Original poster
[align=center]Shintaion: Resistance[/align]
Today we mark one of possibly the last history lessons in our world today. Our world use to be controlled in unison by Humans, Demons, Elves, and Forbidden Beasts. That control was disrupted as the humans took an evil nature with the revelation of their own technology. Forbidden Beasts found a peaceful accord amidst the chaos but the Demons and Elves were not so lucky. There was also one more creature that was not talked about, the dark beast.
These creatures were ruthless and not kept well on a leash. To fight not only these powerful creatures but the demons and elves as well, humans had to develop a new weaponry. The two major advances were the plasma weaponry made as well as the Armours. Armours, are mechanical suits designed to be highly mobile and capable of firing heavy automatic weaponry. Once these armours became main stream they got their own specialized equipment with five centimeter rounds. At full height they stand at about twelve feet.
With power came chaos and that chaos turned Lavion and Teros against each other. Shintaion also had its own share of civil disputes making Abscus and Shrivisk the only countries not at war. Thankfully most of that came to an end quickly due to the efforts of a small group of people. These people are rumored to have high positions of power now a days. Along their journey they found demons and elves that had been in hiding since the war. Although their feelings towards humans were dark they decided to aid in the fight against the corrupt government. Once that came to an end the woman named Heather Halberd rose quickly in political rank and was promoted to president of Shintaion.
Again it was not long to last as revenge had snuck up on Shintaion. It was a brief battle and one that did not have a happy ending. The president was ushered away to Abscus as well as what survivors could find a boat or airship. The dark beasts had successfully broke the chains of their own bondage and ravaged the Shintaion landscape. Once that continent was taken they turned their attention to the already weakened Lavion. Finding that easy enough to take they focused on their neighbors next, Teros. However, they found that harder to take as they were primarily a military nation. The fight destroyed a good portion of the dark beasts but Teros was eventually claimed.
Now Abscus and Shrivisk are the only ones to take on the remaining threat and resist complete annihilation.
Alright history lesson is over everyone, now to tell you about the different kinds of people you can sign up as.
Primarily a technologically savvy race who specializes in guns and armours. The guns are plasma weapons able to deal moderate damage to dark beasts and the armours, as said before, are mobile suits with a max height of 12' and average round size of 5 cm.
Along with those technologically advanced features, there are also much smaller advances that we know as nanites. These nanites are programmed to give telekinetic control over certain elements. These nanites reproduce inside the blood stream so once they are in they are permanent. People with these nanites are called Technomancers. The only difference between them and a normal magician is they cannot make a fireball out of midair or things like that. They must have their element present.
Demons are capable of channeling their inner energy into their weapons and attacks. This allows for a high amount of endurance as well as high attack power. They know their way around martial arts rather well and some are quick to temper. Nearly all don't know how to use guns or armours.
The more stealthy and agile of the species, the elves use their unique tracking and speed advantage to be hired assassins or special operatives. They do not carry heavy weapons but they make due with smaller items. Again like the demons they do not know how to use guns or armours.
Forbidden Beasts
Now I know there are questions going to be asked about these creatures but I asked the creator to make you a guide. Here is the basic description of what these creatures are.
Basically Forbidden Beasts can use regular weapons from sword to gun but also have the ability to turn them into pure energy. From this they can use this as a conduit to control their element.
There you have it, we will all be starting in Abscus and I'd like to keep characters pure so no mixing. PM me any questions you have. Now onto the character sheets.
Equipment: (If necessary)
Today we mark one of possibly the last history lessons in our world today. Our world use to be controlled in unison by Humans, Demons, Elves, and Forbidden Beasts. That control was disrupted as the humans took an evil nature with the revelation of their own technology. Forbidden Beasts found a peaceful accord amidst the chaos but the Demons and Elves were not so lucky. There was also one more creature that was not talked about, the dark beast.

These creatures were ruthless and not kept well on a leash. To fight not only these powerful creatures but the demons and elves as well, humans had to develop a new weaponry. The two major advances were the plasma weaponry made as well as the Armours. Armours, are mechanical suits designed to be highly mobile and capable of firing heavy automatic weaponry. Once these armours became main stream they got their own specialized equipment with five centimeter rounds. At full height they stand at about twelve feet.

