Soul Eater: Witch's Moon

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Delynnaria turned and began to laugh hysterically at Kayden "See! Im not that stupid! Hah! I wouldn't of gotten caught! Because I would have snuck on the train instead of buying a ticket like an idiot. You need to be sneaky.. This isn't my first rodeo.." she said and huffed in stupid pride of getting in trouble. She then turned and saw Nyx glaring at her and she seemed to smirk before leaning over and rubbing against him. "Awh... I wont run when I am with you.. You are the only reason I am standing here! Otherwise I would have taken this opportunity to have jumped out the window with Stein distracted." she stated and honestly it was absolutely true. Stein then came over to her after the situation with Kayden was finished "I am surprised.. You showed up for once.." He said to her. Delynnaria looked over at Nyx "I wont run... He keeps me in line." She said and Stein smirked "I knew you two would come together eventually.. I am happy for you both." He said before going and sitting back in his wheelie chair.
A clang was heard when Yuki banged a frying pan to Kayden's head crying, "You ruining my school records you jerk! Now shut up suck it up and start drying!" Kayden winced and stood up getting to work. "Hey man you okay.... you seem a little more quiet then usual..." Kayden asked Nyx as he noticed something seemed off about the guy. Nyx didn't say anything and suddenly was hunched over the sink gripping it his eyes shut tight as he trembled. He suddenly grabbed a knife his eyes clouded over and lunged right at Stein. "NYX WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" Yuki cried horrified. Seconds after that blood splattered and the knife fell to the floor Nyx collapsed next to it blood pooling under him a gash in his stomach now.
Delynnaria looked to all the commotion between Yuki and Kayden and smiled before turning to Nyx and taking his hand for a momment. She smiled at him before turning back to the dishes and diligently working on them before she heard a noise and Yuki crying out. She turned to see Stein moving and then before she could even react she felt a powerful madness wave form around Nyx and it strike her soul. Her eyes went wide and she knew what was about to happen. It was then that Nyx turned the knife on himself and she felt the entire world stop for an entire minute as she replayed it over and over again inside of her head before Nyx fell to the ground. Stein turned towards her and saw her eyes flash as he to felt the madness wave. Her eyes closed as her mind began to scream once more at the sight of her boyfriend and meister stabbing himself.

She opened her eyes and saw herself standing amongst a room full of coffins. She was older and she suddenly blinked and saw herself through her own eyes before her concious bounced into her older self. She looked around and then down at herself and saw she was dressed in all black. Each of the coffins were open as she walked towards the first. The first was of Yuki and she still looked young but was a few years older with a wedding ring on her hand. She then moved onto the next to see Kayden with the same kind of ring on it. She then moved onto the last and stopped before reaching it. She felt a swelling rage building inside of her but pushed herself forward to the coffin and looked inside to see Nyx lying dead from a stab wound in the stomach. Before she could blink a large Eye formed on his face and stared up at her. Delynnaria felt a large sum of fear swelling up inside of her and she simply fell backwards and fainted with fright.

She opened her eyes again and tears streamed down her face and saw herself sitting among the snow once more. She looked around to see bodys strewn about by the dozens and many of them were rotting. Blood soaked everything including her own clothes which she noticed when she looked down. She screamed loudly and covered her ears as she fell down into a curled up position. She heard a loud laughing and began to try to plug her ears. The laughing got louder before she saw a large figure standing over her. She closed her eyes again and began to rock as the laughing continued and a well of blood began to form around her before slowly rising up until it reached her mouth and all went black.

She floated in a void with nothing around her besides her soul that lay floating several feet from her. She stared out at it before beginning to float out towards it. When she reached it she looked back to where she was and expected to see somthing but there was nothing there. She turned back towards her soul and screamed bloody murder to see the soul beginning to turn black and bleed profusely. She then saw the soul turning into Nyx's that she knew so very well. She shook her head violently before changing her arm into a blade and jabbing it to try to make the nightmare end. The blood continued to fill the room before it enveloped her entirely and she began to choke on Nyx's blood. She coughed and eventually consigned herself to letting death claim her. The room suddenly burst into light and a single large eye stared at her before the floor collapsed and she began to fall.

