Silent Hill: No More Love

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He groaned inwardly and donned the mask of someone who still cared about life before approaching.
Wot choo groaning about? >:[

Don't wanna talk to me?

Too much of a struggle?


*pushes Dave into the lake*
Yeah... Unfortunately now David is in the lake and I'm stuck on girder thanks to silent hills "wonderful" welcoming committee :P
*blinks and hurries to type a reply before she gets punished as well*
Remember to gravitate directly towards my character so he's really freaked out by the sudden mass attention.
Its a time honoured tradition in every Asmo game ever.
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XD don't worry, we'll all crowd him o-o
... Lindy didn't crowd him... uh oh...


Oh well~ Come on
people! Post post post! I need moar.
XD My character's just curious why there's someone approaching another o-o
Lindy is just being a creepy antisocial kitty.

*pets the stoic golden child*
She seems cute, in an antisocial and strange way o-o
There we go, one Crispin post.

I'll give it another couple posts and then get him in out of the cold.
*headdesk* These ideas.... this excitement... I demand to be sated.

*thinks of titles for the cast*

  • The Silent Innocent - Lindy
  • The Broken Good Son - Benedict
  • The Masked - David
  • The Good Hearted - Maureen
  • The Begrudged Drunk - Crispin
  • The Haunted - Sonoma
*shrugs shoulders* First impressions.
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I like 'em! David's is spot on, I can say. ^_^

Over the course of the RP you'll be seeing more and more that the mask he wears distorts perception both ways. He's even got a bit of the "unreliable narrator" deal going on as a result, but I'll leave it at that for now. ;)
Well, I can definitely say most the charries fit right into Silent Hill.
If you couldn't tell there was some word play going on with m'dear Lindy.
She definitely fits right into the place and scenery.
She totally does. I almost wonder if she's going to wind up killing us off. Or, like, we find ourselves dangling off a cliff and she just comes over to us, looks down, and nonchalantly nudges our hands loose with her feet or otherwise just walks away and leaves us to our fate. :P
*archetype alarm goes off*

Careful Rosie. You're sounding like me when I started roleplaying.

In five years time you'll be the Admin of Iwaku and have to retire from stress and leave it to a mad cat lady.
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