With power came chaos and that chaos turned Lavion and Teros against each other. Shintaion also had its own share of civil disputes making Abscus and Shrivisk the only countries not at war. Thankfully most of that came to an end quickly due to the efforts of a small group of people. These people are rumored to have high positions of power now a days. Along their journey they found demons and elves that had been in hiding since the war. Although their feelings towards humans were dark they decided to aid in the fight against the corrupt government. Once that came to an end the woman named Heather Halberd rose quickly in political rank and was promoted to president of Shintaion.
Again it was not long to last as revenge had snuck up on Shintaion. It was a brief battle and one that did not have a happy ending. The president was ushered away to Abscus as well as what survivors could find a boat or airship. The dark beasts had successfully broke the chains of their own bondage and ravaged the Shintaion landscape. Once that continent was taken they turned their attention to the already weakened Lavion. Finding that easy enough to take they focused on their neighbors next, Teros. However, they found that harder to take as they were primarily a military nation. The fight destroyed a good portion of the dark beasts but Teros was eventually claimed.

Now Abscus and Shrivisk are the only ones to take on the remaining threat and resist complete annihilation.
Alright history lesson is over everyone, now to tell you about the different kinds of people you can sign up as.
Primarily a technologically savvy race who specializes in guns and armours. The guns are plasma weapons able to deal moderate damage to dark beasts and the armours, as said before, are mobile suits with a max height of 12' and average round size of 5 cm.
Along with those technologically advanced features, there are also much smaller advances that we know as nanites. These nanites are programmed to give telekinetic control over certain elements. These nanites reproduce inside the blood stream so once they are in they are permanent. People with these nanites are called Technomancers. The only difference between them and a normal magician is they cannot make a fireball out of midair or things like that. They must have their element present.
Demons are capable of channeling their inner energy into their weapons and attacks. This allows for a high amount of endurance as well as high attack power. They know their way around martial arts rather well and some are quick to temper. Nearly all don't know how to use guns or armours.
The more stealthy and agile of the species, the elves use their unique tracking and speed advantage to be hired assassins or special operatives. They do not carry heavy weapons but they make due with smaller items. Again like the demons they do not know how to use guns or armours.
Forbidden Beasts
Now I know there are questions going to be asked about these creatures but I asked the creator to make you a guide. Here is the basic description of what these creatures are.
King Weavel said:Forbidden beasts are best described as people with some beast like traits and behavior. They walk up right. They have tails. They have claws in place of nails. They are cold blooded creatures and have live young.
They are able to use elemental energy based on what type of beast they are (IE: Ice beasts use ice energy). Today Forbidden Beasts use regular weapons like guns and bladed weaponry but they can turn the weapon into pure energy (IE: Earth sword, Ice Hammer, Light Spear). While these weapons are in energy form they can focus enough magical energy to create low to mid level spells. So nothing too extravagant.
There are 8 breeds of Forbidden Beasts: Fire (Survive and easily walk through Lava), Wind (Able to fly with their wings and have lungs capable of surviving high up in the sky), Earth (The most defensive of the beasts, very sturdy skin), Ice (Can also use a mild form of healing but more physically weak than the other beasts), Water (Can easily survive and breathe underwater with their gills), Thunder (The fastest of the breeds), Dark (The strongest in terms of physical strength and able to command versatile dark energy) and Light Beasts (Light energy and the most powerful healing abilities).
They are rather civilized and friendly creatures despite their name but they do have beast like habits and prefer to speak in an animal language of barks, grunts, roars etc but they DO have the ability to speak English. As of late they have become more humanized having to live in cities to make a living, thus it is VERY uncommon to find a forbidden beast who cannot speak English.
Their culture is one of respecting and paying tribute to nature as they draw their elemental powers from it. They preferred to live around nature (IE in forests, beaches for water beasts, etc) However, as the world has changed, they have become somewhat disconnected from it, as cities grew so did their civilization. Moving into cities was a way to keep up with the times and become generally neutral during the war. They also have much more respect to females of their race than humans do, thus both genders are more equal in Forbidden Beast society.
They were once feared for their power, hence the name Forbidden Beasts, creatures considered unholy. But their power has declined over the years and they are no longer as feared and condemned as in the past.
Basically Forbidden Beasts can use regular weapons from sword to gun but also have the ability to turn them into pure energy. From this they can use this as a conduit to control their element.
There you have it, we will all be starting in Abscus and I'd like to keep characters pure so no mixing. PM me any questions you have. Now onto the character sheets.
Equipment: (If necessary)