Miss Flufferbutt
Original poster
Sarah stood and stretched, relishing the feeling of relief. She had been sitting at her desk all day, sorting through piles of paperwork on patients. Somehow, she had thought that becoming the Director of Nursing in the ER would be more exciting, but she had only been at it for a few weeks and found it to be less than what she expected. At least it was better than constantly dealing with stranger's various... fluids. She shuddered and gathered her things. At least there was one thing to look forward to: going on a date with a hot marine. Her hot marine. She smiled devilishly and walked out of the building, looking like a satisfied cat. They were going out to dinner at some new hibachi grill -- lord knew she could use a break from cooking her own dinner -- and then... who knew? Things were made up on the fly, or set up as surprises, and it was so exhilarating. And even if there wasn't anything special after, she still found conversation with him fun.
Once she got home, she checked the time, making sure she had plenty of time to get ready. Satisfied, she dropped her belongings and shed her scrubs. After a quick shower, she sat in front of her closet, carefully choosing an outfit. As always, her first priority was to look as attractive and posh as allowed by the setting. After all, appearances are everything, as her parents taught her. Sarah always had to look her best. She ended up choosing something to accentuate her curves, but still be warm; the temperature was starting to drop as winter started to sneak in. Black slacks, a nice blouse, and a light jacket; casual, but still very nice. She put it on and looked at herself approvingly before moving on to makeup. This part came more naturally, and soon she was done. She stood in front of the mirror, making sure everything was perfect once more before calling herself ready. The light color of the blouse matched her lighter skin tone, and the makeup -- always lightly applied -- called attention to her eyes, a hazel that matched her light brown hair, without screaming for it. Perfection, as always.
She looked at the time. Perfect; she had finished with plenty of time to spare. She smiled and sat on her couch, turning on the tv while she waited. She couldn't really concentrate on the program, however. Excitement ran through her like a teenager on their first date. Her smile was practically splitting her face. It was amazing that she could feel this way at her age and at this point in their relationship. Well, it was getting to know your significant other that was the most exciting part of dating, after all. After a few minutes, she wrestled her emotions into something more appropriate, and looked at the time again. It was time to go. She grabbed her purse and walked out to her car, carefully locking the door and setting the security system before she left.
Soon she arrived at the restaurant, early as always. She hated being late, even "fashionably late," whatever that nonsense was. She entered and was seated at a grill amongst a small group of others. They seemed friendly, if their exuberant cheer as she sat down was any indication. She laughed and struck up conversation with them until he arrived, easily navigating the sea of socialization. They were a bit rowdy and dressed very differently than herself; they were all in their twenties and dressed in a colorful array of ripped jeans and band t-shirts, so she had a mild feeling of disdain for their slovenly appearances, but they were nice enough, and she thrived on their energy.
Once she got home, she checked the time, making sure she had plenty of time to get ready. Satisfied, she dropped her belongings and shed her scrubs. After a quick shower, she sat in front of her closet, carefully choosing an outfit. As always, her first priority was to look as attractive and posh as allowed by the setting. After all, appearances are everything, as her parents taught her. Sarah always had to look her best. She ended up choosing something to accentuate her curves, but still be warm; the temperature was starting to drop as winter started to sneak in. Black slacks, a nice blouse, and a light jacket; casual, but still very nice. She put it on and looked at herself approvingly before moving on to makeup. This part came more naturally, and soon she was done. She stood in front of the mirror, making sure everything was perfect once more before calling herself ready. The light color of the blouse matched her lighter skin tone, and the makeup -- always lightly applied -- called attention to her eyes, a hazel that matched her light brown hair, without screaming for it. Perfection, as always.
She looked at the time. Perfect; she had finished with plenty of time to spare. She smiled and sat on her couch, turning on the tv while she waited. She couldn't really concentrate on the program, however. Excitement ran through her like a teenager on their first date. Her smile was practically splitting her face. It was amazing that she could feel this way at her age and at this point in their relationship. Well, it was getting to know your significant other that was the most exciting part of dating, after all. After a few minutes, she wrestled her emotions into something more appropriate, and looked at the time again. It was time to go. She grabbed her purse and walked out to her car, carefully locking the door and setting the security system before she left.
Soon she arrived at the restaurant, early as always. She hated being late, even "fashionably late," whatever that nonsense was. She entered and was seated at a grill amongst a small group of others. They seemed friendly, if their exuberant cheer as she sat down was any indication. She laughed and struck up conversation with them until he arrived, easily navigating the sea of socialization. They were a bit rowdy and dressed very differently than herself; they were all in their twenties and dressed in a colorful array of ripped jeans and band t-shirts, so she had a mild feeling of disdain for their slovenly appearances, but they were nice enough, and she thrived on their energy.