Soul eater ( Legends of the star clan )

Cobalt jumped infront of silver as the kishin lunged for another attack but was stopped dead in it's tracks. " SOUL RESSONANCE!!! " HE yelled as shaki glowed brightly he swung shaki as a streak of blue light shot out and hit the kishin cuting into it's skin.
Come on Silver, get with it already! If we're going to stay here then we have to be be of some use.
SilverStar nodded and gripped Hiro tightly. "Let's go, Soul Resonance!" An enlarged image of her soul grew to cover her like a dome. Hiro's blade extended and the edge became jagged. Two silver ropes swung low from his end as she spun him high over her head. SilverStar jumped over Cobalt and lunged forward toward the kishin as a red aura came to surround Hiro's blade. "FERAL STAR'S STRIKE!" She slashed downwards and met the kishin head on. He easily knocked her away and she recoiled just fine until her vision began to blur. She staggered but proceeded to attack him again anyway.
Are you alright Silver?! I don't think you can withstand the madness much longer, you have to pull back.
"I'm in it now Hiro. I have to help CobaltStar."
Cobalt smiled as he shunpoed behind the kishin. " Shaki demon blade mode. " He said as shaki aggreed as his bladed form changed as the blade it's self got bigger, a revolver formed in the blade as a barrel formed underneath. The blade soon stoped glowing as cobalt smiled holding his new gun blade. " Hahaha! " He luaghed as he knocked the kishin back blasting it in the face as pure soul energy shot out of the barrel.
Silver fell to her knees, shoving Hiro into the ground blade-first as she went down. She wiped the sweat from her face with the back of a hand. She gasped at the sudden clarity of her vision. "Hiro..." Her heart beat quickly as she held up Hiro's melting form. A scream finally escaped her when he slipped through her fingers and puddled onto the desert sand. "Hiro no- HIRO!!"
I'm right here! I'm right here Silver, I'm right in front of you. Open your eyes Silver.
She opened her eyes wide and looked down at her hands where Hiro's dissolved body was suppose to be. Instead he lay on the ground in front of her- still in one piece. There was no puddle of Hiro. "Hiro..."
It's the madness, you can't stand it for very long. Stay out as long as you can.
"Are you kidding me? This is the kishin. He isn't going to let me go just because I'm weak. He'll kill me. He'll kill me and you without thinking twice. He could even kill Cobalt. I can't sit and wait for that." She picked Hiro back up and went into a defensive stance. Hiro couldn't ignore her shaking hands as she took him back up.
Cobalt smiled as he noticed ha had cuaght the kishin off guard makeing it stagger. He then jumped up in the air as he cut the kishin's left arm off.
Silver watched in awe as her brother took off the kishin's arm. "Wow... Cobalt's doing pretty good isn't he? May be he can defeat him..." Her legs gave out from under her and she fell into the soft, warm desert sand. "I'm afraid Hiro... The madness..."
Don't let it get to you Silver. Silver, stay focused! You're a Star aren't you? Can't you handle this?

"I'm sorry Hiro. I just..don't...know..." The darkness caved and she fell into a still slumber.
Cobalt looked back to his sister as he saw her collapsed on the desert ground. " Silver..... " He didn't see her react as he ran to her soon after. " Silver wake up.... " He said as he looked down at her not seeing any movements. He then stood back up looking staright at the kishin. His eyes now showing that of a full star. Hiro please go into your blade mode and help me out... " He said as calmly as he can.
Hiro transformed back into his human form to touch her face gently. "Silver... What have I done?" He lowered his head. His hand clenched tightly into a fist as he lookde up to CobaltStar. "I'll help you." He stood next to Cobalt and tranformed back into his weapon form. "For SilverStar. We have to defeat him."
Cobalt smirked as he looked down, hsi eyes began to glow as he matched the soul wavelengthe of both hiro and shaki forming a team soul resonance. " TEAAM SOUL RESONANCE! FIVE PRONGED STAR OF DEATH!!! " Cobalt yelled as a star appeard around the kishin, it looked around franticly before beams of lights shot from each of the ends of the five points of the star soon closeing in on the kishin. Cobalt then quickly made a sign in the air with shaki as he then swung both of them at the kishin throwing two beams of light at it cutting it down killing it with the last blow.
We... We did it. We defeated the kishin.
Hiro transformed back into his human form and went to Silver's side. "Silver, we did it. He's gone, you can wake up now." He sat her up and wiped the dirt from face. "Some weapon I must be, huh, to let you get hurt like this... I'm sorry Silver, but, please, wake up."
Cobalt collapsed to the ground as he laied face first in the dirt passed out. " Looks like he was pushed to his limit. " Shaki said as he transformed back into his human form.
Silver took in a deep breath and Hiro let out a sigh. At least she was breathing now. It was probably a good idea to take them somewhere to get looked at after a battle like that. Hiro lifted Silver onto his back and stood. "Shaki, we should get them to a hospital to make sure nothing's damaged."
Shaki nodded as he lugged cobalt over his shoulder as he grunted lightly. " Damn he's heavy. " Shaki said as he started to walk back to death city.
Hiro didn't mind SilverStar's weight so much either, but it made it a little difficult to walk upright. He leaned forward a little so she wouldn't slip from his back. They had some pretty amazing partners, that's or sure. "Hey, Shaki, how did you meet Cobalt? If you don't mind me asking."
" Well i don't really remember. All i remember is that he ended up kissing me at a party and well here we are today. " He said as he giggled lightly.
Hiro allowed himself to smile at that. "That sounds a little haphazard," he said. "You two make an awesome team nonetheless. What do you think of Silver? She's a lot of fun, but I would like to know how someone who doesn't spend so much time with her sees her. Do you think she's reckless?"
" Well she is but in a good way. " Shaki said.
Hiro laughed aloud. "That's nice to know. I thought she would have seemed a little childish to you and Cobalt. You two are really intense in battle, but Silver and I kind of smash our way through fights. I actually enjoy that type of thing." They walked back into the city and walked the fairly empty streets. It was a very calm day for Death City. A few stragglers walked the streets, but it was fairly peaceful for an afternoon. "Silver and I are like...I don't even know. It's scary." He laughed again as they went up the sloping pathway.
Shaki smiled as he kept carryiung cobalt.
They made it to the hospital where a nurse opened the door for them to enter. "All of you look terrible," she said as she closed the door behind them. "Are you alright?"
Hiro shook his head. "We're fine, we just need to have our friends looked at."
The nurse took Shaki's chin and turned his head to check his face then moved onto Hiro, looking at his arms. "I'll get someone to look at all of you. Come with me." Hiro looked at Shaki and shrugged before following her.