unified roared in anger and tore off his face covering to reveal a monstrous face beneath. Tragedis looked on as his blood ran cold at seeing the Unified's exposed visage. There roaring like a crazed beast was the terrifying form of a Yuuzhan Vong.

"By the Living Force, it's not possible..." said Tragedis as he wiped dried blood from his nose.

At that moment, Kayto deploys his grappling cable, whips it around Tragedis and pulls him out of the arena.


The Unified snarls as he notices the new player in the arena " So what do we have here? That'll be the last mistake you ever make dreg!"

The Unified, now reavled to be a Yuuzhan Vong warrior, projects a wave of Force energy at Nayr...


"Thought you could use a bit of a hand aye raider?" says Kayto as he yanks the cable from around Tragedis' body.

"Just what do you think your doing?1" yells Tragedis.

"Well at the moment, saving your hyde." says Kayto with a smirk.

"I've got to get back out there, a Sith never runs from a fight!" says Tragedis, but as he stands to his feet, he immediately falls to one knee and coughs up blood.

"Now I'm no medical man, but I'd say you've got some internal bleeding there, gunner." says Kayto.

Tragedis shoots the Mandolrian a sinister glare "I've got to get back to Korriban. Warn the others of what's transpired here." he says as he slowly begins to walk out of the arena.

Kayto immediately pulls out a blaster pistol and aims at the departing Sith Lord "I don't think so gunner. Your not going anywhere, until I get some answers!"

Tragedis senses the weapon being drawn on him and angrily whirls around and waves his arm. With this, he knocks the blaster out of Kayto's hand and violently Force pushes him backwards causing the bounty hunter to fall onto his back.

"Make no mistake Mandolorian, even in my weakened state, I still have more than enough power to dispatch the likes of you!" he says but recoils in pain as he clutches his midsection and leans against a nearby wall.

"Is that so, and how do you expect to pilot anything back to Korriban in that condition, oh mighty Sith Lord?" says Kayto in snarky retort.

Tragedis clenches his teeth "Fool..."

"No, your not going anywhere. Now your gonna tell me exactly who or what that thing is you fought in the arena...or so help me, I'l drag your carcass back to Coruscant and you can try to explain it to the Jedi Council yourself!! Now I want answers!"

"I can't tell you what I don't know Daas! You want answers so Crelling bad, than get me back to Korriban! I'm betting the Sith Archives will be able to tell us something of just what that abomination is!"

Kayto breathes in hard "I'm supposed to trust you?"

Tragedis smirks "It's not as if you have much a choice here Daas! Now that little bit about dragging my ass back to Coruscant is very telling! I'm betting your a double agent for the Republic going undercover to infiltrate the Hutts. Your actions here have probably blown your cover wide open, Sarthis is no doubt placing a bounty on your head as we speak!"

Kayto looks back into the arena and his mind reels as he takes a moment of introspection.

"You know I'm right!" says Tragedis as he stands to his full height "Now, look...that freak in there is a Yuuzhan Vong. One of the most deadly abominations this galaxy has ever known. Half a millenia ago they invaded the Outer Rim, the Jedi along with the rest of the unified powers just barely managed to turn them back!"

Kayto turns back to face the Sith Lord "I've heard stories."

"The Vong are supposedly cut off from the auspices of the Force, yet this one has a presence unlike anything I have ever encountered before! Daas, this could be the first wave of another invasion force. If the Vong have found someway to again channel the Living Force, it'll be the sure death of us all! You have to get me back to Korriban! The Sith Archives could be our only hope this time!"

Kayto stands silent for several moments before speaking into his comm link "Mynok, come in. Change of plans, I'll be making a detour to Korriban. I'm enabling the SpyNet tracking beacon on my ship. If I'm not back within a solar day, come find me. Listen you have to get word back to Coruscant, I think we may be dealing with something that goes way beyond the scope of the Hutts. You have to alert the Jedi Council. Tell them the Yuuzhan Vong may be back. Daas out..."

@Red Thunder @TreasureSniper
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The scene below in the gladiatorial pit played out like something from a bad Holovid: insurmountable enemies, unexpected allies, and rapid retreats. Having gotten nothing back initially from the bounty hunter over his commlink, Sidwik had sidled up beside duracrete halfwall and peered down, determined to at least enjoy the massacre of the self-righteous Sith.