The fall continued for several minutes before she slammed into a large platform. She stared up at the infinite void as she prayed for death to take her from the agony. She shook her head and turned over to see a large visage of her mother staring at her. Her mother was tall and flawless in form. She stared for several long seconds "My daughter... I love you.." she said before she disappeared and delynnaria began to scream. She saw the event of Nyx stabbing himself again and she began to laugh in a demented tone "FINE!" She called out and turned her arm into a blade once more and raised it to her throat.

Back in reality she lay inside of the Infirmary and for Five days was being Monitored by stein. Stein suddenly leapt up as Delynnaria's arm changed into a blade and raised to her throat. He ran over and began to force it down as he called out "GET LORD DEATH! NOW!" He yelled out as he continued to struggle against the hybrids strength....

Back inside the dream she felt somthing pulling at her arm and forcing it back down at her side and eventually gave up and began to laugh again "FINE! YOU WONT LET ME DIE! I WILL END IT MYSELF!" She said before taking four steps and simply stepping off the platform. The sense of unwanted weightlessness suddenly jolted her awake and she began to scream once again before shaking her head and hitting Professor stein. Stein wrestled her arms down and slapped her once to get her attention. Her eyes finally focused and she shook her head "P-P-Professor!" She called out and began to calm down very slowly.
Nyx was out for far longer then she was currently hooked up to various machines and monitors. The kid had been given emergency surgery to remove what had been implanted in him years before without him even knowing it. After about ten days of being comatose he awoke and found himself unable to move. He had literally been strapped to the bed for his own safety. A loud scream of fear echoed through the infirmary from Nyx. Nyx was out for far longer then she was currently hooked up to various machines and monitors. The kid had been given emergency surgery to remove what had been implanted in him years before without him even knowing it. After about ten days of being comatose he awoke and found himself unable to move. He had literally been strapped to the bed for his own safety. A loud scream of fear echoed through the infirmary from Nyx. The doctors and nurses rushed to him and he was given a sedative which took seconds and suddenly he was silent as he went drowsy. "Delynnaria.... I have to see Delynnaria.... Please let me go..She... needs me...." Nyx whimpered as tears leaked down his face. After a few hours thanks to the drugs Nyx got his bearings and sat up in bed dead to the world around him. Tears ran down his face as he sat there void of any emotion. Finally the doctor got him up and into a wheel chair saying, "We'll let you see her now..." Nyx was wheeled into Delynnaria's room quietly. The girl was asleep at the moment Nyx just reached out with a shaking hand and placed it on her arm.
Delynnaria awoke at that momment and glanced over at him without bringing herself to took at him. She shook her head "I think I am the one whos cursed Nyx." She said with a small laugh. "Badluck follows me and always has as the witch's cant let go of me.. No one is safe around me.. Not even the teachers. Professor Stein showed me the seeds... Theres not doubting what it was... My mother was the one who tortured your family... She must have went into a blind rage when I was taken by my father and went about trying to gather information by any means possible. Sadly for you... you ran into me and well... My mother knew it by the seeds that were inside of you." She said then gathered enough inner strength to look at him "You should be better now... He got them all out... You will be down for awhile Nyx... but I will find my mother in your absence... I will end this for you." She said then turned her head and made it evident she didn't want to hear him tell her otherwise. Her mind was solidified on her mission of retribution.
Nyx just placed his hands on hers saying, "Delynnaria no matter what happens... no matter what goes down you have me here for you. I love you... and I won't stop you instead I'm going with you... We started this together and we'll finish it together. Give me one week... promise me you'll wait just for that time and the two of us can do this together.... "He the sighed and just heaved himself out of the wheel chair flinching slightly but he got on the bed close to her.
