Sensory Challenge #1



The senses are key to writing descriptions that really make waves and invoking one or more of them in a setting can really help to bring it to life for anyone reading.
What I want you to do is take the selected sense and write using it and the secondary word that I present.

Your sense is: Smell
Your secondary word is: Green
Consciousness flowed over Avani like the gentle waters of a tide lapping against shore. Before she opened her eyes, she could hear her surroundings but it wasn't until they finally fluttered open that her brain finally began to process the wealth of noises and smells surrounding her. At some point, without realizing it, she had sat up and was overwhelmed to see the world that she had woken up in.

The air was heavy with moisture and carried on it the rich scent of damp earth that put her strangely at ease. Laced through it like an ephemeral ribbon were floral notes, though none that she could identify the source of. She let the smells wash over her a moment longer, picking out comforting and familiar notes of decaying wood as well as the bright notes of fresh foliage. After several moments of trying to discern whether one particularly luscious scent was fruit or flower, it finally struck Avani that she shouldn't have been smelling anything at all.

Comically belated, her gloved hands flew to her face, confirming an obvious absence of the helmet that she had been wearing. Her head swung around as she scanned the ground looking for it. She pushed herself into a standing position from the ground, her hands leaving imprints in the soft moss-like greenery covering the ground. The smell of peat and dirt was weaker standing but the other smells became more intense, an overload as she was hit with the cloying sweetness of ripening fruit and the pungent bitterness of the trees blanketing any view of the sky.
Thomas paused as he pushed the door open, closing his eyes upon doing so. A wave a warm damp air greeted him, bringing with it the pleasantly fresh scent of basil and mint. Even as the dry thunder rolled over head and heat lightning flickered across the desert peaks in the distance, he felt that here, in his own little oasis, he could recall better days.

Days long past-- back when morning dew would moisten the grass and flower petals of the Nouri Valley. Back when the smell of ozone and earth was so much richer than the stale dust that assaulted your lungs as of late. He recalled when soil was thick and carried a scent of its own-- unique and soothing, as seedlings and trees stretched to the skies, showering passer-bys in pollen and fregrence. When leaves were commonplace and over looked. Back when the life they gave was taken for granted...

It was funny, how his little arboretum could bring these sentiments rushing back each time he passed through its glass threshold. And yet, without fail, every morning, he began his day the same way... Reminiscing of a world gone by, when the foliage was abundant and wild. Back when Earth was green.
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