
  • Thread starter Soul Breaker Sam
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The teacher walked in and said, "Alright, settle down everyone." even though nobody was really talking. Bree turned her attention to the front, however she felt eyes on her. She shrugged it off.
He continued to study her, until a few giggles from around him told him that he'd been caught. He quickly looked down at his desk, blushing.
Bree turned her attention to the girls that were giggling then looked at Felix, noticing that he was blushing, then she looked back at the girls and whispered, "Leave him alone guys."
He shrank even lower into his seat, seeing that she was trying to stick up for him. He just wished he could dissappear.
The girls sighed and turned around. Then the teacher looked at Bree, "Bree." the teacher, Mrs. Jones said. Bree turned her attention to Mrs. Jones, she smiled, "Yes ma'am?" she asked.
Mrs. Jones smiled, "Would you mind solving this math problem for us?"
Bree stood up, "Of course." she walked up to the front and grabbed the piece of chalk that Mrs. Jones had.
He put his head in his hands, watching as she walked up to the board. He sighed. Every movement she made was perfect. Every motion, just filled with precision and grace. She was so beautiful. He sighed, just content to watch her move.
Mrs. Jones took a step back and watched her do the problem. As Bree was doing the problem she was explaining how to do it with the others. She would make a excellent teacher. She made the problem easy to understand.
He sighed, watching her work. She was so perfect. So smart, kind, and patient, and yet so incredibly beautiful at the same time
Chance had an odd feeling in the pit of her stomach, she turned around and looked at Felix, he looked like he was hypnotize just by looking at Bree. Something wasn't right... she knew that much.
He just sat there, watching her, captivated by her every movement. Some more giggles broke him out of his trance. He quickly looked back down at his desk.
Mrs. Jones turned her attention to the giggles, "Enough girls!" she looked back at Bree who stopped answering the question and looked at the girls who were giggling. Once they were done Bree finished the problem, put the chalk down and stepped to the side so the student could see the equation she just did.
He slowly turned his eyes up, tough keeping his head down, trying to watch her, but not wanting to be made fun of again
Mrs. Jones smiled at Bree, "Thank you Bree. That is correct." Bree smiled back, nodded and walked back to her seat.
Felix quickly turned his eyes down, pretending to be doing anything but looking at her.
Bree smiled then a brunette (who was one of the girl that was giggling) passed Bree a note. Bree took it.
Felix didn't see this, as his head was down, and he was focusing on his hands
Bree read the note, it said:
"Bree, you do realize that the new kid always stares at you right? I don't know about you but I find that kind of creepy."
Bree frowned at the note, looked at the girl, then back at the note and wrote back, " Well as far as I know I am his only friend, maybe that's why he pays more attention to me. Maybe if you guys were nicer to him then you wouldn't have something to complain about."
Felix looked up momentarily, noticing the notes being written. He put his head down, embarrassed and assuming the worst.
The girl frowned when she read the note then crumpled up the paper. Finally, the bell rang.
Felix quickly got up from his desk, unable to take the embarrassment any more. He quickly made it to the hallway, pulling his next set of textbooks out of the locker.
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