something broken ((terragateXTayssi))

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walking down the sullen streets, solaris found himself lost, he no longer had a family, they had thrown him out. And he no longer had a job, which weighed heavily on his back, he would no longer have the ability to take it easy, and he would have to be wary about using anything that could get him caught. And he would have to find a place to sleep and eat, if there were a place, most people here would reject him for being homeless, he hated rich snobs like the ones in this neighborhood, he had been rich but that was due to his parents wealth, and they never gave him anything, they made him earn everything for himself, as if taking one dollar from there pockets would truly ruin there entire life, anger welled inside sol and he sent a small tree to the ground, it had been broken in half, damn it he needed to be more careful, if his emotions stated to get riled up he would not be able to control himself, he may have to hide for a while, but where, everything in this part of the city was locked up and protected, another thing that got on his nerves was the fact that they locked up there locks. It was useless thinking like this though, he needed to stay focused on the task on hand, he needed to focus on what was most important.


Turning a corner he came across a large house, almost big enough to be a mansion, it was the normal pale brown of all the homes in this district and the door was in the arch type shape, so plain yet so amazing, simple things seemed to get sol feeling awe inspired, he walked closer to the house inspecting to see if any one was inside, nope.... no movement, the only thing in his way was the large fence that bordered the estate, not really a nuisance he though. Taking on step forward he easily jumped over the fence and into the front yard, it was beautiful, it lacked greenery but it was just enough for its style, he licked it, now to just find a place to hide.

Walking to the backyard he noticed a couple of things, they had no way of seeing him from the back, and two there was a shed like building right to the side of the house, it was perfect for what he was thinking, but it dismayed him to see there was a latch lock on the door, he stepped closer to the shack and noticed it would be easy to break into, he would just need to apply some force. Taking he lock in his hands he let the energy from inside flow out and withing seconds he heard a snapping sound, he opened his eyes to see the lock broken, it had been loud though, so he would need to hurry inside. As he steeped inside he instantly found a place to lay, or rest " yes finally some peace and quite" joy rushed through him as he plopped down on a pile of sacks, they felt like they were full of some type of grain, but it was good enough and before he knew it he was enveloped in darkness.
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