So, this is new.

  • Thread starter DancingWarPanda
  • Start date
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Quite the warm welcome, I think I'll like this place. Woot, another of my kind. I live in Park Slope. Yes, yes, the resume. I am doing that now actually and cooperation is agreeable good doctor. You say your a wolf Ike but for the sake of my odd sense of humor I shall call you shadow puppy, lord of the dark fluff.,r:11,s:0

^^ That is you.

Cupcake! Your my new bestest friend :D
<__< >__> <__<

Welcome to the site... oh out for a kroot, he got out of his cage. O__o

Return him if you see him please ^__^
*puts vay back in the cage* What I just took him for walkies, he needs more exercise than what you give him?

Anyway Welcome to Iwaku, sit down and have a beer!

Well first I need to clear up is this a Cameron boy or a Cameron girl... very important you see.

In either case welcome to the site! Have fun, keep clean (or dirty as nesscary) and other welcoming line stuff!
Haha, you really are an odd bunch aren't you.

I believe male and my profile agrees with me. In fact I should probably change my profile picture because you can barely see my black face scowling in the background. On that night I became the picture goblin, scowling in literally every picture people took in the background where you had to look to find me. It was like a horror version of Where's Waldo. Also I have a picture in the picture thread so that may also help lol.