


Original poster
I am new here, though I've been here since Saturday. I felt I should probably fill one of these out and let you folks get to know me more. So, uhm...I've been roleplaying for about 5-6 years. I started out doing round robin writing with a close friend and she introduced me to roleplaying on an actual forum. Of course that was after a year of telling me to stop being so shy about my writing and just do it. What are great friends for, eh. Anyways, that's pretty much how I got involved into this beautiful addiction.

As for my tastes in plots, I'm pretty open. I do however have on exception. I very very much so stink at playing mech or cyborg rps. I do apologize in advance but I felt the need to put that out there. I like to stick to my strengths and that's not one of then, sadly. So pretty much anything other than what I've previously stated, I'm open to. I can play male or female roles. I've recently learned that I'm not that bad at playing the guy. Not sure how to feel about this since I am a girl. And I've found myself rambling, like always.

Well guess I'm going to wrap it up before I bore you poor people who decided to read this wall of text. Like I said, open to anything just send me a pm and we can work things out. I will be pretty active even though I do work for a living. I promise to not leave you hanging. I will try for at least a one post a day. I do more than that but just giving you a heads up. Life after all, likes to throw us curve balls.

Well, until next time. Tootles!

(I promise I don't always ramble like this ^^; )
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Welcome! I'm also new. New people - yey! :heart:

~ Felix
Howdy Ducky, welcome to the site! :D
Ducky! Hey! Hello! Welcome to Iwaku!
And don't worry about rambling.
Unless it's total nonsense.
Then you should stop.
Enjoy roleplaying here!
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Welcome to Paradise amiga. Enjoy your stay~
Oh wow, thank you all for the warm welcomes. Really make a girl feel at home xP And yes I agree Ser K+, rambling is okay as long as it's not nonsense. You know like how people say that their favorite color is green and then they get all fussy because it's not a certain color green that they like. Oh...wait...I did it didn't I... Anyways, thanks guys :)
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