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"Oh, I um fainted today so I had to go to the hospital. So can you tell boss for me please." she said pleading. Though she was telling the true, she wasn't sure if her host was annoyed by her.
He nodded once in affirmation, although she couldn't see it. "Yeah, no problem," he conceded. There was a moments hesitation. "Are you alright? Like, really alight. I could go on leave for the day if..." He left the rest of his sentence unfinished, not quite sure what he was suggesting. His voice suddenly became cold and monotonous, the way it did whenever he became frustrated or angry. He never would show it on the outside, but hide it behind a wall of ice. "See ya." He hit the disconnect button and shoved the phone back into his pocket, then made his way towards his enraged boss with an air of cold determination.
Cecil had spent the time she had been talking on the phone to find himself a shirt, letting out a sigh as he walked back to her, his hair still wet. He sat on a chair, waiting for her to finish talking to whoever she was talking with. He thought that maybe it was her boyfriend or something. At least a girl like her looked like someone who would have a girlfriend.
(I'm sorry I fell into a procrastination hole)
Risa hung up and put her phone down beside her. She sighed and looked over at him and blushed, "Sorry about that. My friend at work called." She slowly began to sit up, "Now I definitely have to repay you." She said getting out of bed a little sore. (OMG Me TOO TT^TT)
"No, really. I don't need anything. I mean of course I'd be happy if you'd do something for me but it's not like I have anything in particular that I need." He ruffled a hand through his hair thoughtfully and looked at something to his left. After the kiss she'd given him he'd felt a bit awkward around her.
Risa blushed, it was extremely awkward, "Um...Thanks for your help. I'll but...I'll bring you pastries during our net study group meeting." She quickly grabbed her phone and her bag and stood up, "Um bye." she said literal running out of the door. Gosh why was she so bold earlier. Once she was a block away she looked up the nearest hospital. She hadn't blacked out like that in years. If not for Cecil's kindness who knows what could have happened to her. She saw that it wasn't too far of a walk so she walked.
He felt a bit worried about her and looked up hospitals nearby. He found one not long from his house and thought she might've gone there. When he reached the hospital, he spotted her in the waiting area and went to her.
"I know I'm practically following you around but I couldn't help but get a bit worried... I-I mean, a blackout isn't just something that happens like that..." He blushed a bit, feeling silly.
Alex knocked briskly on the solid, wooden door that led to the back room where the boss was still throwing his tantrum. After a pause of silence and a grunt of recognition, the door unlocked and he stepped inside. Gemini was a large, thick-set man with a stubbly face and meaty arms. He had inherited the bakery not long after his mother died.
He was glaring sharply at a dishwasher boy who had his face obscured in shadow, hanging low in shame. With a backwards wave of his hand the boy scurried out of the room, leaving the two men alone. "Risa has asked me to inform you that she will be unable to attend today. Or she may only be late. She's not feeling well."
Gemini nodded wearily, clearly tired from the scolding he had dealt, and quickly dismissed Alex back to his duties.
Risa looked up at him blushing, "You came all the way here because you were worry." she asked touched. She stood up and hugged him, "I appreciate it." She buried her face in his chest.
"Yeah... I couldn't help it... I've never seen you around anyone and you always walk home on your own from the club so.."
He sighed softly and ran a hand through her hair. It was strange that they were this close after just a day in each other's company. He decided that it was fine and looked down at her, a blush still coloring his cheeks.
She looked up at him and smiled happily. She got up on the tips of her toes and gave him a tender kiss on his lip. She felt something jump start her heart she she pulled away. Before she could savor the moment her name was called, "Oh that's me." she said turning to the nurse then picked up her bag, "Um...would you mind going with me?" she asked timidly.
He could feel his cheeks heat up at the kiss, his heart beating fast. He just nodded as she asked him to come with her and took her hand. He didn't know what else to do. His head was spinning, making him a bit confused of his surroundings. Only because he liked a girl. He felt a bit embarrassed, seeing as she looked rather collected compared to his completely out of it state of mind.
Risa giggled and held his hand and followed the nurse to a room. She was trembling. She hated hospitals. She had spent so much of her childhood life there that instead of being an institution for healing, it was a prison. Nurse gave her a gown to change into and left. Risa sighed and without warning putted of her shirt and unfolded the gown.
He turned his head politely as she started changing, looking at his hands instead. He didn't want to come across as some sort of pervert or anything like that. While he was looking at his hands, he almost dozed off. He had spent most of the evening nursing Risa and hadn't gotten much sleep himself that night. He was too worried about her health to sleep.
Risa quickly finished and turned to see Cecil dozing off. She smiled and quietly leaned back in her bed. She most had worried him so much that he didn't sleep. She watched him as he slept. He looked so peaceful. She started to get sleepy herself.
His head fell against his hand as he sat there, his hair falling in his eyes. He looked sweet and peaceful and after not long, you could hear his steady breathing and slight mumbling of words in his sleep. He was simply exhausted after spending an entire night looking out for someone.
Risa yawned silently and and her eyes began to close when a small knock on the door caught her attention. The Nurse was back to take her to have her MRI. Risa tooked a deep breath as they preped to wheel her off.
He woke with a start as there was a rustling in the room, rubbing his eyes before walking up to her. He patted her head and smiled a little in order to calm her down. He didn't believe that she was actually that sick; he believed she was going to be alright, and he'd better show it.
"The MRI is going to take a while. You should rest." Risa said looking up at him worried.
"I don't care, I want to be with you right now. We can always get some sleep later." He smiled at her and even though she was sleepy, followed her along as moral support. Seeing as no one had shown up to visit her, he felt guilty just leaving her alone.
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