ᴄʜᴇʀʀʏ ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʀᴇɴ

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Oh, Speziell, might be a good idea to upload your attachments onto an image-sharing site, before using the
[fieldbox="Kaen Kisaragi, blue, solid"]

Full Name

Kaen Kisaragi








Manipulation Type
Metal Control
Kaen's Physis allows him to manipulate and reshape metal to his own desire. By infusing any metal object with his bios, Kaen can give "life" to metal structures, all types. However he cannot physically create metals without large strain, doing so would result in him losing all of his bios, causing him to have to destroy the metal object in order to receive it back.


Calculating | Quiet | Observant | Reserved | Perceptive
Kaen is simply invisible. A face among thousands, and his quiet demeanor doesn't seem to help that. Working at place to place, moving around the city, Kaen knows the city's people. His reflective personality unsettles some, leading them to not engage in conversation with him, but he doesn't seem to mind. Kaen can sometimes be boastful, but this has been rarely seen from him. Being a participator in street brawls, Kaen developed a quick-witted and knowledgeable character.

Kaen was born on a cold night, but his mother, Hiasobi, was grateful for him. She named him Kaen (Flower Bed) to correspond with the city's name. He was a delicate child, a quiet one at that. His father was a detective for Hanatsumi. Following the Blood-Soaked Petals Incident, Hiasobi, was caught in the fray. Although she hadn't been murdered in the massacre, she suffered from fatal injuries. Kaen's father was struck by grief, disgusted that such an incident could even happen. She eventually died from her pain, and this left Kaen's father a husk of a man. However, he knew he had to be there for his son. They carried on with life, one day at a time. With each year, his father withered even more. Kaen began to sense this as he aged. But one year, he decided that if he couldn't move on, he'd be with her. Leaving him with his aunt, Kaen's father commited suicide on May 1st, ironically, the day the attack had happened. He was then with his Aunt, but they argued a lot during Kaen's teen years. He eventually left her, without a note, without a word.

Jobless, Kaen heard of the Physis Project through a private conversation. He had nothing left to lose, so why not jump at the opportunity


Nani sore. Why is Hiraku suddenly Minato? XD
Shattered, is there an alternate character you can use for the banner or a picture of D that I can make into a banner?

n a m e
s a y a k a i n u g a t a

g e n d e r
f e m a l e

a g e
t w e n t y - f o u r

c l a s s i f i c a t i o n
c b c

p h y s i s
p o j e c t i o n t y p e

k n i v e s & n e e d l e s
sayaka's physis enables her to manifest her bios into surgical instruments for medical purposes. depending on the serverity of the injury, she can be able to heal any ailments in a short period of time-although she would require alot of energy to do so.

p e r s o n a l i t y

Sayaka comes across as an intelligent, well-mannered young woman with a soft-spoken demeanor and a quick smile. She can be somewhat absent-minded, and what one might term a 'home-body,' although she does not enjoy doing anything inconvenient like cooking and/or cleaning. Sayaka is well read and enjoys learning and is full of strange, possibly useless information. She also possesses a good memory, and is fairly capable when it comes to 'reading' people.

Her sense of humor is quirky, and due to the fact that she nearly never shows anger, it can be difficult to tell if her cheerfully delivered barbs are honest or in jest, which some people find rather off-putting. She puts forth an optimistic attitude even in the face of severe adversity, though she is perfectly capable of treating a given situation with the seriousness it is due. She's not a clown, so much as someone who seeks to keep everyone around her in good spirits even when the going gets rough.

This affable, and pleasantly beautiful, exterior has a much sadistic side which--unfortunately--is always seen whenever her medical expertise is needed. In which, her comrades would rather choose death, than to ever get healed by her. Although no matter how demonic her healing methods are, the results are always 100% effective.

When her physis is used on the battlefeild she posseses a demihuman power, there is always the risk that Sayaka will lose her sense of self and be unable to control her actions unless someone acts to stop her (or until she ran out of bios). It is for this reason, along with a certain distaste for what she has become, she hates doing feild work and would rather stay in headquarters.

b a c k g r o u n d

Sayaka Inugata, is quite a famous name in the world of modern medicine and she is quite verbal about it--she is actually quite proud of herself and her achievements. Being a woman with both beauty and brains, she shows no shame in becoming quite cheeky towards her colleagues and comrads.

Since the first time Sayaka has heard about Dr. Fukahire Oyogite and read his achievements in regards to the CBC project, she fell head over heels for the doctor and hoped to one day support him in his research. When the oportunity of a second batch of CBC were announced she immediately volunteered herself as an experiment thinking that with this she will be one step closer to be with her ideal.

o t h e r
» in headquarters she is preferred as 'the demon doctor' due to her sadistic methods of healing.
» wears black with white/off white accent and nothing else.
» only uses traditional medical proceedures.
» absolutely despises being called a 'quack doctor'.
» acknowledges herself as beautiful.
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Shattered, is there an alternate character you can use for the banner or a picture of D that I can make into a banner?
Oh yeah because I usually don't use popular anime pics because I usually use real life pics, but will go look for one.
I'll accept once you have a background that explains why Sayaka volunteered to be a CBC
@Speziell Wait, why can't you just use the picture I had there? Kuroko doesn't capture the same sort of feel that the pic I found had...and I was referring to the wiki article.

If it helps, here's the artist who drew the picture. He has a bunch of sketches there, but maybe you'll find something that fits?
Wil O Wisp Ignis looks like a good replacement anime styled.
and could this pic work for a banner? I don't know
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