Star Crossed-OOC/Signup-

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Oh, by all means, yes. I wouldnt mind at all.
Outstanding! Well, I'll go with your slave market idea. Helps with how to intro Matthias. I shall start at once!

Name: Eiros of Northharbour​
Nickname: Vessel​
Race: Human​
Gender: Male​
Age: 22​
Slave to which species of creature: Vampire Lord Cadarn Vorath​
Appearance: As the picture above; Vessel always wears tattered clothes, with no shoes. Vessel also wears a heavy iron collar around his neck, which has the dual-purpose of showing that he is claimed by another, but hides the marks around his throat. His hair is a smoky, mousy brown, and is always gathered in a loose braid at his back. His eyes are large and watery. Once a vivid green, their watery and weak condition has rendered them dull green-grey. His teeth are broken and damaged in his mouth, and his gums are inflamed from infection. He is missing his left pinky and middle finger. He is also missing his ring finger on his right hand. His body is covered with many scars ; most of which seem to be from puncture wounds, but his skin has also been flayed in places. He is washed, and smells sweet, despite his battered condition. He looked much older than his 22 years - his emaciated frame and skull like features contribute to this.​
Personality: Cowering, timid, and stammering, Vessel has become completely subdued by the Lord Vorath. Lord Vorath fulfills both a caretaker and abuser role for Vessel and these conflicting natures have resulted in a person who is both adoring of his master, but also afraid of him. He understands his role as a creature that belongs to Vorath, and thus no longer sees himself as human at all, but rather, as a dog or other mindless creature. His relationship with Vorath can be summarized as both love and hatred; for he does care about his Lord, but this love is only through the abuse and punishments inflicted upon Vessel's being. Vessel is careful to make sure that he does not offend anyone in his speeches. His words are hesitant, and shaky - he clearly sees all others as his betters. Vessel, on the inside, has trouble remembering who he was, before he was Vessel, and taken by Lord Vorath. Sometimes snippets of his old life rise to the surface, but he attempts to banish them as best as he can, knowing of how they often result in punishment from his vampiric master.​
Other: He does not remember his name, or who he was before he was Vessel.​
His master feeds routinely off of him, but has never changed him into a vampire.​
Vorath believes - and my extension, Vessel believes - that they have the bond of Soulmates. Their relationship is both emotional and physical ; but is is profoundly abusive. Vorath does try to keep Vessel alive, and has not yet tired of them. There have been other Vessels, however....​
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Uh, what's the setting of this? There are cars? Is this secretly ModFan? I could use some more information about the settting... and I hope my character is okay for it!
I just sort of posted in the IC and sort of hoped for the best? If you hate my character, ignore that post, and I'll attempt another.
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Sir Basil, Your character is good! The intro fits into the setting. (:

And sorry, I kind of didn't explain the settings too well. I hope the information below helps! (:

There are cars, but the rest of the world is more medieval, they don't really have much technology such as cellphones or lap tops because the humans knew how to use it better then they did. The way a lot of the creatures act is more gallant, but still very dark, the whole setting is kind of dark. The creatures can dress in suits or just plain clothes, they have the option of wearing whatever fits them better, but most of then prefer to wear nicer clothes.

The world is also ruled by five of the most powerful creatures, (one from each species), they have different names for them depending on what species they are. The vampire is usually called a 'king', 'queen', or 'lord'(Can be either a male or female), the witches usually have a 'mother'(the women are higher in rank), the werewolves have an alpha(its always a male), the shapeshifters have a 'prince' or 'princess' also, and ghosts usually have an 'old soul', They are in charge of creating and enforcing the laws and rules. The second ranked creatures are creatures that are related to the ruling creature by blood, the third ranking creatures are those who are very powerful and wealthy, the average creature that doesn't have royal blood and isn't too powerful or wealthy are the lowest ranked creatures.

All the species are connected, they interact with each other and a lot of them host parties or go to clubs to have fun. The different slaves interact too, the slaves sleep in small houses that are kind of mixed when it comes to vampire slaves, witch slaves, werewolf slaves, etc.

