Share Your Tumblrs!

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Main use is to keep track of my favorite webcomic. I'm also an ambitious and slightly obsessive fellow, so I've been trying to get a part in it. That would make be quite happy.
I realized that I showed my face on my Tumblr, so I had to go and change my picture to something that didn't.
Kinda too late.
I'm sorry, sir, but I have discovered what you look like.
(and will use it against you)
i wanna make a tumblr... but it always seem overwhelming... help? :D
The greatest tumblr innnnn the univeeeeeerse

This is just my personal blog where I reblog just about anything (and everything) that interests me. Music, anime, games, yadda, yadda. I tag my nsfw stuff.

No social justice allowed!
This be my derptastic page. I post.... crap.... anime, fandom, inspirational, things I think, funny crap... Yup. A tumblr like any other weeb would have. I post randomly. And yes, it's an aph title for the... thing, so just deal with it XD
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