That is, unless yet another party got involved. The shrill whine of this new player's drones pierced the Bothan's ears like overly thick needles, and he bent forward in pain as his hands involuntarily cupped his ears in a protective effort. Whomever this new person was, he wasn't afraid to show off a bit of strength, physical and otherwise.

It was perhaps not the best idea. The Hutt's forces began scrambling, thinking that an attack was imminent, likely from some rival gang or syndicate. An angry looking Weequay flanked by too especially large Gamorreans rounded a corner, brandishing a blaster rifle and vibroaxes respectively. Sigwik grinned sheepishly at their arrival, managing some vague dignity as the mechanical whine faded out. The Weequay narrowed his eyes, staring at the Bothan suspiciously before his gaze fell to the unconscious Rodian nearby.

Unfortunately, there was no scream of beleaguered pain at the sight, nor any declaration of excessive torture at what appeared to be the death of his fellow. Instead, the Hutt lieutenant merely leveled the rifle at Sidwik and fired. The Gamorreans, ever eager to partake in any form of violence, charged.

Sidwik spun and leapt across the halfwall, landing some three meters below on the next balcony. Several of the audience members gasped in surprise at his appearance, and the nearest jumped away in fear. Above, the Weequay was shouting orders to his grunts, demanding pursuit.

So much for the Hutt's usefulness. Or mine, anyway.

The way thought crossed his mind as he sprinted for the closest door, shooting off left even as the Gamorreans arrived from the right, calling out for him to stop. His blaster yanked free from its holster and faced them in turn, screaming defiance. One paused as a bolt made purchase on his shoulder, but it was a brief pause, and he was right behind his comrade.

And over all this, Daas thought it prudent to contact him. Sidwik yanked the commlink up to his mouth, no little amount of disbelief coloring his tone.

"The what!?" The ancient name sent a shiver down his spine. "You're full of bantha crap, Daas; the Vong can't be Jedi, and that thing was magicking the hell out of your buddy. He-"

A blaster bolt impacted the wall to his right, scorching it. Sidwik spared a glance; the Weequay was back in the pursuit. Cursing vehemently, Sidwik keyed up the commlink again.

"Fine; I'm compromised here, anyway. I'll give you the distraction you need. And Daas." His voice grew dark as he laid eyes on the bounty hunter and the Sith retreating out of the arena. "Remember where your loyalties lie. All Sith are shit, and he will be the death of you."

Keying the commlink off before he could get a reply, Sidwik stopped to face his opponents. They in turn skidded to a halt, uneasy at the sudden bravado of their erstwhile prey. Sidwik grinned amiably.


Flipping the detonation switch he'd been palming, he turned and ran through a nearby exit to the sweet outside. A moment later, the charges activated. Placed in strategic locations around the arena, the explosions weren't designed to killing but to entrap. Deafening thuds rocked the arena, and debris rained down to block every exit from the place. And Sidwik, the slippery Mynock, who showed up where he wasn't wanted and who left before he was allowed, slipped away into the sand.

"A Vong? the universe always finds a way to surprise me!" Nayr announced as he charged towards the unmasked fighter, taking advantage of the fact he was unaffected by the flash-bang due to the noise and visual filters of his helmet and resisting the force wave projected through his thrusters. Once more with his swift speed, he closed the distance to swing his crimson plasma blade with full intention of cleaving his opponent in two only for it to be deflected by the palm the fighter's hand. In response, Nayr followed up the failed attack with a punch from his free-hand, sending his opponent flying once more into the sitting area of the arena.​

"Was that Tutaminis?" Nayr questioned before returning his lightsaber to back compartment as he dash towards the still dazed Vong and unleashed a volley of punches with his herculean might. With each punch the Vong was implanted deeper into the crater that was once the sitting area, shaking a good portion of the arena. Suddenly Nayr could feel his punches becoming slower and having less impact than before, it was as if his arms were getting heavier and heavier. A quick glanced revealed that the his armored gauntlets were slowly breaking apart for reasons unknown.​

