Sightseer: All-Stars

  • Thread starter Six Million Dollar Man
  • Start date
Before you changed your sheet, she practically killed them as a street vigilante. And you can find rape, murder, and torture all over the world even today. In parts of Africa you could have women beaten or raped by soldiers with entire villages being pillaged and burned to the ground, and other cases where entire ethnic groups are being exterminated in places like Bosnia, Rwanda, and Darfur. The big city is just one place to find horrors even ones you have to really seek, out of an entire planet where violence can be commonplace if you walk out your front door.

Once again. These aren't skills she adapted herself to learn by doing things herself. She was made in a laboratory, and these abilities all come naturally to her. How does a wolf teach a sheep how to howl?

You never specified that on the history. That's kind of an important detail as far as basic history and explanation of her skills go.
A wolf doesn't teach a sheep to howl. It kills it and eats it. It would be pointless to teach a sheep to howl, but it isn't impossible. I did change the sheet, at your request. And yes, there is evil all around the world, but that's not the point I was making. The point was that the underworld was just as dangerous as an amazon jungle or desert. She isn't just a lab rat, either, these 'skills' are as natural to her as howling is to a wolf. It's in her blood, bones, and breathe. Which means it should be extremely simple for her to tell someone the dangers of their surrounding environment, because it comes so easily to her.

It's not like she's teaching them to bend shadows. "Hey, we're going to need some thick rubber boots if we want to get out of that swamp without a thousand snake bites." I mean, it really isn't that hard.
You said the underworld was worse.

That's not exactly advice that would be unique to her character. That's more like common sense right there. And you said she would be able to teach the others a thing or two, not point out danger to them.
Hey, I've got an idea for a scientist character who specializes in biology and chemistry. She'd be capable of working with all lifeforms and maybe some more exotic/alien lifeforms depending on what you've got in store for this RP. She'd probably defend herself with chemicals (think chloroform, syringes of novacane, bacterial agents, etc.), and could act as a medic in a pinch. Let me know what you think and I'll try to get a profile up asap. Also, if you've got ideas, I'd be more than happy to hear them!
I'd certainly like to see your character, Cicada! A master of medicines, mixtures, chemicals and all things biological would be a perfect member of the team.