Shea's Redstar Partner Search!!!



Original poster
Hi, everyone!! I'm looking for partners that have a love of Medieval Fantasy, Post Apocalyptic, or something in between that isn't a 'slice of life' type. My personal favorite is Medieval Fantasy, but I know that it isn't everyone's cup of tea, so I'm willing to compromise. There's just a couple of things that I want to run by everyone.
1. I always try to write at least one paragraph, if not more. I would like my partner to attempt the same. I understand writer's block though.
2. Please try to respond a couple of times a week. I understand that everyone has a life, but at least this way the roleplay keeps both parties' interest.
3. I only roleplay through private messaging, as I'm not that great in following threads.
4. I only play female characters; I'm not the best at male characters. But, I will roleplay with both females and males, be it females who play males, females who play females, and vice versa. I just can't play a male to save my life. XD
These are the only ones that I can think of off the top of my head. If you have any other questions, just let me know. I do have a couple of ideas, but I would love to hear your guys' roleplay ideas, too. In my opinion, brainstorming is always best before we start a roleplay. Just shoot me a PM, I can't wait to hear from you guys!!
How do you pm
I'm sorta new and I have some rp ideas I'd like to share with you
How do you pm
I'm sorta new and I have some rp ideas I'd like to share with you
No problem! What you do is you click the person's name you'd like to PM, then click Start a Conversation.
Did you have any ideas or cravings?
Still looking, guys! just shoot me a PM if you're interested
And back after a brief hiatus. I should be good now! Back to looking!