With that revelation, the Vong opened his eyes and caught Nayr's fist in mid-punch. "My turn." he calmly said as he proceeded to place his other hand on Nayr's chest plate before the armored warrior was propel backwards by great force of immeasurable strength. Nayr was buried deep into one of the pillars of the arena near its ceiling, his phrik breastplate shattered and broken. All Nayr was able to hear were the blaring alarms in his helmet. "WARNING CRITICAL DAMAGED SUSTAINED."​

"Hunter do you copy?! Hunter!?" a familiar worried voice spoke. "This is hunter, I've sustained...... significant damage...currently...... recovering" he replied with heavy breathing. It was not just his chestplate that broke, his insides were also torn apart by an unseen force. If he was any other species, he would be dead. "INITIATING LAZARUS PROTOCOL" announced the suit as it began injecting an experimental healing accelerant fluid into nervous system. On his own, it would probably take an hour for him to fully recover from his current injuries, but these fluids allowed to achieve the same results in minutes. With his body repairing itself, Nayr proceeded to pull himself out of the pillar with renewed vigor and newfound respect for his opponent. The sudden explosions around him and his opponent did little to distract them from their thousand-yard gaze at each other. "Mission control, I want three drop pods launched into my coordinates." "As you wish, sir." Nayr broke the stare by brandishing both his Darkclaw blasters and unleashing an onslaught of blaster fire towards the Vong, curious to see how it would react. The real battle, has just begun.​

Despite the chaos the ensured within the arena, one of Nayr's drones was able to latch onto the retreating Sith's cloak, allowing it to act like a tracking beacon.
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"Remember where your loyalties lie. All Sith are shit, and he will be the death of you."

At that moment, Daas hears his comrade's comm switch off before he could give any sort of retort "Yea maybe, but for now I'll let the benefit of the doubt prevail."

Both Daas and Tragedis reach the open sands outside the arena, with the latter staggering slightly as he still reels from his injuries inflicted upon him by the Vong.

"Think you'll be able to make it ok?" asks Daas.

Tragedis just gives the bounty hunter an annoyed glance "I'll live..."

Dass smirks slightly from beneath his helmet.

"So tell me bounty hunter, why did you yank me from the arena? You could've let me die without a second thought. Why risk blowing your cover to the Hutts?"

"Don't tell me you've forgotten about our time on Tethis 3? We were both deployed by Sarthis to receive a protection payment from Reeviz Kyvan. The bastard had hired a contingent of Rodian shadow guards, took us by surprise. In the heat of the exchange, I was ambushed by two of em'. They were about a second away from literally stabbing me in the back with a vibro sword, when out of the corner of my eye, I catch a certain Sith Lord blast off a bolt of that weird lightning or electricity or whatever you call it and fry the son of bitch where he stood, saving my sorry ass in the process. To put it short gunner, I owed you."

Tragedis looks down, as if remembering the incident for himself "I suppose it's true what they say about the Mandolrian sense of honor."

Daas stops and looks back "I mean, what else is there, aye gunner?"

The two share a slight chuckle together, when out of nowhere, the ground around them begins to shake violently as loud explosions can be heard piercing the air.

"What in the name of Korriban is going on?!"

"Great Mynock, now you set off the charges. Nevermind this could give us just the window we need to get of this off this rock without being noticed. C'mon, my ship isn't far..." starts to say Daas when he is cut off by the appearance of two strangers dressed in brown tunics and robes, one Human, the other Vuvrian. Both of them activate their white colored light sabers and hold them in an attack stance. "Well this can't be good." says Daas rather comically.

"We have no quarrel with you Mandolorian, we are servants of the One Unified. Hand over that Dark Sider and no harm will come to you." says the Human saber wielder.

Just as Daas is about to speak, he's stopped by Tragedis "I'll handle this Daas." He approaches the two strangers slowly and drops to his knees, with his hands over his head "I suppose there's no point in running. The One Unified has already proven his power. Resistance against that would be futile at best."

"Tragedis what are you doing?" stammers Daas.

"The sensible thing, I'd say. This Dark Sider knows he's beaten." says the Vuvrian as he deactivates his light saber in order to restrain Tragedis. But as he gets closer, Tragedis suddenly looks up, his eyes a glow with the hatred of the Dark Side "Gotcha!" The Sith Lord than discharges a vicious bolt of Force Lightning, which sends the Vuvrian flying backwards. He activates his own light saber and immediately attacks the other stranger. "I'll take this one, you handle that one!" yells Tragedis as he engages in fierce light saber combat with Human stranger.

