Original poster
.:| Sigil |:.
Chapter One: The begining, which lead to the end,...
Chapter One: The begining, which lead to the end,...
A life to live forever, to never know nor see an end in sight. To some this would be a dream come true. In reality it's a nightmare that one can never be awoken from, and yet you've been awake the whole time. It's like to want sleep, to have eyes that burn for the lust of slumber. But the sleep never comes, no matter what means are taken to gain it. How I wished for that endless slumber for so long. To enjoy the peaceful end that mere mortal's fear with their very lives. How strange it is, to wish for death. But that is the life of an immortal.
My kind bares this never ending burden, for eons we've travel the stars for a place to call home. With each place we visited our eyes met with the same sad story of destruction and death. Far too many souls have passed before us, and far too many times our abilities were used for injustice deeds. And much like the circle of life, our lives ended to be begun again somewhere else. Like the never ending travels of a gypsy. All until the stars bestowed on us a timeless secret, and a place named Sigil.
From a planet in the same galaxies, the blackness of space ripped open in a dance of lights. It was unlike anything any of us had seen before. Mesmerized by this display of true beauty we watched in awe. As seemingly lost in the absents of darkness. A flicker illuminated the hope of a new life. Dazed in a swirl of colors, that can only be seen in the sweetest of dreams. A star slumbered in there peaceful hues. Its twinkle seen far beyond its hazy womb reached us on the bleak planet. With waves of serenity it beckoned us to come and await it's destine birth. And thus we followed not knowing we'd learn of our own fate.
In a crumble of destruction, on the eve of creation, a fire erupted. In a burst, the flames stretched across the boundless space in an elaborate dance. In a cosmic second like a rubber band snapped, the flames twisted and folded upon themselves. With sheer force this fiery cage was lifted, ripped from the seams and life's first breath was taken. As this spark was ignited in rays of ruby beauty, a glorious sun was born.
That was not the end, pulled by its overwhelming energy, varies material orbited around the new blazing sun. And as they danced this timeless waltz they formed something of equal awe. Swirled with hues of sapphire, and pearl and orbited by three soft lavender moons. A planet was born before our eyes as we rushed to what we knew would be our home.
Many light years passed before we reached our destination, but when we did it was like a weight was lifted. After so many years we finally found a place to call home, a place of our very own. It didn't take long before we scattered to explore and find places to call our own. But even as immortals we still longed for connection and family. So we build a central city to gather in. Just as it seemed everything was in place and that we found peace. Our past came back to haunt us. It seemed that we weren't the only ones to witness the glory of this planets birth, or hear its call to come. In what felt like a blink of the eye our home was infested by visitors.
We decided that we'd try to live with the visitors in harmony, since Sigil was not our birth planet. The other had the same right as us to be there. With some this goal was easily achieved, for they too were only looking for a place to call home, but most were space pirates. A fearsome caravan of cut throat savangers, said to plunder a planet for all its worth. They'd take anything of remote value, even lives to be sold into slavery. But these were mere rumors, and How could we turn someone away from a potential place to call home. For all we knew, these Space Pirates were just misunderstood... Much like our own kin. So we allowed them refuge on Sigil, and in her orbit,... and thats where our story begins,...
Sigil was a vast planet,.. which encompassed all different types of scenery. Large oceans with gorgeous beaches, beautiful spring feed river, majestic mountains, lush forest that seemed to stretch on forever, and anything and everything the imagination could dream up. It was a true work of art, that just made the heart go awe. At least that's how the half immortal, and wolf demon named Drift felt about it. For the second time in her life, the wolf felt blessed by the cosmos, completely content. It was an odd emotion for the young women, and it struck her heart with much force especially when she watched those that inhabit the newly developed planet. For just as the nature around was so expansive and unusual, So were the people. For it seemed that from every corner of at least the galaxie, if not the universe as a whole, different walks of life came to Sigil. It was a huge melting pot, and they all seemed to have the same reason for being there. For one reason or another there original home, they no longer had access to, and Sigil gave them the hope of a promise of a new beginning, a new place to call home.
It was mid morning at this point, and the young woman decided it was best time to get up, and do something. So after she took a moment to get properly dressed, Drift emerged from her bed room in the Immortals prime building. She stayed her fequently, only because Drift was a being who almost needed company. She had lived a good portion of her life with a pack of wolves she alphaed, but times changed, and now she was here on Sigil. Some had come with her, but she missed the sounds of there old den, and of there constant noise. So for now, when the nights seemed to quiet she stayed in the first building the immortals created together. The place where her father, older siblings and some other immortals resided.
As she made her way through the house Drift made sure her appearance was in order. Slender hands smoothed out the black and red corset which clung to her slender form, and them brushed down on the short, black pletted skirt she wore as well. She flicked her long, deep purple hair back so it cascaded down her body, its ends resting at the top of her skirt. Which each step her thick leather boots clicked and clanked as the buckles jangled. Drift mind wondered on what to do today, As she headed out the front door, and into town.