Sol and Lun

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Regan looks at him curiously. "And just what is that plan, brother?"

Goneril comes back into the cottage and hears their discussion. "Yes, I'd like to know as well."
Syrus sighs, "for now...we wait for any confrontation with the people who live here." He picks up a small clay mug. "Hmm..Regan, boil some water."
Regan nods. "Yes, brother." She gets a kettle and some water.

Goneril goes up to him. "Always so secretive."
Syrus dips the cup in the water, he takes a sip of it hesitantly. "No...just thirsty..."
Goneril chuckles. "Surely that can not be all."

Regan retuns to them. "Do leave him alone, dear sister."
Syrus, "unless there is something you want from me, you wouldn't ask." He takes another sip, closing his eyes.
"I only want to know what is going on in you head. You say you have a plan, yet you do not tell us." Goneril relaxes. "Though it is getting late."
Syrus nods, "yes, take your sister to bed with you. You both look tired..." he looks at her. "Seems, you have found a staff..."
Goneril holds up her staff. "Why, yes I did. Good night, brother. We shall speak in the morning."

The sisters go to sleep on the bed in the corner.
Syrus nods, he watches the fire.
*the next day*
Syrus is laying down in the bed, next to them. His arm stretches between them.
Goneril stirs. "Good morning, brother. What should we do? Go in search of food?"

Regan stays asleep.
Syrus wakes slowly, "are you hungry?" He sits up and stretches.
Goneril sits up. "Yes, I am. We could not find anything to eat last night."
Syrus nods, "then, dress your self. Get a drink from the kettle, I will wait for you outside.." he gets up and pulls the cloak over him, he heads towards the front door.
Goneril gets up and dresses, gets a drink, then goes outside. "Let us see what we can find."
Syrus nods, he walks across the field. "Keep your eyes open, for fruit or berries." He slowly approaches the forest.
Goneril looks around and sees some berry bushes. "How will we get them back to the cottage?"
Syrus, "use your clothes.." he picks a few.
Goneril makes a basket of her skirt and starts picking berries. "I hope there is plenty here. I see many pokemon."
Syrus nods, "I ser a few, though...none are to big."
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