Shelter In Place? Time For Writing!


Waiting for Wit
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
On fairly regularly, every day. I'll notice a PM almost immediately. Replies come randomly.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. No Preferences
High fantasy is my personal favorite, followed closely by modern fantasy and post-apocalyptic, but I can happily play in any genre if the plot is good enough.

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    Like most of the rest of the world, this crazy beginning to 2020 currently has me stuck at home. The one good thing that's come out of it is that my motivation to write has grown proportionally with my sudden access to more free time!

    Since I've searched my way through most of the interest checks out there at the moment, I figure it's about time for me to put my own search out into the wild and see if I can find myself some new writing buddies.

    If you're interested in writing together, send me a PM and we can get to plotting! Just as a heads up, though, if I can't find any of your writing on the site, I'll probably ask for a sample.

  • Just some quick information to give you a sense of this stranger on the internet you might be spending some time with. :)
    • Over 21 years of age.
    • Adept to advanced writer. I've been on Iwaku for 6 and a half years, so lots of writing experience.
    • Avid worldbuilder. I love exotic fantasy worlds not rooted in traditional western fantasy.
    • Ditch friendly. A message would be nice, but if you need to leave, feel free to take off. I'll message you a couple times, and then wait. Feel free to wander back whenever.
    • Flexible writer, length wise. I can go anywhere between 100 and 1000 words, so long as the post moves the plot forward.
    • Plays main characters of all genders and orientations.
    • Plays multiple main characters and/or NPCs as needed.
    • Romance flexible. Happy to include it in stories, happy to leave it out.
    • Fade to black only, barring very, very rare, plot-based exceptions. Mostly, I don't do smut.
    • Currently replying every day or every other day. Can't guarantee that'll always be the case.
    • Patient. I get eager to plot and write, but if you need time I won't pester you.
    • Has Discord. I'd like to plot there, if you're down. If not, no worries.
    • Thread or chat writer. I don't like roleplaying in PMs.
    • Middle level social. Want to chat? I'm down. Want to stay focused on the story? That's fine.
    • Anything else you want to know? Just ask.

  • Broken Dreams
    Genres: Modern, Quasi-Sci Fi, Drama, Realistic
    A young man, trapped in a bad relationship and a shitty job, finds his life growing worse when he is tormented by nightly dreams, where he gets transported to an alternate world and has to battle against dark forces with another person. What he doesn't realize is that the other person in his dream is a real individual, like himself. As they learn how to fight in this other world and begin to grow to rely upon each other, they realize that everything may not be as simple as it seems when they wake up and meet for real.

    Fade Into the Moment
    Genres: Modern, Police Procedural, Quasi-Fantasy, Slice-Of-Life
    An FBI agent, part of the White Collar Crime division, winds up getting a civilian caught in the crossfire. The man winds up in a coma, but the agent begins to think she is going mad as the ghost of the man haunts her as she continues to work. This is until the "ghost" takes a bullet for her, halting it in its tracks. She then begins to listen to the advice he offers her, through various psychic abilities he is starting to develop. But, just as the agent is starting to rely on his advice to solve her cases quickly and cleanly, things become complicated when her "ghost" wakes back up.

    Land of Monsters
    Genres: Fantasy, Adventure
    In a world with no animals other than mankind, people are forced to survive in small, rural communities surrounded by monsters. Monsters are creatures that are born from a "monster well". All monsters are born from the well, and remain near the well until they reach maturity, evolving based upon the stimulus they are exposed to. Weak monsters evolve quickly, while powerful ones can take decades or even centuries. All monsters have a strong instinct that they have no choice but to follow.

    In order to survive, many villagers rely on monster hunters to exterminate monsters that threaten their communities. However, certain monster hunters have learned enough about monster nature to understand that monsters, although harmful, are not purposefully malicious, and there is almost always a way to allow a village to live in harmony with the surrounding monsters. These so-called "monster tamers" work in opposition to the monster hunters, attempting to save as many monsters as possible, which often earns them the distrust or downright enmity of the local people.

    The Mystweaver's Academy
    Genres: Fantasy, Action, Post Apocalyptic, Magic, School Life, Politics
    Once upon a time, the world became incredibly devastated, to the point where all natural resources beyond water and dirt had been used. In order for societies to survive they developed a "recycler", which was capable of breaking down pretty much any material back into a usable form. This became the lifeblood of new societies. Nowadays, if any country wants to grow, they have to take their resources from another country. That is why the military and battlefields have become so essential to a country's survival. That's why soldiers fight, because if they kill a soldier they get "scavenger rights" on their equipment and clothes and weapons.

    At about the same time that the recycler was created, society learned of a mysterious substance called Myst, which could be used to create magic spells. Myst became the second most important resource in society, and Mystweavers became the most powerful soldiers on the battlefield. In order to raise up the military, every country invested in academies, designed to train weavers into soldiers.

  • I usually tend to lean more to sentence or paragraph plot ideas than pairings, but I've found that sometimes a simple pairing idea works wonders in opening up room for creativity and idea generation. So, here's an attempt at a list of pairings I could be interested in. :)

    For reference, my preferred role will always be on the left. :) Anything underlined I've got ideas for already.
    • Supernatural x human
    • Alien x human
    • God x mortal
    • Demigod x mortal
    • Soldier x angel
    • Lord x soldier
    • Executioner x rebel
    • Rebel x Soldier
    • Assassin x civilian
    • Hunter x hunter
    • Creature x hunter
    • Evil spirit x mage
    • Spirit king x mage
    • Immortal x hitman
    • Immortal x doctor
    • Bodyguard x protectee
    • Vigilante x police officer
    • Mythical servant x mortal master
    • Cultivator x beast
    • Demonic cultivator x righteous cultivator
    • Science experiment x researcher
    • Science experiment x rescuer
    • Master x apprentice
    • Cult leader x cultist
    • Celebrity x fan

  • Nothing catch your eye yet? I'm always happy to create something completely from scratch with a new partner, simply by throwing broad interests together until something clicks. I've gotten some really great ideas that way. Here are some genres and broad ideas that are things I think might be fun to include in a story!

    Cultivation / Xianxia - I've read my way through a bunch of these novels, and would absolutely adore picking up a story in an eastern fantasy style world.​
    Atmospheric Horror - I'm not a fan of survival horror roleplays, running away and hiding gets boring pretty quickly, but I would really adore a story with strong tension, where our characters have to be intelligent and careful in confronting threats far beyond control.​
    God amongst mortals - Always a fun basis for a story, in my opinion, although it can occasionally take time and tweaking to get a good conflict going.​
    Apocalypse - Magical or otherwise! Having our characters work together against outside or environment threats could be quite fun.​
    Quick Transmigration - An individual moving through different worlds, trying to complete quick challenges along the way. If anyone wants to combine this with a horror survival game, I'm 100% down.​
    Immortality - I've always got lots of ideas revolving around immortal individuals. Throw that in to just about any plot and I'll probably be interested.​
    Rune Magic and Rituals - As much as I love spell magic, I've been craving a bit more of an intricate, complicated magic system, where spells take a great deal of time and preparation and knowledge to set up.​
    "Weird" Magic - I'm not entirely sure how to categorize this, but like for the rune magic, I'd enjoy exploring any system of magic that is rooted in non-traditional or even brand new elements. Finding a way to cull "mana" from the process would be a fun experiment for me.​
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