So... Yeah. Pointers appreciated.

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◤Being Brave Is Easy
All You Have To
Do Is Be Scarier Than

◣Whatever You're Scared Of◢
Balthazar Stlinski


◤It Is A Sign Of◥
Great Inner
Insecurity To
Be Hostile to
◣The Unfamiliar◢


C h a r a c t e r N a m e

Balthazar Stlinski

I n s p i r a t i o n


G e n d e r


S e x u al i t y


A g e


B i r t h p l a c e
Bald Mountain

C r u s h

PM me

P e r k s

Easy On The Eyes, Animal Activist, Nature Enthusiast, Strong Bass

Q u i r k s

Not So Fond Of Older Men With Facial Hair, Insists On Doing Things On His Own

D. O. B.
October 31

S t r e n g t h s

Singing, Anything Dealing With Upper Body Strength, Working With His Hands

W e a k n e s s e s
Anything Dealing With Lower Body Strength, Making Friends

H i s t o r y
Balthazar Had A Normal, Peaceful, Early Childhood With His Two Parents And Triplet Younger Brothers. They Lived On The Side Of Bald Mountain And Tended To The Local Wildlife. He Was Happy, Life Was Simple And Things Were Good. Well, Things Were Good Until Flu Season One Year Took His Mother And Younger Brothers In Quick Succession, Balthazar Too Had Gotten Sick But Was Able To Power Through The Illness. Just One Of The Drawbacks Of Living Off The Grid, He Supposed, Medical Help Was Just Not As Accessible As It Could Be; And Home Remedies Could Only Do So Much. After Everything Was Said And Done And The Respective Parties Were Buried, Balthazar's Father Took To The Bottle In Grief And It Turned Out He Was A Violent Drunk. Balthazar Was Left With Very Little Use In His Legs, Nearly Paralyzed, After Years Of Living With His Now Alcoholic Father. Eventually Child Services Came Around, Though To This Day Balthazar Still Doesn't Know Who Tipped Them Off, And Took Him Away From His Father. He Knew Right Away He Would Have A Better Life Away From His Father, A Happier Life, But He Couldn't Help But Feel Broken, Like His Potential Was Taken From Him And He Often Dwells On The Dad Making Him Grumpy Most Of The Time. Balthazar Was Left Wheelchair Bound, Though He Could Walk Short Distances With A Walker, He Preferred His Wheelchair Because It Was Faster.

L i k e s

Any Dog Breed With A Bad Reputation , The Quite, Nature

D i s l i k e s

Poachers, Pollution.

F e a r
The Dark, Small Spaces

P e t ?
Beast(The Adult),Echo(w/o facial mark),Eragon(w/ facial mark)




T o k e n
Bonsai Tree From Where He Grew Up.


P i e r c i n g s
Left Eyebrow, Left Side Of Bottom Lip, Industrial Bar In Right Ear, Latter In Right Ear, Small Gauges In Both Ears & Tongue

T a t t o o s
Both Sleeves, Full (Front And Back) Torso. Nothing On His Legs But Then He's Always Wearing Long Pants.




S c a r s
The Tattoos Cover Most Of Them But If You Look Close You Can Still See The Big Ones. He's Covered In Scars, Everything From Jagged Cuts To Torn And Burned Flesh (All Over) To Surgical Cuts (Right Arm, Both Legs And Down His Spine).

E l e c t i v e s
Theater & Tech

C l u b s
GSA, Villain, World Culture, Acappella, Book, Student Council, Yearbook, Foreign Exchange, Film

Elijah Merriman


◤From This Day On◥
You'll Be In My Heart
◣Now And Forevermore◢


C h a r a c t e r N a m e
Elijah Marriman

I n s p i r a t i o n

G e n d e r

S e x u al i t y

A g e

B i r t h p l a c e

C r u s h
PM me

P e r k s
Easy On The Eyes, Animal Activist, Nature Enthusiast.
Is Courageous, Intelligent, Loyal, and Steadfast.
Understands The Languages Of The Great Apes, French, Finnish, English, Dutch, German, Swahili, Many Bantu Dialects, Arabic, Ancient Greek, Ancient Latin, Mayan.