Delynnaria turn her head slightly "I wont wait... I cant wait.. this all needs to end now Nyx.. But.. it wont end.. my mother will be just one of dozens trying to get ahold of me. It will only get worse as the moon approaches.. Its far off and every year magic gets amplifyed and when that happens.. they will try to get me out of here.. by force and in force." she said then moved slightly when he leapt onto the bed. Professor Stein walked in at the moment and chuckkled "We can't keep you two apart.. I overheard your small speech Lynn.. I had to go against it. We cant risk you going just yet... Wait untill Nyx is healthy." he said then sat down to continue watching her.
Nyx sighed and slumped back onto the bed gazing at the ceiling saying, "You know... it seems we can never have a moment of peace without someone bursting into the room..." He then pulled her close and whispered into her ear, "I know you're anxious and all but when this is over and everything is calm again you want to get married? I'm dead serious... It's thanks to you I've been able to let down my wall I had up for years to protect myself... I can't imagine being without you now because of this..."
Delynnaria looked over at him then over at Stein "Yeah... But hello Doctor.." She said slowly before Nyx pulled her closer and whispered in her ear. Her face lit up like a red christmas light and she seemed slightly taken back. She looked at him "Nyx... I.. I cant right now.. not yet atleast.. We just started.. you know.. its early and I don't know.." she said then buried her head in her blankets as she couldn't run. "I will wait but... I want to also wait on what you said.. its early..." she said and Stein seemed to begin laughing "You must have told her somthing big to make her retreat like that.. She was never one to hide when embarassed.. You really have her don't you Nyx." Steinman said to Nyx.
Nyx just smiled and pulled the blanket back slightly placing a soft kiss to her forehead. A nurse came in and Nyx found himself heaved up into a sitting position and a needle was practically jabbed into his arm. "YEOW THE HELL LADY YOU TRYING TO SKEWER ME!!!" Nyx yelled pissed as it hurt like HELL. "It's to help with pain we don't need you screaming anymore then you did just now. As you currently have art least a good forty stitches on you right now. Your current drugs are close to wearing off so take it like a man." The nurse said before slapping a bandage onto his arm making him yelp again loudly. She left and Nyx grumbled saying, "Man... you people are really getting to be a pain in the ass..."
Delynnaria looked at Professor Stein while Nyx was being harassed by the nurse "Well... He has a way of getting me ways that others have been unable to get me. He makes me blush and well.. I like him as you can already tell Professor." She said with the last bit drawn out as she tried to hook him. Professor Stein took the bait unknowingly "Well young lady.. No need for the hissing in your voice. I knew you two were together back when you were in the kitchen cleaning pots! Lucky enough for you.. As of this moment you two no longer have to do it by Lord Deaths orders." Stein blabbered out suddenly. Delynnaria smirked "HA! Wonderful! It worked!" She said then laid back on the bed again. She looked at the ceiling and began to giggle "I win again my good doctor.". Stein stared at her wide eyed "You.. Tricked me.." Was all he could say before shaking his head and loathing while thinking over how she did it.
Nyx laughed as he couldn't believe how easily she could trick Stein like that. Hugging her close he smirked saying, "Hm... I make you blush huh... Well you're the first to ever get past my fortified walls missy and because of that you're special... I know we're going to be able to win this fight... I won't let her win nor take you away from me..." Nyx rested his head on Delynnaria's shoulder and his eyes shut after that he began to doze off until he fell back asleep close to her.
Delynnaria smiled at him and let her arm fall across him as she nuzzled her head into his chest before she to began to lightly closer to sleep "I know.. I have my way with Stein.." She said before nuzzleing her head against him and giggleing "I am like a cat aren't I?" She said then looked up at him. "Well... Lets rest for the next few days and get ready to set out.. We have to make sure we are all prepared.. I will need you at full capacity for this." She said before closing her eyes and slowly falling into a sleep with him not far behind. Stein put his feet up and smirked "Such a diferent couple... So very nice and so odd... I wonder what experiments I could run on them... Hmm.. The day will come for that." He said before sitting quietly.
