V Vay Guest Original poster Apr 10, 2010 #2 Spaces clear the screen much better than expose, you don't get the dark border.
F Flaremon Guest Original poster Apr 10, 2010 #3 Yeah... I didn't see it until you mentioned it. How did that get there...? <_< Ah well.
V Vay Guest Original poster Apr 10, 2010 #5 you used command+expose which leaves the black box, spaces does not. You can find spaces in system preferences. Not being a know all, not more than in my job anyway.
you used command+expose which leaves the black box, spaces does not. You can find spaces in system preferences. Not being a know all, not more than in my job anyway.
October Knight Hi-def FOLKLORE MEMBER Preferred Character Gender Male Genres Fantasy, Horror and Sci-fi. I'll try basically anything though. I also love strange and unusual RP genre concepts. Different is good! Apr 10, 2010 #6 Spoiler
Lovie the OG Manikos Karagiozis FOLKLORE MEMBER Preferred Character Gender Male Genres Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Modern, History; just about anything, really. Though, I am not too big on Romance. Apr 10, 2010 #8 Fucking love your desktop, Senj senj!!! : DDD
T Tain Guest Original poster Apr 10, 2010 #9 D:< I can't share mine right now. It's full of sensitive documents.
October Knight Hi-def FOLKLORE MEMBER Preferred Character Gender Male Genres Fantasy, Horror and Sci-fi. I'll try basically anything though. I also love strange and unusual RP genre concepts. Different is good! Apr 10, 2010 #10 Thanks Loveless, nice F-bomb, BTW. *Brofist Vay* OSX 4 Life.
Lovie the OG Manikos Karagiozis FOLKLORE MEMBER Preferred Character Gender Male Genres Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Modern, History; just about anything, really. Though, I am not too big on Romance. Apr 10, 2010 #12 Love the desktop, Vay! Very pretty. Love trees and snow.
V Vay Guest Original poster Apr 10, 2010 #13 Thanks loveless, cor make it for me with pics from around where she lives. ^^
Lovie the OG Manikos Karagiozis FOLKLORE MEMBER Preferred Character Gender Male Genres Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Modern, History; just about anything, really. Though, I am not too big on Romance. Apr 10, 2010 #14 That's awesome. Wished I live near there. o_o
F Flaremon Guest Original poster Apr 10, 2010 #16 What are you using? Windows 98? *sneaks a little laugh*
N N2AMine Guest Original poster Apr 10, 2010 #17 Ominous Flare said: What are you using? Windows 98? *sneaks a little laugh* Click to expand... HA Laughs on you....Its Windows XP! I just made it look like 98 style cause it saved on processor power. Atleast for me it did
Ominous Flare said: What are you using? Windows 98? *sneaks a little laugh* Click to expand... HA Laughs on you....Its Windows XP! I just made it look like 98 style cause it saved on processor power. Atleast for me it did
V Vay Guest Original poster Apr 10, 2010 #18 Thats XP you can tell by the style of the logo on the start button
J Jumi Guest Original poster Apr 10, 2010 #19 It tends to alternate due to my slide show settings. Spoiler Spoiler
F Flaremon Guest Original poster Apr 10, 2010 #20 Oh, god, I like the latter. Reminds me of one of those guys pleasing the ghosts through dances and music in Asia.
Oh, god, I like the latter. Reminds me of one of those guys pleasing the ghosts through dances and music in Asia.