Site Display Ideas

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Original poster
The width of the forum really bothers me. The enmity between me and the forum width is huge.

I like paragraphs. As an aspiring writer, I love seeing the page fill up with words because it makes me feel complete. However, because of the default font size and the width of the forum, what would normally constitute a paragraph of 5 to 7 sentences now hardly suffices to fill up 3 or 4 lines of the page whereas in a book, a paragraph of 5 to 7 sentences could easily consume 7 lines, especially if the prose style is mature, varied, and complex.

I wish that the forum only took up somewhere between 50% to 80% of the full page width on wide screens like my 1080p monitor or that the forum only occupied a fixed width of the page so that paragraphs would feel more like paragraphs. If you catch my drift. This isn't necessarily a problem with the site, it's just a personal issue with the way Iwaku is currently displayed.

Thank you for your time!
Hello there RavenDivinity :)
Personally I agree that when sitting at a big screen, the forum becomes way too widened out, but it is a pretty good thing. If someone are on their phone the site will adapt to their small screen, and the same goes for a computer with a very small screen. I've been on iwaku on my phone many times to check my messages and such, and it really helps that it adapts to whatever screen you have. I was a member on iwaku when the site was set to only have one size, and it was horrible to check things on a smaller screen. And even on a bigger screen there were a ton of grey zones filled with nothing on both sides. I can't know for sure, but I don't think the admins have any means to get a middle ground between the stay the same version and the adaptable version at the moment. But if you're lucky, then maybe.

There are ways for you to fix it yourself though. First off, click on the square beside the x on the browser you're using so it won't be in full screen mode. Then pull the sides together until iwaku becomes just the right size for you. I always do this because I don't like when it's so wide either. ;)
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