A full week later Nyx was back up to full strength but remained close to Delynnaria for the most part. He didn't let her out of his sight since he was still worried how she was going to handle the matter. Finally the order was given for them to do a full blown witch hunt and end this matter with Delynnaria's mother. Walking down the steps of the school with Delynnaria Nyx blinked seeing two figures standing by the school gates. "Don't tell me..." Nyx said as Kayden walked up saying, "What you think we're going to let you two have all the fun. Like hell you're going without us besides you're a lost cause without me around." Kayden said. "Actually I think anyone would do better without you around Kayden..." Yuki said frowning and Kayden's jaw dropped. "Jeez some partner you are Yuki..." He grumbled.
Delynnaria took Nyx's hand as they walked from the DWMA building. 'I really don't want to hurt my mother but this chaos has gone far enough.. I hope she doesnt play me against them.. I dont know if I have it in me to do it.' She thought to herself. They then left the academy and while heading down the steps saw Kayden and Yuki standing there. Kayden yelled out and she smiled then she heard Yuki call out to him and smirked. She looked at Nyx "I think they are fighting.." he whispered to him then squeezed his hand. She waved at Yuki then at Kayden "Well.. I hope you two are ready for somthing interesting.. my mother is completely insane." Delynnaria said to them all.
"And you aren't?" Kayden asked with a joking tone. A loud thump was heard and Kayden went flying down the rest of the steps and slid to a stop on his face after Yuki kicked him saying, "That was cruel Kayden!!!" She then bowed toward them both saying, Please forgive my idiot partner and his rude mouth..."Nyx just laughed and said, "You seem pretty scary at times there Yuki remind me to never piss you off or I'll be eating dirt like that asshole down there."
Delynnaria continued to walk with Nyx as they approached Kayden and Yuki. Yuki then glared at Kayden and with a blood curdling noise she hit Kayden and sent him flying down the steps. Delynnaria began to laugh and left go of Nyx's hand as she ran over to Yuki. She stopped next to her and smiled "You showed him who the leader in the partnership is! Go Yuki!" She said and suddenly hugged her and lifted her up off the ground. She laughed and squeezed her tightly "Yuki! You are soft.." She said and then realized what she was doing. She let go of her and turned around blushing "Sorry... Ill do it to Nyx next time.." She said and then ran over to Nyx and began to do the same to him.
"Oh my... Delynnaria go easy at least let him go to breathe he's just recovered!" "I-It's fine n-nothing I can't handle..." Nyx said with a groan. Kayden wobbled back over still knocked silly as he babbled, "Captain Kayden reporting for duty now if all passengers would please keep their hands and feet on deck at all times... By the way Yuki nice ass you got there.." Nyx winced as a thump was heard and Yuki rammed Kayden's head into a fence yelling, "You pig quit looking at my ass!!!" "You got a to be joking there's no way I'm going with these lame brains on a witch hunt..." Nyx said annoyed.
Delynnaria let Nyx go and kissed him on the lips before smileing. "Well! How does this suit you?" She said before turning and hearing Kayden talking near lunacies. She giggled then heard what he said about Yuki and she blushed "Well.... You two are dating right? Or is that a behind closed door thing." She said then realized what she said and flipped backwards over Nyx and held onto him for dear life while watching Yuki. It was then she heard the Ticking from far away "Stein... Hes coming with us." She said before he ever came into view. She turned and saw Stein standing behind her and like a cat she jumped several feet into the air and landed on her feet several feet away. She yelled "STEIN! ILL KILL YOU!" She said and ran at him. Stein reached and hand out and grabbed her arm stopping her in her tracks immediately.
Nyx ran over grabbed her around his waist and swung her over his shoulder laughing as she squeaked. Holding her like a bag of potatoes he smirked and said, "Sorry at times even I can't keep up with her. Now Kayden if you've learned your lesson about pissing Yuki off you two ready?" "R...ready... as I shall ever be..." Kayden said his face all beat up as he sat there pouting.
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