Q u i r k s
Can Be Air Headed At Times, Can Communicate With Many Species Of Jungle Animals, Skilled Impressionist, Can Mimic The Sound A Gunshot Perfectly

D. O. B.
April 23

S t r e n g t h s
Anything Dealing With Physical Activity, Making Friends

W e a k n e s s e s
Anything Not Dealing With His Strengths

H i s t o r y
Tarzan Is The Son Of A British Lord And Lady Who Were Marooned On The Atlantic Coast Of Africa By Mutineers. When Tarzan Was Only An Infant, His Mother Died, And His Father Was Killed By Kerchak, Leader Of The Ape Tribe By Whom Tarzan Was Adopted. From Then Onwards, Tarzan Became A Feral Child. Tarzan's Tribe Of Apes Is Known As The Mangani, Great Apes Of A Species Unknown To Science. Kala Was His Ape Mother. As A Young Adult, Tarzan Meets A Young Woman. She, Her Father, And Others Of Their Party Are Marooned On Exactly The Same Coastal Jungle Area Where Tarzan's Biological Parents Were Some Years Earlier. When The Girl Returns Home, Tarzan Leaves The Jungle In Search Of Her Only He Never Does.

L i k e s
The Quite, Nature, Animals

D i s l i k e s
Poachers, Pollution

F e a r
The Dark, Small Spaces, Being Alone

P e t
Baby Gorilla Named Kala


T o k e n
Neckless With Claw Pendent

E l e c t i v e s
Theater & Family Consumer Science

C l u b s
GSA, Hero, Frat, Cooking, Survival, World Culture, Foreign Exchange

Tony Stark




N a m e

Anthony Stark

N i c k n a m e
Iron Man, Tony

I n s p i r a t i o n
Iron Man/Tony Stark

A g e


G e n d e r

S e x u a l i t y

C r u s h

P e r k s
Fluent In Sarcasm, Tech Geek, Super Human Good Looks

Q u i r k s
Plays Favorites

D. O. B.
June 3

S t r e n g t h s
Can Build Anything From Anything,

W e a k n e s s e s
Easily Distracted, Is Anaemic

H i s t o r y
Anthony "Tony" Stark Was Born To Howard Anthony Stark And Maria Collins Carbonell Stark, Owners Of The Prominent US Firm, Stark Industries. As A Boy, Tony Was Fascinated With Building And Controlling Machines. At The Age Of 15 Tony Entered The Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Program At The Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT), And Graduated With Two Master's Degrees By Age 19. Tony Went To Work For Stark Industries, But Showed More Interest In Living A Reckless Playboy Lifestyle Than Using His Engineering Skills. At The Age Of 21, Tony Inherited Stark Enterprises When His Parents Were Killed In A Car Accident Secretly Orchestrated By Rival Corporation Republic Oil. Still Lacking In Business Acumen, Tony Promoted Secretary Virginia "Pepper" Potts To Be His Executive Assistant And Left The Majority Of His Workload On Her So That He Could Avoid What He Saw As A Burden. And Then Well... Those Who Can't Do, Teach. Right? So He Took A "Side Job" As The Technology Teacher.

L i k e s
Charisma, Sarcasm, Tech Geeks, Pretty People

D i s l i k e s
Entitlement, People That Don't Try

F e a r
Aliens, Death

T o k e n
... Um The Iron Man Suit

C l a s s T e a c h i n g

Y e a r s T e a c h i n g S u b j e c t

Evangeline Fairchild


◤You're Not The Same As You◥
Were Before. You Were
Much More...Muchier
◣You've Lost Your Muchness◢


N a m e

Evangeline Fairchild

N i c k n a m e

I n s p i r a t i o n
Mad Hatter

A g e

G e n d e r

S e x u a l i t y
Asexual (However That Does Not Mean She Is Not Romantic)

C r u s h
PM me

P e r k s
Creative, Fashionable

Q u i r k s
Mad As A Hatter, Often Speaks In Riddles, Makes All Of Her Clothes.

