So anyone like Fanta? some good sodas those are yes.. but I bet you did Nazi see coming..

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Boy, that ad at the end sure makes me want a nice refreshing Fanta while I cruise down the Autobahn in my Volkswagen 181 Thing wearing an all black Hugo Boss ensemble.
I did Nazi that coming.
XD Way to go Fanta
So, I actually already knew about Fanta's connection to Nazi Germany. I honestly don't think it is really that big a deal, but I still died laughing at the fake Fanta commercial.

I do not care! Fanta is still my one and only love when it comes to sodas! Heil Fanta!
I wonder if the head guy for Fanta is called the Fanther?
*comes back here for the link* Still have other skype friends who need to see this!
That's Hitlarious. Hopefully Fanta can find the Reich words to solve this problem.
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