Some of the ideas for like soulmate principle and the species came from a book, but the settings and plot are a lot different from the book so you don't have to know the series to be in the roleplay, I was just giving the book some credit for that ideas I used that came from it.
Some thought that struck me the other day was that would there ever be a reason for creatures to go around in "human" forms? Being a human would likely been seen as disgraceful anf shameful, and to choose to appar human would tie into that as well. Similar to patriarchial societies; forced feminization is a cmmon method of humiliating a man-- wouldnt forced humanization follow these same lines?

Also: i am operating under the assumpetion that we will all meet and have interactions in the slave-selling area. Idk if that was the plan to begin with, but thats the modus pperendii from this end.
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The only creatures that are capable of not being in a human type form are werewolves and shapeshifters, it takes energy for them to change however so it would take a lot of energy to be in there animal form all of the time. It also depends on the species beliefs and culture, for witches females are more powerful because their first ancestors were females mostly. Its really the creatures choice whether they want to show themselves in a human form or not...Usually they look more beautiful or more predatory then a normal human, their looks are practically flawless, but they still have a darker look to them and other creatures are able to recognize whether they are a creature or human. I didn't really think of that, I might change some of the stuff around to help it make a little more sense. I hope this makes sense...Haha.

And yes, I am working on trying to get my characters to the slave-selling area, I didn't realize at first that it would be a good place for everyone to meet so I might just restart my characters out there so that the roleplay flows together easier.
Wouldn't being able to see that darker edge and recognize that creature as a creature be a good thing in this society -- given the treatment of humans, I can't imagine appearing human would be a good thing. As for their beauty - wouldn't the standards of beauty be changed, in order to match a werewolf or shapeshifter's ideal of beauty? Which I can't imagine is anything close to human standards of beauty. The less human things look, the better, is my guess.
Appearing human is how they were made, but it doesn't make them human...I guess appearing human wouldn't be a good thing, but I don't know how to change it because it was how the roleplay was made that they would appear human, you can have you character appear however you want, some of the creatures can change their form however, such as witches and vampires.
Just was throwing some ideas around. :angel: That's all.
Haha. Okay. Yea your ideas make sense, I just can't figure out how to make them work...I'll try to work it out but I just don't know what I can do.
Well wasn't that a nifty chat! : ) After reading your back and forth, I must say I do have some new ideas. All in good time though. I am glad that the question of the setting and some cultural background was asked though. Quite surprised I did not ask myself. Guess I was so engrossed in getting ol' Matthias out there that I forgot to ask about some of the staples. Oh well, it worked out in the end. Anyway, yeah, the slavepits do seem to be a great place for everyone to meet, and cause friction. Kudos to all on your posts as well. I rather enjoyed reading them, and it just made choosing this RP, and this site all the more satisfying. Haven't been here long, but I already am glad I registered. : )
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Well, I think there will likely be some additional world building as we go along. At least, from my end. Only after writing my indtroduction post did I really get a feeling for them.

Also, I'm not quite sure if it was obviously - but Vorath's and Vessel's conversation is referring to Mathias' purchase, within earshot of him. It's sort of buried within the text - apologies! I tend to write very big posts!
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I am glad you are enjoying the roleplay, I agree everyones posts have been great! I'm probably going to restart my characters out in the slave pit just so that everyone is together to meet!

And yea I'm planning on building the world as the roleplay goes on, the world is just kind of open so anything can form or happen!
Oh no worries Sir Basil, I Was aware of it. I'm waiting for a reactionary post from Yumi and her character before I delve into Matthias reacting to Lord Vorath. I could write a smidgen though, I suppose while I wait. I'm about to sit down for dinner, but I'll mull it over.

And Indeed, Jezibell. If you want to restart them there that works. i'm sure the interaction would be rather interesting.
I restarted them out there. And I was thinking of just having the slaves so that its open as to who they get picked by because we don't have a shapeshifter yet to buy my character and it would be easier to have it open.
Mathias and Vorath can make competing bids. :P
Haha. Vorath would have to goad or manipulate Matthias into bidding for another one. You've seen how he despises humans. They make him physically ill to even look at too long. :P
They can bid on my slave character?! Haha.
Of course! Why should your slave character have no master? Plus it should make for some good animosity between Matthias and Vorath, which is always good early on. : )
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