D. O. B.
January 23

S t r e n g t h s

Making Hats And Other Clothing Items, Etiquette, Intuitive

W e a k n e s s e s
Logical Thinking

H i s t o r y
Evan's Back Story Is A Little On The Tragic Side, Having Lost Her Parents At A Very Young Age She Married Young For The Financial Support. Shortly After The Birth Of Their First Born Their House Caught Fire Leaving Her As The Only Survivor With Minor Burns. Evan Wasn't Quite The Same After That, Leaving Everyone To Think The Grief Of Loosening Her Husband And Child Left Her A Little Messed Up In The Head.

L i k e s
Tea, Any Variant Of The Color Green, Playing Cards, Hats, Fashion In General

D i s l i k e s
Liars, Lighters/Matches

F e a r

P e t
March Hare


T o k e n
Red Ribbon

C l u b s

C l a s s T e a c h i n g
English And Theater

Y e a r s T e a c h i n g S u b j e c t

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Niklaus Wetzle


◤Asante Sana◥
Squash Banana
Wiwi Nugu
◣Mi Mi Apana◢


C h a r a c t e r N a m e
N i k l a u s W e t z l e

I n s p i r a t i o n
S i m b a

G e n d e r
M a l e

S p e c i e s / R a c e
H u m a n

A g e

3 0

B i r t h p l a c e / W o r l d
W i c h i t a F a l l s, T e x a s

Walt Disney University

~Basic Information~
There is no set plot at this very second, but after scratching the surface the roleplay I'll add in some plot ideas that we can incorporate into the main theme.

You can keep up to date with what's happening in the RP on the main page where I have located 'Chapters'. So if you ever have to go away, don't feel like you've missed out! You can read the brief summary and jump right back in.

I'll have different 'chapters' to divide this roleplay up. Please, follow the posts that help guide you. I can give you all prompts, but feel free to create your own subplots. But after a good extent of time, I'll warn that the end of the chapter is approaching and to shut the current drama or continue it to the next chapter.

Please make at least a paragraph per character and post. I would like for this to be a fairly detailed rp

If someone joins in later during the roleplay, please be nice and include them.

~Character Rules~
No Mary/Gary-sues and no godmodding. We want all the characters to be equal and loved.

Hate the character, not the roleplayer. If you feel the need to conflict against another character, please talk it out with the roleplayer in the OC chat before doing so.

You can create as many characters as you desire as long as you can keep up with as many as you create.

Princes and princess won't be automatically destined to fall for each other- so feel free to mix up pairings.

Each character will be put into a dorm. The way you are put in the dorms is simple. The first four girls will be in dorm #1, the first four boys will be in dorm #2, the next four girls will be in dorm #3 and so on..


(Cinderella's castle)

WDU Courtyard
The Courtyard is where a majority of the announcements take place at. A common gathering area, and where all new students are to report to upon their arrival at the academy.

The Lunchyard is where students are allowed to sit outside and socialize and eat out in the sunlight and fresh air. A lot of animals appear, being friendly towards the students.

Ballroom / Dance Class
The ballroom is where students are taught about the fine techniques of dance. The ballroom is also where the annual college 'fantasia prom' is held.

The location of where the core classes and electives take place within the futuristic walls.

Astronomy tower
The tower might not be much now... But with a little elbow grease it could look good as new.

The library is where students can go to study and research stuff for upcoming reports.

Dorms are where students and relax and lounge at. Each dorm has four people in it.

Dorm 1:
Dorm 2:
Dorm 3:
Dorm 4:


The theater

The entrances are supposed to be sealed off ... But for those curious few, it could be a new adventure.