"Oh great, you could've warned me ya know!" says Daas as he takes to the sky with his rocket pack and fires off a barrage of laser bolts at the fallen Vuvrian, who had already begun to recover from the Lightning strike.

Tragedis once again proves his combat mastery with a Light saber, as his attacks are almost to fast for the eye to see. However with his prior injuries, his pain mounts and he eventually begins to tire. His rage within the Dark Side managing to sustain him up until this point. The Human Gray Jedi, uses a violent Force push to knock the Sith Lord back, however Tragedis manages to land a kick to the Gray Jedi's face. The Gray Jedi recovers quickly and swings wildly with his saber, Tragedis just barely managing to parry and deflect his adversaries strikes. Knowing he can't hold out to much longer, he launches his weapon at his opponent in a Force Saber Throw. The Gray Jedi, unable to properly anticipate the maneuver, is caught in the red blade's path and is effectively cleaved in two. Meanwhile. Daas isn't having much luck with the Vuvrian, as every single attack he brings to bear is countered or deflected by the Gray Jedi. The Vuvrian Force Leaps up and kicks Daas out of the air, using his light saber to cut his jet pack off of his back. Daas tumbles to the ground as the Vuvrian assaults him with a Force attack. Tragedis tries to come to his aid, but the Vuvrian kicks him square in the stomach, causing him to stammer back as he coughs up more blood.

"You will not defy the will of the Unified Force!" says the Vuvrian as he moves into position to strike Daas down.

In a last ditch effort, Daas switches his comm link on, desperately hoping against hope that Mynock would hear him "Mynock, if your comm is still on, if ever I needed you, now's that time...can you hear me?"

@Red Thunder

As if in answer to Daas' call, ship blaster fire came raining down across the dunes. Small explosions of sand traced their way toward them, seeking their intended target. There was a brief pause in the violence, providing just time enough for the remaining foe to glance into the sky in vain effort to locate the source of consternation. Foolishly; he should have sought better cover. A beam of plasma struck him on the chest, frying the skin with the impact. The smell of burnt flesh filled the air as Daas' commlink keyed up once again.

"If I have to save your Sithing life one more time," came Sidwik's static-filled reply, "you're going to start owning me more than just the occasional drink."

The whine of repulsors filled the air along with the distinctive whump of a heavy weight settling on the sand. The dust settled, exposing, of all things, Daas' Skipray. The loading ramp lowered, rather unnecessarily, onto the corpse of the Vuvrian, and from within the ship's belly, Sidwik whistled.

"C'mon! I don't like the thought of more Force wizards showing up! One's plenty."

The Vuvrian's commlink started squawking, as if to punctuate the Bothan's statement. Above them, the ship's cannons hummed to life again, seeking a target.

Last memory Nayr had of the fight before blacking out was the massive pillars of the arena collapsing on top of him possibly due to the explosives and force powers of his opponent. As he regained his consciousness, he could feel the crushing weight of the debris of the arena becoming lighter and lighter. Eventually, he had enough strength to burst through the thick layer of broken masonry to see the aftermath of the battle. Thankfully, his advent forces had already arrived at the scene, apprehended any suspicious characters and secured the area. "What took you so long?" he greeted the one of the commanding officers. "Apologies, sir. We had trouble locating your precise location through the wreckage." "Any sign of the target?" he asked. "Negative sir, we are interrogating eye-witnesses as we speak." the commanding officer replied.​
The Advent had already taken hundreds of individuals into custody, including the Hutt himself. "Take the criminals and slaves back to Coruscant. The local authorities will deal with them accordingly. The Hutt, stays with me." And with what that the criminals and slaves were loaded into their respective transport ships along with a few escorts.​
Aboard his Advent cruiser, "Elucidator", Nayr monitored the location of the tracking device which seemed to be heading towards Korriban. "Set course for Korriban. I have a feeling that we will find our answers there. As for you, Hutt, let us get more.... acquainted with one another.." Nayr hopes that the Hutt will be cooperative, lest he be forced to use less civilize manners of interrogation. Upon arriving at Korriban, he used the capital ships scanners to detect the number of lifeforms present on the planet as well as determining the location of the tracking the device.​


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