The field
Well... It's a field. Good for sports, bonfires, picnics, movie nights.... You name it

Day #1 Schedule
8:00 - 8:30 President Mickey Mouse's Welcoming Presentation
8:30 - 9:00 Getting to Know Your Dorm Members
9:00 - 11:30 Club Fair
11:30 - 12:00 Lunch
12:00 - 1:30 Get To Know Your Teachers
1:30 - 4:00 Club Fair
4:30 - 8:00 Free time (possible Time Skip)
8:15 - 10:45 Back To School Bonfire
10:45 Lights Out / Dorm Time

Every other day's schedule

Core Classes {Everyone Has To Take} :
English - With Evangeline Fairchild
Math - With...
Science - With...
History - With Mick Mouse
Gym - With...

Electives {Chose Two} :
Theater / Music / Dance With (no more than three)...- Balthazar, Elijah,
Technology With Tony Stark - Balthazar,
Health With...-
Business With...-
Foreign Languages With...-
Family and Consumer Science With...- Elijah,

Clubs {As Many As You Wish}:

Members- Balthazar, Elijah,
Info- Any form of homosexuality is welcome here along with any questioning hetrosexuals.

Villain's Club
President- Balthazar.
Members- Balthazar,
Location- dungeons (once they are opened) / Balthazar's dorm room
Info- Any 'villains' are welcome to join.

Hero's Club
President- Mick Mouse.
Members- Mick, Elijah,
Location- History classroom
Info- Any 'heroes' are welcome to join.

Fraternity + Sorority Clubs
Members- Elijah,
Info- A fraternity or sorority is a group of men or women formed by a brotherhood or sisterhood and common goals and aspirations who make a commitment to each other for life. The members that form a fraternity or sorority share their efforts, friendship and knowledge.

Self-Defense Club
Info- A self-defense club where you discuss and practice self-defense techniques.

World Culture Club
Members- Balthazar,
Info- Learning, talking, and taking activities from cultures around the world.

Chess Club
Info- Information and playing chess among other students. Possibly even head to head competitions.

Glee / Acapella Club
Members- Balthazar, Elijah,
Info- Singing group to compete against other schools. Also choir in school projects.

Poetry Club
Info- Sharing, writing and reading poems.

Side-Kick Club
Info- A group for sidekicks that get together to aspire their goals.

Cooking Club
Members- Elijah,
Info- A cooking club to taste and create delicious new items!

Book Club
Members- Balthazar,
Info- Reading and discussing books!

Art Club
Info- Discussing, creating, and learning about art.

Student Council
Members- Balthazar,
Info- Would be in charge of special events and organizations.

Yearbook Club
Members- Balthazar,
Info- Creating and taking photos for the yearbook.

Fashion Club
Info- Looking for the hottest looks

Foreign Exchange Club
Members- Balthazar,
Info- Bringing a character out of the Disney realms and allowing him or her to stay for a week {new admin each week creates that character}

Film Club
President- Balthazar.
Members- Balthazar,
Location- The field/ Dorm commons/ ...the school
Info- Creates and views films / in charge of creating films for the school.

Survival Club
Members- Elijah,
Info- Learning the basic of surviving in the wilderness

^ Locations will be set between myself and the club presidents.

^^ Note- Please feel free to comment or suggest a club. Your character can be president of that club if you wish. If you want to join, tell me the name of the character and which club you want. Yes, teachers can join as well. Thank you.

Please do not post anything until the first beginning/welcome post is created. I'll tag all the players when the post is started. Thanks~

Chapter One: The Arrival
Each of the characters get a personal invite from Principle Mickey Mouse inviting them all enroll into WDU college. Characters are inclined to come into the castle that was revamped into an academy for the advanced and gifted. All participants are to report in the main courtyard.

Name- {Feel free to change it}
Appearance- {Please use real life images}
Based Off Of-
Age- {17-22}

Personality + A Little Deeper
D.O.B- {Date of Birth ; Feel free to put month and day only}
Strengths- {What are you good at doing?}

History (if altered from the original story)-

Token- {something that character always has around? i.e necklace..etc.}

Electives (2)-

TEACHER FORM {add on} (teachers can be any age)
Class Teaching:

Years Teaching Subject:
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